mhnoface · 4 years
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heya! that took me a hot minute but i finally got all my pages up (ish)!! pick your poison @ HORANG or NOFACE (though my villain page is,.. lacking). anyway, horang is a bit moody but she’s not entirely too difficult to deal with (if you exclude the whole evil agenda, she’s just a highly selfish personality with little to no morals so she’ll do as she likes when she likes)!! she’s currently working as a nurse at a private pt clinic for heroes and other quirk-related recoveries. there might even be talk of her helping out recovery girl from time to time 👀 (if students/teachers wanna plot that with meeeee). in general, i’m open to almost all plots so please smash that like and i’ll hit you up!!!
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jaehanmh · 4 years
HI !! i’m red (she/her) && i’m 22 !! pls excuse me in advance for how Messy i sound, i’ve wanted to write a powered muse for so long so i’ve literally been vibrating w/ excitement since i applied && AAAAAAA ok anyway !!
this is jaehan :) you can find his full bio && quirk info here, a little manifest of his (questionable?) gadgets so far here, and some details about him below the cut. i’m down for both plotting (i have connections inspo here) && just chemistry-based interactions, but either way i’m hoping to say hi to everyone eventually !! 
i feel like this is getting long HJNDBKJ but lastly i’m trying to read like 4 different pages as we speak so i’ll be slow for a bit, but i’m around for basically the rest of the day ! you can message me here or ask for my discord <3 (edit: or just like this && i’ll hit u up !)
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personality ?!
he does tend to be a social chameleon too tho, but mostly b/c he feels like he has to make it as “easy” for people to be around him as possible
from a working class family in incheon !! i haven’t decided yet if he commutes / lives on campus / lives off campus so if anyone needs a roommate hmu maybe !
smart ! a great lab partner ! yes, the rumors are true, he was responsible for accidentally setting his workstation on fire last year, but he put them out both times so it’s fine .
shit at writing tho . has consistently almost failed composition every year
v enthusiastic about his gadgets ! can get easily carried away with his work ,, needs to be dragged out once in a while tbh
sensitive to his physical surroundings due to his quirk && doesn’t like being startled/uncomfortable/generally losing control of himself. he’s like that squid from finding nemo who’s like you guys made me ink :( except it’s more like you guys made me losemygriponmyselfandphysicalrealityandaccidentallyturninvisible
takes comfort in being around ppl, even if they’re not talking ? u know how dogs will walk literally right at ur heels and headbutt ur ankle sometimes .. that’s him just trying to occasionally making sure he’s still visible && “ real “
a good cook :)
( b/c he only ever cooks instant meals . )
he has an inspo board here
enjoy this image that helped inspire him
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i can’t wait to meet && write with everyone <3
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mhxjiho · 4 years
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hi! i go by axel, she/hers and i’m late. that’s going to be a usual thing. introducing resident moon lovin’ vigilante/flower enthusiast/horoscope extraordinaire - min jiho. jiho’s vigilante name is selene by night (yes i’m a sucker for motifs) and by day he runs a quaint flower shop. his quirk allows him to utilize the moon’s energy according to the lunar cycle. you can check out his background and quirk. give this a like and i’ll come to your ims. for plotting and general chatting purposes, i’m always on discord, just lmk if you’d like it. below are just some of my musings, possible connections and a tl;dr for jiho!
