#my permit test photo was so bad though i folded it up the whole time and threw it away afterwards
lena-in-a-red-dress · 5 years
Supercorp SAO AU, Pt 3
Kara hasn't ever met Lena's husband. Honestly, she isn't entirely sure Lena has either. He's never home, Lena's apartment very much her own from the art to the books to the furniture. If not for the occasional tabloid photo, the wedding portrait on Lena's mantel, and the rings on her left hand, Kara might have assumed the husband to be a specter to dissuade would-be suitors. Even so, she can't help but notice the way Lena's smile dims when she sees his number on her phone during movie night. "It's nothing," Lena says, when Kara works up enough nerve to mention it. "He likes to pick fights. I used to enjoy the debates we'd have, but lately... I don't know. It doesn't feel like debate anymore. And at the end of the day I don't have the energy for it." Over the weeks and months, Kara learns about him in bits and pieces. That he was a friend of Lex's, and that they fell in love over the course of several summers. That he had his own tech company, who had just migrated to a new market on another continent, hence his absence. One time, Kara arrives to movie night to hear Lena almost shouting into her phone. Her tone is the kind Kara only heard once in all their time in Aincrad-- when she'd been on the verge of committing murder, against a player who had nearly poisoned Kara to death. Dark, menacing, and inhumanly cold. 
"Come anywhere near my company again, and I will slap you with enough lawsuits to keep you and your pathetic excuse for a firm underwater for the next thirty years. Do you understand me?" She barely pauses long enough for her victim to open their mouth before interrupting, her voice pitching even lower. "I said-- do. you. understand. I want to hear you say it."
Lena hasn't registered Kara's arrival yet, and so Kara shifts awkwardly as she waits, trying not to watch as Lena's lips twist into a cruel smirk. "Good boy." She ends the call shortly thereafter, and starts in surprise when she turns to find Kara standing in her foyer. "Kara! Gosh, you startled me!" She sounds like herself again, but Kara eyes her warily. "Is tonight a bad time? I can come back--" "Don't be ridiculous!" Lena beams, rolling her eyes. "Marital squabbles might be a bitch, but it'll take a lot more than that to keep us from movie night. What's on for tonight? Die Hard?" Before long, Kara is curled up against Lena's side on the couch, sharing a blanket as Bruce Willis yippee-ki-yays across the screen. The call lingers at the back of her mind, and she decides right then and there that if Lena's husband is someone who brings out that side of her.... he doesn't know Lena at all. Perhaps Kara's favorite part of their friendship is their party. It happens by accident-- Kara stumbles across her during a trial period of a new VR. She's an elf this time, and her username is Kieran, but her avatar still looks mostly like herself. "I didn't know you played," Kara says, scuffed her dwarven boot against the ground. She's a little hurt that Lena hasn't ever mentioned it. "I should have told you," Lena admits. "I'm sorry I didn't, but after what you told me about your time in SAO, I was worried if we connected in a game, I... I guess I worried I wouldn't measure up to her. It sounds really silly to say it out loud. I really cherish our friendship, Kara, and I was scared I might lose it if you spotted too many differences between us. Between me and her." Kara smiles, and throws her short, but strong arms around Lena and squeezes right. "Not possible." After that, they're inseperable in the VR world. They try new games together, and the nature of Lena's position grants Kara beta access to countless games still in development. They explore entire worlds together, and Kara finds that Lena needn't be worried at all. She is Lena. The Lena Kara loved in Aincrad didn't stray far from the template of her creator's personality and fighting style, and in VR Lena comes alive in a way she doesn't in the real world-- as though anything could top that. In VR Kara watches Lena lead raid parties with expert precision, sharp and intense but also warm and inviting. More than once Lena helps inexperienced players level up, and shares the secret spawn points for creatures that drop rare items. Kara misses Lena-in-Aincrad, misses what they shared together, but she loves this Lena, the whole of Lena, with her entire being. Eventually, they beta test ALO together, by virtue of the fact that Lena's husband headed the development team that produced the matrix for it. It's a world that rivals Aincrad in beauty and scale. Better yet, it allows magic use, and every race has the ability to fly. One day, they spend an afternoon simply flying through a rainstorm, dodging lightning bolts and collecting thunderbells to smith armor with. Somewhere between the rain on her skin and laughter that gets swallowed by thunder, Kara simply stops and watches as Lena loops into a tight corkscrew to snag an escaping ingot. Her grin is as bright as the lightning, and when their eyes meet Kara's chest tightens at the heated expectance that opens Lena's features into something intimately familiar. Before either of them can speak, the in-game alarm alerts them to the end of their scheduled session, Kara immediately wakes and rolls to her phone. I love you. She almost hits send, but the phone buzzes in her hand before her finger can tap the button. Not a bad way to spend the last day of beta, Lena texts, with pulsing dots following to warn of an incoming note. I think that might be my favorite quest so far. Catch you next rainstorm? Kara deletes her previous message. Launch Day is marked on my calendar. Can't wait. The pulsing dots appear and disappear several times before Lena's next message finally comes through. You're my favorite. Kara rolls over, clasping her phone to her pounding chest. As she drifts off to sleep, those three words sear themselves across the back of her eyelids. You're my favorite. --- "So when will you be back online?" Kara asks over the phone almost a month later. The ALO launch is coming up, and their standing date (it's not a date) looms in the back of Kara's mind. Across the line, Lena sighs. "I'm not sure." Lena's work has kept her busy since their night chasing lightning. They've barely spoken, let alone lunched or gamed. "Were still on for the ALO launch, though, right?" Silence answers her. In a rare moment of petulance, Kara pouts. "Lena, you promised." "Yeah," Lena breathes. "Yeah, you're right, I did. At this point it looks like I might be traveling that day, but I'll try to reschedule some things. I don't know how much time I can spare though." "That's okay!" Kara chirps, grabbing at the compromise with both hands. "I