#my mommy got me food. which i am extremely grateful for. however she got me applesauce pudding and yogurt and it's not filling :(
vulpinesaint · 1 year
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food-fantasy-souls · 6 years
Megan Blossom Backstory HCs!
Here it is! Keep in mind that I based her backstory off my past, cuz she’s a self-insert OC and while there’s a crap ton of add lib, changes and general differences between her and me, she is still very much close to my heart due to her past.
I’ve added songs I listened to simply because I figure it might help you see what mood they put me in while writing.
Songs listened to while writing: Son Of Man, Bad Apple, I Am The Animal, Umiyuri Kaiteitan (English Cover) JubyPhonic, Hitorinbo Envy (English Cover) JubyPhonic, Ghost Rule Rachie English Cover, Church Bells
(Yes, I listened to THAT many songs to help me write, this was a handful to do in 1 day X3)
-Megan, for a good portion of her life, grew up normally, she was a cheerful, naive and innocent young soul. She always saw the good in people, and was unaware of what was waiting out in the world like her older brother.
-However, she would get shown that part of the world, much earlier than most girls. Arguments, late at night is what it started as, between her father and mother, two holes in the wall she later learned her father caused, and her mother's Tiramisu named Amelia looking like she was roughed up at several points but insisted it wasn't a fallen.
-As a child, she didn't and couldn't understand what was going on when she wasn't awake, she couldn't have known that her father was cheating on her mother with a woman he worked with at one of the few places that only had human workers and no food souls.
-It all came to a head twice, once was when her father struck Amelia away right in front of her and her brother before knocking her mother to the ground in the kitchen. He never did like that her mother refused to break the contract with Amelia.
-The second was when he finally left when she was eight, packed his things up and left to live with the woman he cheated with, Megan, she didn't understand, why wasn't daddy coming home again?
-It didn't help that her friends at the hall for the religion she (at the time, doesn’t anymore) attended abandoned her, seeing her as part of the problem her father caused, so they didn't have anything do to with her after that.
-Her mind went into a limbo state, unable to process what happened once her mother ended up telling her why her father left, and while she wasn't truly awake, her brother turned to anger, vengeance, and made a deal with a fallen in his anger.
-She finally woke up when she was ten, the events hit her with no remorse or pause. And so, she matured, she had to if she wanted to understand what happened, to be able to function like a proper human being and try to help her mother out, who was dealing with her brother who had taken to taking his anger out on her and Amelia.
-It was only a month after when she decided to snoop around her mother's summoning room, being genuinely curious...As well as wondering if she had the potential to become a master attendant, her brother didn't, and.... She was lonely. Even after those few years she hadn't made any new friends, she pretty much became a shut-in.
-After fiddling around with some of the things to the side, she stepped into the sigil, the magic marking on the ground lighting up as she did.
-She jumped away, startled as a figure was formed from the light coming from the sigil, the dissipating as the figure was revealed-It was Brownie. Not knowing how summoning worked or how it took her giving him her name to bind him to her, she asked who he was, and he politely introduced himself before asking for her name, which she gladly gave him.
-He bowed before referring to her as his master attendant, which made her look at him shocked before she grinned and grabbed him by the hand, flustering him as she pulled him out of the room, running straight into her mother and Amelia.
-After floundering for excuses, she explained that she didn't really mean to summon him, but wasn't going to say she was sorry for it.
-After reprimanding her for going against what she told Megan to do, she sighed before smiling, saying she had a friend now so she couldn't be too mad at her. That made Megan grin and hug Brownie, much to his confusion and Amelia giggled, saying she'll help him get the hang of this as well as free thinking and independent thought.
-After that, she and Brownie became glued at the hip, much to her brother's annoyance as well as her father's, as she and her brother visited him at his home, with Brownie right at Megan's heels. No matter how much her father grumbled, Megan, often with Brownie's support, always pointed out his girlfriend had a Pancake so he had no right to complain, that often shut him up. This continued in a cycle for the next several years as she and Brownie became very close for various reasons.
