#my reaction to the jjk spoilers was like ... a flat what
sockenpuppe · 1 year
lmao it's such a whiplash kind of day for jjk and bsd fans, holy shit
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aethien11-blog · 8 days
NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS. (Also, I’m a sappy, silly, dork at times. Sorry not sorry.) I took some liberties when it came to JJK as I’ve only seen the two seasons on crunchy roll and kinda ran with it. Sorry if that’s upsetting.
The boys reactions to learning their s/o has been kidnapped
Fem Reader x : Sakuna, Megumi, Nanami, Itadori
WARNINGS: use of ‘naughty words’, mentions of blood, rape, mutilation, death, violence, and possible spoilers.
The King of Curses was phased by nothing. Your presence (or lack of) wasn’t that important. He could go a day without you, without thinking of you.
Ryomen snarled. And yet here he was again for the fifth time this hour wondering how much longer you planned to take. Just how long did humans need to visit family for anyway? What was so damned special about it? 
“Great One!” Uraume immediately knelt beside him. 
“Uraume?” His four eyes blinked once before, “Where is y/n? Waiting my room?” It was a pleasant thought but his battle instinct said otherwise. 
“Forgive me, Great One. Lady y/n,” Uraume stiffened.
“Don’t keep me in suspense,” he snarled.
“Forgive my error. Lady y/n was taken, my Lord.”
Maybe it was fear, maybe a blush that lit Uraume’s face. “Yes. Lady- lady y/n sent me away briefly so she could speak with her family. Apparently, I make them uncomfortable.” It was only a moment but it felt like an eternity passed before she spoke again. “I should have sensed it. I apologize for my error, Great One.” “What are you yapping about? And where is she?” Ryomen roared. 
It was impossible to still the tremble that shot through her body. “I don’t know where she is, Lord Sukuna. Only that she sent me away. I stepped to the door, heard something, turned and she was gone. Every member of her family were slaughtered in that moment.” Uraume trembled again. “I don’t know, my Lord.”
“Her body was not among the dead?” It didn’t hurt. He wouldn’t say that. His chest just moved weird when he asked. It wasn’t like his heart could actually hurt over this.
“She was not, my Lord.”
“Hm. I should have figured. You would have brought me a corpse at least, if that were the case.” 
“Your trust is flattering, my Lord.”
“Hmph. Find out who took her and what they want. You have one day.”
“My lord.” Uraume disappeared from his sight quickly then.
Yes. It didn’t matter if you were gone a whole day. He wouldn’t allow it to affect him but hell was coming for the creature that disrupted his plans for the evening. 
“Wow. I’ve seen stupid before, but you’re something else.”
“Ssshhh ut up, human.” The creature’s hissing speech was irritating enough but if this thing thought it stood a chance. “Or I’ll shh, cut out that ssstupid tongue.”
You giggle. “As if. Lord Sukuna will turn you into kibble.” Briefly you scrunch your brows before wondering out loud, “I wonder if Uraume has fed his pets yet today.”
A blade appeared, pressed to your lips. “Sssssh ut it!”
You can’t help but smile and lick the flat of it. “You don’t stand a chance.”
“Why are we being called in?” Megumi asked in his usual uninterested tone.
“The higher ups have a stick up their ass and they want us to pull it out…probably,” Gojo sniped before finishing with a grin. 
Megumi rolled his eyes. One day, his teacher was going to step too far and those same higher ups were likely to come down on him but today wasn’t the day…probably.
The doors came open as Megumi, Yuji, Nobara, and Saturo stepped close. “There is no time for greetings. Seat yourselves and let’s begin.”
“Well, nice to see you too,” Saturo Gojo sniped with a smile. “Whaddya got for us?”
Heavy sighs echo through the small room before a woman’s voice said, “Watch.” On a screen on the side of the room, a newscast was being played.
As soon as the reporter switched to the scene behind them, three sets of eyes turned to Megumi. He didn’t notice. His eyes were glued to yours looking up him through the screen. 
To say Megumi was used to loss was fairly accurate. He accepted loss was a part of every mission and pretty much expected it… but that was no excuse for you to go and get yourself captured by curse user. 