just want to see you. I miss you." "I miss you too, you have no idea." A rumble of voices on the other end cuts their time short. "Sorry, I have to go," Lena says. "But I'll do what I can, I promise." "Okay. See you then." From that night on, Kara counts down the days. When Launch Day dawns, Kara logs in immediately. She waits for hours, selecting an avatar that looks almost like herself. In fact it's  a dead ringer except for the white feathered wings that fold up snugly against her back, and unfurl between the slats of her armor. As she waits for Lena to log in, she experiments with her new wings (during beta, she'd chosen fairy wings), and revels in the power of every stroke. She feels the most like she did in Aincrad, and it feels like coming home. But as she waits, the faces who greet her aren't Lena's. She passes on joining other survivors for a commemorative hunt, even as the sun dips below the horizon, and in her heart she knows Lena won't make it. Still she waits. Just in case. When she finally logs out, Kara texts Lena, but sends only a frowning emoji. Then she turns it off and goes to sleep, determined to let whatever apology Lena sends sit unopened until she wakes. But no response is waiting for her when she gets up the next morning, and none comes for the entire week that follows. That week spreads to two, and then three. Kara's disappointment shifts to irritation when she assumes Lena is trying to avoid her after missing the launch, but then snaps to concern when even her calls go unanswered until her voicemail is too full to record any more. Something is wrong. She calls Lena's office, her assistant, sends countless emails, but gets nothing except a cagey brush off from Lena's assistant. When Kara goes to L-Corp herself, she's rebuffed at the door. "Orders came down from the top, Miss Danvers. You're no longer permitted in the building." "What? That's ridiculous! Lena wouldn't--" "You'll have to take that up with her, ma'am." "I'm TRYING." But to no avail. Kara gets nowhere, and is left bewildered and hurt and afraid for Lena who she can't quite believe would cut her out so abruptly. Alex doesn't have any advice to give her, except to be patient and keep trying. So all Kara can do is log in to ALO every night, and watch her friend list, praying that Lena will log in. She never does. Then, one night, Kara receives an anonymous message in her inbox. She doesn't know how a player could send an anonymous message, as the privacy on her inbox is set to friends only. Nevertheless, she opens it. "Meet me tomorrow night at 1am." It includes a National City address. She doesn't need Alex to tell her it's a bad idea. But her gut tells her it's about Lena-- maybe even Lena herself-- and so she goes to the location at the designated time with her heart in her throat. It's not Lena. Rather, it's her assistant, Jess. "Come with me," Jess tells her. Kara obeys, and after a furtive drive through the city, Jess leads her into a nondescript building that has more locked doors than Fort Knox. Finally, Jess swipes her security pass over the final sensor, and pushes into a room filled with medical equipment. For a moment, Kara sees her own hospital room, when she woke up from her SAO coma, filled with the same equipment. She's had this dream before. But the figure lying prone in the sterile bed isn't herself. It's Lena. "Oh my god." "She logged in the morning of the ALO launch," Jess informs her, her voice quiet. "She cleared her schedule for it. But she never woke up, and when we reviewed the game data, it never showed her syncing up to the game." Lena's features are slack inside the visor of the NervGear. When Kara takes her hand, her skin is cool, and waxy, like it isn't even human. But it is. Kara recognizes the scar on Lena's wrist, from a soldering accident when she was twelve. "I don't believe them," Jess murmurs. Kara blinks. "What?" "The new Nerv models are designed with multiple redundancies after the SAO incident. If she didn't connect, Lena would have woken up instantly." "Is it possible it could have been tampered with?" Jess shrugs. "Maybe. But the logistics of doing so without Lena noticing just aren't feasible." Kara regards her solemnly. "It sounds like you have an alternate theory." "It would be easier to alter the game data than tamper with the gear. Someone involved with the game's development would have easy access and ample opportunity." Someone involved in the game's development? Like... "Her husband?" "He's already assumed her seat on the board as interim chair. And he's already proposing changes Lena vetoed earlier this year. There enough members who agreed with Lena's veto that they've resisted him so far, but it won't be long before he wears them down." Rage burns low in Kara's belly. Bastard. Gritting her teeth, she meets Jess' gaze. The woman's face is well past angry-- she's exhausted, and at the end of her rope. It's clear that Kara is her last hail mary. "I'm going to lose my job the moment they find out I brought you here," Jess warns. "After that, I won't have any access. But I can't help her from here anyway." "You think she's trapped in the game," Kara surmises. Jess nods. "My guess is there's a backdoor that lets them control a small area of the game. To avoid detection by the moderating algorithms, they've probably built it into the context of the game-- an uncharted area that only becomes available after completing a legendary quest." Or clearing the final floor boss, Kara thinks bitterly. Her hand tightens on Lena's limp fingers. This is SAO all over again, except this time... This time, Lena is alone. "I've been searching every second I spend at home, but haven't found anything," Jess continues. "But I'm certain the answer to waking Lena up is in the game itself. That's why I reached out to you." Kara's head lifts sharply, surprised by the admission. Jess returns her gaze solemnly, her features hard. "If anyone can beat a broken game from the inside, it's you."
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Bowling Green South Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 29703
"Bowling Green South Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 29703
Bowling Green South Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 29703
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""How much would car insurance be for a f, pa, 16?""
how much would pa car insurance be for a 16 year old, female driver car suggestions: -mustang -X3 or any car on the hyprid/luxury end?""
Can i take out two seperate care insurances for two different cars?
im looking to insurance another car in my name, but looking i have found cheaper quotes, i was wondering if i can have two different cars, on two different insurance poilcys? many thanks.""
Enquiry about car insurance and how it works?