-Brownie was her best friend, he held her when her emotions became too much for her, defended and protected her when her brother decided to try to take out his anger on her, especially because she always stood by her mom when he wanted her dead for insurance money.
-It was only when she was sixteen did this cycle change, her father kicked out his girlfriend for one he had years ago that he got pregnant after the birth of her brother, and tried to make Megan and her brother accept her as their new mom.
-Spoiler alert-neither of them do. In fact, this and this new woman trying to play mommy only set Megan off severely, plus she didn't treat Brownie like he was a person at all, like an object, which nearly made Megan deck her before Megan stopped coming over, period.
-During this time, her father finally filed for divorce, as well as joint custody of Megan which ended up stressing her out extremely, as she did NOT want to have to live around that vile man or at all.
-Thankfully, Megan was able to make it through the ensuing months that lasted well into the next year after she turned seventeen with Brownie by her side. He comforted her when she had breakdowns over what could happen, and protected her from her brother who was still trying to harm her mother and herself.
-The divorce was finally done with long after she turned seventeen, upon which the judge, who her father disrespected during it much to the shock of her mother's lawyer, told him that his relationship with his daughter was his own damn business.
-Not long after that, only shortly after Megan turned eighteen, her brother struck her, punching her in the face during an argument. Brownie, who had had enough of her brother verbally and now physically abusing her, took it upon himself to pull his gun on her brother after decking him and told him to get the hell out.
“You harmed my master attendant, both verbally and now physically, among your other actions like treating your mother like dirt and just being a selfish prick not grateful for ANYTHING your mother has done for you, are not allowed, SO GET OUT BEFORE I TRULY DO SOMETHING YOU'LL REGRET!”
-That was the first time Megan ever saw Brownie lose it and shout in anger, over her no less, and the food soul was quick to force the man out of the house while calling for Amelia to call the police.
-The police were called, and the food souls, as well as their masters, explained exactly what Megan's brother did, the swelling bruise on Megan's face sealing the deal. Her brother was taken and locked away for several months, during which Megan and her mom packed their things and moved to a town several hundreds of miles away near Nevras, wanting to start over somewhere new(and less hot) without the male in their lives.
-Soon, they were happily living in an average house that was bigger than their original home, and her mother summoned a new food soul, a Milk Tea who she affectionately named Alice.
-because of her mother's weak health, Megan soon made the decision to open up a restaurant, summoning several food souls over the course of getting the restaurant ready to help her manage the place.
-And we come to where we see her now, happily living, running a restaurant with her food souls and her two boyfriends by her side.
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30 Week Check-in
   Because I am weird of course, I have what is called a marginal cord insertion. So that means the umbilical cord is not directly in the middle of the placenta as it should be but sorta of center. Luckily, the placement is not extremely far off the point of origin so my doctor was not greatly concerned. However, because of the insertion I have to get an ultrasound every two weeks to make sure baby is getting himself enough nutrients. Also, I get luckily because I get to see his little face and features more often then regular pregnant women. So here I was with my moms and my husband at the doctor’s office waiting for an ultrasound and not too concern or anxious about the visit. He has been very active at night and at 1:30 AM and 4:30 AM practicing either his boxing or soccer skills or both so my anxiety level was not too high. 
   We got called back to the room, I laid down and the tech went to work. She measured his head and femur and took some other measurements She also checked his heart and we witnessed the heart pumping in de-oxygenated blood and releasing oxygenated blood. I was so grateful to see the contrast between the blue and red colorings which indicate his heart chambers are working in full force and very healthy. The tech took pictures of his side profile and the front of his face. His little lips were opening and closing probably practicing eating or breathing. And he probably has one of the cutest pig noses ever. The last measurement she had to get was his abdomen. The tech said his abdomen was suck in the corner of my uterus so kinda hard to get a measurement. However she finally grab one and thats when the joys of seeing his face and little lips move diminished. She displayed a chart on the ultrasound board and told us that his little belly was only in the 4th percentile. He weighed in at 3lbs. which is on point for being 30 weeks pregnant but she was highly concerned about the size of his abdomen. She basically scared the heck out of me the way she went on and on about his little belly! However, his femur measured in the 71st percentile which was a week ahead of schedule, so he is basically like mommy long and skinny now. But was little upsetting fact can ruin a mommy. I was scared and troubled by the fact that his abdomen measured so small. After the scan we had to wait impatiently and anxiety ridden in the waiting room for almost an hour before the doctor came to talk to us ugggggghhhhhhh!!!! I constantly asked my mom and mother in law about the size of his abdomen and they did the best to reassure me while my husband was there to be his stress free self and try to make me laugh and smile. 