The demands were that one person alone was to deliver their required ransom for you (another cursed object that should never leave the school) or they would turn you into their newest curse. Worse, they made the demand publicly, ensuring the higher ups couldn’t just sweep their request (and you) under the rug. 
What none of them expected was that Megumi would volunteer to be the one to deliver their ransom. Or that he would have a plan to get you back without having to give up the cursed item.
These fuckers were in for a hell of a surprise. You weren’t worth anything and you knew it. Just some orphan left in the care of the state to manage a life that had thus far amounted to little. For fuck sake, you only graduated high school last year and who in their right mind tries to take a cafe barista as a hostage. These guys were nuts. 
But hearing what they demanded and their threats just riled you. No, you weren’t worth some great value but you’d be damned if they were doing a single thing to you without a fight. 
The steady clack of keys on keyboards was near deafening as the entire office echoed it. Blank faces stared at bright screens as the sun sank behind the horizon. Another day of boring repetitive garbage. 
Nanami stood from his desk, collecting his things in his usual slow and perfectly controlled manner. At least y/n should be ready by the time he got there. He had worked a little late, but then, you usually took an extra minute to close up shop. 
Nanami smiled to himself as he lifted his briefcase and slid his laptop in. You always made him a special set of bread as the last one of the day so it would be fresh and warm even after you both got back to his apartment. Maybe he should ask, no no. He shook his head and set his usual expressionless face back in place. No need to think of that right now.
Kento set his briefcase in the back seat before sliding into his car and starting it. Safer that way. You had a tendency to ‘chuck it’ into the back seat if it were in your way. The edges of his mouth curled into a smile. Anyone else and he would have been ticked about tossing an expensive laptop about like that but when you did it, it was cute. And even if it weren’t, the grin you give him after certainly was.
He barely managed to get the grin back under control by the time he was pulling up to your shop only to freeze as he parked. The glass door was shattered, the shop inside showing obvious signs of a struggle. 
Nanami felt like his blood was pumping through his body at several miles a minute then. On the outside, Kento was entirely calm as he slowly unbuckled and stepped out of his car. Only those that knew him would notice the difference. The way his fists tightened, the set of his jaw, or the measured gait he adopted as he stepped through the broken entrance. 
His eyes scanned the scene and picked up the single scrawled note with ease. 
“Want her, come get her.”
The paper crumpled in his fist before he shifted his attention to tracing the energy. They would pay for making him work overtime.
Much as you would love to (continue to) tell these guys off, one of them had already stuffed a sock in your mouth and duct taped it there. That didn’t really stop you though as you continued to hurl insults through your gag.
“Geez. If this guy doesn’t hurry up, I’m gonna kill the broad just to shut her up,” one of your captors grumbled. 
“Mmm mmnnnm mmm mm.” Your attempted snarl did little through your gag, and it wasn’t like you could fight back now. These jerks may be asses but they knew how to tie knots. Between the chafing on your upper arms and wrists, you had tested every way you could think of to get loose and were only too glad you had worn pants today instead of a skirt. 
Having adopted his mentor's distaste for meetings, Yuji trudged into the room with a heavy sigh. “Do we have to?” he whined.
You could just give up control and I could kill them all, Sukuna suggests amiably but Yuji ignores him.
Nobara slaps the back of his head. “You already know the answer to that. Sit down.”
Megumi barely managed not to smile before taking his seat. He blinked owlishly for a moment before the friendly wave confirmed his suspicion. “You’re here too?”
Yuta smiled. “Yeah. I’ll let them explain everything.”
“Must be pretty big if they called both of you here,” Yuji said with a grin as he looked between Yuta and Gojo. 
“You know it. Three first years are missing after being sent in and we’re going to go save them,” Gojo stated.
Sighs echo around the room. “Let’s begin the actual mission brief.” All eyes shifted to the screen. Typed out quickly was the message from Tengen. “Earlier this morning, three first year Jujutsu students, Eimo Makito, Rugi Kamisari, and y/n, were accompanied by two third years, Panda and Toge Inumaki, to subdue or suppress whatever was causing the disappearances over Lake Tazawa’s area. The reported incidents originally listed this as a Class 3 curse at best, but with our newest information, we believe there may be more than one special grade at work, making it appear lower to continue to deceive us. We can no longer rule it out.”
