#myself and many others yesterday in the facebook group learned that the titles were considered 'spoilers'
doitforthevinebud · 2 years
Brandon Sanderson's "Secret Projects" were secret simply because he's a maniac (affectionate) who transparently posts his writing progress and projects on his website with a tracker. That's all! We don't need to make a fuss over goddamn title names which only become relevant with context learned from reading the books
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achrisstevenson · 5 years
The Illustrious Wendy Van Camp Interview!
Author Interview: Chris J. Breedlove
October 23, 2019
Wendy Van Camp
I asked Author Chris Breedlove what his motto for being a writer was.  He answered:
A Writer is… A humble, receptive student and negotiator But the heart that beats within his/her breast Is a determined savage Unfamiliar with surrender
Please welcome this savvy science fiction author to No Wasted Ink.
My name is Chris Harold Stevenson and I’m 67 years young. I go by the pen name Christy J. Breedlove for my YA books and stories. Yes, I changed gender entirely. That’s another story.
My early writing accomplishment were multiple hits within a few years: In my first year of writing back in 1987, I wrote three SF short stories that were accepted by major slick magazines which qualified me for the Science Fiction Writers of America, and at the same time achieved a Finalist award in the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest. This recognition garnered me a top gun SF agent at the time, Richard Curtis Associates. My first novel went to John Badham (Director) and the producers, the Cohen Brothers. Only an option, but an extreme honor. The writer who beat me out of contention for a feature movie was Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park. My book was called Dinothon.
A year after that I published two best-selling non-fiction books and landed on radio, TV, in every library in the U.S. and in hundreds of newspapers.
I have been trying to catch that lightning in a bottle ever since. My YA dystopian novel, The Girl They Sold to the Moon won the grand prize in a publisher’s YA novel writing contest, went to a small auction and got tagged for a film option. So, My latest release is Sceamcatcher: Web World, and it’s showing some promise. I’m getting there, I hope!
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I considered myself a writer when I published the two shorts in Amazing Stories magazine. I actually considered myself an author after my first non-fiction book was published and hit the media. It seems I had to have legitimate credits in order to claim such status.
Can you share a little about your current book with us?
I can give you the basic summary, or the extended blurb:
When seventeen-year-old Jory Pike cannot shake the hellish nightmares of her parent’s deaths, she turns to an old family heirloom, a dream catcher. Even though she’s half-blood Chippewa, Jory thinks old Native American lore is so yesterday, but she’s willing to give it a try. However, the dream catcher has had its fill of nightmares from an ancient and violent past. After a sleepover party, and during one of Jory’s most horrific dream episodes, the dream catcher implodes, sucking Jory and her three friends into its own world of trapped nightmares. They’re in an alternate universe—locked inside of an insane web world filled with murders, beasts, and thieves. How can they find the center of the web where all good things are allowed to pass? Where is the light of salvation? Are they in hell?
What inspired you to write this book?
It all started with a dream catcher. This iconic item, which is rightfully ingrained in Indian lore, is a dream symbol respected by the culture that created it. It is mystifying, an enigma that that prods the imagination. Legends about the dream catcher are passed down from multiple tribes. There are variations, but the one fact that can be agreed upon is that it is a nightmare entrapment device, designed to sift through evil thoughts and images and only allow pleasant and peaceful dreams to enter into the consciousness of the sleeper.
I wondered what would happen to a very ancient dream catcher that was topped off with dreams and nightmares. What if the nightmares became too sick or deathly? What if the web strings could not hold any more visions? Would the dream catcher melt, burst, vanish, implode? I reasoned that something would have to give if too much evil was allowed to congregate inside of its structure. I found nothing on the Internet that offered a solution to this problem—I might have missed a relevant story, but nothing stood out to me. Stephen King had a story called Dream Catcher, but I found nothing in it that was similar to what I had in mind. So I took it upon myself to answer such a burning question. Like too much death on a battlefield could inundate the immediate location with lost and angry spirits, so could a dream catcher hold no more of its fill of sheer terror without morphing into something else, or opening up a lost and forbidden existence. What would it be like to be caught up in another world inside the webs of a dream catcher, and how would you get out? What would this world look like? How could it be navigated? What was the source of the exit, and what was inside of it that threatened your existence? Screamcatcher: Web World, the first in the series, was my answer. I can only hope that I have done it justice.
