#my other favorite thing about this show is every single second dad hatter (? is that what we call hattie's dad??) is on screen
labyrinthofcrystals · 2 years
one of my favorite things about alice's wonderland bakery is the fact that nearly everyone is a child/descendant of the characters from the original disney movie EXCEPT for the cheshire cat. like that's just straight up the one from the movie & i love that for him.
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trick or treat
This one is for the anon who requested #51. Since it’s Halloween, I wrote it related to it! Haha! Enjoy! :)
Prompt is from this list
“I’m your husband it’s my job.”
“No, but. Now eat your dinner and take your medicine. Jonghyun and Minho need their parents in set. Not only one running here and there like headless chicken trying to make sure he didn’t burn the house down with stupid grilled cheese.”
Kibum chuckled before he took one spoonful of chicken porridge Jinki managed to make after third trial. Fall is their favorite season but also Kibum worst enemy, the weather change, the cracked skin, the stupid blocked nose. It looks like Kibum catching flu on the week of Halloween become their family new tradition.
“Thank God I married you nine years ago,” Kibum chirped with awful nasal voice.
“You should thank yourself for believing this creep who seemed out of his mind asking a guy completely out of his league for a lunch date.”
Kibum cracked once again when the memory of that disastrous lunch flashed his mind.
“Honey, Italian food is always better,” Kibum reached out his hand to grab Jinki’s. The latter let out a bitter smile before kiss his knuckles.
“Yeah, until I splattered those horrendous lasagna’s sauces on your perfect white dress shirt.”
“I still think you did it on purpose to take me on a second date.”
“No one purposely let people bought clothes with neck-choking price like that, baby. Trust me.”
Jinki shook his shoulder in laughter remembering that day when he insisted to buy Kibum a new shirt on that hella expensive brand flagship store just because he knew it would be very pleasing and that his brother Hyukjae working there so he wished he could get employee discount and cut him some slack. All had been calculated well actually besides the fact that on that day, Hyukjae wasn’t having his shift and Jinki almost killed himself when he swiped his card letting half of his salary robbed by the checkout table.
“Dad!! I can’t find my left claw!”
Jonghyun suddenly appeared on the door, hair brushed so high with the help of gels and god-knows-what-else, the little wolverine cried because he lost his gloves he made with Jinki two days ago.
“Stop right there, gentleman! I don’t need more people catching cold in this house! Go to Minho’s room, the other day both of you kept bragging each other’s costume! I’ll catch up later!”
He made a salute gesture and dashed right away to his brother’s room at the end of the hallway. Jinki massages his temples unconsciously to calm him down.
“I’m sorry, baby..”
“Don’t worry. Their be gone soon and I will get my rest for at least four hours before they got back home and started arguing again who had the most candies.”
He stood up and walked closer to Kibum for a kiss but the later stop him on the way.
“Not here. We don’t need more people catching cold in this, remember?”
Jinki frowned cutely and kiss him on the forehead instead, “I’ll be back soon.”
“Okay. No killing animals ritual, no strange cookies, no burning down someone’s else house, no gr—“
“We know, Dad. We know. You sound like Papa, just now!” Minho grumbled while fixing his bow tie.
Feeling insulted, Jinki stand the ground harder than before, “Really? For your information, Mr. Mad Hatter, I had my right to sound like my husband and you should be grateful I didn’t sound like Demogorgon you always hyped about after the Stranger Things season finished.”
“But Demogorgon is cool!”
Jonghyun and Minho shouted in unison, giving him extra headache he doesn’t need at the moment.
“No, not cool at all after what he did to Will.”
“But, Dad!”
“No more but, Jonghyun. Are we still having trick or treat or I cancel your whole wonderful amazing adventurous night?”
Both of the shake their head so hard Jinki cannot hide his smile anymore.
“Everyone should be home at 10! Now off you go!”
“Ten? We agreed before, Dad! It’s eleven!”
“That’s before your father had cold!”
“Oh, come on! And we’re the one should be responsible on that?! It’s eleven!”
“10.30 or I will eat all your chocolate and candies.”
Jonghyun snickered while brushing his hair with his claw, “Like Papa would allow you do that.”
“What did you just say?”
He grinned and grabbed Minho’s hand heading to the fence, “Nothing! We love you, Dad! Back at eleven!”
At this rate, Jinki cannot decide which part of his body need massage the most.
Kibum went down after shouting JInki’s name for five minutes and nothing showed up. But all his crankiness gone when he saw Jinki on the couch covered with their favorite blanket, one hand’s hanging by the edge, a book still intact on it.
It’s one of Kibum’s favorite view in the world.
“Wake up..”
“Ugh, oh.. why you’re here?! You’re not sup—“
“Ssst. Too much talking makes my head dizzy!”
“I’m sorry I fell asleep.. Did you need me just now?”
“I need water before.. But now I need this..”
Kibum took the book away from Jinki’s hand and put it on the table. He snatched a cushion on the arm chair and slithered under the blanket close to Jinki.
“What are you doing?”
“It’s warm here. I don’t like sleeping alone.”
Kibum moved closer to lay his head to Jinki’s chest. Jinki cannot help but smile and fixed the blanket so it covers Kibum more. He slipped his hand behind Kibum’s back and soothes him along his spine. All his exhausting evening has gone right away the moment Kibum hand patted his belly.
“I love you, baby.”
“I know, Jinki. I always know.”
They drifted away to the dreamland. Jinki doesn’t care that the kids would find them hands wrapping each other like old hogs and Kibum thanked himself for forcing Jinki buying the couch they’re cuddling on now.
Thirty minutes drabble without second proofread! So apologize for the grammar and every single things didn’t make sense :/ anyway, hope you like it! Happy Halloween!! XOXO!
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