Yuji had stopped reading at your name and his eyes were glued to it until Megumi elbowed him lightly to draw his attention back to the meeting. 
You’re okay, right? This doesn’t mean you're dead. Just that….you’re missing.
“We currently do not know if any of the students are alive or not. The veil we placed has been encompassed by a stronger one and we have no way to get information in or out.”
“So we’re going in blind. My specialty,” Gojo stated with a grin.
Yuta chuckled beside him. “We can handle this-”
“I’m coming too,” Yuji shouted and everyone stilled before Gojo’s chuckle released some of the tension in the room. 
“Plan to be a knight and go save your princess?”
“It’s not just about y/n,” Yuji stated, though his blushing ears decried otherwise. “Panda and Toge are there too. We have to save them if we can.”
“You know they might already be dead.” Gojo just wanted to make sure it was clear, that Yuji wasn’t holding out hope on this one.
“I won’t believe it until I see it.”
“Gre-at,” Megumi sighed and face palmed. “It's the detention center all over again.”
“Sorry, Itadori,” Yuta began. “But you can’t-”
“I’m coming too,” Yuji repeated. 
“Nuh-uh, kid,” Gojo said standing up. “I’ll let you come with us, but you are staying out side the barrier, you understand. You want to make sure everyone is safe, that’s fine. But you will keep yourself and Sukuna out of that barrier, clear?”
Despite the blindfold being on, Yuji could feel the blue eyes of his teacher boring into him. 
Finally he sighed in defeat. “Fine. I’ll wait outside the barrier. But,”
“No buts, or you're not going and I’ll leave you chained up here.”
Yuji’s silence to follow was taken for acquiescence. 
You blink your eyes open to an unfamiliar sight. The barrier above you seems almost black and the shimmering in it makes you want to vomit after looking at it for a moment. Like staring at trees outside a moving car window. You roll and tuck your left arm up. You're able to move it but the bone in your forearm is definitely broken. 
Your eyes land on Panda as you sit up. “How’s he doing?” you whisper through the pain. 
Panda smiles sadly at you. “He’ll be fine. Just needs a bit to get his throat to stop bleeding.”
“I’m sorry, Toge.”
Toge shook his head and smiled sadly at you. “Bonito flakes.” It even sounded choked and you felt your eyes water. He must be in incredible pain. 
You three were lucky. Eimo and Rugi weren’t as fortunate. You had to come up with some kind of plan to get out of here, but if these two didn’t have anything how could you?
“Fuck!” you curse under your breath.
That at least got you to smile and you can tell that was his intention. You would get out of this. Together.
Again a quick and sincere thank you to Miss Vry (@vrystalius) for helping me with tags :D
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kenjakusbrainstem · 2 years
Like Father, Like Son (Kenjaku x Yuuji Itadori)
Contains: non explicit incest, immobilization, heavy spoilers for the jjk manga, Kenjaku-typical manipulation, the dreamscape from chapter 160 broke my brain and I needed to do something with it.
Hey <3 this idea has been popping around my head like a sad little ping pong ball for weeks now. I've wanted to write it but have been a little too nervous out of potential reaction to the content. I've scaled it back though, maybe at some point I will expand on the idea. Hopefully this finds an audience as I haven't seen much for it outside of Japanese artists on pixiv. Reblog or reply with any feedback, Thank you!
Yuuji Itadori wasn’t always a nervous boy, but after the events of Shibuya he tried to stay alert at all times. It had only been a few days since… everything happened. They had all lost and learned so much, finally coming up with some semblance of a plan, something to hope for.
Entering the culling games, though it seems Yuuji didn’t have a choice. They had come to the conclusion that several of them entering a colony would be the best course of action. Through all the planning however, Yuuji’s main focus was on making sure he didn’t let Sukuna take over his body. The stress of keeping him under control was mounting inside the boy, but his resolve was much stronger.
