#my pojnt IS. I LOVE other queer people helping baby queer me come to terms with being a good damn version of myself
calamitys-child · 2 years
The thing about learning masculinity as a bi trans man is I learned so much about gender expression and presentation from butches and it's like. I still view my masculinity as butch rather than masc a lot of the time even though I don't identify as butch because thats the type of masculinity I aspired to learn. The way I described this to my much more masc trans friend the other day was like. Masc - keys, wallet, phone. Butch - keys, keys for my friends' houses, wallet, £10 cash in case we need to call anyone a cab, phone, phone charger with two different cable adapters, lighter, backup lighter, gum, painkillers, pen, pocket knife, bottle opener, screwdriver, menstrual products, allergy meds, tissues, snacks, soft drink, hip flask. Like I'm not butch but I owe a lot to the butches and gender non conforming women and nonbinary people and genderfucked lesbians who I saw as a kid and went "oh, it can be like that". Like between yall and the basement dwelling bisexual theatre tech dudes I really learned a version of masculinity that is about always showing up and always carrying a multitool and duct tape and always getting people home safe I think that was really the best path towards this gender I could have been shown, no matter how often it was overgrown with cunts along the way
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