Okay, the question is worded wierdly, but you'll get it :P. Anyway, I have my driving test coming up in April, so I have to be thinking about a car, insurance etc. I was wondering if there was an average of how much car insurance is for the first month after you pass, and how long it stays like this till it starts too go down. Also, is there anyway I can reduce it? I plan on making parents named drivers etc, will this help reduce?""
""My husband is retiring next year and I am unemployed and only 55, how do I get affordable health insurance?""
I have alot of health issues and I need to make sure I have coverage. I have been looking for a job with benefits, but so far no luck. I am 55 and my husband will be 63 when he retires. I need an insurance with no prior health exceptions.""
My 18 year old daughter needs cheap car insurance.?
My 18 year old daughter passed her driving test today and is struggling to find reasonably cheap insurance. She has tried all of the main players and has gone through the various comparison sites but hasn't found anything below 1700 and if she asks for monthly payments then the price goes up by 50%. Does anyone know of any companies who specialise in young new drivers, maybe who provide insurance on a three or six monthly basis? Grateful for any and all suggestions. Thank you.""
""Dealt with car accident outside of insurance company, how can I chase up the receipt?""
On Christmas Day I went out in the car to pick up some drinks from the petrol station and on the way out of the station I bumped someones car. I stopped and got out to give them my details (name, address and phone number) and then went home. In the panic of the moment I think I just wanted to get home as it was Christmas Day and I didn't hang around to take photos, ask for witnesses or discuss options with the other driver, which in hindsight I regret and realise was stupid. When I got home, the guy called me up and, again with the stupid mistakes, I said that I would rather settle outside of insurance; the driver wasn't keen on the idea at first and wanted to settle through the insurance company but I couldn't call them until the next week as they were closed for Christmas. He texted me the next day saying that he was going to get a quote from a garage and got back to me later with a quote for 400 through a 'friend of a friend's garage'. At this point I was a bit suspicious and the amount seemed very high for what I thought was not a lot of damage but at the same time he said that he either wanted to do it like that or through the insurance and I really didn't want to loose my no-claims discount as insurance for young male drivers is very high without the no-claims. In the end I decided to pay him, not without a certain bitterness owing to the fact that he was pressuring me for an immediate decision, which also made me suspicious. Having sent the cheque for 400, he kept up communications initially and let me know that he'd received it. He said that he would send me a copy of the receipt from the garage for my records but once he received the cheque I never heard back and now cannot get a reply. Bit long-winded for a question but that's the background story, my question is two-fold: 1. Can I do anything about it? It's more the principle than the money that bothers me, I know that I caused damage to his car but I now suspect it wasn't as much as he claimed. 2. Does 400 sound like too much or should I stop worrying about it? I hit the back corner of his car with the back corner of mine, and he later told me that I had cracked the rear bumper, which needed replacing. I'm not sure of the make of the car but I think it may have been a Ford Fiesta or something similar. I would really appreciate any help as it's weighing on my mind... I don't like people walking over me. At least if the amount he claimed sounds reasonable I can put it down to him being a wanker but the amount claimed being fair and forget about the whole thing.""
How long does a dui on your record affect your car insurance in California?
Is it 5, 7 or10 years and will my rate go down 5 years after my DUI anniversary?""
Insurance on Crossfire. 16 Year old.?
i am a 16 year old boy and i was wondering what the insurance would be on a 2004 Chrysler Crossfire Coupe. I am pretty sure that it is a sportscar. So, help me out. I got to convince my parents to get me one.""
Insurance premiums?
How much is a family coverage for insurance premiums? Just an average, not sure what insurance we will have yet but it should be a ppo. Trying to figure it out because my husband got offered a higher paying job, but the job he has now they pay his insurance so we have no clue what to expect to pay""
ok so my parents haveLibertyy Mutualinsurancee covering their house, life, car insurance and some other things as a package throughlibertyy mutual. Anyways, I took driving school classes and passed. Its supposed to lower myinsurancee.I'mm turning 17 in October and my permit says i can get mylicensee on september 19. ( i got it late and in az you have to wait 6 months) Is there a way thatLibertyy mutual can insure me? I heard from one of there reps that they wont insure a new driver unless they've had theirlicensee for 6 months. Please help Also if i got a truck could i just insure it under my parents name even though they already have cars? or is it one car per person?""
What are the cheapest cars to insure?
What are the cheapest cars to insure?
Insurance for a motor bike or scooter?
Hey there, Im 19 years old and currently a student. I am looking to purchase a motorbike, but will probably buy a scooter instead since its cheaper and easier to get used to and ride. But the problem is, im not sure how insurance works on scooters as well as the legalities of actually riding them. So where could I get my scooter insured, on average how much would it cost, do I need any licences or lessons, etc...? Help!""
Would claiming on insurance/suing cause this guy to lose his job?
Basically, Iive in NY and a while ago I was driving to work when a taxi in the next lane floored the gas, then came into my lane too early, and smacked into the side of my car. (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs047.snc6/167708_1829137573885_1403718556_32066375_2647816_n.jpg the car was spun a few times before hitting the curb and i got severe whip lash, taking a few weeks off work which isn't good in my profession. I fully planned to make an insurance claim but my lawyer also suggested suing for dangerous driving. It has struck me however that this guy might lose his cab if I do so, and he is likely to have much money, while I could pay for the damages, or a new car. I don't want to make this guy lose his job, how would it play out?""
Car Insurance???????????????????
I am going to be 17 years old in April and I want to get my license. I was just wondering how much my insurance would be. I am a male and I live in New York, more specifically my zip code is 11040. I am a good student (3.5 gpa) and I have taken drivers ed. With these discounts how much do you think my car insurance would be with State Farm (my parents have state farm? And the car i am going to insure is a 2009 Honda Civic (blue). Can i have a specific number range?""
Do all car insurances check your credit?
Is there anyway you can still get car insurance if you have bad or no credit? Which insurance agencies are more leanient?
Should I get collision on insurance for a 2004 Honda?