With their plan set, Yuuji and Megumi lay on the semi soft floor mats in the underground wrestling building Hakari had set up. Kirara had offered them a place to sleep in one of the observation rooms so they could be rested before venturing into the colony. They had no idea what to expect and it would be foolish of them to not be prepared mentally and physically.
However, sleep had been another thing keeping Yuuji on his toes. Ever since his fight with Yuuta he’d been having strange dreams that he could barely remember. The worst part was how important the dreams felt, like if he could just remember them clearly somehow they would help. It was starting to get to him, the way he’d rather always be on watch than actually resting.
With a plan as important as this, he had resigned himself to attempting to get sleep.
Yuuji lay flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling above him. He could hear the sound of Megumi breathing a few feet away. At least one of them was able to get some rest. Any sound other than that would cut like a knife through the silence that surrounded him and wake him up. He could be ready if he needed to be. 
Closing his eyes he waited, eventually sleep overtaking his body.
If a sound in the silence had lulled him to sleep, perhaps the eerie silence returning had woke him up. It wasn’t something he had expected. While Yuuji tried to open his eyes, he found himself paralyzed. His limbs were too heavy to move and even his eyes disobeyed him, refusing to open. Fear sunk deep into his bones, even if this was just a dream, it was still a nightmarish scenario.
As he struggled internally for the ability to move, a soft sound broke through the silence. The pitch was wrong, deeper, but the humming of a familiar lullaby surrounded him. The familiarity shocked him, bringing him back to his infancy whenever he was being lulled to sleep as a baby. The memory rushing back to him, it was as if he were back there, in his mother’s arms.
Any dream he’d had of her though, was always slightly out of focus, like some kind of distorted photograph. He had been a baby though, just how reliable were the things he’d seen then?
“Good morning Yuuji,” a voice, the humming voice spoke. It was again familiar, frustratingly so, but definitely one that didn’t belong in this room.
Finally Yuuji’s eyes blinked open, expecting some odd dreamscape, but his eyes met the simple ceiling that he’d fallen asleep staring at. Turning his head, he was met with another shock, Megumi was gone. Frantically looking around the room, his eyes finally rested on the figure sitting on the floor right above his head. 
The last person he had expected or wanted to see.
Kenjaku sat cross legged only a few inches above his head. The serene smile on the man's face was very out of place, Yuuji’s mind racing at how he could have gotten in here.
Again Yuuji tried to move his body, but his limbs were still stuck at his sides. A feeling of fear washed over him, the odds of this being a dream were still high, but somehow that still frightened him. This was unlike anything he had been dreaming, at least from the dreams he could remember. The frustrating feeling of his arms not moving was causing more panic to rise inside him.
“What’s going on?” Yuuji asked, his obviously panicked voice cracking as he spoke. He felt so confused and powerless, though asking seemed nonsensical, it was the only thing he could do. Yuuji was just relieved he could use his voice.
Kenjaku just smiled down at him, a hand falling to rest atop his forehead before sliding back and carding through his hair. The gesture itself would have been comforting had it come from anywhere else, anyone else.
“Shh no reason to panic, I’m not here to hurt you. I just wanted to spend some time with you and talk for a little, is that so wrong?” Kenjaku asked, tone making it seem like he was doing something completely normal. The obviously comforting gesture and words missed their mark.
Something about the way he spoke made Yuuji’s stomach turn. Anxiety mounted inside him as he looked up at Kenjaku. Panic was something he felt was very warranted, the strangeness of the situation was so unnerving. He’d only ever known Kenjaku as a monster, why would his mind conjure something like this?
“Where’s Fushiguro?” Yuuji asked. He was worried, their surroundings felt too real for this to be a dream, and if it were real, Megumi had to be somewhere.
Kenjaku’s eyebrows rose briefly before his face returned to the gentle gaze that burned into Yuuji. He hadn’t fully expected that to be something Yuuji would focus on, though after everything he’d heard about the boy, he supposed he shouldn’t have been surprised.
It wasn’t that Megumi couldn’t handle himself, Yuuji knew he was more than capable in a fight. It was more that Yuuji couldn’t stand the thought of losing someone else. He needed, beyond his own safety, for Megumi to be okay.  
