#my other job is hiring bounty hunters to take out separatist leaders. and that's it
they are truly so bad at war in the clone wars like. where’s the lying. almost every single one of their problems could be solved with just a little more lying and one person willing to kill
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dalekofchaos · 5 years
What if Mace Windu trained Anakin Skywalker
In an au where Mace is chosen to train Anakin, The council decides to honor Qui-Gon's wishes and train Anakin, but recognizes his emotion and age would make a poor combination as a first student for a fresh Jedi Knight. Mace Windu is given the task of guiding Anakin's force potential and emotional tendencies. How does Vapaad's capacity to harness emotion harm/help Anakin?
First off we know that Anakin is controlled by his emotions, and the Jedi Council senses his emotions such as fear for his mother that could lead him down to the path to the Dark Side. Mace Windu knows how to control the dark side, he uses his dark and volatile emotions and channels them into his lightsaber fighting form. He walks a fine line and knows how to control both sides. This is exactly what Anakin needed. Where Obi-Wan was inexperienced (and barely being a Knight) and believed in always remaining calm, not using his emotions at all, he didn’t help Anakin. Anakin couldn’t ignore his emotions, it is who he is, he’s a very emotional person and ignoring his emotions isn’t going to help him. Mace could’ve straightened him out and taught him how to channel his emotions into his fighting, that is what he needed. Not ignoring his emotions but learning to control them. Had he done that, he wouldn’t be the same Anakin in AOTC.
Few scenarios
During the Republic and Clone Wars
Windu's and Anakin's personalities mesh really well. Windu sees Anakin as like himself when he was younger so he gives him plenty of attention and helps him to avoid pitfalls that he otherwise would have fallen prey to. Anakin seeing Windu as a mentor that gets him. 
Anakin’s Lightsaber is just like that in canon, only this time his hilt is made of Electrum and has a purple Crystal.
Depa Billaba is like Anakin’s big sister. Always being there for Anakin to confide in before he gets close to Master Windu. And when Anakin was still in training she promised to kick anyone’s ass who dared bullied Anakin or calling him slave(followed by Mace yelling NO YOU FUCKING WON’T) needless to say, Anakin would never confide in Palpatine while Mace and Depa are around.
Despite Anakin and Obi-Wan not being master and apprentice, they form a close friendship
Mace would encourage Anakin to make friends with his fellow Padawans. 
Mace eventually instructs Anakin in the philosophy and use of Vapaad. During their first training session Anakin instinctively grasps the binary concept of the style and gives himself to the intense, synergistic heat of the battle, fueling his moves with both the light and dark side of the Force. Mace, realizing he's sparring with someone who truly gets the style, lowers his mental defenses and fully commits to the passion and intricacies of Vapaad. The duality of the style creates a closed feedback loop where the energy of the Force flows freely between the two in a way that has never happened before.  
With visions of his mother troubling Anakin, perhaps Mace would send a Jedi to Tatooine to make sure Shmi is alright. Maybe make it in time to stop the Tusken Raiders.
With Mace captured, Anakin would want to save Mace as much as Padme.
Anakin might never have lost his arm to Dooku. Logically, he wouldn't even have been there since he'd be with his master, Windu. Even if he had been sent to help Kenobi, he would have acted less brashly, being better disciplined by Windu. So there's significant difference just through ep2.
With their closer relationship, I can see Anakin confiding in Mace about his relationship with Padme. Anakin is afraid. Mace first instinct would be to tell the Council, but perhaps Mace Windu can tell Anakin the legend of Jolee Bindo. Basically telling him. "Love doesn't lead to the dark side. Passion can lead to rage and fear, and can be controlled, but passion is not the same thing as love. Controlling your passions while being in love.” “The lesson is that you need to beware of your passions and control them, but love itself will save you, not condemn you." this way Mace can keep Anakin with the Jedi, while also helping Anakin controlling his emotions. Jolee is Legends, but fuck it, this is my AU and it really would’ve helped Anakin.
Obi-Wan will train Ahsoka.  By the time the Clone Wars rages on, Obi-Wan has become a master of Ahsoka Tano. I do believe Anakin and Ahsoka would’ve been friends at least.
Anakin must guide Ahsoka into not giving into her anger as Obi-Wan fakes his own death to get closer to Cad Bane
Anakin and Obi-Wan work together to bring the truth of Ahsoka’s innocence and exposing Barriss.
