themostrandomfandom · 5 years
hello! I don't know if you're still on the blog or will be in some time, but I still have to at least try. I just had my rewatch of glee for the first time in 4 years, and it woke some buried feelings up again lmao. One of the things i most strongly feel for is Britt's class president run. I know she would've done more things during it, yknow? Like she prepared for the position and had a solid plan for it. I really feel like they wasted her potential in s3. Do you think you would rewrite it?
Hey, @randomizepersonality!
Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply to you. Limited internet these days.
I, too, am one who is completely disappointed by Brittany’s S3 storyline and how the writers absolutely dropped the ball when it came to her class presidency. 
Negativity about Glee writing under the cut.
In episode 3x02, the writers clearly establish that Brittany’s interest in the class presidency isn’t a lark or something she is doing just for the hell of it. The platform she pushes for Kurt is anti-bullying, pro-inclusion—and she has a dog in the fight, because she wants herself, Santana, Kurt, and all the other LGBTQ kids at the school(plus anyone else who qualifies as “different”) to feel safe being themselves. 
Baby Girl has a clear, focused goal, and she feels it is important for her to achieve that goal. As she tells Kurt, “What’s wrong with [being gay]? Look: Ninety-nine percent of the kids at this school are either freaks or closet freaks. The captain of the football squad? He gets the job, but he doesn’t represent the people. That’s why we need a unicorn.” She isn’t just talking out of her ass or viewing the presidency as a way to boost Kurt’s (or her own) popularity. She actually wants to accomplish something.
That’s why when Kurt declines to run on her “Project Unicorn” platform, she picks up the banner herself, proudly declaring, “I’m also a unicorn.” The values she’s supporting are ones that are near and dear to her heart, as she knows from personal experience (particularly in regards to her relationship with Santana and Santana’s fears about coming out) how vital it is for kids to feel comfortable in their own skin and how damaging it is when they don’t.
Honestly, what she’s talking about is an extension of the things she both learned for herself and taught to Santana during the Back Six of S2. She’s talking about “embracing all the awesomeness” that one is, promoting acceptance, and spreading love because love makes everything possible. It’s all big time stuff, and even though she’s couching it in unicorn metaphors and glitter, she is serious about what she wants to do.
—which is why it’s so fucking unbelievable that she would completely slack off from that position the second she won the election.
I mean, seriously, the Glee writers, you’re telling me that at the exact time when she and her girlfriend are facing the reprecussions of a vicious public outing, being bullied in the hallways for showing any sort of affection to each other, having to deal with pressure not only coming from their fellow students but even from members of the faculty and administration—I’m looking at you, Will and Figgins—facing up to the Finn Hudsons and Josh Colemans of the world, Brittany would just fuck right off and fail to enact any of the policies or programs she had clearly thought about before? You’re saying that she wouldn’t try to use her power and popularity to try to improve the situation?
—and especially “bullshit” to then try to make a joke out of her failure, as they do later in the season, when she tells Figgins, “Okay. I now realize I wasted an entire year belaboring the nuances of my fluid teen sexuality, and getting caught up in Lord Tubbington’s Ponzi schemes, and then for a while, I stopped talking, but I don’t want my presidency to be the last one at McKinley! I don’t want that to be my legacy.”
There’s no excuse for them wasting this storyline.
Ideally, they should have allowed her to succeed in what she was trying to do. She could have hosted an anti-bullying rally and brought in Holly Holliday to sing to the student body about how it’s okay to be gay. She could have used her own coolness to shift paradigms, because, after all, she is both the senior class president and most popular girl in school AND a fabulous, bisexual unicorn. She could have organized a “kiss-in” in protest against Figgins’s homophobic PDA policies. 
I mean, really, with her creativity and zany genius, the writers could have absolutely gone wild and had her do any number of things to make her world a better place.
Even if they were dead set on having her fail, then they at least could have actually showed her failing—giving her a storyline where balancing academics, extracurriculars, and dealing with the fallout of being outed becomes too much for her to handle, and her ambitions for the class presidency fall by the wayside; letting Kurt confront her about wasting the opportunity she won over him; having her break down and admit that maybe the problem she took on was too big for her to tackle herself and that the world is a worse place than she initially thought; allowing her to display the same kind of depth and humanity that she was afforded in S2.