   My husband and I finally got called back. My blood pressure was great even with the news somehow. Then after another thirty minutes of waiting the doctor, not my main doctor : ( but another great one. She asked how I was feeling and then wanted to discuss the ultrasound. She gave me three reasons why his abdomen might be so small. 1) Genetics: look at yourself mommy! 2) He just had a growth spurt. 3) He is for some reason not getting enough nutrients which could by fixed by mommy eating and resting more or it is something with the placenta and umbilical cord (which would not be the best reason). The doctor really worried me too when she said sometimes if babies are not getting enough nutrients they start taking fat from their belly to grow. Yikes I did not want that and I am sure I looked like a deer in headlights after she made that comment. I was on the verge of tears but forced myself to stay positive and not cry (I am not good when it comes to sharing my feelings I’d rather not be too emotional) BTW that is not a good way to live life especially if you are a female. But she kinda reassured me and said it is not a troublesome issue right now. We will just check back in two weeks to see if he gets more belly fat. She suggested I lay down at lunch with my feet up and add more calories to my diet since I am so active. I am ok to still coach basketball but just need to take breaks throughout the day whenever I can. Ok I though to myself, I can do those things easy! This problem can be fixed, but still I feel like an emotional wreak!
   Ok in the lobby my moms waited for us. Once outside the office my mom asked how I was doing and what the doctor said about his belly. I then just broke down and lost it. Tears came flooding out and through my sniffs and cries I told them I was so scared about the size of his belly and that I felt like I was not doing all I could to care for him. I felt totally responsible and devastated that I received that news. After a bunch of hugs and reassurance, I calmed down and felt so much love my everyone that I felt a ton better. I knew God and my family was there for me and my baby and they together would give me the strength to overcome anything and not be anxiety ridden. To make me feel better my husband and mother-in-law took me to my favorite Mexican restaurant that was close by. Food and normal life talk definitely helped me after the appointment. My spirits were a lot better after chips and salsa and a veggie quesadilla! I greatly appreciate my husband for being there for me that day and my moms. I especially appreciated the fact that all three of them were going to pray everyday for our baby. It really sucks to hear unsettling news as a first time mommy but so awesome to know my faith and God and prayers will help both of us through anything!!
- Stick with Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” 
- Have a strong support that prays for you and your baby
- Always look for the positives in bad news. Doctor’s now-a-days are incredible and have a solution for everything. 
- Be thankful for what God has already given you. Think about your baby’s cute little nose and rejoice in his or her movements even if they keep you up all night or wake you at 3 AM. 
- Constantly pray for what is on your mind or what you are anxious about. Belt your favorite Christian worship songs in the car!!
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acn59685-blog · 7 years
5 Essential Elements For ACN Opportunité
That Is Acn CanadaWith commitment as well as fantastic mentorship, James never ever surrendered. One policy that he teaches his group of Independent Entrepreneur is to learn business. "If you don't learn your service, you'll be out of organisation; as well as how you learn this business is with training."