As the war nears to the end, Depa introduces Anakin to her Padawan, Caleb Dume. During his time as a youngling, Caleb was in awe with Anakin and looked up to him, shy at first but eventually they become close. Anakin becomes an older brother to Caleb and Anakin tells Caleb the same thing Depa told him. Depa then tells Anakin “Oh Anakin.....that’s my job” followed by Mace saying “NO IT FUCKING ISN’T”
As the incident with Fives happens, Anakin and Mace decide to investigate Fives’ claims. Nearly everyone in the 501st and 187th Legions remove their chips.  
Anakin would not be so easily convinced into killing Dooku. Anakin starts questioning the Chancellor. “I cannot kill an unarmed prisoner. This man is a Sith Lord and the leader of the Separatists, he is too valuable, why would I kill him?” Palpatine is shaking in his boots, he must play along without looking suspicious. Once Mace regains consciousness, he congrats his apprentice in defeating Dooku and taking him alive. 
For Anakin’s valor in The Clone Wars and for successfully bringing in Count Dooku alive, Anakin is granted the Rank of Jedi Master and joins the Council.
Dooku is brought before the senate and put on trial. Before Dooku can reveal anything about Palpatine’s true nature, Cad Bane assassinates Dooku on Palpatine’s orders.
Now there is a man hunt for both Cad Bane and General Grievous.
Obi-Wan is tasked with finding Grievous, Mace is tasked with finding Cad Bane. Anakin is tasked with spying on Palpatine.
Because of Palpatine’s suspicious actions and Count Dooku’s sudden assassination, Anakin is given more incentive to spy on the Chancellor. 
Anakin confides in Mace about his visions about Padme’s death. Mace tells him “these could be falsely implanted visions by the Sith, the dark side clouds our ability to perceive the future. Do not trust in these visions Anakin, until we can uncover the true Sith Lord behind everything, trust your feelings and the force” Anakin is assured that these dreams are not real.
When Padme tells Anakin “What if the democracy we thought we were serving no longer exists, and the Republic has become the very evil we have been fighting to destroy?” this time, Anakin agrees, he starts to believe that something isn’t right with the Chancellor. This will have Padme bring Anakin in on the meeting with Bail, Mon Mothma and the other senators. They say what they say in those deleted scenes, but when Anakin speaks, he will say “when I was on the rescue mission with Master Windu, Chancellor Palpatine wanted me to execute Count Dooku....when he was brought on trial he was assassinated. Something isn’t right.” This affirms that everyone must rebel if the Republic is to survive, even Anakin must join them. “I will report to the Jedi Council, the Jedi serve the Republic not one single politician.”
When Palpatine tells Anakin the “tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise” Anakin immediately stops him, “if the Jedi do not tell this story, how do you know this?” Once again, Palpatine must act quickly. Plays it off as “an old tale I heard from Chancellor Valorum to warn us of the Sith.” Anakin still remains suspicious but hears the tale. Anakin does not ask the question of “if it’s possible to learn that power?” Anakin knows the visions are false. There is a complete divide between Anakin and Palpatine. He knows he cannot be turned, so all Palpatine needs is an excuse to execute Order 66.
Mace Windu tracks Cad Bane to the moon of Concord Dawn
Cad Bane killed Dooku because Palpatine payed him, but also so Bane can draw out Mace Windu, so Boba Fett can finally have his revenge. I know what you must be thinking, “Cad Bane was killed by Boba Fett in the cut CW storyline” yes, but since it did not happen and as it looks like the new TCW will not feature that storyline, this is what I am going with.
Mace Windu started out as the hunter, but he is now the hunted. He is being hunted by Cad Bane, Boba Fett, Aurra Sing, Bossk and Dengar. Mace uses his wits and Vaapad to guide him out of his ordeal.
One by one, Mace cuts the Bounty hunters down. They are either dead or severely injured. All that is left standing is Mace, Bane and Fett. Bane and Fett barrage Mace with blasters, rockets, flamethrowers, thermal detonators and he’s still standing motherfuckers. Boba gets one good shot in Mace, severely injuring the Jedi Master, but deflects his last shot to hit Boba Fett in the head giving him his iconic dented helmet. Finally Mace and Bane are alone. Mace disarms Bane and demands to know who ordered Dooku’s assassination. Bane mocks Windu “isn’t it obvious Jedi? Darth Sidious. One who controls the Senate..now who do you think that i-” Boba Fett shoots  Cad Bane dead before losing consciousness.