Do you have a specific writing style?
I’m a fruit salad of other known writer’s influences. Oh, like what I consider stylists: Poul Anderson, Virgin Planet, Peter Benchley, The Island and Jaws, Joseph Wambaugh, The Onion Field and Black Marble, Michael Crichton, Jurassic Park, Alan Dean Foster, Icerigger trilogy, and some Stephen King. Anne Rice impresses with just about anything she has written. I think it’s the humor and irony that attracts me the most–and it’s all character-related
How did you come up with the title of this book?
After I had the idea/premise for the book, having researched similar works, if any, I found that I had something very unique. It dawned on me to name the book Screamcatcher since it was a play on words and it sounded impactful. Again, I researched that word and only found that it was used in a short story about a kid having a tooth extraction. I knew then that I was home free. I was continuously complimented by all of the publishers and editors who saw the title. It’s the first book in the series, and I have sub-titles for the other two as well, which are sold and just about ready for editing.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
I’m not very heavy-handed when it comes to delivering messages in my books. I want to avoid any preaching at all costs. I do include the basic/standard survival, loyalty, courage and persistence themes in my young characters, as well as emotional growth and cooperation. I did hide, or rather include, a very deep and subtle message in the story that I think most will gloss over or not recognize altogether. And that is my belief that sometimes the nice guy finishes first and gets the gal. I wanted something that swerved away from the controlling, domineering alpha male that is so often seen in other works of YA and romance. I wanted a slow burn sweet romance that was touching. Quite a few reviewers recognized this message and I got kudos for it. That was a RELIEF.
Are experiences in this book based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
The main character Jorlene (Jory) is named after my sister. Although she does not resemble the FMC physically, she does so in an emotional sense. Her boyfriend, Choice Daniels, is named after my great-nephew. All of my books contain the names of my extended family members. And there are parts of them that show through in the personalities of the fictional characters.
What authors have most influenced your life? What about them do you find inspiring?
Other than those stylists mentioned above, I had direct contact with members of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. Alan Dean Foster, Richard Curtis, Robert Bloch, Bob Heinlein, Clive Barker, and others. From their Youtube instruction videos and articles, JK Rowling, Anne Rice, and Stephen King have inspired me tremendously with their no-nonsense attitude about hammering those keys in spite of depression, lack of motivation or pure laziness.
If you had to choose, is there a writer would you consider a mentor? Why?
That honor would go to Poul Anderson who wrote back to me habitually and gave me guidance in the industry when I needed it the most. He took out his valuable time to befriend me and answer so many questions. Can you tell I’m a dinosaur yet?
Who designed the cover of your book? Why did you select this illustrator?
Carlone Andrus of Melange Books, Fire & Ice YA division rendered the cover after reading the book. I had a different idea in mind, but she absolutely nailed it. The compliments have never stopped coming. Most of the plot is revealed on the cover but you would have to search very hard to put it all together.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
Watch your spending on ads–they can be grossly ineffective. Use social media and generously interact with fellow writers and readers. Don’t abuse FB and Twitter solely for the purpose of “Buy My Book.” Join writing groups and learn from the pros. Ask politely for reviews–don’t pressure, harass or intimidate. Be creative. Target your genre readers. Offer incentives and freebies. Craft a newsletter and send it out bi-monthly. Don’t take critiques as personal attacks–learn from honest opinions. Don’t despair. Never give up. Revenge query. I run a writer’s advocate blog and I pull no punches.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
If you think that you’ve had it tough, I recommend you watch Magic Beyond Words, the life story of Joanne Kathleen Rowling. Books just don’t happen. They are nurtured and raised from infancy, just like a budding writer is. This business might quit you, but you cannot quit the business. Stay active and attentively writing.