Acn For Reps Canada
Prior to becoming an ACN Independent Business Owner, Spencer was playing baseball at the College of Utah. After being persuaded to participate in an ACN Regional Event in Los Angeles by an associate, he discovered what he believed to be an outstanding chance that he couldn't skip. "My plate was greater than complete," Spencer said. "However I felt I would certainly be extremely silly to let this chance pass me by." "This business is a real global service since people anywhere all invest cash on telecommunications and energy-- it doesn't matter what area you live in or just what language you talk-- these are solutions everybody uses," Brian states. Then, Sunny was introduced to the ACN Business Chance by a total stranger-- a transforming point which he thinks was even more compared to mere possibility. It wasn't easy in the beginning, yet via all of it, Warm stayed focused. Shane and Dana Douglas know specifically where to look when they require motivation-- their ACN business companions. As Elderly Vice Presidents that joined the firm in 2004, they have constructed a successful and dynamic team of leaders. "It's exciting to collaborate with others who have a dream and agree to benefit it," Shane claims. "Among the terrific advantages of collaborating with a lot of individuals at the very same time is you'll find they all have similar attitudes which creates an extraordinary think tank of suggestions to be successful. The momentum that is created is unbelievable."
Collaborating with Acn
While in university, Michael An was presented to direct selling, yet felt that something was not. "I was tired of persuading individuals around me to get items that they didn't need," Michael discussed. Art's children grew up as component of the ACN family members and he enjoys they're getting going. "This is a family service with my other half, kids, bro and sister entailed," he adds. "The future is brighter compared to the past thanks to the vision for modification the company embraces." "The outright best part concerning ACN is seeing brand-new individuals understand that their desires are possible via hard work, devotion and commitment to this firm," Aaron claimed. "My objective is in order to help other individuals accomplish success by complying with the system and also obtaining customers. We are not done until we are all done." Mathieu Ambroise really did not have a very easy youth. After his mommy got sick, he was compelled to enter into foster care. Yet via everything, Mathieu learned the power of hard work. He placed that to excellent usage to obtain into college, where he had imagine being a specialist basketball player. He discovered one more difficult lesson-- his talent may not be great adequate to take him where he wanted to go in basketball. He entered search of a fallback, which was available in the form of direct marketing. Mathieu had huge dreams but the business shut its doors, smashing those desires, but it wasn't in vain, verifying anything was feasible if he persisted. With a background in pharmaceutical sales, James Adlam felt as if he was residing in a fierce world. While working relentlessly in the sales setting, a pal asked James to join him in checking out the ACN Organisation Possibility.
Where Is My Acn
You can withdraw from this Arrangement, without offering us a reason, for 14 days after it is ended. This is called the "Withdrawal Period". To exercise your right of withdrawal, you need to educate us of your choice in composing before the Withdrawal Period expires by getting in touch with ACN IBO Services by message or email. You might use the Model Withdrawal Kind sent with your confirmation email to advise us of your choice to withdraw, however You are not required to do so. If you take out, ACN will repay any repayment obtained from You within 14 days from the day on which You inform us of your choice. ACN will compensate You utilizing the exact same means of payment that You used to pay us, unless you as well as we agree or else. See the Terms and Conditions to find out more.
Acn For Dummies
For Jeff Weber, finding ACN in 1996 was a lot more than a wise job step. "I was 25 years old!" he remembers. "First, it forced me to grow up, to be liable. I learned integrity, personality, how to be genuine, sincere to be trustworthy." He welcomed ACN's goal in order to help others and its commitment to lifelong discovering. "Once you stop expanding, you start dying," he claims, "ACN is merely a self-development course with a settlement plan affixed to it." For over 10 years, the Davises have funded eight children as well as their families in the nations of Ecuador, Guatemala, Colombia, Philippines and also Dominican Republic. "We have had the ability to cover their everyday expenses for food, clothing, education, housing, medical and also extra," Debbie states. Through the years, the entire Davis family has expected receiving letters and also photos from the families. "Just what seems fairly little to us is whatever to them," Debbie says. "Saying that we really feel thankful for the chance to return is a massive understatement."
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"I found God through the chance, I located the love of my life through the opportunity, I located the most effective friendships via the chance. As well as every day I am so grateful to ACN for providing me the possibility to become who I was expected to be."
