#my special little flawed guy im gonna hit him with a rock
pilkypills · 5 months
I love Thorin he’s my pookie bear but I also adore that moment when I’m reading a Fili and/or Kili centric fic and I’m like “wait a minute he’s kind of a stupid asshole”
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puzzledorange · 5 years
OC’s Answer 15 Q’s Tag
okey i know this took a while and there are so many more tag games that I need to do, but once I take over the world i will outlaw school so i can have time to do these, so please don’t hesitate to tag me in more stuff!
I was tagged by @thatsadwriter​ so thanks for that!
Okay so what I’m gonna do is that P (from the Metalrifter) is answering, but both Rigby and Olsen (from stories Friends & the Universe and Life in the Rivers respectively) are also they’re butting in whenever they want. They are in Violet’s apartment house being interviewed btw.
rules: answer fifteen questions as either yourself or your ocs, then tag fifteen people
what is your full name?
“Oh that’s easy. P.”
“Are you serious? You’re the one with some weird-ass nickname and you decided to take this question?” Rigby says.
“Well I don’t have any other names, do I?” P snaps back. “What about your name huh? If mine’s so flawed.”
“I never thought you’d ask.” chuckles Rigby. He tilts his head to the side and combs his hair back. “Rigby Diggins here.” P chortles.
“What’s so funny to you?” Rigby hisses.
“No matter how many times I hear your last name, I laugh.” P responds. “It sounds like a cartoon character’s.”
“Enough.” Rigby says, “Alright Olsen, hit us with your full name.”
“Oh me?” Olsen says. “Well my full name is Olsen Maegan Rivers.”
“At least SOMEBODY has a normal name here.” P says.
“Wait weren’t you technically adopted by Violet though?” Olsen asks. “You guys are technically brother and sister or something right?”
P sighs. “Yeah, I guess.”
“So what is your real full name?”
“P Patterson.”
“I’m calling you Peepa from now on.” Rigby says.
“Please don’t.”
what is your gender? “I’m a guy.” P says.
“Are you sure about that, Peepa?” Rigby teases.
“I’m this close to whooping your ass into next week.”
what does your full name mean?
“Uh, I don’t know. It just is my name.” says P.
“Why did you answer the question if that was the answer you would give” asked Rigby.
“Fine then, its over to you.” says P.
“That’s what I’m talking about! Well my name is Rigby because of my free spirit. What can I say, I’m special!”
“Yeah, I don’t doubt that.” says P. “What about you Olsen?”
“Well I looked it up, and a website said that my name meant ‘descendant’. I guess that makes sense, since my ancestor founded my hometown.”
any nicknames or other names?
“My code name is Captain Orbit, or just Orbit.” says P. “That’s what they call me up in space.”
what is your sexuality?
“Huh, I’ve actually never really thought about what kind of people I like.” P says.
“You gotta be kidding me, you’re the most boring person ever.” Rigby says. “And by the way, I’m bi.”
“What does it mean to be bi?” P asks.
“You’re joking.”
P shakes his head.
“Oh, come on!” Rigby exclaims. “Even Olsen knows what that means! How are you this royally uneducated? I thought you were Violet’s brother, but it really is evident that you two are adopted siblings.”
“Hey!” Olsen snaps his fingers. “Calm down. Jesus, you’re always a lit fuse aren’t you?”
“Lit in more ways than one.” Rigby says with a sly smile. He looks at P thinking that he would get the joke, but his humor is that of a wet towel.
where are you from?
“I’m not really sure.” says P.
“Shut your goddamn mouth up.” P says, sending metal up to Rigby’s mouth to inhibit his speech. In response, he starts clawing at it.
Olsen raises his hand in anticipation. “Hey, can I go?”
“Sure go ahead.” P responds.
“Okay so,” Olsen starts. “I was born in Riveria, a small town in--”
Rigby rips off the metal restraining his mouth. “God, can’t a man have freedom of speech? I think you just single-handedly cured my iron deficiency. Anyways I know you guys don’t care, but I was born and raised in glamorous LA.”
“Can you just shut it and listen to Olsen?” P says.
“I knew you wouldn’t care. Hurts, man.”
“As Olsen was saying, he lives in Riveria, and…?” P says.
“Oh yeah! And my great great great great grandfather actually founded the town.” Olsen continues.
“Oh really? Do you want a medal?” Rigby says, reclining back in his chair.
when were you born?
“I WILL take this one, okay?” Rigby says.
“Fine.” says P.
“I was born June the 22nd, 1990. The greatest day on Earth.” Rigby says.
P scoffs.
“You guys can’t even say anything, because your author was negligent enough to not give you definitive birthdays yet!”
Olsen sighs. “Yeah, that’s a problem.”
whoops sorry
how old are you?
“I’m about twenty two I’d say,” says P.
“I’m twenty nine. Hah, beatcha.” Rigby says.
“I’m seventeen.” Olsen says.
where do you live?
