#my screenshots and such are a mess sorrey
zeibei · 9 months
What would you say draws you to the FreezeIce ship? Are there any other ships you enjoy? Also, I noticed you draw Ice and Freeze in a whole lot of different scenarios and poses. Where do you get your ideas for compositions?
Oh god, now I really have to write the whole essay ahahah..
(korn becomes unhinged)
its because its kinda gay
I have to put this honestly, but I love stupid and dorky guys (Freeze) especially after the whole Battle and Chase Arc in Megamix. I just couldn't help but think: These Bitches Are Gay Good For Them!!!
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I thank my partner who took the time to scan and send me the entire fucking megamix and gigamix chapters so I wouldn’t have known about this prior because of them
I could go into the absolute layers of insanity of how I think of them past beyond their portrayal of them outside of Megamix as well.
But Megamix really is the base of my own hell especially, my guy was hidden as a Black 4 Roader with the number 5 on him. (who is a number 5 as well? coincidence? i think not!!!)
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But right after that, my guy literally out here behind Ice the entire time post Battle and Chase Arc. Also Ice wondering if Freeze was alright when he didn’t get any emails from him??? AUGH * shreds paper *
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I love that its a fact that Freeze does respect Ice as his senior and that both their own personalities do align according to their CD datas, etc; show-off (ice) and gaudy (freeze). So I do think they get along well very much in the state of personality and maybe be a bit competitive at times. so uhhh maybe they can be gay or smth smiles
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also my bad for the screenshots
also fun fact:
in power battles, Ice makes a cameo in the background when you fight freeze
and for when battling ice, his theme is replaced with a remix of freeze’s
while Freeze’s theme is replaced with a remix of Gemini’s theme but this aint gemini rn
But godddd, some I missed as of recently is that of TopStar but thats all for now if i havent said anything
But I really do kinda just really take a blend of all the portrayals and work with it, Ice is easier to do, but for Freeze is limited since he doesn’t show up much. Also just thinking of guys too hard, especially when I work nights, you got to keep yourself entertained. Really I just think, what would they do? Associate with the environment and maybe get silly with it, mostly silly hehehe
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