When Was Acn Founded
Between Leanne Gabriel's schedule as a Discrimination Attorney and her partner Michael's routine as an International Consultant, the pair felt they had no life. Leanne was seeking an opportunity that would provide her the liberty she wished for. It had not been till ACN that Mathieu was lastly able to place the years of foster treatment behind him and also begin thinking he should have a lot more. "No matter where you're from or just what has actually happened in your life. You can still complete terrific points." "They really did not evaluate my past and agreed to answer every inquiry I had about my new future with ACN." Danny swiftly located that the vital to finding success outside is to personally create on the inside. After being invited for more information about ACN, also this smart entrepreneur could not deny that ACN "simply made good sense". Actually, Michael had actually witnessed numerous other individuals in traditional service work 40 plus hours a week yet never ever experience liberty. To Michael, ACN was the escape. When Art participated 1998, ACN supplied simply two services in two countries: cross country phone and dial-up Web. "Today, ACN is an international marketing and also distribution network offering a series of services and products though an online storefront in 24 countries as well as 15 languages," he says. "When you check out exactly how far we have actually come, it's exciting and self-evident that ACN is the real deal."
Acn For Reps
Brian's job values as well as determination has actually earned him the leading placement of Elderly Vice Head of state in the firm, nevertheless he does not take his success for approved. "Where I am today never ever would have taken place if I had actually obtained discouraged when I initially started." At simply 21, Marc came to be ACN's youngest Regional Vice President when acn company reviews he was advertised in 2012. From his home in Texas, he has a growing consumer base and also has constructed a solid team that includes his sis and also his moms and dads; who have achieved leading leadership positions in the company.
Acn For Reps
Today, Michael focuses his time as well as skills on aiding other individuals revise their very own personal success stories. "The solutions are fantastic; the structure is solid. We as people are the only variable," Michael said. "The only distinction in where you are as well as where I am is 3 points: dedication, effort and also time." Spencer was so satisfied with ACN that he got his moms and dads involved in business. They are now Elderly Vice Presidents-- an advancement that Spencer happily calls his "best success in ACN."
What Does Acn Do
The biggest incentive of ACN has actually been the opportunity to be there for his baby child. "Having the ability to be a full time dad is significant," he states. "When I was growing up, my parents were always active. I have the ability to be there for my daughter and that's terrific. My whole focus is to live a full and also happy life." Nekoda found internet marketing while he was working 3 tasks as well as going to school part-time. Monica was a lately divorced mother of 2, stabilizing legislation school, a teaching fellowship, and a part time work. Cav. Franco Lofranco remembers the day it all made good sense. "I had a rough begin in ACN in the beginning," Franco claims. "But I kept discovering, remained coachable, kept functioning and also complied with the system by obtaining clients".
Al plans to help expand future leaders within his organization as well as in order to help change more and more lives with this solid possibility. His 5 simple steps he encourages individuals to adhere to are: Get in, Get qualified, Reach training, Obtain clients, and also get consumer getters on your group to do the same. Do it all over again!
When Does Acn Record Incomes
Today Jeff is an Elderly Vice Head of state as well as expands his team from his house in California. He's able to invest quality time with his two daughters 4 year old Zoey and also 6 month old Jade as well as job from throughout the world on his own terms. "I have actually been able to get rid of my alarm clock as well as get up when I'm finished sleeping," he states. Exactly what matters most to Cody and Marlo is providing back to their confidence and also investing in their household. With the effort they have actually placed in throughout the years, they are now able to stay home and also homeschool their three young children
Exactly how Acn Generates income
Spencer's guidance is this: "New Independent Business Owners have to take this business as significant as a heart attack. It's easy yet the job needs to be done. Depend on the leadership as well as be coachable. If you want exactly what successful individuals have, just do what effective people do."
Acn That Are They
Danny's goals in ACN are to assist as lots of ministries as feasible keep their doors open, or even , help as many people as possible take care of the existing economic condition. "I intend to give individuals wish and I recognize that by sharing ACN, this is the vehicle that will certainly obtain them there."
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