#my phone chooses what to capitalize i have 0 control but i appreciate that it did not capitalize the church of scientology
anotherpapercut · 1 year
wait actually I feel like it would be extremely easy to goad Ron DeSantis into doing something that would get him sued by the church of scientology. do any of you live in Florida I have some ideas
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sidenotelife · 7 years
Med 3 Study Plan
I believe that how you play basketball is how you live life. Sidenote – when I play pickup basketball, which is never, I play like Corey Brewer. It is generous to say my basketball skillset is limited. The one contribution I can make on the court is my ability to run, so my contributions are playing hard on defense and getting out on the fast break.
Similarly, I believe how you study for medical school explains how you live life. The way I saw med school, the first two years served to prepare you for Step 1 and to know enough to be able to learn in the hospital, and the last two years served to prepare you for residency. Based on this I devised a pre-clinical/M2 study plan where the punchline was to limit the binge-and-purge studying model and focus on long-term retention.  Looking back on this study plan, the major commentary I had on my own studying techniques is that I spent too much time studying low-yield facts. I was obsessed with attaining perfection as a Step 1-taker, and I failed to internalize some of the broad strokes of physiology in order to learn one extra fun fact about biochemistry. Here in the clinical years I know I’ll rapidly forget little facts as I move from surgery to psychiatry to OB, etc. so my goal this year is to learn the broad strokes really really well. I have three main goals: Be efficient. Don’t fail.
1. Be efficient. Anki + UWorld+ E-books I have two kids and a wife that I usually like, so one of my top priorities during med school year 3 is to limit my at-home studying and have protected wife-and-kids time. In order to limit studying at home my goal is to capitalize on downtime in the hospital. I figured the easiest way to do this would be using my phone to study. I downloaded three apps: Anki, UWorld, and Kindle. I plan to read 0-1 books per rotation but I only plan to buy E-books that I can read while I’m waiting around, I don’t plan to buy any physical books that I have to carry because this is how millennials roll and we are the best. Sidenote - I will definitely read a book for surgery and pediatrics because these are probably tops on my residency power rankings, but other than that I will play it by ear. Sidenote – I just looked up whether it’s play it by year or ear. Turns out it’s play it by ear, because the saying originates from musicians playing a piece they just head by ear, and this became a way to say eff this I’m winging it. Anyways, my plan is to do the UWorld questions for a given rotation and throw the facts that are flash card-friendly into Anki. One impression I have about being a doctor is that a lot of the training is honing your instincts through repetition. I feel that Anki or any sort of rapid flash card studying style is perfect for this because you’re really just training your rapid response to buzzwords. If making my own Anki cards ends up becoming too cumbersome I’ll pick out some Anki decks from student doctor net or med school reddit. If I have any additional studying time on a rotation or if I’m on a selective that doesn’t require much studying, I plan to start the medicine UWorld questions because these will probably be relevant to every rotation, and because there are too many to finish during the medicine rotation by itself.
2. Don’t fail. I am excited to be back in med school. My whole life I have wanted to figure out how to use my brain to help people. I have gone through many iterations on what this kind of life looks like, but based on my extensive self-analysis my top 3 skills are: discipline, efficiency, and being a fast-learner. Given that I’m committed to the medical field and that I love kids, I surmised that the best way for me to use these three skills was to choose a a medical specialty that was intellectually very complicated and also required lots of work to attain proficiency, so I concluded on a medically complicated surgical subspecialty working with kids like pediatric surgical oncology.
In order to survive the length and workload of a surgical residency I plan to rely on the theory of good enough [reference here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2654842/pdf/0550239.pdf]. The punchline to the theory of good enough is that it’s better to consistently go 80% than it is to give 110% sporadically. To go 110% is not sustainable, eventually this sort of extreme effort catches up and leads to burnout. A beautiful NBA analogy here is Joakim Noah, a one-time All-NBA center under Coach Thibs that played ever game like it was his last. This culminated in 2013 when he was an MVP candidate and played like a basketball genius. The three seasons following 2013 were the worst seasons of his career, and now he’s practically out of the league. 