I'm 19, new driver, and the car costs $8500. I'm going to get comprehensive because I live at student apartments and people are always breaking into cars and stuff. I can't decide to keep or delete the Collision. The lowest quote for Collision coverage with $1000 deductible is $650 for 6 months (not including the whole premium). I'm terrified of wrecking the car, but not having collision cuts my monthly premium by $100. I don't have a lot of money and don't know what to do!""
What is the cheapest van to insure for a young female driver with 2 yrs ncb?
What is the cheapest van to insure for a young female driver with 2 yrs ncb?
Adding a teen to the insurance with past accidents?
I take my license test exactly one week from today. I have all the insurance papers that I needed from my driving school. do I wait until I get my license to get on the insurance or can I do it now so that I'll be on there for next week? also, when I had my permit, I had two minor parking lot accidents that my dad had to take the blame for. Now that I will be on the insurance can I tell them it was me so that I will pay for the increase directly to the insurance company or should I just pay him the difference of what it is now and what it used to be each month? because I know his driving record will follow him for life. thanks in advance!""
Does one have to report fixing a car to insurance?
So let's say that an underage and uninsured driver hits my car in a parking lot. Not totaled or anything, but a large dent and a scratched. I know the child in the car, and his Dad tells me that he could just pay it for the damages out of pocket. If I get an estimate and get the car fixed with the fathers money, do I have to report it to the insurance? Am I allowed to just go to a body shop and get the doors fixed, and that is the end of that? Will I be in any legal trouble if I do it? Thanks.""
How much will the insurance be on a 2007 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 sxi?
im 16 but driving soon. i might be getting a black corsa sxi for my first car on fiance. How much will the insurance be? its only insurance group 3
No insurance. Can I get temporary insurance so I can have surgery on my wrist?
Hello thank you for viewing my question and I appreciate any help.. I fractured my wrist a few years ago and never went to the doctor until recently. The doctor told me that my wrist was screwed up and I need surgery, but I don't have insurance and was paying him cash unfortunately He told me surgery would be like $15,000 and I think he was telling me that I can't just go get insurance now, because there is an injury on file so they won't let me. My sister who is a nurse told me to get temporary insuracne just to get it fixed, and she said she didn't think it would matter that the injury is on file. Does anyone know if I am able to get insurance at an affordable rate to get fixed or did I screw up by visiting the doctor already? Thank you very much""
Will insurance companies charge Yahoo Answers users more than others due to cheating on the written test?
Before getting a license (or permit), a potential driver is supposed to study a booklet of information about how to drive safety, traffic laws, etc., and pass a test. Many potential drivers post the questions from the test in the safety category on Yahoo! Answers and get the answers that way, instead of actually studying all the information that they are supposed to study. Will insurance companies decide that insuring Yahoo! Answers users (many of whom cheat in this way) is riskier than issuing individuals who do not have Yahoo accounts (and cannot use Yahoo! Answers to cheat on the test), and charge higher rates to Yahoo! Answers users than to individuals who do not have Yahoo accounts? How much different will the rates be?""
What are some good first cars with low insurance rates?
preferably a SUV. Kind of like a blazer or something like that. Definitely under $1000. Does anyone know where online or around the york, PA area a car like that would be?""
""Affordable Health Insurance, Cheap Online Health Insurance ...?""
represent all major medical insurance carriers, From individual health insurance, self employed health insurance, family health insurance, small business ... http://businessandfinance.cn/health-insurance.html""
What is an insurance quote?
how do I check what insurance is the best?
Bowling Green South Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 29703
Bowling Green South Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 29703
Health insurance for the unborn?
Im under my dads health insurance until im 26. my insurance said they would cover me and my delivery, but wouldnt cover the baby. how can i get my baby medical insurance before she's born? (im aiming to get her on medicaid) but what steps do i take?""
""Insured vehicle in NY, and registered in CA, Is that legal?""
I have lived in NY all my life untill 2 months ago when i moved to CA. Now I'm looking to get a second truck for transportation. My current and only car is still registered and insured in NY state, what will happen when if i buy this and want to add this for my second vehicle on my current insurance? Will registering it in CA and have insurance on it in NY work? thanks.""
What ways can you make your car insurance cheaper when your a young driver?
what ways can you make your car insurance cheaper when your a young driver?
On average how much does it cost to deliver a baby in a hospital?
With insurance, what is usually the total parents have to pay?""
Car insurance question?
I bought my car on Aug 25 2008. But the policy period on my new policy is from Aug 2 2008 to Aug 2 2009. How can they cover me before I bought my car. Is Safety Insurance of Massachusetts always do business in this sneaky way?
What do can i do? Car Iincident! but no insurance!?
Ok i live in Orange County in California. Yesterday on my way to school i got t-boned by a 1998 Ford F150. I drive a 1998 Honda Prelude. I was driving down a street and the light turned yellow so i ran it and the guy was waiting to make a left turn at a yielding section, he saw me coming when the light turned yellow and he just stepped on the gas and T-boned me on the driver side. He didn't take blame for it, and he states that I ran a red light when his light was green. Police wasn't involved. We are all okay, nothing happened to his vehicle, he just has a light scratch on his plastic bumper, buy my car got wrecked from the passenger side. Now the main problem is i don't have insurance on my vehicle but he did. Now i don't know what to do.""
Insurance problems?
hi were looking at buying a new car we have full comp insurance on our car and are covered to drive any car the car were looking at has mot and tax vut no insurance as we checked with the mib web site, can we still drive it using our own car insurance for the car we have now or do we need to insure it on it's own we haven't got a new car yet but still looking wanted advice before we got a new car many thanks for any advice and best wishes diane xx""
Supplemental health insurance provider?