Anakin and Palpatine talking about the scene where Palpatine tells him of the dark side. Anakin puts two and two together. And reports him to the council. Without the Chancellor twisting his mind against the Jedi and decency in general, Anakin maintains his place and respect for the Jedi.  
Mace just arrives. back. “Anakin, Cad Bane is dead, he was hired by Darth Sidious to silence Dooku.” “Master, Chancellor Palpatine is Darth Sidious” The scene plays out as usual, but because Anakin is his apprentice, Anakin goes with Mace, Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, and Saesee Tiin.
The confrontation will happen. Sidious kills the Jedi masters, only Mace and Anakin remain. Palpatine knows Anakin cannot be turned, so he fights serious and uses both of his Lightsabers. The fight is on even footing, but both Anakin and Mace are able to disarm Palpatine. “You have lost, my lord” “no, no YOU HAVE LOST!” Palpatine fires force lightning upon Mace but he blocks it. Palpatine pleas to Anakin “you must choose” Anakin stands with Mace and declares “I am a Jedi” “So be it, JEDI! EXECUTE ORDER 66! Clone Troopers storm in and starts firing upon Anakin and Mace and Palpatine force pushes them out the window. 
Anakin and Windu rush to the Jedi Temple to warn the Jedi of Sidious' treachery, only to discover that Clone Troopers have already begun an Operation Knightfall. They manage to locate and rescue Masters Shaak Ti and Cin Drallig. Anakin contacts Padmé and tells her to meet him and the other Jedi on Sentor Bail Organa's starship.
Because the 501st and 187th Legions all removed their chips, Rex and Lieutenant Law are still loyal to Anakin and Mace. 
Ahsoka would do the same to Cody as she did to Rex. When returning rendezvous point with Obi-Wan, Cody makes peace with Obi-Wan
The Jedi later meet up with Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Yoda, Plo Koon, Padmé, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Senator Organa and agree to put a stop to Darth Sidious.
Sensing a disturbance in the force, Anakin and Obi-Wan head to Mustafar while the others decide to head back to Coruscant.
Yoda, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti and Cin Dralling attack Sidious, who has reformed the Republic into the first Galactic Empire. Despite their best efforts, the Jedi are unable to destroy the Sith Lord, who kills everyone but Yoda
Anakin and Obi-Wan  have discovered that the Republic Commandos have slaughtered the Separatist leaders. After killing the Clones, the Jedi prepare to head back prepare to return to Coruscant, only to find Darth Sidious waiting for them.
Padme suddenly goes into labor, so Mace and Ahsoka takes her to the remote asteroid Polis Massa.
After Anakin again rejects an offer to join the Dark Side, Sidious engages the two Jedi in a fierce lightsaber duel that spans across several levels of the volcanic world. Ultimately, the Jedi win and Sidious is buried under rubble, allowing them to escape into space with R2-D2 before Sidious can dig himself out. Anakin and Obi-Wan head to Polis Massa, where Padmé has given birth to twins that she has named Luke and Leia. It is decided that the twins must be separated in order to protect them from Sidious. Anakin will give Luke to his step-brother Owen and asks him to keep Luke safe. Bail Organa agrees to keep Padme and Leia safe on Alderaan.
The Jedi then scatter across the galaxy until the time is right to challenge the newly established Empire, with Yoda heading to Dagobah and Obi-Wan heading to Tatooine to watch over Luke as a request to Anakin.
Padme made the hard decision to separate the twins. Padme chose to keep Leia, while she gave Luke to Owen and Beru to keep him safe. Padme is not only the mother of Luke and Leia, Padme is the mother of the Rebellion. Padme fakes her death, and goes on to lead the Rebellion to fight Palpatine in the shadows. Known across the Empire as a mysterious and unknown but powerful political figure under the code name Tython, she is among the Empire’s Most Wanted and Public Enemy No 1. 
Mace has left to gather surviving Jedi and lead his own Rebel cell. Think of Mace as the Jedi Saw Gerrera
Anakin, meanwhile, disappears into space in order to secretly combat the Empire. Fighting for the Republic, for freedom and for his family   
Sidious launches a manhunt for Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Mace Windu, vowing to "terminate the Jedi once and for all."
The Dark days of the Empire
Palpatine brought Maul back into his good graces. As Maul attempts to kill him, Palpatine simply tortures him until he knows his place. Once again he is Darth Maul. Apprentice to Darth Sidious and the new enforcer for the Empire.