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The underlying principle anchoring the theory of good enough is that the long run matters. It’s too common among med students that they work real real hard over the period of med school, but in the process they burnout and stop giving a shit about patients. I believe by subscribing to the theory of good enough I will ultimately be able to do more for my patients. Sidenote - Over the last decade I have come to appreciate that in order to do meaningful work you have to be happy. I spent years in college working myself to death, thinking that I had to suffer in order to do meaningful work. As a result I did work I’m real proud of like 2013 Joakim Noah, but my personal relationships were strained, and I finished college as 2016 Joakim Noah. There was no way I could have continued that sort of lifestyle. I still love to suffer, but now I know a little better. Sidenote – I plan to write a post in the near future about what I learned from five years in counseling, and this is one of the major lessons I learned. 1) That it’s impossible to focus 100% on one thing, and 2) In order to take a break from something it’s good to engage in something different rather than do nothing. This second one is key, by vegging out to avoid work my brain inevitably floats to work, but by chasing my kids around the house it’s hard to think about work.
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So how will this reflect on my approach to medical school year 3? I plan to work hard to learn as much as I can from every rotation but I couldn’t care less about getting honors on a given clinical rotation. I plan to do well on shelf exams and Step 2, but not at the cost of maintaining stability in my life. In order to be great, I just want to be good enough, and in med school that means to pass. Based on what I’ve heard from my former classmates, it sounds like passing is quite easy, but a lot of getting honors is out of my control. I would rather focus my psychic energy on growing as a human, rather than impressing the residents that will give me a clinical grade or obsessing over memorizing a handful of esoteric facts for the sake of a standardized test.
See you on the other side,
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Attract Love ❤ Law of Attraction ❤ Love Meditation ❤ Find Your Soulmate ...
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 Add a public comment...  @omg think what I do for you at my own expense I live not in luxury nor did I sell for profit for IAM the only Prophet;
Amun-RaRa Al-Mahdi
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IAM LORD GANESHA [email protected]   Imam Al-Mahdi of the HORUS FELLOWSHIP OF HORUS ISIS OSIRIS FELLOWSHIP  https://www.facebook.com/@amunrara  
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Under The Spell Of Hollywood 2 https://y2.pichunter.com/3304712_7_o.jpg Lyndsay Lohan Anal Porn
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 Jennifer Love Hewitt uses her namesake holiday of Valentine’s Day to attempt to revive her long dead career by posing nude in white fishnet stockings in the photo above.
 Of course Valentine’s Day is perhaps the most blasphemous of all heathen holidays, for not only is the idea of romantic love between a man and a woman forbidden by the holy Qur’an, but the whole concept is utterly absurd. For how could a man in his right mind ever truly love a simple-minded creature like a woman? That would be like professing one’s love for a pair of sandals, tunic, or some other useful but ultimately completely replaceable possession.
 Yes the Western concept of love is certainly a ridiculous and offensive one, just like the idea that Jennifer Love Hewitt could spread her legs and expose her nasty banged out sin slit and people would like her again. When Islam finishes conquering the West you better believe we will quickly do away with both Valentine’s Day and Jennifer Love Hewitt.
     Shaking My Head Productions
Published on Aug 20, 2018
 Please use this video to wake up friends and family from the spell they are under. The whole worlds a stage and they have tricked all of us. All world leaders, religious heads, rich, and famous are being controlled by Lucifer/Satan. They are collectors of souls.
 They willingly gave their lives over to Lucifer so they could have their treasures here on earth. They are required to trick as many as they can into following them into the pit as part of their agreement with the devil.
 Under The Spell Of Hollywood Part 1 - https://youtu.be/Cbwfkm4ewOw
 Time is short. Choose now who will you serve. Jesus Christ who will give you everlasting life or Satan who hates humanity and wants to see us all destroyed.
