#my number one problem is that I don't know what most people experience yknow
brinnanza · 4 months
the fact that the genetic lottery rolled sensory processing issues severe enough that just regular chilling hanging out existing in my physical human body can be so overwhelming I am too exhausted to do basic tasks is a real fuckin snake eyes situation there is a lot about autism that I truly love and am genuinely grateful for but ripping all the labels off the sensory knobs and givin em a random spin is not fucking one of them
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ziskandra · 1 year
*cackles* 7, 10, 11, 13, and 24
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? hate is probably too strong a word but i've developed a knee-jerk reaction to fellow anders fans over the years because of the subset that truly seem to think he can do no wrong and that all of his actions were entirely justified and had no negative consequences for anybody in kirkwall other than the templars. on one hand, i kinda get it, because i know anders fans have also gotten a lot of flack because... this fandom is incapable of being normal. on the other, i have a knee-jerk reaction towards anyone who assumes everyone plays these sort of games the exact same way as them (or indeed, the same way each time). i totally respect people doing whatever they want in their games and in their fanworks, but it's when it comes out in harassment of others or making bad faith assumptions about the character of actual living human beings that i'm like. no thank you. obviously there are fans of other characters who also engage in this behaviour, anders is just the one where my negative fandom experiences outweigh the positive ones, personally.
oh also, while i'm being salty (the name of the game i SUPPOSE), i fucking love f!handers but m!handers leaves me cold (especially in canon-verse fic, i don't mind it as much in like, modern AUs and the like?) idk i feel like them being the same gender changes their dynamic in a way i can't articulate--probably that hawke being female shifts the power dynamics a bit and. yeah. 10. worst part of fanon
again, 'worst' is probably a harsh word, but when it comes to pervasive fanon that i personally just don't like, it has to be visibly mixed-race alistair. i don't mind it as much when his ears have like, a subtle point to them or whatever, but speaking personally as someone who is visibly mixed, to the point that i have fielded complete strangers asking "what are you" on regular occasions, alistair's narrative would be. quite different if he wasn't human-passing. and while i get that some mixed-race people find solace in making their blorbos more representative of who they are and their identities not causing any issues, it leaves me cold. and again, i don't care what other people do, but it's when some people act like fellow fans who dare depict alistair as he appears in canon are being racist or what have you that i get annoyed. like, yeah, dragon age fandom does have problems with race, but like... this is imo not one of them, and it detracts from like. bringing awareness to actual issues. yeah yeah people can care about multiple things at once, but by the same token, people can only care about so many things at once, yknow? also this fandom in particular has a real problem with treating poc like we're all a monolith, and that includes both white people and poc. i find it especially frustrating that the dominant discourse centers north american race politics the most, but god forbid anyone try to address that directly .... but that's a rant for another time lmao. 11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered i have about 16 fandoms i'm not in filtered mostly bc they just turn up on my dash a lot, and a handful of characters/ships filtered for fandoms i am in! the one that has been consistently filtered the longest is reyes vidal. 13. worst blorbofication
oooh, this one i think is a toss up between alistair and varric. as someone who loves both these characters more for their flaws rather than their virtues, fandom can be. a difficult time! alistair often gets reduced to this...perfect prince charming, which i think is kind of disappointing considering there is so many different ways for his story to develop depending on the the outcomes of origins? varric, otoh, gets reduced to hawke's bestie a lot. and look. i get it. he is hawke's bestie. he is. very uncritical of hawke, which is not as much of a problem if hawke's a good person but. what if they're not? what if they're not, varric. god, what i would give for like. a fucking complicated characterisation-rich fic which explored like. hawke and varric's friendship and how they're like. codependent messes. (and i say this as someone who loves codependent messes lol). and i guess like.... everyone treats varric being viscount as a meme. and yeah, i get it, the dude is everything everywhere all at once. but i'd really love to see more content focused on like... his relationship with kirkwall, and his feelings regarding his friends and becoming viscount and yeah. anyway!! being a blorbo of mine is the worst because i enjoy pain and suffering. anyway, 24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
mage rights and also the chantry boom. i don't think i even have to elaborate on this do it 😭 🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
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circesoracle · 2 years
i'm sorry you feel down about your writing, i meant to send this earlier but better late than never so i hope it's ok. fwiw i think you're one of the most talented writers out there! i don't write myself so i hope it's not dismissive but i'm curious to know what success would look like for you (cause i already think you're v successful & creative, who's writing actually good fshep liara stories yknow?) and what readers can do to better support you so you can feel proud of your creations
I’ve taken a bit of time to think about how to respond to this, so I’m sorry for the delay and for the long answer.
