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I read on the internet that you can help
My name is Anastasia P (I do not specify the last name, because in my city only my family with this last name. I don't want people to know what kind of family I grew up in and am in, because for me it's a shame) I live in Russia, Vladivostok. I appeal to you for help. My story is described in this letter. Sorry it's too long, I hope it doesn't take up too much of your time. Please read it. Please let me know if you can help me.
I am 33 years old, single, no children. I grew up in a family where my father is an alcoholic. He beat my mother when he was drunk, didn't touch me or my brother, and treated us well, but during a binge he spends all his money on alcohol. When he was 40, he committed suicide. Half a month later, another brother appeared. I have 2 more brothers from the same father and a free brother. The composition of the family is as follows: mother 53 years, I 33 years, brother 30 years, brother 21 years, half-brother 13 years (age specified at the moment). We live in a 2-room apartment (1 bedroom and 1 living room) privatized apartment (own, for 5 owners, i.e. 1/5 parts for each owner). My mother was always cold to us, especially to me. Raised her hand (beat) for any offense and without a reason, when she was in a bad mood. Humiliated. Sometimes my mother treated me and my brothers normally (she treats her younger half-brother much better), but it was not clear what could make her angry. When my brother appeared (now he is 21 years old) I was 11.5 years old, and I understood that I needed to help my mother, I liked to mess with him. This allowed her mother to work part-time, and her grandmother also helped her financially. In 2005, there was one case that finally there was a split with my mother (I'm not ready to write about it). In 2006, my mother started drinking. I met a man from Uzbekistan through my drinking friend. He quickly came to live with us. My brother (21 years old) was almost abandoned, he was then 7 years old. I was working on my little brother. The mother and her roommate were constantly fighting. In 2007, the mother gave birth to a half-brother. I began to drink even more, but at the same time I worked. All lasted until 2013, when my body broke down and I was diagnosed with eczema, put me in the hospital (hospitalized), but I agreed that I would not be in the hospital and will come to the procedure, and I'll be home to do the procedures because I didn't want to bring the work and its Director, because it was new year period and had a lot of work. I told my mother that her roommate would no longer live with us. I was tired of enduring scandals, standing between them when he came at her with a knife, I was ashamed in front of the neighbors. After that, my mother drank for several days. I asked my uncle (my mother's brother) and my brother (30 years old) to talk to her, but I didn't get home in time to start the conversation. When I came home, there was a terrible scandal, I had to call the police. My mother and We were taken to the police, and I filed a report against her. The mother on the next day, December 17, 2013, packed up her half-brother and went to live with her roommate. I left my brother (21 years old), who at that time was almost 15 years old for me. I didn't leave him any money, but a week later I transferred him 1,000 rubles ($33) . My brother received an allowance for the loss of the breadwinner (father), but for several months she did not give him the allowance, but only bought cheap food and when she saw that my brother on his own initiative began to write down how much she bought him food (pasta, rice, etc.), she freaked out and began to give him the allowance. She didn't give any money from herself. I pulled (provided) she took care of her brother's school, his admission to the university, and treated him when he was ill. I agreed with my brother (30 years old) that he would help, if anything, with buying clothes for my brother and paying for an apartment, because my mother did not pay. At that time, my brother (30 years old) he rented an apartment and lived separately. For all the time (almost 4 years), the mother gave her brother (21 years) 1000 rubles ($33) and 10,000 rubles ($142) and then after I told her everything that she does not participate in the life of her son, and at the same time tried to take his documents from school after the 9th grade (middle school), when he wanted to enter the 10th grade (high school), then to enter the military specialty. I did not apply to the guardianship authorities (social service for the protection of children), because I was afraid that my brother would be taken away from me. My mother and her roommate terrorized us several times, her roommate came and broke into the apartment, and I called the police and wrote a statement, but I didn't know where they lived, so the police couldn't do anything.In September 2017, her roommate was deported to her homeland and she returned home. She drinks and makes debauchery periodically, while working.