 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10
 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. 1 Timothy 1:15
 I use to walk in the darkness myself. Jesus pulled me out of the fire after 30+ years of living in this wicked world. - SMH
 Remember what Jesus said: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Luke 5:32
Content in video thanks to:
TRUTH SHOCK TV - https://www.youtube.com/user/TruthSho...
RSE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5Et...
Spy Kitten TV - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJQt...
Hacking the Headlines - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCIn...
TheScariestMovieEver - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheScari...
BROTHERDARYL44 - https://www.youtube.com/user/dolphins...
Shattered Paradise https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3eZ...
 They all have great content to wake your friends and family up with. Check them out and remember to use discernment while doing so. We don't agree on everything but together we can all come to the truth.
 If your content is in here and you want credit, send me an email [email protected]  . Please put title of video in subject line.
 Please do you own research on the content in the video. We are just sharing what we see and always appreciate relevant feedback. Please be respectful of others when commenting. This is a learning channel where we help each other put the pieces together. Comments reviewed typically within 12 hours. God is in control and he honours every promise made to man.  https://www.twitter.com/lordgodzeus
 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6  “In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;” Ephesians 1:7 God bless you and your families. Know Jesus! Repent of your sins daily. Let the Potter mold his clay into something wonderful.
 New videos are posted daily. Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/ShakingMyHea...
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Damballa Agive-Ogaun
Damballa Agive-Ogaun
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https://youtu.be/CUfk2k4nT7c UNDER THE SPELL OF HOLLYWOOD 2 by Shaking My Head Productions
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CANADA is a MOSAIC - BOTTOMS UP from here - USA INTERNET SUCKS - HOUSE of CARDS - like the FEDERAL RESERVE kinakwii151515 - http://serenityglobal.net/kinakwii151515.htm Kinakwii – A Confederacy of Nations - END GAME http://kinakwii.org I am PISSED OFF - WASTED my LIFE EXPOSING this SHIT and everyone is still asleep - FEMASURVIVOR - https://plus.google.com/u/0/107553120169677169674/posts // WOMAN was left out of the MONEY SYSTEM - what the FUCK is that all about /// I have the 9 for the WOMEN -the men 6 - //// women CHOOSE who to trade with - we are not SLAVES to MEN anymore /// I have first nations support and the GOOD MEN behind me /// I only want a PIECE of the PIE ( to teach orphans - not wanting to RULE the ROOST - that should be TRIBAL - OJIBWE) /// If the MONEY SYSTEM wants to LIE and IGNORE US - I am IGNORING the NWO - ILLEGAL FED DIED in 12 21 2012 - BURY the BEAST already . HUMAN ASSASSIN BLACK MAJICK BABY EATING BLACK MADONNAs, ANGELINA JOLIE and SHERRIE LEA LAIRD - GREAT ROLE MODELs for the LIZARD in LONDON UK indeed. 101 ILLUMINATREEE PINDAR RED DRAGON Tonya Kane, NWO, FREEMASON, 666 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaQ0AzWJuew&list=PLDW0IFANgxp0W4bH0-BiNDNtDbKL1_s0y //// ExopoliTICS, FALSE DAWN and TRUE BROTHER BAHANA Robert Morning Sky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMYdNBVrVl0 DRACO stay in the CITIES and CLEAN up their SHIT // the GOAT of MENDES - CHERYL MENEZES and HILTON MIJOVICK (ST GERMAIN ) should have done this EARTH PARTY in 2008 but I was thrown in jail on FALSE CHARGES by these 2 goons and they either FIX the MESS of MY PAST or they go to JAIL / http://www.serenitystreetnews.com/HERSTORY%20CRAMNOTES/5dterra/ // https://www.facebook.com/danusia.horochowska/posts/401346200034558 I need bounty hunters and I am not trading for GOLD - I don't need GOLD! GROW HEMP and other medicinals = that is our COIN /// ONTARIO OTTAWA 151515 - ENGLISH FRENCH FIRST NATION = BOB MARLEY STYLE - RASTAFARIAN GLOBAL SERENITY movement - I go to POLAND to free the MEEK // EUROPE from there // NOT INCLUDING the TARES - that can go with the PEDOPHILES into a CAGE and VERICHIPPED for PROJECT CLEAN UP THE MESS /// I AM the LOONY LUNA WHITE BUFFALO - HORUS COW SKY - TRIBE of DANU - GRANDMOTHER - CANADA // tribe of DAN is JUDGE in the LAST DAYS // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLNn2YflwNs /'///  http://www.serenitystreetnews.com/HERSTORY%20CRAMNOTES/ Ur America, 7thfire.biz, 8thfire.biz, jrgenius.ca, cyberclass.net, serenityglobal.net, canadastreetnews.biz, uramerica.ca, serenitystreetnews.com, Dana Horochowski, Mark Anthony Standley
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RE: #IG @KatherynElizabethHudson @katyperry  <3:xD my wife since 06/06/2014 #IG @goddessqueenisis to date unless she has been; 'It’s so easy to run you under the Bus!' as she sang for her last husband my friend Russel Brand he of sexting fame on New Year’s Eve to Katy with the filing for divorce and bailing out of my Illuminati Goddess Isis's 'vapid, excessive, frivolous, demeaning, sex drugs and rock n roll lifestyle' because in 2014 I answered my daughters wish for me her Father to be re-united with her Mother that is Katycat Hudson herself and after selling my https://www.twitter.com/KatyIsMyBaby666  record collection to pay for my education I have not received a hard copy of my Emeritus Professorship after nearly 5 years at the Katy Perry Music University online and in person by my wife Katheryn .
http://serenitystreetnews.com/ - Made in cANADa! http://cyberclass.net/ http://7thfire.biz/12312013.htm  Jamzen, Antichrist, werewolf, VERICHIP, MONTAUK, RAPE, SOUL EATER, ENKI, NIBIRU, LUCIFER, NWO, 666, ST PAUL, APOLLYON JAMZEN says he is ST PAUL - bringing in ENKI now.. https://www.facebook.com/dana.horochowski/posts/10153719153405556 http://www.youtube.com/user/ThisIsNotAnonymous thE cOdE brEAkEr ExOrcIsIng hIddEn cOntrOllers https://www.facebook.com/cousinscoveja?fref=ts?  Dec 2013 news - by Dana Horochowski MARdi 12 31 2013 - SAM- SON - JEWpeter - Great Pirate - NIBIRU - IBIRU - JEWS - HEBREWS = PETRUS ROMANUS will deal with you http://7thfire.biz/samsun666.htm
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 According to this article below, The 11 year old Katheryn Hudson, the Core personality, was shoved aside and the Ancestral Demon Katy Perry took over. Now, that Core Personality is fighting back because her Parents tried to raise her right! Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
I have already written a https://radaronline.com/photos/lsd-feuds-satanism-katy-perrys-parents-expose-dirty-family-secrets-in-epic-rant/
https://dai.ly/x6v2dy3 korlando
https://binged.it/2DbUTc9 kabloomupdates
 Katy Perry – Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft
The Butch posted an image of her ogling deviate and Satanist Katy Perry's ample Breasts. Judging from the Lesbian wife next to her, DeGenerate clearly …
Katy Perry Rejects Christianity – Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft
Satan! Jon Watkins Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft January 3, 2014. Are you one of those Katy Perry worshipers? If you are, then you are not going to like ...
Everything that happens in the world of pop is a secret satanic ritual ...
Sep 12, 2016 ... Katy Perry very nearly fooled us all with her adorable Left Shark fluffing its dance routine during her Super Bowl spectacular in 2015, but as this ...
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thesinglesjukebox · 7 years
Most Luke Bryan songs... ah.. well.