Kenjaku chuckled to himself, hands stilling in Yuuji’s hair. He didn’t need the boy to understand the real reason he was here, this was more for his entertainment than anything else. It seemed Yuuji had taken much more from his father than he’d realized, the look of confusion on his face looked so familiar. His hands resumed their pseudo-comforting gesture in Yuuji’s hair.
“So worried about your friends, what a kind young man you’re growing into. Like I said, there is no reason to worry, Megumi Fushiguro is still sleeping and so are you,” Kenjaku’s soft voice soothed Yuuji’s worries as he spoke. 
Somehow Yuuji could feel himself believing Kenjaku’s words, an implicit and unexplained trust filling him. There was no part of his rational mind that would have trusted a word Kenjaku said to him, but this was no rational situation. Despite all the signs that something was horribly wrong, Yuuji could feel more comfort blossoming inside him.
Part of Yuuji’s mind latched onto an odd thing Kenjaku had said: they were both asleep? So if they were asleep and this was a dream, could this be Yuuji's way of expressing his anxiety? Regardless of the cause, knowing Megumi was safe and that this wasn’t real did make him feel a little better. 
That is, if he trusted Kenjaku.
The nails lightly brushing against his scalp felt good now too, Yuuji was beginning to notice. Their light touch gave him something to focus on other than the absurdity of the situation. He could see himself easily drifting off to sleep again if Kenjaku would only start humming again. Even without it, he felt his eyes drooping as he accepted the attention.
“What do you remember from your childhood Yuuji?” Kenjaku’s question surprised him, his eyes snapping open again. Despite the ever strange atmosphere, there was nothing but curiosity in Kenjaku’s voice.
Looking up through the darkness, it was kind of difficult to fully makeout Kenjaku’s features. THe others were unsettled by his appearance because he looked like someone they knew, someone Gojo knew. Yuuji had never met Geto Suguru though, he had only known Kenjaku to look this way. Maybe that’s why he felt less afraid. Even with the lack of  recognition, Yuuji still felt some unexplainable pull to the man. The way shadows danced across his face in the dim light of the room almost made him forget the question asked of him.
“I was…a strong kid. Spent a lot of time with my grandfather,” Yuuji answered hesitantly, unsure of what to say. He had no reason to lie, even if this wasn’t a dream. Despite his honesty he still didn’t want to say too much, but Yuuji reasoned that talking about family was harmless.
The question was strange though. As far as Yuuji knew his parentage and youth had little merit in anything in this world. He wasn’t raised with Jujutsu like Megumi had been, he was just a normal person.
Or maybe this was just his mind's way of calming him down and forcing him to think of happier times. Times where the world wasn’t hanging on his choices.
As he fought within himself ,Yuuji could feel Kenjaku’s fingers slip further into his hair. The slow moving touch now caressing his neck with every brush through his hair. The touch made him shiver, bringing more strange feelings into his body to rest alongside even stranger form of relaxation.
“Wasuke was an interesting man, I’m not surprised you’ve turned out so much like your father under his care. Do you remember your father much?” Kenjaku spoke nonchalantly as he guided the conversation with ease as if he’d always spoken to Yuuji like this.
Everytime Yuuji started to relax further, Kenjaku would say something that made the anxiety fill him again. Why would Kenjaku, some strange sorcerer with evil plans, be on a first name basis with his grandfather?
Something felt even more wrong now than it had when he had awoken. The confusion made Yuuji’s head hurt as he tried to wrap his head around. What could have brought this on? As Yuuji’s mind scrambled to make sense of the strange questions, the hands in his hair stilled again.
“Am I making you nervous? I’m sorry Yuuji, that was never my intention. I just wanted to get to know you more, to learn about you from the source and not someone else,” the apologetic tone in Kenjaku’s voice felt genuine. It was like he actually wanted to offer even more comfort to Yuuji, as if he truly hadn’t intended to alarm the boy.
Or perhaps Kenjaku was trying to manipulate him.