jiho’s background can be summed up as the son of a lovingly hippie, happy go lucky mom who blasted ~ vintage music in her flower shop constantly and taught him the meaning of flowers before he could even figure out 2+2=4
in trying to raise him as carefree as possible, he eventually began to shoulder on most of the responsibility of their lil family of two
money was Tiiiiihggght
his dad died before he was born while on the pro hero job, something he used to really look up to
he was well on his way to being a hero at 18 when his mom passed away in the scuffle of a hero diffusing a ~ violent ~ situation (if anyone wants angst, we can figure out a connection here bc,,, jackpot for jiho)
now at 22, he’s a u.y dropout, seemingly just a flower shop owner... Only Not Really
ever since his mother died, he became fixated on avenging the deaths of civilians at the hands of heroes And villains
in his eyes, no living life is worth more than the other, which fuels him to use his quirk at nightfall to figure out the Truth and get revenge... muahahhah
he keeps his identity as selene completely a secret, i can only imagine very few people knowing his double life as flower shop boy
kinda shy by day, badass fuck u fuck ur shit fuck the system by night. u know the drill
personality ~
jiho wants to be perceived as just the quiet flower shop owner from the outside looking in, as it makes it much easier to be selene at the end of the day
he trusts the moon more than anyone/anything else, so it’s only natural he loves astrology and horoscopes. he checks his horoscope everyday without fail and Yes, sometimes he does Fortune Fridays at his shop using his trust hand me down tarot cards. he also will ask within the first 5 minutes of meeting someone (he cares about) what their sign is
he reaaaaaally loves flowers :’) they make him so happy and manage to calm him down when he’s riled up
he loooooooves old timey music (thanks to his mom) and he really adores giving mixtapes to those close to him. he used to sing a lot, but ever since his mom died, he hasn’t done so :(
he’s generally a man of few words, doesn’t believe in speaking just to fill the silence
once he’s comfortable with someone, the mischievous side of jiho emerges. he loves bickering, absolutely loooves it and will provoke ur muse for it (pls give me a bantering plot thats it)
selene is rlly his alter ego, selene is all sorts of witty and crafty and jumping off roofs
jiho has Big problems accepting the two sides of himself and has yet to come to terms that they are both part of Him
basically he’s just a lost boy looking for answers as to why his mom was taken from him.... he also researches similar cases and each night pursues the involved heroes/villains for information
connections ~
give me someone that comes to jiho’s flower shop and lets jiho wax poetic about the meanings of flowers!! jiho would make your muse special bouquets every time they come around :’)
some pals wld be nice... he doesn’t have very many, maybe your muse knows jiho as jiho or as only selene? possibilities are endless
for heros/villains/vigilantes: good ol enemies... your muse sees selene as a nuisance and selene will stop at nothing to prove just that
jiho and your muse like to create mix tapes together!
jiho is most of the time alone and tends to burn out after using his quirk really often, mayb a neighbor who reminds him to stop fuckin bein an idiot???? and drink some water?? and to not skip dinner?
someone who tends to the flower shop with him! he’s a pretty ok boss tbh ur muse gets free snacks constantly
a tarot card pal!
i cannot stress this enough: enemies, frenemies, confidants, all for that and anything and everything else! i’m always down to plot!
thank you for reading this far wow ur amazing ??
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sirenmh · 4 years
hello hello! my name’s maddie and i’m so excited to be here! i love superpower related stuff and this roleplay really fit everything. a few facts about me is that i’m 20 years old, use she/her pronouns, and am in the CST ( UTC-6 ). feel free to hit me up for my discord, just let me know so i know to add you ^-^
this is my lil baby jungmoon. feel free to check out her bio (disclaimer: i haven’t done this yet shhh) and some possible plot ideas for her! if you have any other ideas though i am totally up to hear them as well! 
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mhkiwoo · 4 years
hiya!! i’m admin berry (and i just want to thank all of you so much for giving us a go because we’ve put a lot of work into this thing - especially cherry - and i just really hope you all have a good time!! ) i’m here with my boy kiwoo!! he’s a fun handful, here’s his bio and profile, and i’m really excited to play him against you all!! if you wanna plot just like this and i will come and message you!! ( also if anyone wants my discord you can just ask me for it~ )
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mhseraphic · 4 years
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heyhey, late intro because i’m not feeling great so i’ll be on im’s-- but cherry back again ( and tbh if i knew i was going to put kiha under minor revamp i would’ve pushed this girl back but her app was already in so.. ). so this is seraphina or sera or seraphic, tbh she doesn’t give a shit about what you call her. but she is a teacher at u.y as well as a hero and also ceo of a tech company so she’s kind of all rounder, ain’t satisfied with just doing one thing really. that being said, your girl is actually a villain, she’s pretty high up in anarchy sisterhood and heroes piss her off ( she doesn’t hate all.. she respects some but like.. uh combat heroes can suck it in her opinion )
honestly i can’t be bothered doing a long summary of her, so her bio is here, profile is here and her quirk ( which look.. i think is pretty damn cool ) is here. 
and the tl;dr of her is: from england, moved over to korea as a child, didn’t live in the best place and heroes killed her parents without caring bcos they didn’t give a shit about damaging the surround areas of their battle ( her parents were innocents that got caught in the damages ). no compensation, seraphina lived on the streets until she was taken in by the sisterhood. raised by them, joined u.y to get insider knowledge but she a smart cookie so became a hero then also made her tech company ( interned with company of the knowing to get that good knowledge shit, still helps them from time to time ) and then that ain’t enough so now she’s a teacher bcos even better. she’s as sly as a fox too.. just like her mutations.. heh. get it? cause she looks like a fox? look i took pain killers and they’re making me all weird so eh.. like this is you wanna plot and i’ll hit you up
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mheunha · 4 years
hey everyone! my name is michele, i’m 21+, and i go by she/her pronouns. i just got off work at my new job so i’m a little late to the party. say hello to my lovely little firecracker, ahn eunha. a hero course third year who is also interning for the cutthroat agency. i have her profile page and her biography page up, so please give them a look! also if you’d like to plot, please feel free to hit me up through dms!
