#my new gyno who said yes to tying my tubes first time he ever spoke to me with literally no questions asked
wishful-seeker · 28 days
The only doctors that have my respect are ones that continue treatment even if they don't know why it works.
For example i have chronic nausea and vomiting. I throw up everyday, multiple times a day. My stomach doctor has no idea why and nausea meds DO NOT TOUCH IT. Went to the er for it and they gave me meds that coat my stomach. Its used for stomach ulcers, but for some reason it stopped my nausea and vomiting completely. Its resolved now as long as i take this.
I tell my stomach doctor this and he makes it a regular prescription of mine. He says he doesn't know why its helping but he "will never stop trying to make me better." (🥺) and if it works thats all that matters.
I also told him about the dietitian that tried to make me diet without ever seeing or speaking to me during a time where if i followed their advice id be in the hospital because i was constantly vomiting and they told me to eat LESS. When i called the dietitian to file a complaint for putting me in danger they lied and said my stomach doctor told me to diet, even though in the past he has specifically told me not to diet because of my issues, and i have physical proof it wasn't him. They then started denying my calls. Told all of this to my stomach doctor and he said he would personally call them and tell them not to do that ever again.
He says hes sorry he's been unable to help my health very much, but he says its not from a lack of trying, this is when he said the quote above about never giving up on me. This leads me to talk about how most doctors treat me horribly, and i've come to seriously hate every doctor i know besides him and my pain doctor. Ive had countless doctors see me once or twice, not know what to do, than refuse to ever see me again and give me no referls or guide for what to do next. I explain that when doctors don't know how to fix me, they get angry AT ME and are incredibly rude to me. I also told him that the urologist literally said he didn't care i was vomiting everyday. Stomach doc thinks all of this is horrible and a ridiculous way to treat a patient. Says something like "doctors are weirdos, when we can't figure out whats wrong it frustrates us, but thats no reason to treat you this way."
I've known this doc since i was 14, he removed my gallbladder after 2 years of undiagnosed severe abdominal pain and i figured out what was wrong. And this dude treats me like fucking FAMILY. When he comes into the room he shakes my dads and, and instead of shaking my hand he gently puts his hand on my shoulder and gives it a little squeeze. When he went to leave the room he shook my dads hand, i held out my hand for a handshake, which he gave, but he was aiming to give me a hug! And he gave me one!
Lastly, i have a heat sock i have to bring everywhere. Its rice in a sock that i heat in the microwave. I literally need it on my knees 24/7. Because of this is gets a little burnt and what used to be a white sock is now a very dirty looking brown. Its not actually dirty but it looks gross. Doc says something like "i know what to get you for your birthday! A new sock, because that one is gross." Lmaoooo
I really love this dude and you will probably never hear me say that about another doctor ever.
He listens to me, respects me, and ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT ME. I have never met a doctor that genuinely cared for me as a person, not a patient. My pain doctor cares, but he doesn't know me well or treat me like im his niece or something. This dude legit treats me like a member of his family, which i can tell you thats every disabled persons dream: a doctor who actually cares about them.
This dude is the goat.
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