#my second choice would have been leomon because he's loyal caring and a very protective wall of muscle not unlike Cap
wolfsbanesparks · 28 days
What Digimon do you think Billy would have?
Oh my gosh this is such a fun question!
I don't know if you know this, but I was such a Digimon kid growing up! It was one of my first ever fandoms (and I am actually in the process of writing a digimon fic right now!)
So back to Billy. There are so many good options, it's hard to pick just one, but I think Wizardmon would be a good partner for him!
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I just think they would mesh really well together. between his magic and his strong sense of loyalty to his friends, I think the two of them would be great (though they both have self-sacrificial tendencies, but hopefully they can keep each other safe)
Was it also a little bit because his name is Wizardmon and Billy is connected to a wizard already? Yes, but that doesn't mean they don't fit well together.
If anyone else has any thoughts on possible digimon partners for Billy (or other Marvel family members) feel free to add on!
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