Does anybody have supplemental health insurance? Do you know of a good provider? I have never heard of it, my Mom was telling me about it. I looked and I found some places that said quotes for supplemental health insurance. but when I filled out the info it seemed like it gave me a quote for regular health insurance plan not supplemental health insurance. My health insurance I have through work has a high deductible so i am always paying out of pocket for I have not met my deductible.""
How/where can i get liability insurance as a massage therapist?
i am..well, was licensed (let my license expire because i'm moving out of state) in south carolina. i am moving to alabama and it seems like everything they require to be licensed is pretty much the same except i have to show proof of liability insurance before i can apply for the license. do i just call the same people i have my car insurance with? or can i go thru the NCBTMB or AMTA (whichever one the state of Alabama approves of?). please help.i didn't have to deal with liability insurance with the state of SC so this is new territory to me.""
2008-2009 Ford Mustang Convertible?
Hi- we are looking into a new car and are interested in either a 08 or 09 Mustang Convertible...would you reccomend this vehicle? One thing we are worried about is the insurance costs as the car is not that expensive. Does insurance really go up a ton? Pros-Cons? Thanks a ton!
What insurance is available for those who are between ages 18-24 and can't qualify for Medicaid?
Any low cost health insurances out there?
Where to get cheap motorcycle insurance in ontario?
Where to get cheap motorcycle insurance in ontario?
What is the best insurance for a pregnant woman?
So I got a girl pregnant. We are not married. I have a good job making plenty of money but do not have benefits. She does not have benefits or make enough to afford health insurance. What is the best route for us to take to make sure we have the best care for her and the baby during pregnancy and after birth?
How can I get auto insurance for a car not in my name?
I have the opportunity to take over payments on a car. Since the title is not in my name, how can I get auto insurance for this car until the title is transferred into my name? I'd heard there is a form that the owner can sign that verifies that I will be the only one driving this vehicle. Any suggestions would be helpful.""
How much would car insurance for me im 21 and i want a ford fusion?
How much would car insurance for me im 21 and i want a ford fusion?
Can i get affordable baby health insurance?
ready to have a baby soon but husband insurance would go from 250 to 700 a month (can't afford 700) if we have a baby but if me or the baby gets our own insurance somewhere it would be 250 but i have some health issues so i can't get my own insurance (i get denied everywhere, my job doesn't offer health insurance) so when i do get pregnant and have a baby can i get affordable insurance by it's self?I live in Colorado, will not use government help PLEASE DO NOT WRITE BACK IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT OR SAY SOMETHING DUMB OR USELESS THANKS!""
When looking at car insurance is the Claims Legal Assistance Service worth it?
When looking at car insurance is the Claims Legal Assistance Service worth it?
Who are the cheapest insurance providers to new drivers???
im 17 just passed my test. who would make the best and heapest company to insure my 2001 1.0 corsa with
Does health insurance go up when you buy a motorcycle?
Does health insurance go up when you buy a motorcycle?
Car accident/Insurance options?
a friend was trying to pull around a city bus that was idling for several minutes to catch a left turn on a green light ...when the bus went in closer to the curb, its backside jut out and her car swiped it she is a new driver and new to the country and she continued where she was going without stopping. pretty shook up. She claims she didn't think it was too bad, a swipe, the mirror was gone and she just took it as a loss. But when she got out, she realized there is damage all along the side, from front to back, including the mirror missing and a serious dent on the front passenger (the front is peeled back, exposing the hinge mechanism. Rain now gets in through the top as the seal is broken as well. She is insured and believes she has coverage but she's scared cause she left the scene. This was 3 weeks ago - there has been no follow up. She hasn't called the police but kept an eye out for whether or not it was reported and she needed to come forward. It was in a pretty run down part of town. Anyway - I don't know what to tell her so i'm coming here - can she report this to insurance and admit that she swiped a bus and didn't stop? Will they fix it, up her insurance, and move on or will they investigate into the bus - making her pay for the bus and having the legal issue of leaving the scene. - not sure what to tell her??? She's also considering just putting a new skin/shell on the door was affected - not seeing if this is possible though - replacing the entire door is expensive and seems unnecessary. Any insight is greatly appreciated.""
Will car insurance go up if I get a speeding ticket?
Will my car insurance rate go up if I got a speeding ticket? Im in California. This is the first one ever, and I've been driving for about 4 years now. Anyone with an answer? Thanks in advance!""
If i was buying a car and its a class C would this increase my car insurance?
I have 3 years no claimi currently have a 1.6 i am thinking off buying a mini cooper which has been in a accident its a class C.the mini has the same size engine as my car at the moment. Just really want to know if it would affect the price of my car insurance thanks guys xx
What is the best begeners motercycle in Canada insurance and operating cost wise.?
Are cruisers cheaper to insure then sports motorcycle for the same displacement engines? And what are some good models in the market? Thankyou
How much is renters insurance in california?
How much is renters insurance in california?
Best life insurance...?
Best life insurance What is the Best life insurance company
Bowling Green South Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 29703
Bowling Green South Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 29703
How much would car insurance cost for two 16 year old boys?
My son and my stepson just got their license. My son wants my car; 2006 Porsche Cayenne which means I have to get a new car & My stepson wants a 1989 Nissan 300ZX. Me and my husband are on Nationwide currently. How much would insurance cost a month for 2 sports cars with teen drivers?
""We're going to vegas and will be renting a car, should we get the insurance?""
I've heard that getting insurance when you rent a car is pointless because your regular auto insurance will cover you, because insurance covers the driver and not the car. If we were to get the car insurance for the rental car, it would add an extra $250. Obviously our regular insurance has to cover us, or else the car rental place wouldn't make this insurance optional. Am i right? Should we consider getting the insurance?""
What's a good life insurance I can get for my parents?
They're old life insurance just ended and are now charging $299/month for both of them...they only give $100,000 policy each. Mom is 61 years old and Dad is 65 y/o.....lives in California.""