Chris J. Breedlove Sylvania, Alabama
Screamcatcher: Web World
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keywestlou · 4 years
Juneteenth. Never hear the word till 2 weeks ago. Already a bill being prepared for Congress to vote on to make the day a federal holiday.
Juneteenth is the special way June 19th has come to be pronounced over the years. Often described as the Black Fourth of July. It is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the U.S.
How the day came to be.
Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation became effective January 1, 1863. What most people fail to realize is it did not free all the slaves. It only freed those living in rebellious states. Lincoln wanted to weaken the South by freeing the slaves. Hopefully they would run away from their plantations.
June 19, 1865 is recognized as the birthday of the Black Fourth. Note the Thirteenth Amendment which freed slaves was not ratified till December 1865, some 6 months later.
Texas was the most remote of the slave states. Received Civil War news later than other states.
Union soldiers landed in Galveston, Texas on June 19th. They brought news that the war had ended and slavery had ended.
The blacks were jubilant. Most left immediately for the north. Traveled looking for relatives in other states.
June 19th was coined as a day of celebration. It grew in Texas in succeeding years. Then in other southern states. It became a time for the blacks to reassess each other, pray, and gather family members together.
Then except for Texas, the day began fading. Its resurgence came with the Civil Rights movements of the 1950’s and 1960’s. Received another significant move forward with the Poor People’s March on Washington.
In June 1980, Texas made Juneteenth an official holiday. Since then Juneteenth has experienced exceptional growth. Celebrates all African American freedom and achievement.
Most likely George Floyd’s death and that which ensued is responsible for the attention the day is now receiving. Black people want it formally recognized as their Fourth of July.
Key West is celebrating the day. Today. A Freedom March.
The March begins at 5 with speeches at the Key West Cemetery. At 6, the group will begin a march to Mallory Square.
There are some things I don’t like. They bother me.
Like tearing down Thomas Jefferson’s statue. Tearing down or vandalizing statues of other American heroes with little connection to slavery in years long prior to the Civil War.
Changing Aunt Jemima’s picture and name I find troublesome.
It has been announced that Uncle Ben’s, Mrs. Butterworth, and Cream of Wheat are rebranding in fashion similar to Aunt Jemima because of their racist origins.
Learned yesterday that many Blacks object to the use of the terms “Uncle” and “Aunt.” The words were a Southern form of address first used with older enslaved peoples, since they were denied the use of courtesy titles.
Respectfully, it seems society is going a step too far. Too much is being asked by Blacks.
An exciting week for Supreme Court decisions. Two significant ones. The first the recognition of the rights of gay, lesbian and transgender rights in the work force. The other, the DACA victory. Which blocked Trump from deporting the children brought by their parents illegally to the United States.
A significant federal court hearing at one today. Trump is seeking an emergency order to block the release of John Bolton’s book.
Justice in this case would be permitting the publication to go forward. The book was already reviewed by Trump’s people and whatever they wanted removed was removed. Now Trump at the last minute claims there are more objections.
Additionally, the book has been sent to media personnel already. By whom, I am not sure. The book’s contents have been freely discussed on news talk shows for several days. The cat is out of the bag!
Typical of Trump and his insatiable quest for personal gain, the Court is being asked that in the event it fails in its request for injunctive relief, that Trump receive a share of the book’s profits.
People are hurting. Unemployed number 46 million. And the number continues growing weekly.
Compounding the problem, many are not receiving their unemployment checks. Months late in some instances.
The reason obvious. The states have run out of money. How is this problem to be remedied?
Another example of how government cannot be relied upon in case of emergency.