I’m going to assume that you ask this genuinely and with good intentions, and I thank you for your kind words. However, I’ve struggled with how to respond to the two questions in a way that’s honest. I fear honesty will come across as pathetic or asking for attention, or worse, seem accusatory towards a particular fandom. I’ll do my best regardless.
I am an extremely anxious person with very little self esteem. I have had family, friends, girlfriends, professors, acquaintances even who completely destroyed any sense of worth I possess, both in general and in regards to my writing. I used to take pride in my writing, and I used to like it, but over time, people have worn me down, and I can no longer see it as anything less than awful. To give you a feeling of what I mean, here’s a personal experience I’ve never shared with anyone out of fear of empty platitudes and pity.
I applied to my university’s creative writing programme, and within a week was asked to withdraw by the professor because he hated my writing style so much that he told me it would be better for my GPA to drop out. I didn’t write for personal enjoyment for months. I ended up in a depressive spiral so bad I considered killing myself more than once. I changed my major out of English into Communications and New Media out of shame, extending my degree by multiple years when it should have been coming to its end.
I also compare myself to others, which is easy on AO3. You’re extremely kind to say I seem successful, but I can say categorically I am not, in any of the fandoms I post for, successful. My fics don’t compare to other recent postings, with the most successful fic of mine performing middling in a relatively small fandom. Even numbers aside, my fics aren’t good enough to be talked about, or shared around, they don’t inspire art, they barely inspire comments and even those are almost entirely from a small group of dedicated readers(who I cherish dearly and would not still be writing without the support of).
The one which bothers me the most and is the cause of most of my anxiety is Eternity’s Embrace. This is for a number of reasons I would prefer not to discuss openly.
Success, to me, are fics which get art and endless praise and are shared around. Right or wrong, that’s what I define as success, and it is a bar, simply put, I will never meet. I am not good enough. I try to ignore it, but it’s hard. It doesn’t bother me all the time, but when I’m low it’s another thing for my mind to fixate on.
Speaking in terms of Eternity’s Embrace, I have a number of readers who do support me, but they dwindle in numbers with every update and it feels like posting to an empty void. I can’t ask anything more of them, as the few there are(it’s about four of them) already comment in wonderful ways, and they’re the reason I keep posting. My anxieties are not their problem, nor are they yours. If I have more than four readers, that’s news to me as really no more than four or five will comment, which with a long multichapter fic is the only means of knowing anyone likes it.
This is all to say I likely will not be posting a new chapter of Eternity’s Embrace this week, if anyone has bothered reading this far.
Thank you again for your message, I’m glad you enjoy what I write, I appreciate everyone who lets me know they do. My apologies, for the lengthy and delayed response, I only wanted there to be context for why I do express a low opinion of my writing.
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This is gonna be long, so sorry in advance, but as someone who enjoys long fics here are my two cents:
I get why some ppl may not want 75 tags in fics, but this is gonna hurt long fic writers. On a long fic there are probably gonna be more relationships that are central to the plot that aren't the main ship. And side pairings that may be a squick to some ppl. Not to mention trigger warnings and tone tags.
For example: a long fic with the pairing Y x Z. Z had an abusive relationship, and that's gonna be explored. So the author tags abusive relationship, bc that's a trigger, but an explanation next tag saying "not current ship" or smth.
Then Y has very important friendships with some of the cast. These are central to the plot so they're tagged too.
Turns out, character W is controversial in the fandom, but they're central to the fic too. The author is gonna tag after the character tag W positive/negative; so ppl who don't wanna see positive/negative things about W can skip this.
And guess what? Ship A x B appears in this fic too. Maybe it's not that central, but this ship is also disliked by some people, so the author will tag it, so ppl can filter through.