How much average premium for Car insurance....?????
i need some basic info... about car insurance..in NJ STATE... record is clear and 3 years exp....need to know average range... Most of people paying.......
Is there a way to get fake or extremely cheap car insurance?
I don't care about the service. I want it cheap.
Cheap car insurance florida?
Looking for cheap company for auto insurance in Florida?
I am 17 and am going to buy a 2013 kawasaki ninja 300 abs. What will my insurance costs be?
Would you buy Health Insurance from Billy Mays?
First it was OxiClean, then there was Orange Glo, and then KaBoom! Now Billy Mays, your favorite infomercial personality is endorsing iCan, an affordable ...show more""
Good car and renters insurance companies?
I'm in the process of getting a car and plan on moving to the Berlin area of New Hampshire this summer so i'm looking for a car insurance company that also offers renters insurance so that, when i move, i can bundle the two and try and get a bit of a discount. I'm just wondering if anyone knows any good companies (hoping to stay reasonably priced but it's my first car and i'm a newer driver) with offices in the Berlin area and offices in the Cape Ann area of Mass (where I am currently) that offer a car and renters bundle and have treated treated you well. I'd prefer fist hand opinions and experiences with companies.""
Why would any sane young adult pay thousands in health insurance premiums to subsidize old baby boomers?
They could pay nothing and get 95 dollars less on their tax refund next year. They could use that money now to pay down credit cards, etc. Under the new rules, individuals choosing not to carry insurance are subject to a penalty of $95 per person each year, or 1% of household income, whichever is greater, beginning in 2014. Over time, the penalty increases, so that by 2016 the penalty is $695 per person, or 2.5% of household income. Even the increase in the penalty is miniscule when compared to the premium prices. So again, WHY would any sane young adult get pay thousands of dollars in premiums?""
How much is car insurance for a 19 y.o?
Hey, I know people are going to say I'm dumb for asking, but I'm wondering how much car insurance would be for a 19 y/o. I want to get a car, but I need to pay the insurance. I'm not looking for a great car, so I'm sure I'll pick something insurance friendly. Also, would it be cheaper if I still had my parents insure the car technically and paid them the amount?""
How much does homeowners insurance cost in Phoenix Arizona?
Please dont say call and agent, thats obvious. Im just wondering because I want to buy a house around $200000 between 1700 and 2200 sq feet. Anyone have a house like this in this area? How much is your premium? THANKS!""
Hoe much would my bike insurance cost?
Hi im 18 years old I got my motorcycle license on august 2013 and i bought a 2011 ninja 250 I was wondering how much my bike insurance would cost? I will call the insurance company in may but I want to know now how much it will cost please answer if you know thenx :)
Good car and renters insurance companies?
I'm in the process of getting a car and plan on moving to the Berlin area of New Hampshire this summer so i'm looking for a car insurance company that also offers renters insurance so that, when i move, i can bundle the two and try and get a bit of a discount. I'm just wondering if anyone knows any good companies (hoping to stay reasonably priced but it's my first car and i'm a newer driver) with offices in the Berlin area and offices in the Cape Ann area of Mass (where I am currently) that offer a car and renters bundle and have treated treated you well. I'd prefer fist hand opinions and experiences with companies.""
""Does term life insurance fall under Obamacare and if not, what IS available to provide for my family?""
I have a potentially fatal disease and want to buy term insurance to leave something for my family. I'm hoping this pre-existing condition will not cause me to be denied, but if it would, is there another type I can buy under Obamacare? Thank you.""
Insurance on a streetbike?
so i live in southern california 19 years old 3 years car driving experience 0 licensed with a motorcycle valid motorcycle permit 3 accidents on my record 2 including totaling cars... i was wondering if any1 happens ot have close oto the same things and know what i should expect iwth MINIMUM insurance no comp or collision or anything just basic liability.. but i do want max medical payments
Motorycle Insurance (NY)?
I am looking into buying a bike now, but before i do, i want to know, how much is the average amount an 18 yr old male would pay per month for insurance. I'm not looking for insurance sites that i can get a quote from, since i have not decided on the bike to get so any quote might be off. Any roundabout estimate would be very helpful, plus if u can recommend a bike that wouldnt cost me a fortune that'd be helpful too =)""
""I recently got a dui in florida, I'm 19 and i'd like to know what does everyone pay for their sr22 insurance?""
trying to find cheap sr22 insurance, i juss read that its going to be required that i have it in order to reinstate my license. Been lookin around online for quotes and I was wondering what other people in similar situations are paying monthly and by which carrier. Thanks""
""How much Unemployment Insurance if I made $50,000?""
How much money would I get from UI(Unemployment Insurance) if I made $50,000 Annually? I live in California, and I know the max is $450 a week. But I have a feeling that $50,000 doesn't qualify for the max. So how much do you think one person would qualify for if they made $50,000 Salary.""
Raising money for individuals with health condition?
I'm just curious about why people ask for donation and fund raising for people with health condition here in Canada. Health care is free that will cover most of the medical ...show more
How much would insurance be on these cars ( average ) 1st time driver ?
saxo vtr vw golf mk2 anybody help need a rough estimate of the insurance as these are my dream cars and wanting to kno the average insurance price, if to high i dont want to get my hopes up""
Who needs insurance?
Auto insurance is a hit or miss conception with police enforcement doing the insurance company's work for them. Too many drivers have no insurance leaving responsible drivers to pick up their tab. Why don't we tack on 10 or twenty cents per gallon at the gasoline pump to go for insurance. If you don't buy gas for your car, you're not going to be able to drive.That way, if you drive, you automatically have insurance. This frees up police to do real cop work, cuts down on the cost and makes sure everyone who drives has insurance. Whadya think?""
First automobile accident. How much will my payments increase?