Brother (30 years old) I also started drinking alcohol somewhere in 2014 +/-, and since 2017 I started drinking alcohol heavily. This year, he goes on a binge for a month and has already terrorized all of us. He was kicked out of the last 2 apartments, periodically comes home and does not give rest. In June of this year, he wanted to bring his ex-wife to live with us, we said no. We have 2 rooms (1 bedroom and 1 living room), in one room my mother and stepbrother, and in the other room I am with my brothers. His ex-wife has a 3-room apartment (2 bedrooms and 1 living room) and she lives with her parents (she is an only child). He brought her to annoy us, he was drunk. I had to call the police, because he threatened violence, and I was afraid that my brother (21 years old) would not stand it and break down and beat his brother and this would put an end to his future career in the military. Then a week later in (throughout the week terrorized me and my mother) alcoholic brother came terrorized us for a couple of hours, left the keys, although asked not to leave and left. After 2 days in the evening, he came with his ex-wife, then his ex-mother-in-law (the mother of his ex-wife) drove up and they began to break into the apartment. His ex-wife and mother-in-law are very greedy for money and they pump them out of their brother, this is already said by 2 familiar brothers. His mother-in-law threatened me that she had connections in the FSB, that there were connections somewhere else, that I would have trouble at work, that my director would have trouble, etc. We called the police again, before that I talked to the district police officer and he sent a police officer on duty to us, but he said that everything was fine. After my alcoholic brother came to my mother at work, made a scandal, threatened to come to me, constantly terrorized, threatened, blackmailed and did not let me sleep, I could not turn off the phone, because then I would not know if he would come home or not, what to expect from him.. I once again asked the district police officer to talk to him, he reluctantly, but called him to himself and talked. He said that he does not provide a threat. The fact is that the alcoholic brother is disabled from birth, he has a skin disease, in 2014 he did not extend the disability and it was removed from him. He works for himself, he has connections, as he says, true or not I do not know what he does I do not know. I don't want to check if his threats are true. A few days after the conversation with the district police officer, he began to come out of the binge. A week later, he went to the doctor, who gave him an injection so that he would not drink alcohol. But my brother started drinking alcohol again a month later. After that, the doctor again gave him an injection and the brother did not last 2 weeks.
My brother, who is 21 years old, is worried about me, and I am afraid for him, because if his mother and brother get him, I am even afraid to think what will happen. I'm afraid he'll beat them if he can't stand it. We already went to lawyers and a realtor in the summer, learned how to sell the apartment in which we live, but everyone says that you need to negotiate with everyone (mother and brother alcoholics) and sell the whole apartment, and if you sell in parts, we will lose in price or not sell at all. My brother and I want to protect ourselves from our mother( who can also be considered an alcoholic) and our brother-an alcoholic, we do not want to become the same and will not do something, because it is impossible to live like this, and we have nowhere to go, this is the only place we have. We are even ready to go to live in a guest house (a small apartment), and so that nothing connects us with our alcoholic relatives, we want to break all ties with them. I have a small income ($250 per month), and my brother is studying at the university, he can not work, because a very tight study schedule and he will stop paying benefits. With such income, we can't buy an apartment or rent it. And we can not pay for a lawyer, so it is also difficult to find a good one who took up our business honestly. Please help us! I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore. I can't build a family, because I'm afraid to bring a person into such a family. I'm afraid for myself and my brother, who is the only person close to me, I put a lot of effort into him. I don't want him to become like a mother and an alcoholic brother. We are still normal among these alcoholics. That's just the psyche and nerves are not to hell already. If you can help financially with the purchase of an apartment, I will be very grateful. An apartment in our city costs $67916,5. I don't know who to turn to anymore. I'm ashamed to ask for help. I am ashamed if people I know find out that my relatives are alcoholics and in general about my problem. If you have received my letter, please write a reply. Even if your answer is no.We can no longer live in threats, psychological pressure and drunken scandals
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