But instead they muted her for half a season and pushed her into the background at a time when she should have been getting foreground attention, and then they tried to pass off their act of forgetting about Brittany as Brittany forgetting to do anything herself.
That Brittany wasn’t allowed to speak throughout Santana’s outing arc was an indefensible narrative choice. That the writers waited until the very end of the season to come out of nowhere and say, “Guess what? Brittany failed at everything, and y’all should just laugh about it!” was meanspirited and unfunny. Her whole S3 storyline was an exercise in bad writing. TPTB laid narrative threads for her at the beginning of the season but then didn’t weave them into anything. They wasted all of her potential. 
So, yeah, all of this going-on is to say that I would absolutely rewrite Brittany’s S3 storyline if given the chance. 
I mean, in the Mouseverse, S3 is where I diverge from canon, and there’s a reason for that.
Anyway, thanks for the question! I’m right there with you.
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asamlambung · 5 years
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tagged by @lwtis!! i love the fact that this is going to make me spend at least 6 more hours in piccrew
@randomizepersonality @trifargo @kiyan200 @bybasily or anyone else feel free to do it y’all!!
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asamlambung · 5 years
tagged by @tallemy​ (thanks you!!)
1. Nickname/s: poffin
2. Zodiac sign: leo
3. Height: 160? 159-161? 157? height is a social construct
4. Hogwarts House: slythercaw
5. The last thing you googled: "climate change effect towards fauna” (as you can see im in a really fun place right now and studying something that has nothing to do with my degree)
6. Favourite musician/s: sou, ilwag, shiinamota, tadanoco, sasakure.uk, eve, zutto mayonaka de ii noni, hanyuu maigo, kenshi yonezu, yoh kamiyama, haruno, yorushika, shizen no teki-p, reol, daoko, harumaki gohan and ok i guess i used to like coldplay and incubus and linkin park or keane or gorillaz and other english speaking artists and i’m starting to like old pop songs too but... my library remains monolingual and it aint my native language
7. Song Stuck in my head: .....what song.
8. Following now: 620 hey it’s a homestuck num-
9. Followers: 296 (100 over the course of 1 year and 196 over the last 5 years i was here... incredible)
10. Do I get asks: i got one today but in the last 2 years im on here? nah not really. hm................ i miss getting asks....
11. Amount of sleep: 3-4 i guess, this includes naps
12. Lucky number: numbers with 5 on them, i just like them though i don’t really count numbers as lucky
13. What I’m wearing: shirt shorts it’s 3 am what else am i supposed to be wearing
14. Dream job: i used to want to be a piano teacher to make my mom happy but i want to be a storyboard artist or maybe work on game design... but if i could dream higher i want to make an animation studio or a music school.. or maybe just an entertainment-based school..... but i’d like to be a storyboard artist more tho....
15. Dream trip: i kinda bullshitted once and said antartica but i really wanna go to any place during winter or autumn... like that’s it man the only reason i said antartica is because it’s /always/ winter i have a 100% guarantee that i will go there on winter
16. Favourite food: anything meat.. but lately ive developed an addiction towards instant noodles... which is bad
17. Instruments: piano..............
18. Languages: english, indonesian, i’ve studied japanese since i was 10 but i only did n5 once and forgot to check if i passed but im acquainted with hiragana and katakana and some base level kanji so??? i remember studying arab at one point in my life but most i’ve forgotten so :/
19. Favorite song/s: well other than the artists ive recommended i guess i can recommend some of my favorite houseki no kuni and made in abyss ost?
20. Random fact: it’s been raining on exactly 1pm for the last week now
21. Aesthetic: people say im into pastel but honestly i like using them when it comes to looking at aesthetics i like the contrast and heavy use of dark colors+shading type of deal
tagging @laughingbanshee​ @randomizepersonality​ @trifargo​ @shinylesbeons
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