#my reps agree that this could live or die by what talent we can package so...WE'LL SEEEEEEEEEE but im really gonna hustle for it
fratboykate · 1 year
I’m dying for crumbs from the period AUs. What has gladiator Yelena been up to?
here's the thing, i love period aus SO MUCH that i actually developed "lovers through the ages" into a real show that my agents are taking out after the strike (is anyone going to buy it in this market when all studio wants is four quadrant content for middle america or 200 million dollar remakes? probably not...but im sure as fuck gonna try because im obsessed) and the first season is all of the same five time periods/chapters we have here (+ one present day i created) so ive developed the fuckkkkkkkkk out of all these characters and worlds independently of KY and 1) genuinely dont remember where i left in HERE anymore and 2) i dont even know if all the changes i made for a tv adaptation would work with whatever ive already established here and that would be sooooo fuckign confusing to keep all the differences straight/be so much work to try to maybe retroactively try to fit shit from the show here because im lazy and wouldnt want to do double work
THAT BEING SAID...im a sucker for gladiator au so if you remind me where we left it of i can give you plenty of crumbsies.
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