Palpatine has gained a secret apprentice. Mara Jade The Emperor’s Hand and powerful within the dark side. Groomed from childhood to adulthood She holds authority over the Grand Inquisitor, but The Emperor’s Hand isn’t the only title she holds, known by The Inquisitors as The Last Sister. Her goal is to hunt down the Jedi and exterminate the Skywalker family and bring order to the galaxy
In place of Vader’s Mustafar castle, Darth Maul has a castle on Dathomir
Mace alongside his Jedi squadron and 187th Legion has brought the hurt to the Empire. He has gone to numerous lengths to stop the Empire at every turn.
Anakin has become a shadow like figure to the Empire. The one Jedi they all fear. He’s assassinating Moffs and high ranking members of the Imperial military. Freeing aliens enslaved to the Empire. Anakin leads the 501st Legion to bring justice to the galaxy. Whenever Anakin is ever cornered by Stormtroopers, the 501st is there, especially his ever faithful Captain Rex. Whenever Inquisitors are sent Anakin is always victorious. He saves apprentices, younglings and Jedi who are all struggling to survive the Empire’s Might. Anakin directs all survivors to Ach-To. They will be safe there. At some point Anakin reunites with Ahsoka and Kanan.
Anakin, Mace and Kanan all reunite. All of them grieve for Depa. They know this will probably be the last time they will ever see each other again. Anakin hugs Kanan goodbye  and says “until we meet again little brother” and all 3 of them says “may the force be with you” all going their separate ways. Before Mace leaves, all Anakin can do is hug him
Anakin instructs Ahsoka on where to find the Jedi he saved and tells her to guide them. Ahsoka will take them to Mortis.
Mace launches a suicide mission against The Emperor. An entire squadron of Jedi Knights and the 187th Legion makes one last stand against The Empire and The Emperor. The 187th Legion and Mace’s strike team have all been destroyed by Palpatine. The fight between Mace and Palpatine is even and is laying destruction within the Imperial palace. Mace feels as though this is a trick, the last time he had Palpatine where he wanted him, Order 66 was executed. Why is he still alive? He could’ve destroyed him along with his Legion and fellow Jedi...something from the shadows is clouding his vision. The lightning stops and Palpatine simply sits back on his throne. “Attack me master Windu, I am unarmed. You want to kill me and end the Empire do you not” Mace understands he wants to unbalance him and Mace refuses. “I will not play by your games, my lord.” “Oh my old friend, you’ve already lost” Suddenly a piercing crimson blade pierces Mace’s chest. Mace looks behind to see Darth Maul. And then as Mace clutches his chest, Palpatine unleashes a torrent of force lightning, killing the Jedi master once and for all.
Anakin feels Mace’s death and falls to the floor. His mentor and his brother died. All he can do now is continue his attack on the Empire and restore the Jedi.
After the destruction of Jedha, Scarif and the reveal of the Death Star. the time for Rebellion is now. Padme contacts Anakin that the time to unite the family is now.
Darth Maul boards the Tantive IV. He kills everyone but Leia, she is the only prisoner worth taking. 
Anakin goes to Luke and Owen. When Anakin arrives, Luke immediately knows who Anakin is and embraces Anakin in a hug. Anakin thanks Owen and Beru for keeping Luke safe. It isn’t just Luke Anakin is reunited with, it’s R2-D2 and C-3PO. R2 is all happy beeps. 3PO was memory wiped but Anakin understands. They bid Owen and Beru farewell.
Anakin and Luke goes to bring back Obi-Wan. As old friends reunite, Anakin informs Obi-Wan about the situation and of Mace’s death. Obi-Wan tells him he felt it as well but Mace trained him well. But Luke tells them both that R2 has a message for Obi-Wan. Leia’s message plays and Anakin is in tears and reaches his hand for his daughter. As Anakin left Captain Rex with Phoenix Squadron and the rest of the 501st must remain with the Rebellion, they seek out a pilot. So they find Han Solo. When they are talking payment, to Obi-Wan’s surprise and to Han’s joy, Anakin dumps a shit ton of credits. “Is that enough to pay for our passage?” Han who cannot stop smiling “More than enough, ten times over.” Obi-Wan just stares at Anakin “and just WHERE DID YOU GET ALL THAT???” Anakin says “you’d be surprised as to how much credits the Moffs are all carrying.”
