magaprima · 10 months
Okay, so just as a preface to what I'm going to say, this is not a 'no one is RPing with me, no one is sending memes' post, that's not what this is at all. But I have found, lately, over the past six months or so, a lack of replies, a lack of continuing threads (aside from a few of the regulars, whom I see and appreciate! Don't worry!), as well as a lack of any likes on starter calls no matter what time I post them, nor do memes get sent very often at all. This is very different to when I used to get a lot of interactions, or reaching out, or responses to reaching out, to the point I often had to apologise for taking long to get back to people due to getting through a long list; this is not a brag, it's a point I need to make for the rest of this post.
Now, I know the downturn in activity is partly due to the fact I haven't been able to peruse the dash very much lately, but I can't help noticing that this blog was at its busiest when CAOS was still airing, or had only just been cancelled. It's now been quite a few years and there are no longer frequent CAOS muses on this site, or people with CAOS crossover verses. And I think, for a lot of people, they can see Lilith as being only within the CAOS universe due to her role in it and perhaps hesitate, or think 'I'd probably have to plot for that one and I don't have time right now' etc etc. Or maybe I'm totally off the mark and my dash has just had many activity deaths, I don't know, haha.
But just in case I am right about the reasons for the downturn in activity, I'm going to work on making the Order of Hecate my default verse, and tweak and emphasise the details a little to make it easier for everyone and anyone to find reasons or easy premises to interact with Lilith.
Basically, my Order of Hecate verse is just one where Lilith chooses to stay with the coven rather than rule Hell, and was originally created to open up options of premises for interacting with anyone from Greendale without having to remain in part 1 and part 2 timelines. She is still the First Witch in this universe, still the former Queen of Hell etc, but the fact she'd be living in the mortal realm and having to blend amongst mortals just as the Spellmans do means she'd have more variety in potential dynamics, more reasons to interact with random muses rather than just supernatural or myologically based ones, and perhaps will make people feel more comfortable or that it's easier for muses of other fandoms and muses that are OCs to interact too.
So yeah, once I've made it all official and tweaked and emphasised and gone into more details on that verse, I'll make a post on here, and I'll add a little pinned note on my blog about it being the default verse.
Either it will solve the problem, or I'll have completely misfired and realised the problem is me and my activity times.
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mushiimoss · 3 years
OOOOOOOOOOOOOH BOIII, Finally! I am FINALLY DONE! Villainous has taken my life, After watching season 1, and I need more content. Now, I couldn't tell if I wasn't looking in the right places, or If i'm blind. But, couldn't find a lot of content for Villainous, other then a few fanart here, and some amazing AU's over there, etc. Sometimes, I forget since I'm a artist, I CAN MAKE MY OWN :D.
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This man goes by Dr.Skipi, but says it's Dr.Skips, and will give you a dirty look if you say otherwise. He's mostly human, and in the most simplest term, is a wannabe Scooby-Doo Kraken "Villain". I'm putting Villain in quotation cause PLOT-TWIST, it's a reverse-au! Somewhat. Skipi is actually a hero, and is a big nerd for myologically, but specifically Norse. I was gonna put his backstory here too, but it felt too long, and this post has too much of my rambling here already, If anyone wants to know specific, you can ask! ^-^ bonus; beginning sketch, he didn't start out as a Kraken, it just happened. V
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sketchmenot-art · 4 years
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Self-Portrait - Myological Forms
Here's another piece I did for my figure drawing class last year. Similar to the osteological self-portrait, this time we had to do a flayed self-portrait with our muscles showing. I'm pretty happy with how mine came out. (^_^) Drawn from life.
Done with Charcoal November 2019
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crowned-with-wisdom · 3 years
Perhaps you are not corrupted, and perhaps he doesn't seek to be redeemed, but in the end these are things that could happen. Ganondorf is known as a great corruptor, an oratory force of nature, one who can bring out the worst in people. The Princess on the other hand, myologically speaking, is always known as a great healer a force for good, someone able to make the darkest creature repent their evil ways. ...Though it typically does come with the cost of their life. Food for thought though.
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“Dear stranger… I know you mean well, but Ganondorf does not even see his actions as wrong. To him, my family is the definition of what is corrupt with the world. Sometimes it is not as black and white as defining someone as the source of evil or the avatar of good. I can also assure you, I hold no power with which to force others to repent and change their ways. I am only hoping that we can find a middle ground with which to understand each other. From there, we will see where this goes. Do not fear. You still have the hero, should this go poorly.”