Joshua Minsoo Kim: A beautiful message of hope. [0]
Iain Mew: Savage Garden's "Affirmation" as a slow dance: sure. It eases its way into a world view at least as well, for the most part. The thing I can't get past, though, is the title line centring the most complacent appeal to a just world. It's not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing at that point -- what real statement could possible hang off that shrug? [3]
Scott Mildenhall: Almost twenty years on, Savage Garden's "Affirmation" stands up pretty well. As well as being an MOR banger, it is quietly, but concertedly political. Some things have clearly changed, of course: a statement like "I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality" has, for one thing, come through a period of being de rigueur in some parts of American pop music. It's from there and elsewhere that a line could be drawn to Luke Bryan saying remarkably similar things to Darren Hayes today, but with all of their teeth removed. Everything is softer here, and predictably small c-conservative. "Love" makes for a far less pointed lyric than "sexuality." Where Hayes critiqued capitalism, Bryan merely dips a toe into "strivers and skivers" rhetoric. Even Hayes' evaluation of parents is practically Larkin compared to Bryan's. So why the desire to be so non-confrontational? Most people probably are good, but who Luke Bryan is trying to convince of that is what's most intriguing. [4]
Alfred Soto: Splendid title -- I wish writers in any genre were this forthright. And Luke Bryan, shrewdie par excellence, understands his audience like a pawn shop owner understands an old accordion. Parents want to believe kids should get fresh air like they, the parents, didn't when they played Atari. Parents want to believe their kids will have it easier than they did, whether the streets were paved in gold or dirt. Certainly they wanna believe their kids will revere motherhood. The acoustic guitar backup is as solid as Social Security, the latter a product of politicians who didn't believe people were good enough to guarantee a safe, secure old age for mamas who are saints. Luke Bryan knows this shit -- he's dumb but he's not dumb. He's even canny -- cynical -- enough to believe that "you love who you love" as an organ peel evokes a wedding day, perhaps the afternoon the Supreme Court affirmed Obergefell. Bryan sings warmly and well. How marvelous to watch your children mature in a world where you can be sure they have trees outside their homes to climb, phones they can afford to turn off, and organs and guitars to affirm these verities. [5]
Maxwell Cavaseno: A motto like "Most People Are Good", if you'll allow me the sort of pretense to be paranoiac, always sounds insidious. It might be because I most recently heard this from a terrible source in my own life, malicious and petty at the threat of responsibility, but it kind of underlies a sort of indignation in the phrase; if "Most People Are Good," then what implies the exception, and why are so many people incapable of willing themselves to be good or do good, or why do as many people as they do now think so vehemently otherwise? The answer of course is that anyone who might take this up as a flag is unbothered by the world around them and thinks to want to change things is being "over-aggressive." With his back to yesteryear nostalgia, anti-TV hectoring and false sense of understanding, Luke Bryan is basically the dude who appears online to ask "What y'all mad about this time ;)" as if fucked-up situations don't actually occur, its just some sort of trend. I can't wait for his next round of rote patronizations such as "It's Not That Deep" or "Gotta Hear Both Sides!" to be compressed alongside his nasal delivery and snooze-worthy production. [3]
Julian Axelrod: Imagine watching the news and deciding the most pressing issues facing our society are kids staring at screens, a lack of second chances and not appreciating our moms. [2]
Katherine St Asaph: "I believe you love who you love, ain't nothing to be ashamed of." OK, Luke Bryan, was not expecting that to show up, repeated every chorus no less. It's not much; and I don't believe most people are good, and as a result I believe Bryan will get less pushback than Kacey Musgraves did for "Follow Your Arrow." But there's nothing explicitly retrograde, no Trumpian "we stand for the national anthem" sneering and minimal Lambertian "whatever happened to waiting your turn" dog-whistling, so: Politics -- better than you'd think! Music -- The reason "Affirmation," to which I didn't need a sequel, was not terrible is that it cut its glurge with levity and anti-glurge, and set it to a whirring, ebullient track. I believe most whirring, ebullient tracks are good, and that most acoustic sap is boring. [4]
Thomas Inskeep: A poor man's "Humble and Kind," not written as well as Lori McKenna's song and not sung as well as Tim McGraw can do it -- which kinda sums Luke Bryan up tidily. [5]
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