Thanks to Anakin’s generous donation, Han is able to pay off his debt to Jabba the moment he comes to him. Oh he still shoots Greedo first, but he just needed to do that to get Jabba’s attention
Anakin admires the Falcon while Luke calls it a piece of junk. After hearing Anakin’s compliments of the Falcon and seeing Han in all smiles, Obi-Wan has a horrible thought “Oh no.....there’s two of them”
Anakin and Han fight over who flies the Falcon and Obi-Wan is regretting his life choices
Anakin and Obi-Wan teach Luke the ways of the Jedi
During their flight to Alderaan, Anakin tells Luke the truth of Leia and his mother. How beautiful, kind and strong Padme is and how both him and Leia were separated. The time is now to join and train his children and end the Emperor together.
Unlike Vader, Maul takes sadistic glee in The Death Star. He still chokes those who dare question Tarkin’s rule as he finds kinship in Tarkin’s brutality
Obi-Wan knows Maul is on board and must face him and disables the tractor beam. Anakin must save his daughter.
Maul senses Obi-Wan and Anakin, but his main focus is “KENOBI”
Han asks why he cares so much about one blasted princess. Anakin simply says, she’s his daughter and Luke’s sister and she is more important than he could possibly realize....also she’s rich and will reward him just as much and that’s all Han needed to hear. 
Anakin sees what Luke’s trying to do with Chewie  and points out, no need and ignites his lightsaber
Everyone in the detention center lies dead.  and Anakin and Luke go to find Leia. 
Leia recognizes Anakin almost immediately. Leia was shown holo recordings of her father by Padme since she was a child and embraces her father. Anakin tells  Leia who Luke is and the siblings embrace in a hug
Darth Maul and Obi-Wan duel to the death. “You can’t win Maul. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.” Maul isn’t having any of it and fully intends to kill Kenobi 
As the Skywalkers, Han, Chewie and the droids prepare to escape, they see Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan makes the sacrifice. Anakin is in tears and Luke shouts “NO!” Darth Maul prepares to do the same to Anakin, but they shoot the blast doors in time and escape.
Anakin and Luke reunite with Padme. Finally, after 20 years The Skywalkers are reunited. 
The 501st assist the Rebels in the Death Star assault. It is going well. Anakin must stay behind on Yavin with Padme and Leia. He has faith Luke and The Rebels can destroy the Death Star
As he senses Maul destroying the X-Wings one by one, Anakin feels helpless as he has Luke in his crosshairs
Maul feels a pity, as Luke would’ve been the perfect apprentice to help him kill the Emperor
Han makes the save and Luke destroys the Death Star
Han and Luke are given their medals
Throughout the years between ANH and ESB, Anakin would train his children. By now they have both achieved the rank of Jedi Knight. As Maul and the Empire finds them, they must go. Anakin directs them to Dagobah where Yoda will complete their training. 
However Anakin tells them he will meet them there. He intends to face Maul on Hoth. The fight is what you expect. Anakin uses Vaapad against Maul and Maul’s arrogance gets the better of him. Maul dies in Anakin’s arms. “Are....are you the chosen one? Are your children the chosen ones?” “We are.” “You will all avenge us”
Han does not like the thought of going to Dagobah, especially with the Empire on their trail. With Leia assuring him all will go well, Han is a little assured. When the Falcon crashes in the water. Han and Chewie looses it
Luke and Leia are very patient when it comes to Yoda but as soon as Chewie comes over, Chewie confirms he is Yoda. Han goes “and how would you know that???” “I fought in the Clone Wars, Han” “Well, what do you want, a medal???”
Luke and Leia are put through Yoda’s training and during that time, Han makes his move on Leia and embraces her in a kiss. 
Luke and Leia together lift the Falcon out of the swamp and Han gets to work fast to clean the Falcon.
Luke and Leia sense their father on Bespin and in great danger. They want to leave, but Yoda strongly advises against it.  Han talks them into it. He owes Anakin for getting him out of debt to Jabba, so it’s the least he can do. 
Han and Lando reunite like old friends and treats Luke and Leia with hospitality. But they feel something’s off
Mara Jade reveals herself and holds Anakin hostage. “Draw your lightsabers and your father dies. Fortunately for you, The Emperor wants you all alive.” 
Before Anakin could be put into carbonite freezing, Anakin gives one last moment with his children and Han.  He hugs Luke and Leia goodbye and tells Han to keep them both safe. As Anakin is frozen into carbonite, all Leia can do is hug Han and her brother and all Luke can do is cry with his sister.