I'm 25 and have just been in my first automobile accident in which I was at fault. I hit the side of another vehicle. My car is only damaged slightly on the front bumper, while the other car's passenger side is quite dented. No one was hurt in the accident and I didn't receive a ticket. Both of us were able to drive away from the scene. I do have automobile insurance which should cover any damages to the other car, but I am concerned that this will cause my insurance payment to increase. Thoughts?""
Estimated Insurance Costs for Pest Control Business?
Hello, I have been considering starting a Pest Control business. I'd mainly like to focus on the removal of animals, however from a business stand point it would be much wiser to handle pest insects as well. Our state breaks down the minimum insurance you need which I will list below. I was hoping someone could give me just some reasonable estimes of what these types of insurances would cost based on the information I provide? If needed, I live in Rhode Island and based on looking at similar local businessed and their NAICS codes, the industry would be #325320. RULE 21. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (A) Each applicant for commercial applicator licensing shall show proof of financial responsibility to consist of either: (1) A performance bond drawn payable to the State of Rhode Island in the amount of $20,000 per job, or (2) The following minimum insurance coverage: Comprehensive General Liability (ground application): Bodily Injury Liability - $20,000 each occurrence - $40,000 Aggregate Property Damage Liability (Including completed operations and chemical or pollution liability) - $25,000 (B) Each applicant for commercial applicator certification shall show proof of financial responsibility to consist of either: (1) A performance bond drawn payable to the State of Rhode Island in the amount of $50,000 per job, or (2) The following minimum insurance coverage: Comprehensive General Liability (ground application): Bodily Injury Liability - $50,000 each occurrence - $100,000 Aggregate Property Damage Liability (Including completed operations and chemical or pollution liability) - $50,000 (C) Each applicant for commercial applicator certification in Category 7(c) Fumigation shall show proof of financial responsibility to consist of either: (1) A performance bond drawn payable to the State of Rhode Island in the amount of $100,000 or (2) The following minimum insurance coverage: Comprehensive General Liability: Bodily Injury Liability - $100,000 each occurrence - $300,000 Aggregate Property Damage Liability (Including completed operations and chemical or pollution liability) - $100,000 (D) Each applicant for commercial applicator licensing or certification, who applies pesticides aerially, shall show proof of financial responsibility to consist of either: (1) A performance bond drawn payable to the State of Rhode Island in the amount of $100,000, or (2) The following minimum insurance coverage: General Liability: Bodily Injury Liability - $100,000 each occurrence - $200,000 Aggregate Property Damage Liability (Including completed operations and chemical or pollution liability) - $100,000 (E) Financial responsibility required by paragraphs (A)  (D), where appropriate, shall not be required of persons whose pesticide application activities are part of their duties as governmental employees.""
Just hit a deer while ago (Questions about insurance)?
While ago a deer ran out in front of me and caused a bit of damage to my 2002 Toyota Camry. Although the damage doesn't appear to be [i]too[/i] bad, (hood and bumper are bent, and the right headlight is a bit out of place though it still works fine, car drives fine) I didn't have my cell phone so I had to drive back home (not very far) from where the incident happen. 1. Will the insurance still pay because I left the scene? (I wasn't speeding, had my headlights on, and our seatbelts) 2. Will my insurance rates go up? (The damage [b][i]can't[/i][/b] be over $2000, so I can just pay that huge bill once, but that higher insurance will haunt me forever) 3. Will this go on my driving record? (The car is still very drivable and neither me nor my passenger were injured in any way). (I did not get a police report, at least not yet)""
Bowling Green South Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 29703
Bowling Green South Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 29703
Cheapest car insurance for female 37 on provisional?
Just bought a car Citroen c2 having real trouble getting insurance quotes under 600....HELP!!
How much would I pay for the Insurance Renewal?
I recently had a car accident with my brand new 4WD vehicle. The front part were badly damaged and is now in the manufacturer's garage. Good thing I didn't get any physical injury as the vehicle's air bag went off just on time and my comprehensive insurance will cover for the agency repairs. My question is, assuming that I'll never encounter another major accident for the next 11 months, how much(more or less) would I pay for the vehicle's insurance renewal next year after it has been assessed by a qualified individual. As early as now, I want to have an idea how the insurance company will compute for my insurance renewal and what are other factors do they consider say I paid them around $1,300 for this year's fee. I hope someone could give me an idea re insurance renewal and other pertinent info re this matter.""
I need some legit cheap dental insurance..please help?
I have a upper wisdom tooth that needs to be emergency removed and I have no insurance and there is over 40 dentists in my area that will not take a payment plan and the one plan I applied for did not accept becuz I don't make enough money...heck im low income...but in major pain...anyone help? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
Most affordable health insurance illinois?
Hello, Im a pretty broke college student who cant afford the plan offered by my school here in Illinois. Anyone have any suggestions for cheap health insurance, that would cover some doctor visits and prescription pills, well at least most of the cost. thanks in advance""
""Two Cars, Two Insurance Companies?""
I'm 17 and I just got my G2 Licence. I'm thinking of getting my own car, however it is going to cost me a a fortune to insure my own car. Is it possible for my father to have 2 cars but with 2 different insurance companies and put me as a secondary driver for one of the cars?""
How much is health insurance in arizona?
How much is health insurance in arizona?
How do i find my previous car insurance providers?
all the different car insurances details how can i track them?
Can I keep my license without insurance?
I live in New York state, and have been a licensed driver since September. I pay my own insurance, but due to the high cost and the fact that I drive maybe once a month I don't want to keep paying. My parents told me that in order to keep your license, you must pay or else hand it in, but today some teachers and classmates said that you just can't drive. Who is right? I don't want to hand in the license and have to retake the test in a few months for college. I looked on DMV but saw nothing. Any sites that will have the information? (I drive my parents car, I don't own one)""
AVERAGE Insurance (UK)?