Before Yuuji could process anything else he felt Kenjaku move. His arms went under Yuuji and wrapped around his shoulders, then he sat back up, bringing Yuuji up with him. Kenjaku effortlessly pulled him onto his lap. The strong, fast motion had placed Yuuji’s head on his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around the boy’s midsection.
There was nothing Yuuji could do as he still felt his limbs paralyzed at his side. For a dream he could feel a surprising amount of warmth radiating from Kenjaku. Like everything else from the man tonight, it was almost comforting and if it didn’t feel so wrong it probably would have been.
He felt Kenjaku’s legs come to rest under his own thighs, cradling his body like a mother holding a distraught child. Like a mother cradling her son's corpse.
Long strands of black hair tickled at Yuuji’s cheeks, the change in position only allowing him to look forward or up at the crook of Kenjaku’s neck. The man wasn’t looking at him, but staring off somewhere else.
Due to the angle, Yuuji couldn’t quite see that Kenjaku’s eyes were shut tightly as if trying to remember something important.
“Why are you doing this?” Though he was still immobile, Yuuji was barely able to force the question out. He desperately needed answers.
None of this made sense to him, regardless of whether it was a dream, reality, or something he had no concept of. The panic in his voice was more confusion than anything else. Though it was hard for him to sound panicked when he felt the deceptively comforting arms holding him so tightly. The firm embrace seemed to knock something loose in his mind, a set of strange memories drifting to the forefront of his mind.
No, not memories, the thoughts flooding into Yuuji’s mind were too incoherent to be considered a full memory. Flashes, tiny glimpses of the past filled his mind. His childhood and his infancy. A face he could barely recognize as his grandfather never kept pictures around. The haze in his mind that surrounded his early years parted for the briefest moment, allowing him to glimpse a stitched ring around the forehead of his mother as she held him.
The connection of these two people made Yuuji feel sick. If he hadn’t been dreaming he was sure he would have vomited. He couldn’t believe it, there had to be something else to explain it, perhaps a product of his own anxiety ridden brain mixing up two things he didn’t understand. Kenjaku and his mother couldn’t be the same person, could they? 
“It isn’t often that I think about my past Yuuji, but I am human, it’s normal to think about. You’re helping me with that because you just look so much like your father,” Kenjaku said, every word pilling the confusion onto the boy in his lap. His words all but confirmed the conclusion Yuuji had come to in his mind.
Yuuji tried to move again, attempting to thrash around in the man’s hold, but once again it was futile. He wanted to run far away from the situation or go back to staring up athe ceiling with Megumi. Anything was preferable to this.
Despair filled his veins alongside the confusion and horror. He was helpless in this moment, at the mercy of his mother, the monster he’d been fighting. It seemed he just had to wait this out, but Yuuji wasn’t sure how much more of this his mind could take.
Yuuji hoped Megumi would wake him soon.
Keeping one arm wrapped tightly around Yuuji’s torso, Kenjaku slid a hand up to hold Yuuji’s chin. He turned the boy’s face so they were face to face. The look of fear more evident in his eyes than when they’d first met in Shibuya.
Looking down and meeting eyes, Kenjaku felt something odd inside of himself. While he was proud of Yuuji’s growth, as he mentioned that wasn’t the only thing that drew him to the boy. The soft hair and fear in his eyes reminded Kenjaku of Jin, Yuuji’s father.
While the man had just been a part of his plan, being able to play house with a little family for a bit had been enjoyable. Kenjaku never had any ill will to the man and had even allowed him a merciful death. It’s been quite some time since someone had been so delusionally in love with him.
“He was a good man, very kind not unlike yourself. Unfortunately love blinded him to the reality of his wife’s death, allowing me to take over. Unlike his wife, I was actually able to give him a son,” Kenjaku spoke proudly, as if he had truly done something special. Yuuji wanted to focus on the information about his father, but couldn’t separate it from everything else he was hearing.
Yuuji had expected more taunting, not reassurance that his father was a good man. He was very curious and a part of him wanted to ask more questions as his grandfather never had answers. This wasn’t right, seeking answers from a nightmare would only bring him more despair, and that was something he’d had enough of. He didn’t even know if this was true, it couldn’t be! It was too absurd, Yuuji reminded himself that this just had to be a figment of his stress ridden mind.