Another problem is with media that has different mediums, like, the media Y, Z, etc are from has movies, and books, and games and a tv show. All these things actually have different stories, different enough at least that ppl may only want to see fics written for the movies! But the author wants to take plot from the movies and the books. So instead of just tagging the all media tag for that media, they also tag media (movies) and media (books)
These tags end up accumulating. And especially in long fics. The author could make the first chapter a list of tws and stuff that they keep updating, but that destroys the purpose of ao3 tags: you can't filter content like that, you can only filter tags.
I honestly think they should just find a way to delete the fics with the trolling tags, or make a readmore thing so it doesn't hurt the browsing. At the very least make the tag limit longer.
sorry in advance that this is going to be rambly and weird. I have a lot of thoughts.
I get where you're coming from but I also still disagree. Like it's definitely going to change the way longfic writers tag, but I really don't think it's going to hurt them. I think it's going to encourage more effective tagging and that that's going to be better for everybody in the long run. If anything, I think that overtagging is what's hurting longfic writers, it makes their works look unappealing, and actually important information gets buried in a wall of text.
i will admit though that I do understand better now why less room for trigger tagging is going to be an issue. My preferred tagging style is "General/umbrella warnings in the tags, with whatever elaboration/specifics the author deems necessary in an author's note/author's notes at the beginning of each chapter" (example: "animal death" in the tags, so that the filters catch it + people who can't handle the subject At All know to keep scrolling, and then the author's note specifying that its in the context of game hunting & not a pet death, so that people who were uncertain and needed more info could click in and get the specifics.) and I thought that preference was pretty universal? But apparently a lot of people use the tags as an exhaustive list of warnings, which I didn't know because when I see a work with more than, well with more than 75 tags, I just start scrolling until it's gone.
(this is a tangent and I get that my experiences are not universal. but I genuinely dislike full warning lists in the tags because, for me at least, it makes it harder for me to figure out if the story is something I can/want to read. The things I Really Do Not Want To Read about are rare, and rarely tagged the same way twice, so the exclusion filter isn't really helpful for me. I have to actually read the full list of warnings and if the things I'm looking for are sandwiched inbetween a bunch of trope/character tags in a big wall o text I am going to miss it. This has happened to me multiple times.)
I think that that's an ineffective tagging style, basically. Lots of tags is kind of the opposite of useful tags, imo. Short, to the point and consistently worded warnings are better and I think having less space will encourage people to do that. I understand why people do this other style, though, and also why it would frustrate them that they can no longer do that. I think it really sucks that ao3 let everyone wild west their website for so long that it managed to spawn like three distinct groups of people who all use the website in completely incompatible ways, and now it's at the point where any new rule implemented is going to screw a lot of people over no matter what. But I digress.
Anyways, as long as someone isn't putting Revolutionary Girl Utena levels of warnings in their tags (and if your fic needs that much... maybe you should just put yur top 10 biggest warnings on there and slap a Dead Dove Do Not Eat on the end there, yknow?), I think that 75 tags will fully accommodate them. I get that tags start adding up, but also I think a lot of people are underestimating how many tags 75 tags is.
Like to just add up how many tags are used in your example: three / pairing tags, lets go crazy and say three more & pairing tags, tag every character tag in those pairings that's twelve, #abusive relationship + #not main pairing tags, three fandom tags bc multiple source mediums, a #[controversial character] positive tag... that's 24 tags. Like all the necessary character & pairing tags are handled in less than a third of the space given (and personally I consider this slightly over tagged. I think the only character tags you should put on a fic are the very mainest/pov characters, but yknow) and honestly if you can't then figure out a way to communicate the rest of the necessary information about your fic in 51 tags and a 1250 character summary then I really don't know how to help you. I personally would have to really push myself to figure out how to put more than 75 tags on one fic, regardless of the length of the fic. And I can't help but notice that a lot of the fics I could find with over 75 tags while searching last night had a lot of... unnecessary duplicate tags, often for information that could've been easily otherwise intuited (tagging #mandolorian #mandolore #mandolorian character and #mandolorian culture on a Jango Fett pre-series fic, for example)
I do have some criticisms about the current change though. I think it would've been better to have individual tag number limits for each individual field (x number of fandom tags, x number of character tags, etc.) instead of a 75 tags over all limit (or make a "warning tags" field that's separate from "additional tags" but that's a separate essay and would... probably mean overhauling the whole site. so not very practical.) A readmore option would be good too, and I'm not sure why they didn't go for that? I also think that this change will be most effective if done in combination with other changes. Like posting very loosely or not at all enforced official tagging/style guides for the site. I really think that even a tepid attempt at standardization will increase the site's usability like, A Lot.