Recently, I began a 3 part series. The first 3 worst hurricanes in recorded history. One left to go. The Hurricane of 10/17/10. Not today, however.
I have been researching the hurricane. Came across an item I suspect will be of interest to those of you who read the Key West Citizen.
May Johnson is the belle of 1896. A 20 year old school teacher. A major item of fun is dancing at La Brisa as many times as possible. Like several evenings a week.
Researching for the Hurricane of 10/17/1910, I came across a La Brisa item.
Someone wrote comparing it to roulette. In doing so, the 10/17/1910 hurricane was compared to the 10/1909 one of the previous year. Described as a storm of the greatest intensity.
A gambler I am not. However the term “repeater” is prevalent among roulette players. It means that a certain number will come up twice in succession 1,296 – 1 times.
The Hurricane of 10/17/1910 was considered a “repeater.”
La Brisa was a pleasure pavilion. Primarily used by the affluent. Dancing, dining, etc. It was located at the Atlantic end of Simonton Street.
Owned by the Key West Electric Company.
La Brisa was washed from its pillars and dashed to pieces. Most washed out to sea.
Rain, rain, rain. Are we having rain! Almost every day for 3 weeks. Heavy pouring rain. Strange. Not the rainy season yet.
The local feeling is coronavirus is going to strike Key West and the Keys in general soon. We came through the virus pretty much ok till recently. The numbers have started to creep upward.
The Monroe County Commission voted wednesday that all businesses must require employees and customers to wear masks. Mandated!
Any violation a civil rather than criminal one. Subjects the person to a $500 fine. Had it been criminal, the fine would have been $500 and 60 days in jail.
Not going to work!
Greece has come through the virus well. The government was tough. The people listened.
Punishment was heavy. The owner of the business was fined, not the customer, if someone was not wearing a mask. The fine $20,000.
Louis says fine the owner and make the sum astronomical as the Greeks did. Guaranteed everyone will be wearing masks!
Hurricane Irma. Almost 3 years ago. Hit 9/10/17.
People and places still hurting.
Every now and then we hear about money coming from some government source. This time $4.9 million from the Florida Historical Department to repair 3 local historical sites.  The Key West Lighthouse and Keeper’s Quarters, Pigeon Key’s Honeymoon Cottage, and the Citadel at the Fort West Martello.
The coronavirus of today the yellow fever of yesterday.
On this day in 1865, the bark Adventure put into Key West. Four of the crew had yellow fever. They were taken to Marine Hospital.
The fever spread to the Army troops stationed in Key West. An epidemic began. Three hundred thirty one cases. Seventy one died.
The fever spread to the locals. The number who contracted the disease  unknown.
Today, one of significance. My 100th day in self-quarantine.
How has it been?
Not bad at all. The 100 days has swiftly gone by. I do not feel I have been inside that long. I had 2-3 days out of the 100 where I thought I was getting a bit goofy. Passed, however.
I have learned to cook a bit. My food is delivered. Needed something more than ham sandwiches. I have reached the point where I can cook some fish dishes. Two filet mignons a week. Must be careful. Overcook and the rare flavor is gone.
I do a little ironing. Not much. Where am I going?
My time has been spent primarily researching and writing. The blog takes a minimum of 5 hours a day. My tuesday talk show several hours during the week and then 5 more tuesday afternoon.
I have worked on 2 books. Never will finish them.
Read several books. Used the internet for tons of additional reading.
All kept me busy day and night. Worked for me only because I enjoyed what I was doing.
I need to talk to people. Compulsive. Thank God for the internet. I have made several new internet friends. I Skype or Facebook message with them.
You are already aware of Cathy. Cathy from Seattle. Cathy who in the 1980’s lived 3 years in Key West.
We have cocktails once a week on Skpe. Labeled Cocktails at 7. Chat about 2 hours. She imbibes. I only occasionally. Try to limit myself to Diet Pepsis.
How long more will I remain self-quarantined? For a while yet I suspect.