“You look so frightened still, maybe I can comfort you the same way I did your father,” Kenjaku’s words turn to a whisper as he studied Yuuji’s face more. He’d been too busy with the abrupt commencement of his plans that he hadn’t had time for himself. The guise of comfort that he offered had nothing to do with the boy’s comfort though, it was purely for Kenjaku’s entertainment.
Times like these Kenjaku almost wished he could have kept Jin Itadori around as some type of pet. Maybe he wouldn’t feel the urge to cradle his own son like this.
It was close enough though, this would have to do. Nothing had stopped Kenjaku from pursuing his wants before, why stop now?
Tilting his own head down Kenjaku moved, pressing his lips to Yuuji’s. The boy’s still lips were soft and warm as he pressed gentle kisses to them.
Kenjaku kept his eyes open, staring into Yuuji’s. He could see how distraught Yuuji was, the fear and panic evident in his eyes. It almost reminded him of Jin’s reaction to the first time they met after he had taken over Kaori’s body. The excitement of seeing someone so distraught at his will pushed Kenjaku forward.
Yuuji was frozen, even if he could move his body he was sure he wouldn’t be able to. All of his thoughts had stopped with the soft press of lips to his own. He was overwhelmed, everything that had happened combining together to leave him feeling void of anything other than panic.
Keeping his eyes open allowed Yuuji to look into Kenjaku’s as well, and it was a sight he would be able to forget. THe manic glee made his stomach drop, he needed to get out of here.
Kenjaku relished in Yuuji’s unmoving lips, snaking his tongue into Yuuji’s mouth. He could almost taste the dear on the boy’s tongue. This was exactly what he wanted.
Sliding his hand down to grip at Yuuji’s hip, Kenjaku pressed their bodies closer together. The heat from Yuuji’s body put him in a trance, he wanted to spoil him with his own essence. 
The grip of the hand on Yuuji’s face tightened, forcing his mouth open. Kenjaku’s onesided kiss filled his mouth and caused a heat to course through his body. Even before finding out about Kenjaku’s identity this was something he never would have imagined. The feeling of Kenjaku’s tongue in his mouth pulled a strained moan from his throat, the sound muffled by their kiss.
“Itadori are you okay? Wake up already,” a voice called out from Yuuji’s side. Kenjaku didn’t react, hand still exploring his body and lips still insistently moving against his own. Maybe he couldn’t hear it, Yuuji wondered.
Trying to focus on the voice calling his name, Yuuji’s eyes snapped open, he hadn’t realized they were closed.
Frantically looking around he saw Megumi kneeling next to him. Only just now did Yuuji notice that he was still laying flat on his back and not cradled in the lap of…someone? The vague memory of the person in his dream made him nervous. His body felt warm, like there was a heat inside him he hadn’t experienced before. Accompanied by a throbbing headache, Yuuji couldn’t quite place why he was so relieved to see Megumi.
“You were making noises in your sleep again,” Megumi said matter of factly. It was apparently he was concerned, just refusing to show it. “Was it another nightmare?”
Yuuji pondered the question momentarily. This hadn’t been like the nightmares he’d had after Shibuya, he woke up in a cold sweat from those. Something strange had happened tonight but he had no placement for it. The memory of what had happened slipped right out of his minds eye.
“I don’t know, I feel like I might have actually had a good dream for once,” Yuuji wiped his eyes as he spoke. Looking around he could see that it was still dark in their room, maybe they would be able to get some more sleep. For some reason he had the feeling that there was something he should have remembered from his dream.
Megumi nodded, moving back to his own blanket on the floor.
“Well keep it to yourself, we need to actually get rest and I can’t with you just moaning over there,” Megumi muttered before covering himself up with a blanket and turning away from Yuuji. It wasn’t too long before he fell back asleep.
Yuuji laid back on his back, eyes fixed on the ceiling above him. For some reason he felt less anxious about the day ahead of them. Despite not being able to remember the dream, it had to have been pleasant with how good he felt. He hoped that he could finish whatever relaxing dream he was having as he closed his eyes and waited for sleep once again.
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