I'm not sure how cohesive that was. TL;DR I appreciate hearing your thoughts, mine are that I still think this is a step in the right direction. And that cutting back on overtagging will lead to more concise, effective tagging which will make browsing and filtering easier in the long run.
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themostrandomfandom · 5 years
hello! I don't know if you're still on the blog or will be in some time, but I still have to at least try. I just had my rewatch of glee for the first time in 4 years, and it woke some buried feelings up again lmao. One of the things i most strongly feel for is Britt's class president run. I know she would've done more things during it, yknow? Like she prepared for the position and had a solid plan for it. I really feel like they wasted her potential in s3. Do you think you would rewrite it?
Hey, @randomizepersonality!
Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply to you. Limited internet these days.
I, too, am one who is completely disappointed by Brittany’s S3 storyline and how the writers absolutely dropped the ball when it came to her class presidency. 
Negativity about Glee writing under the cut.
In episode 3x02, the writers clearly establish that Brittany’s interest in the class presidency isn’t a lark or something she is doing just for the hell of it. The platform she pushes for Kurt is anti-bullying, pro-inclusion—and she has a dog in the fight, because she wants herself, Santana, Kurt, and all the other LGBTQ kids at the school(plus anyone else who qualifies as “different”) to feel safe being themselves. 
Baby Girl has a clear, focused goal, and she feels it is important for her to achieve that goal. As she tells Kurt, “What’s wrong with [being gay]? Look: Ninety-nine percent of the kids at this school are either freaks or closet freaks. The captain of the football squad? He gets the job, but he doesn’t represent the people. That’s why we need a unicorn.” She isn’t just talking out of her ass or viewing the presidency as a way to boost Kurt’s (or her own) popularity. She actually wants to accomplish something.
That’s why when Kurt declines to run on her “Project Unicorn” platform, she picks up the banner herself, proudly declaring, “I’m also a unicorn.” The values she’s supporting are ones that are near and dear to her heart, as she knows from personal experience (particularly in regards to her relationship with Santana and Santana’s fears about coming out) how vital it is for kids to feel comfortable in their own skin and how damaging it is when they don’t.
Honestly, what she’s talking about is an extension of the things she both learned for herself and taught to Santana during the Back Six of S2. She’s talking about “embracing all the awesomeness” that one is, promoting acceptance, and spreading love because love makes everything possible. It’s all big time stuff, and even though she’s couching it in unicorn metaphors and glitter, she is serious about what she wants to do.
—which is why it’s so fucking unbelievable that she would completely slack off from that position the second she won the election.
I mean, seriously, the Glee writers, you’re telling me that at the exact time when she and her girlfriend are facing the reprecussions of a vicious public outing, being bullied in the hallways for showing any sort of affection to each other, having to deal with pressure not only coming from their fellow students but even from members of the faculty and administration—I’m looking at you, Will and Figgins—facing up to the Finn Hudsons and Josh Colemans of the world, Brittany would just fuck right off and fail to enact any of the policies or programs she had clearly thought about before? You’re saying that she wouldn’t try to use her power and popularity to try to improve the situation?
—and especially “bullshit” to then try to make a joke out of her failure, as they do later in the season, when she tells Figgins, “Okay. I now realize I wasted an entire year belaboring the nuances of my fluid teen sexuality, and getting caught up in Lord Tubbington’s Ponzi schemes, and then for a while, I stopped talking, but I don’t want my presidency to be the last one at McKinley! I don’t want that to be my legacy.”
There’s no excuse for them wasting this storyline.
