germansandwich · 7 years
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2/4 pages of "new" OCs to show you guys. YO THESE GUYS ALSO TURNED OUT GOOD! MORE CHILDREN! I HAVE SO MANY PFFFFF! Btw, none of these that I draw are exactly at the heights they are compared to each other. Drew: Old pic of him: germansandwich.deviantart.com/… He's always been kinda grumpy, and a little bitch to me honest. XDD Takes after his dad in that aspect. His friends call him "Grumpy Old Man" because of his attitude and his natural grey hair. (He insists that it's silver, but let's be honest that shit's grey and he knows it XP) He likes to dye half his hair black for "aesthetic" purposes. (AKA, make him look less like an old man XDD) He's a pretty okay friend though, but he doesn't like other people, so he rarely makes new friends. Maxwell/Max: Old pic of him: germansandwich.deviantart.com/… He's a precious baby boy who loves movies and TV shows and food! Unlike like the name of the old pic of him, that stuff on his face are not tattoos. In fact, he doesn't really know what they are, his parents have taken him to the doctors to get it checked out, but even the doctors can't figure out what the marks are. They continue to spread across his body over time, but they don't hurt him at all, so he usually ignores them. He's a real sweet heart though and loves to cook! Aidan: Old pic of him: germansandwich.deviantart.com/… The stud who thinks he can pic up any girl and guy at all. (He's Bisexual) He's a big flirt, but rarely ever actually goes on dates. He also likes to try and set other people up together. (Usually his friends) He likes to think he's a great wing man, but low-key, he sucks at it. Aidan also really likes piercings, if you couldn't tell! He also has a tongue piercing! His canine teeth are a bit sharper than they should be, so he bites him lips a lot on accident. He's a pretty funny person to go on a double date with though! Matthew/Matt: (I don't have any old pics of him DX) My super shy and awkward boy. He has to be practically dragged out of the house by either his parents or a friend on a daily basis. He hates talking to most people in general and fumbles with his words a lot. He's had a lot of crushed before, but never had the guts to go and talk to any of them. (All guys, he's gay, just thought I'd throw that out there) Aidan tries to help him out the best he can, but again, he's not the best wing man, and a lot of the time Matt would chicken out. He's my poor child who is socially handicapped most of the time. Olivia: Old pic of her: germansandwich.deviantart.com/… My beach babe! She loves hanging out at the beach, (if you couldn't tell from her tan lines from her bikini) but has a problem with remembering to wear sunscreen so you can almost always see her with some kind of a sunburn. She also does yoga, and she absolutely loves buying new cute matching yoga and fitness clothes. She also loves makeup and is really good at it! (Ignore the horrible job I did on her makeup, she usually does it a lot better XD) Blake: Another pic of her: germansandwich.deviantart.com/… MAH BIG GIRL! *"brick house" plays softly in the back* Not gonna lie, she's a bit of a drinker... okay yeah she has a problem with it. She spends a lot of her nights at the bar near her house after work. She works for a large company in security. She doesn't has a problem with her belly. She use to when she was a kid, but she grew to love her body. (She still got that drinking problem tho) At work she doesn't show it, but when she's off, she likes to wear skirts and belly shirts. "If they don't like what they see, them they can close their eyes, but they sure as hell are missin' out." - Blake. She got a good alcohol tolerance now, not that that's a good thing I guess XD. When she is drunk, she's not super sloppy, she gets very silly though, joking around and such.
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germansandwich · 7 years
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Digital version of these guys will be uploaded in a few minutes. XDDD 
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