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mhxinteritus · 4 years
hello everyone! i am very happy that there’s another my hero academia inspired rp! it’s great! um, my name is lulu and i reside in the gmt -7 timezone aka the lovely land of canadia! <3 i have a twitter and discord if any of yall want it! <3 
but i’m very excited to bring to you all my lovely villain boi, sungki. he’s a traumatized quiet human when he’s not out being evil and villanous. yeah, XD im really excited to write with everyone! 
Links: profile || connections (A WIP) || bio 
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mhsinjae · 4 years
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cherry back at it again, my dudes, and you thought i was bad to kiha? well you haven’t met sinjae yet. there’s a lot to unpack, and he’s been through hell like a hundred times over but he’s here and you can have him. but yea so just a fair warning there that he has been through some dark shit. he’s an ex hero tho & now works part time at the red bean.
as always though, like this if you want to plot and i’ll come hit you up! but here’s his profile, his bio and his quirk information!
basics: oh sinjae | 26 | ex pro hero, supernova ( cutthroat sidekick & intern when at u.y ) | currently working part time at the red bean | quirk: explosion
also has funky mutations ( described more in his quirk shit but horns & fangs ) - which like tbh on that note, he is covered in scars that are described more in his profile
so boi grew up with all he could ever want. like good family, good life all that good shit. he got into u.y after deciding he wanted to be a hero!
he had fun there too whilst taking his studies seriously, like he was pretty well known and popular tbh and the top of his class a lot of the time. a lot of people expected him to be a dick as well bcos of his quirk ( esp bcos he has to pop it off sometimes to clear the sweat otherwise like.. dangerous, so he has a doctors note for that good shit, so sometimes just lil popping explosions ) but he’s actually like a nice dude. a good bud that would helpe where he could but was also serious about making it to the top and becoming a strong pro. hence why he picks cutthroat agency
that being said he also drew a lot of unwanted attention to himself through sports festivals and general hero work and well by the time he graduated, and was pretty fresh off the bat at around 20, he was kidnapped during his first major mission as an official sidekick and sold by villains to an illegal trafficking / fighting ring/pit run by other villains
you can probably guess where this is going, but it was brutal there. he’s killed countless and couldn’t put a name to a face even if he tried. he’d be faced with people that wanted to kill him or just survive like him and the crowd would cheer and bet. or he’d be faced with those too young and too weak and scared. he killed them all, having to be brutal against the stronger ones and the weaker ones he tended to do it quickly by snapping their neck of strangling them
they’d beat him a lot too for showing mercy and over all just be worse to him bcos he was a hero
they fought with and without quirks and usually with quirks led o him being drugged with quirk enhancers, and without he was hit with ones limiting them.. so his quirk is pretty fucked up now and it was to the point it was starting to burn him and his skin off around his hands in parts
but uh yea cue over 5 years of that plus being moved around location to location ever few months or weeks, plus lack of food, water and just proper anything and that’s what he went through
heroes eventually crashed the ring and saved as many as they could ( a lot still died, some killed themselves when they got to safety as well ). it took a few days before they realise who sinjae was when he eventually spoke to someone that he recognised bcos he refused to let any of the nurses or doctors or pros near him he didn’t know ( like he was very feral on instinct out of fear ). they all pretty much assumed that sinjae had died though at some point or another considering how long it had been and the case went cold
recovery is a lot, like he’s still going through it obvs and he’s dealing with like a lot still, but he was in a group home for a while with others from the pit but in recent weeks he’s been allowed out to live with a pro he trusts with the confirmation that he’ll continue going to appointments and check ups and stuff
either way, it’s been around a year now since he was rescued and he’s doing better than he initially was, but at the same time he’s still not. like sometimes the old him sorta comes out, but he’s also changed a lot and there’s a lot to unpack there. like his flight or fight instinct is a lot to handle now depending on how good or bad a day he’s having
he does work at the red bean now tho, which tbh he’s only been there for like a week or so since they had to make sure he was gonna be okay but he works part time and only day shifts when there’s a good few people on with him ( workers there will be aware of it all or enough )
also as a general sorta note, he p much hates his quirk now too bcos of 1. the pain is causes him. 2. the noise it makes ( like that freaks him out now ). 3. reminds him how easy it was to kill people with it. 4. he has lost a pretty decent chunk of control over it -- before he used to be able to not link it to his emotions, but now it’s like he thinks one thing and suddenly sparks are popping. because of that and in general how he looks ( he’s heavily scarred as you can imagine ), people that don’t know him sort of assume he’s violent or using his quirk to intimidate. he isn’t
which on that note he comes to u.y at least a couple times a week for private quirk training bcos of all the shit with his quirk and how his control is fucked and his fear and shit. but in general he feels safer at u.y since he knows the staff, it’s a pretty safe location in general and just he knows that there are enough people there to help and stuff
but uh yea.. he’s getting there tho? he’s doing his best but it’s a lot and it’s not good or easy 
connection ideas tho since i suck at plot pages: obvs people he went to school with, heroes he worked with, heroes that were a part of the raid, people he works with / or regular customers, tbh people that maybe knew someone else that was in the pit, someone younger that might remind him of someone in the pit ( probably turns to a more protective plot but could’ve started out angsty? ), angsty but an ex he was with at the time he disappeared, ex fans, students he’d probably seen a lot when he’s at u.y, people that are a dick to him, negative plots in general my brain is too much to think of exacts, protective friends, people he feels comfortable with, someone that goes on walks or hikes with him. and anything else you can think of!
