#my ns*w alphabet; chad gable
snarkwriteswrasslin · 3 years
Can I have Chad Gable with these 3 letters
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
God bless you whoever you are, for sending this. Chad is like.. Totally slept on and I don’t get it?? So yes, yes, happily I’ll do this.
Nobody send B O or U for Chad Gable after these have been posted, please and thanks?!? 
[send me a letter and get some filthy answers, lovelies! ] 
Mentions of oral sex. A very mild Mature. But given that it’s still mature all the same, I’m gonna have to ask yous kiddos out there to leave the room or cover your eyes or something, idek.
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b - body part { their favorite body part of their partner and/or themselves }
Honestly, he’ll say he loves every single part of you, but his favorite is quite obviously your legs. There’s just something that feels so fucking amazing about the way they wrap perfectly around his waist, whether he’s carrying you on his back, or holding you during a steamy little shower fun time.
As far as his own body goes? He absolutely loves the fact that his arms and legs are strong enough that he can pick you up and hold you the way he does, because it makes him feel like a god or something, idek. He just really loves that he can pick you up and carry you with such ease it’s as if he’s carrying nothing. So it’s not so much a body part as it is his strength?
o- oral {their preference in oral, their skill, etc}
Okay, first of all. He loves giving it. Loves giving it. I mean yes, he loves to receive it, but he much prefers to give it and whew, holy shit.. And the fact that he’s got those thick strong arms hooked just so that you CANNOT move, no matter how much you’re dying to until he’s totally DONE with you, uhmmm.. Which, by the way, could take a while, because like I said. he honestly enjoys giving more than anything. Kind of gives him this smug lil sense of pride when you’re whimpering and pulling at his hair, all but screaming his name over and over.. Oh.. a fun little extra. Boy loves to lick you clean. And won’t stop til he does most of the time. Now I’m not saying he’s ahmazing at it or anything, but.. He knows his way around.. Parts.. And once he figures out exactly what to do to get you going, get you dripping, you better just grab hold.. Of anything.
u- unfair { how much they like to tease }
Oh.. Chad’s a huge fucking tease. Have ya’ll not seen that smug lil shit smirk before or?... And he strikes me as the teasing playful sort, so I’m willing to bet that he’ll start rubbing against you.. Kissing your neck... Whispering dirty things in your ear. He’ll lower his hand, slipping it down your pants, up your skirt and when he knows he’s got you all wound up, he’ll smirk and stop, tell you that you’re gonna have to wait til later.. And he does this several fucking times throughout the day/night... TL;DR... chad gable is a teasing little shit and I will absolutely die on this hill if I must.
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