Ideally, they should have allowed her to succeed in what she was trying to do. She could have hosted an anti-bullying rally and brought in Holly Holliday to sing to the student body about how it’s okay to be gay. She could have used her own coolness to shift paradigms, because, after all, she is both the senior class president and most popular girl in school AND a fabulous, bisexual unicorn. She could have organized a “kiss-in” in protest against Figgins’s homophobic PDA policies. 
I mean, really, with her creativity and zany genius, the writers could have absolutely gone wild and had her do any number of things to make her world a better place.
Even if they were dead set on having her fail, then they at least could have actually showed her failing—giving her a storyline where balancing academics, extracurriculars, and dealing with the fallout of being outed becomes too much for her to handle, and her ambitions for the class presidency fall by the wayside; letting Kurt confront her about wasting the opportunity she won over him; having her break down and admit that maybe the problem she took on was too big for her to tackle herself and that the world is a worse place than she initially thought; allowing her to display the same kind of depth and humanity that she was afforded in S2.
But instead they muted her for half a season and pushed her into the background at a time when she should have been getting foreground attention, and then they tried to pass off their act of forgetting about Brittany as Brittany forgetting to do anything herself.
That Brittany wasn’t allowed to speak throughout Santana’s outing arc was an indefensible narrative choice. That the writers waited until the very end of the season to come out of nowhere and say, “Guess what? Brittany failed at everything, and y’all should just laugh about it!” was meanspirited and unfunny. Her whole S3 storyline was an exercise in bad writing. TPTB laid narrative threads for her at the beginning of the season but then didn’t weave them into anything. They wasted all of her potential. 
So, yeah, all of this going-on is to say that I would absolutely rewrite Brittany’s S3 storyline if given the chance. 
I mean, in the Mouseverse, S3 is where I diverge from canon, and there’s a reason for that.
Anyway, thanks for the question! I’m right there with you.
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2jam4u · 7 years
Sorry if this is super annoying but can I ask you some stuff about what therapy is like? I'm dealing with alot of traumatic shit from my past and I just don't feel like I have a way out. I don't wanna simply be told i have a thing and get put on meds. Are u allowed to never go back if u choose not to? And do u absolutely have to take medication if they tell u to? Do you feel like it made a difference for u? I'm afraid it'll make me worse. Thank u and I understand if u don't feel like answering.
alrighty kitten strap in because i feel like this is gonna be a long one!
First of all, fucking proud of you!!!!! for deciding to go to therapy. It’s like the most annoying irritating choice in the world and I’m happy you’ve gotten there. That’s absolutely commendable and you should be proud of yourself.
I’ve been to therapists and counsellors a grand total of 5 different times, all for technically different reasons - the first one starting when I was 13 and my parents broke up lol they thought i’d be upset about it but mostly I was happy because i thought it meant my abusive ass father was leaving for good (WRONG lmao fuck me) and all that it did was reveal how paranoid I’ve been my entire life (pretty sure I did a sketch of the face/vision of a person I constantly thought was looking in the window at me in the bathroom... lmao)
Number 1 rule about therapy, seriously the MOST important thing (ok tied for first with another thing i’ll mention after) is that finding a therapist is hard and you should absolutely 100% shop around. Finding a therapist is kinda like dating, you may go in for an appointment and you absolutely hate the person and you have absolutely every right (and should) to never go back. there are therapists who are good for you for a time. I had a therapist in 2013 who was this crotchety like 90 year old lady in a retirement home because of course it’s my life why not, who i originally went to because I thought I was a lil depressed about my stepdad dying turns out !! we accidentally stumbled on my repressed memories of my rape! confetti it’s a parade! She helped me a fuck ton because damn without her I may have never found those memories much less been able to deal with them head on right away in a healthy way. she walked me through some really tough shit and I owe a lot of my i dunno recovery to her. but yknow she wasn’t great for me in other areas long term. I knew i had a million other problems to deal with that she couldn’t help me with so when i felt like i’d gotten what I needed from her i stopped going! easy peasy!(Actually a lot of therapists/counsellors won’t start you out as a long term patient, they’ll do like 3 - 10 sessions at a time so you’re not making a life long committment don’t worry)PLUS! you’re paying these people for a service... if you don’t like the service you received.... you stop going. easy as that. you don’t owe them anything, and they know for damn sure that not every patient they see will be a perfect fit. personalities, strategies bla bla bla. all different person to person so it’s really up to you if you stay with one person or not but i aaaabsolutely recommend you make sure you’re comfortable talking with that person, don’t guilt yourself into staying just because you made an appointment.
