#my morgan design HAS updated since i started this so if/when i post abt them again expect some variety!!!!
saturnisfallingdown · 2 years
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I like to think that Morgan had NO clue who Alex was when they first met
[Image description: Two digital drawings of Alex and Morgan from the LighthouseRaiders S and D Tier series, redrawn to resemble a scene from Princess Mononoke. First image: The scene is nighttime in front of a starry sky. Morgan leans over something, holding a knife in both hands and shouting, looking angry and determined. They're depicted as slightly tan with short reddish dark hair. They wear a dark jean trucker jacket with a patch sewn into one sleeve, and fingerless biker gloves. Subtitles read "I'll cut your throat! That'll shut you up!". Second image: Alex, on the ground with the knife tip at their throat. They look up, speaking up to Morgan and looking enamored . They're depicted with pale skin, and long dark hair with a white stripe. They wear a blue turtleneck and dangling red/gold earrings. Subtitles read "You're beautiful..." End ID]
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