Mara Jade tells the Twins “If you wish to see your father ever again, come before the Emperor. This is your only hope.” 
Lando signals to Han of his plan via wink and both Han and Lando starts blasting Imperials and hands the twins their lightsabers. 
Leia is absolutely furious with Lando. He explains himself that Bespin was held hostage. Luke understands, but Leia almost loses herself. “We can bring him back.”
As both Luke and Leia explain everything to their mother, they all plan to bring Anakin home
Palpatine has Anakin where he wants him as a decoration aboard his throne room in the Death Star II and his lightsaber right by his side. Palpatine would monologue to the frozen Anakin. “Anakin my old friend, I know you can hear me. This is what loyalty to the Jedi got you. Servitude, loss and imprisonment. You were nothing but a slave when you were found and a slave you shall remain. The perfect punishment for denying me 20 years ago. And when you’re children arrive, they will be made into what you should have been. Mine. They will embrace the dark side of the force and only then will you be free. You will watch your precious Padme and her Rebellion die, your children will die and then my old friend, you will die.” A single tear leaves Anakin’s face
Mara Jade heard everything. She’s beginning to question everything Palpatine ever taught her was lie. 
Luke and Leia surrenders themselves while Han leads the ground assault on Endor
Luke and Leia feel the conflict within Mara, but Mara puts on a front. She has to. 
Luke and Leia are brought before the Emperor and he makes them both feel the hatred and rage at seeing their friends die one by one.  They both draw their lightsabers and aim to kill the Emperor
Mara Jade intervenes....for the plan to work, Mara must play her part
Mara and the twins are evenly matched. 
Luke and Mara duel, while Leia attempts to save her father
As they duel, Luke attempts to get through to her. “You are not what he made you. you have a choice” “What? the be a Rebel? a Jedi?” “A choice to be better.” “You sound just like your father. He thought I could be saved, I was the Emperor’s since childhood” There’s nothing for me.” “You have me. I am offering you a chance, you only have to take it” Luke extends a hand to Mara Jade and she takes it. 
Mara fills Luke and Leia telepathically about the plan. After Maul fell on Hoth, she hunted Anakin down. He waited for her to come. She told him she had every intention of killing him, the Jedi and the Skywalker family. Anakin would not allow that to happen. But Anakin sensed something within her. That she knows that this isn’t right, some part of her knew that this isn’t right. The Emperor raised her to be his hand and weapon. Anakin tells her there is a better way. “Living as a Jedi is not worth it. No, not as a Jedi, the choice to choose and live free. A better way of life. Help me stop the Emperor and you will be free.” So they devised a plan, something The Emperor could not resist. The Emperor could keep Anakin as a trophy to punish him and turn his children against him. At the right moment when he is free, Anakin will strike. It will weaken him momentarily and together his family will kill The Emperor and destroy the Sith once and for all.  
Luke, Mara and Leia stand before the emperor and bow
The Emperor is pleased. His arrogance clouds his judgement “Good. Good. Soon your father will be free and he will watch helplessly as his Rebellion ends. As the Rebellion ends, the Jedi will be no more and your mother and his precious Pad-” Anakin’s Lightsaber pierces Palpatine. To his horror, Anakin is free. “You do not dare say her name ever again.”
Anakin, Luke and Leia stand united. Father and his children. Jedi Masters. The Skywalkers. The Chosen ones. 
Palpatine has had enough defiance from the Jedi and unleashes storm after storm of force lightning. 
Palpatine asks Mara Jade to kill them and to fulfill her destiny. Anakin asks Mara to help them. “You FOOL Anakin, she is my weapon and slave, she is mine, she knows nothing else, something you should have learned LONG AGO”
As Palpatine is focused on destroying the Skywalkers. Mara Jade stabs him in the back. “et tu, Mara?” and the Skywalkers pierce thee Emperor and tosses him down the reactor shaft. Vanquishing him forever. 
Anakin hugs his children and Luke tells Mara “you are finally free.”
They all escape the Death Star as it explodes
As they all reunite, Anakin and Padme embrace, while Han and Leia kiss and hug. 
Mara tells Luke “I am free, Farmboy and I choose you” Mara kisses Luke
The Endor celebration happens only with the inclusion of Mara and we see the force ghosts of Mace, Obi-Wan, and Yoda looking on to see that all is well
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