#my mind rn is warring between When i move out i’ll meal prep properly and make sure i’m eating well so i am at full function
sammygender · 8 months
icl if you’re excruciatingly tired & miserable all the time u need to do a check up on how ur eating. first of all check that you’re eating at all and by that i mean like proper food w protein and nutrients. i remember in 2020 i went from suicidal and unable to walk up the stairs to still vaguely suicidal but generally better about it and able to go on actual walks just because i started like. eating properly and cooking for myself.
like. okay first of all u need at least 5 portions fruit/veg a day we tell kids that but it’s so true. preferably diff portions but if u don’t wanna manage that u can just overdose on like oranges (vitamin c!!) or like idk carrots sweetcorn whatever. then u need protein, i don’t really eat meat so for me this is beans/lentils/chickpeas but i think a lot of meat counts too, like chicken.
carbs will fill you up and u can’t cut them out bc they give u slow release energy they’re meant to be a key part of ur diet but u also can’t rely solely on them, so many people just eat bread and pasta and rice and u need stuff that has nutrients with it too.
then stuff like specific vitamins can have the hugest impact, ages ago we thought my grandpa had dementia but it was literally a fucking b12 deficiency, b12 deficiency can happen so easily and it causes mental fog extreme tiredness/fatigue and depression. b12 is in stuff like red meat i believe and in lower quantities in stuff like eggs, if u don’t eat meat (i don’t rly) marmite is literally like a perfect source of it, just spread some on toast every day and ur set, think of it like meds. of course there are supplements for iron and omega 3 etc oh shit omega 3 is a really big one as well - i also started taking those near the end of 2020 and like i cannot exaggerate the difference, i was still depressed but like in a much more functional way - but u can also get these in ur diet if ur careful abt it bc supplements can be expensive. omega 3 obvi is in oily fish and i think in eggs, iron is in broccoli and probs other leafy veg and maybe some meat…..
anyway i’m putting this on my blog as a self own & a reminder cause i keep being weird abt this stuff at the moment. but food is so important. at the end of the day making sure ur eating is always better than not eating enough even if what ur eating isn’t nutritious, but if u want to feel at ur best then u just have to keep an eye on this stuff. ALSO. if none of this works then. u probably should go get that checked out mate
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