“Oh, uh, here.” P says, pointing down at the ground.
Rigby mocks him. “Uh, oh, um, uh, here. Where is here dumbass?”
“Queens. New York.” P says in a stiff tone.
“Better. Now watch an interesting person take this question.” Rigby says. “Right now, I’m currently residing in space, specifically in the port of the Planet Happi.”
“P-Probably not so, uh, ‘Happi’ when you’re there!” Olsen calls out.
“Hey-o! High five!” P exclaims. The two share a hand slap. “So where do you live, Olsen?”
“Well I lived Riveria until I left to LA during my middle school years. I came back to my hometown about 2 years ago.”
P suppresses a laugh. “Sorry, I just can’t let that joke go.”
“It wasn’t even that funny.” Rigby says, crossing his arms.    
what are your quirks?
“What would constitute as a quirk?” Olsen asks.
“It’s what makes you weird and shit.” Rigby says. “P should go first, since this is literally the only question that can make him sound like a cool person.”
“I’d clock you, but I have to answer this question.” P says. “So, I Metalrift. What that essentially means is that I can control and manipulate metal with my mind. It’s super useful, but it took a grueling process to acquire. I have a few other friends that can rift other things, like Scott Walker. He can rift rock, and he’s damn good at it too.”
“I for one,” Rigby says, “Am competent at what I do without the help of magic, but with the help of a little bit of alchies. I shoot aliens and shit. Ain’t that right Peepa?” He smiles as he puts his hand on P’s shoulder. He shrugs Rigby’s hand off.
“What about you, Olsen?” Rigby asks.
“Well, I’m really good with a blade, a machete specifically. Still, my friend, Lisa, taught me how to properly fight. I have a signature backswing and everything.” Olsen says. “Also P I hope you  wouldn't mind metalrifting for us. I mean I've seen it in combat, but not really up close and personal. Could you?”
“Uh, sure, I don’t see why not,” P says, looking around the apartment for any loose metal lying around. “I don’t see any metal though.”
“Wait no, I got you.” Rigby says, pulling out a ray gun and a hammer from the inside of his coat.
“Perfect! I can just extract the metal from the g--”
Rigby starts to casually smash the gun, reducing it to metal bits and bobs. “There you go, rift away.” Rigby says.
P lifts the metal with his mind, and formulates a small elephant on the table using the bits and bobs. It walks around and spurts tiny pieces of metal out of its trunk.
“Oh sweet!” Olsen exclaims.
“Okay yeah, that’s pretty sick, I gotta admit.” says Rigby. “Hey, that rhymes!”
who are your family members? “Uh, next question.” Olsen says. who are your pets?
“I have a turtle, and he is the light of my life.” says Rigby.
“And what’s his name?” Olsen asks.
“Cadet. What a little man.” Rigby says.
“Why’s his name Cadet?” P asks.
“I’m glad you asked.” says Rigby. “I named him after my favorite wine, Mouton Cadet.”
“How original.” P dryly says.
what do you look like?
“Well, I have black hair and green eyes” says P. “Also, I wear a red flannel with a black shirt underneath, and topping it all off with my signature blue pants and black shoes.”
“Alright, my turn!” says Rigby. “So I dyed my hair blond, but my original hair color is brown. I have blue eyes and an amazing goatee. I’m wearing my space uniform right now, which is a blue collar necked coat-jacket that has a white stripe near the bottom, black pants strapped with a holster, black boots, and black gloves. Oh, also I’m a hell of a lot taller than P. Five foot ten ass…”
“How tall are you then?” asks P.
“Six foot three.” Rigby triumphantly says.
“What about you Olsen?”
“Alright,” Olsen says, “Well I have brown hair, a bit combed to the side, brown eyes, and freckles. I wear a red short sleeve with a gray long sleeve undershirt, along with blue jeans and regular sneakers. Oh, and I’m five foot ten too!”
“Shorties.” says Rigby.
who’s your hero?
“Definitely my uncle,” says Olsen. “He’s a real inspiration and always has great advice for me.”
“Both my friends Violet and Basil are amazing people and I wouldn’t be alive for them, so probably those two people.” says P.
“I really like the Hamburglar.” says Rigby. The others stare at him. “What? He really got me to buy more burgers, honest!”
what’s your moral alignment?
“Yo dude!” Rigby says. “I’m uhh,” He snaps his fingers, “Chaotic good.”
P chimes in, “I’m definitely lawful good.”
“And that leaves neutral good for me!” says Olsen. “Wait that’s the last question right?”  
“Yeah, and wow I’m so glad we’re done with this.” says P.
“Why?” asks Olsen.
“So I can do this.” P says, getting up from his seat and knocking Rigby’s lights out.
Cool, this was fun! I’ll be tagging @starlightinhumanform​, @ill-write-when-im-dead​, and @kaigods​, but don’t be obligated to do them. You’re an independent person!
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