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mhjasper · 4 years
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what’s good y’all! ‘tis shino back at it again with another boi who’s much less soft than kenta is. hero by day and information broker at night he will do his best to kick your ass one moment and then support you in taking down those who want you captive the next.
long story short he doesn’t really believe in good and evil and believe that both sides has their reasons. he’s very much an each to their own kind of guy and that also means that he does everything out of his own interest.
tw: blood:
he needs to drink blood to use his ability and generally has a like for the taste, so if that unsettles you please beware before interacting!
tw end
anyway i’m gonna do as i did with kenta and say please comment on this post with an artist and a song for a starter! otherwise please im me to plot! have a nice evening!
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hyeranmh · 4 years
hi everyone - i’m char (19, she/her) and i’m super excited to start writing with all of you. here is my child, song hyeran aka venom. here’s her bio, profile and more about her quirk. if you’re interested, feel free to shoot me a message or smash that like button and i’ll zoom into your ims for plots!!
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mhachilles · 4 years
heyo it is berry again!! here with my second boy, bonhwa (or achilles depending on what you want to call him)!! he’s a vigilante and general asshole who lowkey hates life. not gonna lie i have made him purely because i am a hopeless classics student and if i didn’t have an achilles inspired muse i was going to die. anyway,  his bio is here and his profile is here!! if anyone wants to plot with him just like this and i will slide into your ims!!
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mhwoohyun · 4 years
what’s up my name is jess 😜😜 i’m 22 😝😝 she/her/hers 😛😛 and i never learned how to fuckin rp. this is That Man park woohyun known more commonly to the public as angel
26 years old, he/him/his
pro hero at the nighthawk agency
wing manifestation basically gives him giant wings he can use to fly or fight with. the actual physical wings are pretty small, but the attached feathers that he can control make them giant and floofy
serious/blunt/lightweight intimidating, which comes from a p harsh upbringing, but has a vulgar sense of humor and likes to make fun of his sidekicks and interns/lowkey haze them lmao
tl;dr under the cut. profile, bio, plots, all linked here. please like this post if i can slide into your DMs for plotting! super hyped to be here i fucking love my hero with my entire soul and i love all of your characters so much!!
ok here is the abridged bio
dad doubled as a hero with the angel agency and villain with the salvation order for a long time. when mom found out and said she was taking the kids w her, dad threatened find her and kill them unless she dipped the fuck out. so mommy left their family when woo was just a wee boy and he have to live with scary daddy
when woohyun graduated from u.y, dad revealed to him that he’s actually working w salvation order and is planning on leaving angel agency + he wants woohyun to join him. woohyun says NO daddy! interning with nighthawk honestly saved him and gave him like actual purpose in being a hero
sidekick with nighthawk, but leaves after a falling out w/ him. makes a hero team with some friends from u.y, and they all rapidly climb the hero rankings
the team tracks down the salvation order and woohyun fights his dad. dad reveals he threatened to kill mom and him if she didn’t disappear. woohyun gets really angy and loses the fight, dad escapes
after some time working w the hero team, they disband and move on to teaching jobs at u.y or start their own agencies. woohyun reconciles with nighthawk, and nighthawk asks him to take over the agency. and he’s like ya
now we’re here and up to date! biggest plot lines rn are: trying to find dad and take down salvation order + figure out where mom disappeared to
ok here is his personality
loyal, respectful, incredibly strong sense of morality. doesn’t back down from criticizing his pro hero peers who he thinks are phonies
serious and aloof and blunt but has a really strange and vulgar sense of humor that his sidekicks and interns are pretty familiar with lmao
has no filter for his words or thoughts and is very forward about what he believes is right. again, strong sense of morality
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