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theveganmothership · 6 years
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To compete in equestrian sports or for pleasure riding nothing is required but ignorance, a desire for self aggrandizement or a desire to gain pleasure from actions that cause a horse pain. When the scientific proof of the damage of equestrian sports is gathered together we can see a simple truth emerge. It is important to understand that in classical riding as in equestrian sports there is no relationship between a horse and human, nor is there mastership, nor art. There are however, quite a number of primitive, pain inflicting skills and rules regarding their application. Anyone can master these skills if they are the least bit cruel and ignorant. So, the low IQ of everyone practising any type of equestrian sport should not cause us even the slightest surprise. These people naturally cannot ask the question "Why?" A horses back for them is something you ought to sit on. It is "The place where the butt is placed". It is what you need to climb onto for relaxation or pleasure. Of course understanding the subtleties of the horse's neurological and anatomical properties or studying the myological characteristics of this "place to put the butt" in this type of community will never come to mind. They are only concerned with the comfort of their butt. For instance, the simple and absolutely innocent remark that they are placing their butt on the brain of a living creature, is at first surprising for them and then it will bring them to a rage, guaranteed. A. Nevzorov.tagTag photopinAdd locationpencilEdit
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calm-whirlwind · 5 years
This is how TDub trains . I use a rope and a brick to feel the motion of weight rather than just myologically basic attempts to somehow enhance your capacity . Watch out for that brick tho , she’ll get cha 😂😂😂
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mim-la-lime-blog · 5 years
SÉANCE #04 | Angoisses et vertiges du numérique
Dans mon dernier billet, j’ai évoqué les possibles dangers liés à l’essor des technologies numériques. Il se trouve effectivement que certains auteurs vont en ce sens et sont d’avis qu’il faut être sur ses gardes face aux nouvelles technologies. Selon Ben Youssef, « les TIC pourraient être à l’origine de nombreuses inégalités liées aux modifications des processus d’apprentissage et, par conséquent, aux performances associées » (2004 : 3e par.). Poussé à l’extrême, on pourrait même parler de dystopie du numérique puisque les technologies peuvent facilement entraîner de multiples conséquences et dérives.
L’essor technologique laisse place au transhumanisme, entre autres. La molécule Crispr-Cas 9 fait partie de cette ingénierie génétique qui promet de pouvoir éliminer, modifier, remplacer un gène déficient par un autre « en santé ». Par exemple, il serait dès lors possible d’éliminer certaines maladies génétiques et ainsi améliorer la qualité de vie de millions d’êtres humains. Dans le même ordre d’idées, cette molécule pourrait permettre d’augmenter les capacités physiques, intellectuelles et émotionnelles. Cela revient à faire de la programmation de la vie humaine. Toutefois, jusqu’où pouvons-nous nous permettre d’intervenir au fondement même de la vie? Je pense qu’actuellement nous avons les connaissances scientifiques pour faire ce genre de choses, mais nous ne pouvons pas répondre aux enjeux éthiques entourant cette nouvelle technologie. C’est pourquoi nous devons prendre le temps de débattre de manière éclairée sur les usages qui sont acceptables avant d’aller plus loin dans l’application de cette molécule. Bref, cela dépasse les limites de la simple biologie et possède une portée beaucoup plus grande.
Par ailleurs, il existe d’autres problématiques spécifiques associées aux nouvelles technologies comme le vol d’identité, le piratage informatique et la cyberintimidation (Landry et Basque, 2015 : 15e par.). C’est la raison pour laquelle il est important de prévenir ces menaces en formant adéquatement les utilisateurs de ces technologies. Autrement dit, je crois qu’il serait très dangereux que les nouvelles technologies soient entre les mains de gens qui les utilisent à mauvais escient ou n’ayant pas les capacités nécessaires à gérer les risques. La surveillance des données personnelles par les gouvernements ou les grandes entreprises telles Facebook est un exemple où il est primordial de faire preuve de vigilance. En effet, nous, les utilisateurs, devons rester prudents quant aux informations que nous diffusons sur les réseaux sociaux afin de nous protéger.
Finalement, il est de notre devoir de discuter de ces enjeux et de décider ce que nous voulons en tant que société.
   Le futur des technologies comme l’intelligence artificielle a fait parcourir les imaginaires de plusieurs et certains ont exposé leur vision à travers le cinéma. Voici une liste non exhaustive de films et séries qui font réfléchir aux enjeux actuels et futurs du numérique :
-Minority report de Steven Spielberg
-8th Wonderland de Jean Mach et Nicolas Alberny
-Black Mirror de Charlie Brooker
-Transcendance de Wally Pfister
-Her de Spike Jonze
Pour en savoir plus sur la molécule Crispr-Cas 9, plusieurs textes et vidéos sont disponibles sur internet, en voici deux :
1.      TED Talk : https://www.ted.com/talks/jennifer_doudna_we_can_now_edit_our_dna_but_let_s_do_it_wisely?language=fr
2.      Article scientifique : https://www.cahiers-myologie.org/articles/myolog/full_html/2016/01/myolog201613p80/myolog201613p80.html
Ben Youssef, Adel. 2004. « Les quatre dimensions de la fracture numérique ». Réseaux. En ligne. URL : https://www.cairn.info/revue-reseaux1-2004-5-page-181.htm. Consulté le 2 février 2019.
Landry, Normand et Joëlle Basque. 2015. «L’éducation aux médias : contributions, pratiques et perspectives de recherche en sciences de la communication ». En ligne. URL : https://journals.openedition.org/communiquer/1664. Consulté le 2 février 2019.
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