Could anyone give me an average price of insurance or insurance group for a 20 year old female, on a 2011 fiat 500 twinair lounge 0.9? I don't want to do those compare sites as they ask for all your details. Thanks""
Hi Ladies and Gents, im 24 yrs old and turn 25 in august and my dream is to get a car to help my mum and dad sadly im not the best with technology or bargain hunting im a little bit naive if im honest. Anyway i thought as this will be my first car my insurance would be quite high and i thought 1500 a year would be decent enough paying monthly. so i tried some insurance sites but best i could see was around 2700 and i thought wow thats shocking! i need help from you guys if you can spare a moment please thanks, i dont need anything fancy just an A to B car to help mum and dad with life and me get to work ofcourse. I decided to start my lessons and drive an automatic car starting end of this month at payday! so ive listed some details below that i think you can help me to get a cheaper deal, thank you guys very much for being kind. ok... my car will be a cheap one maybe 1000 2nd hand automatic civic,corsa or something pref 3 door 1.4L is fine also i seen some on auto trader. annual miles 10k SD&P<<im sure thats rite social and work? fully comp i may hang off till i turn 25 if my insurance will go down and also i thought a little about going on someone elses insurance (my aunt has a mobility car for my mum) or adding someone to mine? not sure? also my sister and her BF have a car but im a little scared to ask them haha! so can anyone please help me get a cheap quote thanks a million,!""
Can I sue in California if I had no auto insurance?
I was recently in a car accident, I was crossing/driving the intersection and a car ran the red light and hit me in the driver rear tire.He was going so fast that my car spun around and slammed into a parked car in a residential street. I called my car insurance to report the accident and got a call back saying my insurance was cancelled days before (due to the bank denying payment). I am trying to find out why the bank would reject payment if there was indeed funds, however they are no cooperating. So my question now is, can I sue the guy that hit me.... which by the way is denying he ran the red and is saying I was the one who ran the red....?""
How much will my insurance inflate?
Okay so this is my first year driving and my insurance was about $1100-1200. I was backing out and someone was in my blind spot so I hit the side of his car. My car had no damages but unfortunately I caused a slight dent in his, it wasn't that serious but it was still noticable. How much will insurance go up now that I've had my first accident that was completely my fault?""
My car insurance wont cover me. what can i do?
I rear ended a lady on the 18th of sep 2013 in riverside california. I thought i was covered by my insurance because my dad said it would be better if i got insurance through him. Its my car and its on his policy but i was not on the policy this whole time. But heres the thing, a farmers insurance agent told my dad that anyone would be covered so long as he knew they were driving the car. So my question is... what can i do? My dad was lied to by this agent and we have no proof that she did. We will be going in to speak with her today and will try to get the conversation recorded, we hope to get a confession that way. But do you have any other tips?""
If i get insurance for a car that is registered to my father can I get plates from DMV?
If i get insurance for a car that is registered to my father can I get plates from DMV?
Can you change health insurance before surgery?
I have an Anthem individual health plan. It's kind of expensive but I haven't been working and really wanted to have health insurance. I just started a full-time job that offers health insurance benefits. They offer Anthem insurance similar to what I already have just at a much cheaper cost to me but I'll probably have to get a new policy number. I'm having breast reduction the 2nd week of August and I've already received approval from my insurance company for them to pay. However I want to get insurance with my job but I only have 30 days from the start of employment to enroll in their plan. I'll be calling Anthem next week to see how this will affect my surgery but what do you all think? Is it possible to change policies before a surgery that's already been approved? I don't want to miss the open enrollment with my company but I also don't want to risk having to cancel my surgery. Thanks!
""What is the absolute best, maximum protection motorcycle insurance for me? 20/F 1st time rider.?""
I am willing to pay more, I just dont want to get cheap insurance that doesn't cover me. No subrogation clauses, I want to be covered as much as I possibly can. I am in TX. Is Allstate good? My car is under Allstate. I have heard Dairyland Insurance is good...anyone have experience with it? I dont have any tickets or violations on my record.""
18 yr old Car Insurance Advice?
I recently moved out of my parents home due to family issues. Im 18 yrs old and need car insurance but can no longer get it through my parents which made it much cheaper. Im wondering what my best options are.
What type of insurance is needed to start a cheerleading team?
I would like to start a cheerleading team but do not know what insurance is needed to protect me from being sued if someone is injured during practice. and what other advice is important to know when starting such a bussines?
What is a good health insurance company?
I don't make much $, but I would like to have health insurance at a reasonable cost. What say ye?""
Do I HAVE to sign up for Obamacare insurance?
My current health insurance will be up soon. I know that people apparently get fined for not having health insurance, or something of the sort. My question is, do i HAVE to get it? ...show more""
Why is my car insurance so expensive? Can someone who knows the facts please explain?
I am 19 I drive an old 1997 Nissan I've only been in one wreck but that was over 3 years ago. I've been driving since I was 16. My mom is now making me pay my own insurance, and she said it would be around $600. This is insane to me. I don't understand why insurance is so expensive especially if you have been a safe driver for years. I feel like you are just throwing away money for nothing. Could someone explain why car insurance is so expensive and why do you think mine is so high?""
""AA car insurance, do they send the papers by Email or post?
need to know when register with AA car insurance is there an option for everything to be send by Email ONLY as I have some really bad people I am sharing house with :(
What is the absolute cheapest classic insurance broker in the uk?
cars 1960-1991
Great sports cars that don't have bad insurance?
Okay so I'm 16 and need a sports car. My budget is 40K and if been looking at used ones. I was thinking about a porshe but it seems there insurance and maintenance is outrages. I have also been looking at Mercedes Benz. They seem to be a bit better but not sure. anyone have a porshe or a Meredes??? I also live in Canada. Or any other ideas for a sports car.??.? :)
How much should my car insurance go down by after a year?
Female, 18yrs old""
Bowling Green South Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 29703
Bowling Green South Carolina Cheap car insurance quotes zip 29703
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