Which brings me to the tied for first second most important rule of therapy: you have to be disgustingly honest. literally the entire point of the process is to talk about shit honestly. I found myself, with a lot of therapists, being weirdly polite. They’d be like “hey jam how terrible is your life today?” and i’d be like “fine thank you :)”. Acheives. Nothing. You’re just wasting your time, money and subconsciously convincing yourself that therapy does nothing for you when really you didn’t give the process a chance to begin with!
So go in there and ugly cry if you have to, bare your guts in a way that feels embarrassing, make sure you get vulnerable because ! how can they help you if they don’t know the problem!!!
As for meds I’m probably not the best person to ask because I absolutely think it’s an incredible tool in your arsenal for tackling mental illnesses. Plus I was raised in a family of like a million illnesses and one of my aunts is a drug rep with a billion problems too and she’s always advocated meds and they’ve been a big help in our family, plus I’m bipolar and literally I was pretty fucking low functioning before i started taking my current meds so i’m definitely biased. But one thing I will say is, unlike what everyone seems to think, you can’t just take your meds and get better. it’s a tool to help alongside other things that you’re doing to get better/recover bla bla. you take the meds while going to therapy or whatever other things you’re doing. it’s not a one stop shop. and if your therapist insists on drugs when you absolutely do not want to take them, find a new therapist (unless you have a mental illness where it’s absolutely crucial that you take them, in which case... listen to your doctor). But if you have a therapist you think is helping you and they suggest meds, maybe talk to them about it. Mention your reservations and try to get a nice lengthy answer why they think they’d help you. Since you’re wary about them already I would just suggest thinking hard about it, don’t let anyone sway you in one direction or the next but truly consider it instead of dismissing it outright or thinking that because your doctor suggested them that you have to take them.
If you want to talk more about meds hmu because I’ve got a lot to say and lots of personal experience! I hope some of this yammering helped sugar! I know there’s a lot of tools online that let you talk to psychiatrists and therapists on skype and shit and I think a few of them that do free trial first sessions so definitely look into that if you’re wary about the whole situation in general before you start making face to face appointments! 
Good luck baby I’m 100% rooting for you!!!!
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napstablooks · 7 years
for that ask meme thing,,, do all of them >:Oc
oh god
oh god are you sure
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen, Fly On The Wall - Joey Pecoraro, Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens, All the Angels - MCR, For Emma - Bon Iver, and Shelter by Porter Robinson2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Nick Valentine’s voice actor.3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
”Before I could fasten them, light poured down on me and there he was without a shirt, holding a flashlight.”4: What do you think about most?
My friends.5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
”Ur gay lol”6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
I sleep with them on because I’m a cold bitch7: What’s your strangest talent?
I type on my phone so much I’ve memorized the keyboard. Is that a talent8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls are fucking hot
Boys are soft9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
god one can dream can’t they10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
a few weeks ago i think hah11: Do you have any strange phobias?
honestly none that I can think of right now but I used to be scared of the lamp in my basement as a kid I thought it would eat me12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
many times13: What’s your religion?
I’m agnostic!14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
probably walking! I love taking walks15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
I’m awful at photography so probably in front of it16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
oh god uh. good question. the front bottoms? got me through a lot17: What was the last lie you told?
honest to god it was that i wasn’t depressed when i was18: Do you believe in karma?
yes. not super strongly, but if someone does bad shit and something to happens, ima just watch from a distance.19: What does your URL mean?
it’s from Undertale! my favorite ghost kid!20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
greatest weakness: can’t take criticism because of schizoid.greatest strength: I’m very accepting and I care for everyone.21: Who is your celebrity crush?
MMMMM Krysten Ritter is my MOTHER22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
nah dude I’m underage and lonely23: How do you vent your anger?
by hurting myself. deadass. this isn’t to be dramatic. that or i scream a lot24: Do you have a collection of anything?
