#my niece fought her way out of it and that the other kid wasn't flattened was
ssaalexblake · 1 year
how incompetent as a teacher do you have to be to look at a child who has two limbs cut, scratched and bruised from where another kid deliberately and intentionally attacked them where they said they were hurting, and think the battered kid is the one who should be in trouble? Especially since said little violent child Also spent their day deliberately smearing a different kid with something they knew the other kid is allergic to causing them to swell up and have to have their parents called bc it counted as serious enough to immediately notify them and not just wait to talk to them at pickup time (the kid was fine in the end, but very well could have Not been). 
Anyway it’s been a goddamn afternoon/evening and i only got home recently and i’m still super pissed off at that fucking school. 
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