#my old sketchbooks are so horror oriented man
djobiny · 9 months
Psycho Killer
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thistleandthorn-rpg · 6 years
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Congrats Cas on your third character, Jackson Rose! Please send us his blog within 48 hours!
Name/Alias: Cas Preferred pronoun: she/her Age: 24 Timezone/Country: MST RP Experience: many many years Activity Level: I exist at least once a day
Name: Jackson Rose Designation: submissive Age: 20 Faceclaim: Alexander Calvert Birthday: July 23rd Orientation: asexual Kinks: Non-sexual BDSM, unconditional love, stability, bondage, body art Anti-Kinks: sex, incest, blood, urine/scat/vomit
Jackson remembered quite clearly the day his father left. At seven years old, he didn’t quite understand what it meant for his mother. All he knew was that the man who made her miserable was gone. He thought it was a good thing. As time went on, he soon learned it wasn’t. His mom seemed so stressed most of the time, and he couldn’t understand why things were worse now that the bad man was gone. It wasn’t until his mother was quite literally taken to the Auctions, and he and his siblings were taken away from her that he started to understand what why. The first few weeks were tough. They bounced around between a few places, until a more stable placement was found. The new family did their best to console the kids and make them comfortable. He missed his mother terribly, but over time he began to adjust. His new family were wonderful to them. Perhaps most shocking; they were allowed to wear brand new clothes and they didn’t have to go to the food bank, ever. After several months, Jackson had settled in comfortably to his new life. He knew he and his siblings were extremely fortunate, in a lot of ways. Most foster families don’t keep kids for as long as this family did. And sometimes other foster kids would come and go for a couple weeks at a time, usually while waiting for placement with another, hopefully more permanent family. Jackson learned a lot from those kids, horror stories abound about certain types of foster parents. Jackson made sure to always be on his absolute best behaviour, not wanting to give his foster parents any reason to give up on him. But for six years, they kept them around. They were encouraged to explore their interests, and Jackson fell in love with art. His foster parents even paid for art lessons, and supplies, and Jackson would never be able to repay that debt. It wasn’t just lessons and supplies they bought him, but a lifetime outlet of all of his creative energy. He took to art like a fish takes to water. By age ten he was showing his art off in his school’s talent nights. At twelve he entered his first art show. And at fourteen, he was about to take it to the next level as his school had commissioned a mural from him, his first chance to display his art in a permanent form, publically. A few days before he was set to paint it, the social worker came around. Once again, Jackson’s world was turned upside down and in a confusing flurry of events he found himself on the way to some actress’ house. Evidently, she had purchased his mother and Millie wanted her kids back. It was really hard not to resent either of them for that. He never did get to paint his mural. Torn away from his friends, his school, his life, Jackson retreated into himself. He spent most of his time alone with a sketchbook, clinging to the only tie to his old life he had left. He hated Georgina and didn’t pursue much of a relationship with his mother. Seeing her as a slave, and being treated as such, negatively impacted Jackson in such a way that he began to feel like the less attached to her he was, the less it would hurt to see her that way. Due to his family financial situation, it took Jackson a few years after graduating high school to be able to afford to leave. Georgina graciously allowed him to live in her house until he was ready to make the journey to Lima, and when he did finally move out, he was relieved to be away but it came with the unfortunate side effect of having his whole life uprooted again. Jackson had suspected he’d be marked submissive, and wasn’t surprised when he was. Being the first of his siblings to venture here meant being the farthest away from them he’d ever been. He hoped they’d join him soon, but for now he promised himself to make this new home his fresh start.
What is your biggest fear and why?
Even though I’m a legal adult now, I’m still afraid someone’s going to force me away from everything I know and love again.
What 3 objects/places mean the most to you and why?
1. My sketchbooks. I’ve saved them all, They contain the entire history of my artistic growth.
2. A sweater made for me by my foster mother. It still fits, but barely. I don’t wear it a lot anymore but I keep it as a reminder of her.
3. My foster home. It’s what shaped a lot of who I am today, and I’m so grateful for their love.
Who is the one person you’d most like to meet (dead or alive)? 
Bob Ross. He’s just so wholesome.
What is the one moment you would describe as your happiest/most excited?
The first time I called my foster home “home” and realized I meant it.
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