JOURNALS! i have over 2025: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
video chatting 26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
in a lot of ways no, but in some ways… yes. yes i am.27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
sound i hate: crunching of anythingsound i love: wood crackling fire!28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
what if nobody really loves me?29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
yes and yes!30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
right arm: my therapy journal hahaleft arm: my teddy bear, Roger!!31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
laundry detergent! i just washed my blanket32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
a hospice in my town33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
West Coast even though I’m living in the hell of the east coast rn34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
god i don’t fuckin know 35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
to make yourself enjoy it as much as possible and help others get there along the way!36: Define Art.
something you create because of a feeling (or no feeling).37: Do you believe in luck?
Yes! kind of like I believe in karma.38: What’s the weather like right now?
it’s 7 am here and its slightly warm, but clear out 39: What time is it?
7:12 am!40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
Nope! don’t have my license yet41: What was the last book you read?
I think it was Sharp Objects42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
sorta - after a while it makes me sick43: Do you have any nicknames?
Bee, Robino, Robee, Rob44: What was the last film you saw?
A Beautiful Mind!45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
idk i think i sprained my ankle a few times but otherwise i don’t do enough to get injured46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
yep!!!!47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
Overwatch! it’s been an obsession since about july of 201648: What’s your sexual orientation?
not sure right now. pan with a preference towards girls maybe?49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
not big ones but yeah50: Do you believe in magic?
yes!!!!!!!!!!51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
yeah i’m a super angry person :/52: What is your astrological sign?
Virgo 53: Do you save money or spend it?
i spend it so bad lmao. i don’t have any rn though cause no income source54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
pizza :D55: Love or lust?
love, always. always always.56: In a relationship?
nope! just got out of one about a week ago.57: How many relationships have you had?
4! only two of them meant anything.58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
no i’m a failure ;A;59: Where were you yesterday?
i was @ my house sleeping60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
yep! a music box from my mom61: Are you wearing socks right now?
no they are evil62: What’s your favourite animal?
SEA OTTER!!!!!!!63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
i make them feel super comfortable around me! i love it when people are themselves around me, it makes me feel trusted. i don’t do it out of malice or anything ;-;64: Where is your best friend?
at her house a few miles away from me…i get to see her today!65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
-esuerc (is that how you spell it?)-mercysblaster-moon-goblin-mojavemessenger-welcome-to-far-harbor(these aren’t in order)
66: What is your heritage?
whitest of the white. irish or something? i think? fuck if i know anymore67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
streaming overwatch on twitch haha68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
trump.69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
fuck yeah dude who do you think i am lmao70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
i think so! i think I’m a very caring and loving person. id like to come to me for my problems, yknow?71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
fuck my job save the dog i can always find a new job but i can’t always save a dog’s life72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a - yes. i tell everyone.b - i enjoy myself the most i can. c - no. i’m not afraid of dying.73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
fuck. trust. i guess.74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
don't stop me now by queen! never ceases to make me smile like a dumb idiot75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
3309 hah76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
trust. absolutely. and being comfortable and putting everything out in the open.77: How can I win your heart?
make me feel trusted and give me love. lots of love.78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
of course it can! 79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
realizing that i am my own. nobody else’s.80: What size shoes do you wear?
9 women’s heck off81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
i always knew it would end like this! dammit!82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
smiling…a heart full of love.84: What is a saying you say a lot?
”big mood”85: What’s the last song you listened to?
Concrete - This Wild Life86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
PERIWINKLE !!!!!87: What is your current desktop picture?
it’s a cool map i found while researching DnD dungeon layouts!88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
trump!!!!89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
”why do you lie?”90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
i’d freak out but i mean if they just chilling they can be my friends91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
oh shit to freeze time obviously92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
the time that i had a long talk with a friend at 3 am. you know who you are. i can’t remember anything that good for the past few years.93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
being abused.94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
FUCK UHHHH carly rae jepson95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
hdkjhajk omg idk uhhh probably new york to visit my friend shivani96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
nah fam97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
yep!98: Ever been on a plane?
i have and i hated it99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
please, just let there be love.
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