#my mcs fig is that uncle slash parent who teaches and teases at the same time
weirdraccoon · 8 months
Hi I just read ur short oneshot where Sharp is about to give MC “the talk” but stops one MC explains that Fig already gave the talk to them. Wondering if I could request how “the talk” went between MC and Fig?
Yeeees, here it is!
*in a small London flat*
MC: I learned a new spell.
Fig: Oh? Show me then.
MC *aiming at her hair*: Colovaria
Fig: Nicely done! That one was one of Miriam's favorites. She often tried to make me use it as well, claiming I looked too old at her side.
MC *aims borrowed wand at him*
Fig *moves hurriedly out of the way*: And speaking of favorites, I think you should learn one of mine before you go to a school full of hormones.
MC: Hu?
Fig: Yes, yes. You see, kids of a certain age get a little... Curious about some specific matters. There's a whole crash course about it taken during third year, and since I'm helping you get caught up I guess it's my responsability to explain it to you.
MC *sits expectantly*
Fig: Well, people are social creatures to begin with, and like all creatures they need to reproduce to avoid extinction. So, a witch and a wizard will[...]
MC *wide eyed and red-faced*: What! And that can happen in school!?
Fig: Only if you want it, and I mean it, MC. If you don't want it, you curse whoever pressures you into oblivion.
MC: And what's that got to do with your favorite spell? Wait no! Don't tell me!
Fig *rolling his eyes*: It'll allow you to have fun and avoid any unwanted pregnancies. There's a potion too, but Miriam and I never got the recipe. I'm sure Aesop will give it to you if you ask. Or I can ask him for you and you just let me know when you start needing it.
MC *hiding behind her hands*: No! Stop talking about my future sex life!
Fig *full on grinning*: It's just a normal part of growing up, MC! Don't be so embarrased. Everyone has, had or will have a sex life!
MC *dies*
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