#my oc: rune8
magic-aggy · 1 year
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this is a couple weeks old at least... made it for artfight then sorta just, went into social hibernation for a while and havent done any art until today.
the unicorn (his name is Cosmo) in this belongs to @skeledorky who also made a really cute piece with both characters
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magic-aggy · 1 year
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new OC, her name is Rune-8. Part of some mlpfim AU stuff about ancient cosmic empires, cloning, and terraforming. She's about the same height as the CMC despite being an adult.
image text: Vat grown pilot a space-faring empire in the distant past. Her ship was destroyed over what would one day be known as Equestria, forcing her to land on the future site of Ponyville. Left to die as the empire fell. Survived untold millennia in the pod's cryogenic stasis. Discovered in a cave by Maud.
Struggling to adapt to the society she finds herself in.
more info, some sketches, and more thoughts under the read more.
please ignore the spelling errors i was high and very sleep deprived when i made this and i do not have the wherewithal to go back and fix them.
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basically they're a grown to order clone that was widely used in her society for dangerous or menial work. the template she was grown from is the 'Rune' model pilot. a budget option with the bare minimum implants, optimised for living in low or zero gravity for extended periods. She was loaded with some basic ship maintenance and engineering databases after she was grown, cheap ones, so that the company responsible for the ship she was on could cut costs by not paying for any dedicated engineers. she was the 8th of a crew of 12, and the only survivor when her ship was destroyed in orbit over Equestria.
Their escape pod landed long ago enough that it was submerged in many layers of sediment, lost like a fossil in the cave system below Ponyville.
She clings to Maud, as the first friendly face she met in this strange new world.
Her eyes are cybernetic implants, but she was grown without eyes, and had these implanted before she ever became conscious. They contain hardware that let her wirelessly interface with their ship's computers, and provide her with access to a simple HUD, her personal database, and when in range with a wireless network she can connect and access whatever is stored there.
She is inspired by a Hyracotherium, the prehistoric ancestor of the modern horse, as well as the protagonist from the Murderbot Diaries.
Her body is best suited to low or zero gravity, designed for only temporary stints on planetary gravity. Thus she finds it very difficult and physically taxing to live on the surface of a planet. She is undergoing physical therapy at Ponyville Hospital to try and build up her muscle mass so that she can achieve a better quality of life in the world she is forever stranded in.
Will eventually go on to find a calling designing new and innovative airships, revolutionising public transport in Equestria and it's neighbours.
Vat grown creatures like her are typically genderless, but after some time in Equestria she found herself strangely drawn to mares and femininity. They don't feel the need to label themself particularly, especially in a society that tries as hard as it can to welcome to all identities, but she's something like a trans mare. Prefers she, but is also comfortable with they.
gay little prehistoric horse idk.
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