Key West did good coronvirus wise till recently. The numbers are creeping up, however. In 2 or 3 weeks, we are going to have some significant numbers. Key West reopened too early and tourists from the mainland began coming down. Partying without benefit of masks and social distancing.
Enjoy your day!
      BLACK FOURTH OF JULY was originally published on Key West Lou
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muffin-thoughts · 7 years
Good evening, everyone. This post will be similar to yesterday’s in the sense that it focuses on one main subject rather than a broad timeline of events. This has been a very important discovery, and I believe it deserves today’s full attention.
‘Today’ started relatively early; 2 AM, to be exact. Tonight was another night where I couldn’t quite get myself to sleep, and this time, there was something creeping on my mind. The term ‘narcissist’. So, I decided to do my research. 
Since about a week into the start of everything, she posted something on Facebook about Empaths and Narcissists. It was an article describing the two types of people just mentioned, and how the narcissist’s actions and denial created a draining environment for the empath, those willing to absorb that negative energy. This intrigued me, horrified me, and concerned me beyond how the words could describe. 
I cried reading this article, seeing many key factors that I could see in myself that I never noticed. I suddenly had this wave of “everything makes sense” come down over me. I was a narcissist, that’s what I repeated to myself. It was difficult, but I made peace with this on the notion on wanting to make things better for myself. When I brought it up to others, they looked at me like I was crazy. They assured me that I wasn’t, that I’ve never been, but I didn’t accept that on the pretenses of knowing there was a side of me I only ‘trusted’ her to see. I was fine taking the role, because I knew that was something I was leaving with my past. Time went on, and I have worked hard to move as far as I can from that title.
Fast forward to present, I come across a group dedicated for those affected by narcissistic parents. This interested me, so I decided to go through it. While I was casually reading some of the information, I saw a side panel that immediately caught my attention with the title “Help, I think I’m a narcissist”. Now, I told you I had made peace with that title, but there was still something that compelled me to read it.
Inside this post, I noticed those same key phrases that made sense to me with the previous article. It seemed to just confirm what I thought, but eventually it came to a new point: “If you were a narcissist, you wouldn’t admit it.” It proceeded to explain how we develop these negative feelings from our parents, and while we bring those terms into our life, it isn’t true to us.
Now, this had me in a sudden conundrum. There were plenty of things my mother does that can be considered narcissistic. I had already accepted and moved on from the title, but now I was being brought to a whole new side of things where I was given a pardon. 
As I’ve mentioned as well, one of my biggest issues was victimizing myself, and using whatever I could to excuse my behavior. So here I was, stuck. On one side, I did a lot of the bad things that come with being a narcissist. On the other, I’ve aware, I’m improving, and I never felt like that was who I really was. I really care about people, I don’t want to use them or hurt them in any way, and empathy is lacking in narcissists, just to name an example. But at the same time, I didn’t want this to became another ‘well, it’s my mother’s fault that I’m like this’. I don’t want to push any of my actions off anymore. 
I sat there, reading the article over and over again. I couldn’t figure what the right answer was, and it was really causing me to be restless. I didn’t want to give myself an easy way out, and I didn’t want to take on a title that wasn’t really me. I was so worried, but out of no where it sort of clicked: why do I need to worry about a title on someone who no longer ‘exists’?
Whether I was or wasn’t has no affect on who I’m working to be. As long as I know my faults and work to get rid of them, that’s what truly matters. This way, I’m not allowing myself any excuses, while also giving the best light possible moving forward. It doesn’t matter how it came to be, it matters how it’s handled.
One of the greatest mistakes a person can do is to align themselves with what they see just because it checks certain boxes. As humans, we are all unique in our experiences. We are allowed to say who we are and what works for us. We don’t have to go down the same routes as someone else to create our best life. Comparisons only tell yourself that you’ve done something wrong, when in reality no one in the world will have your same life. I’ve learned what harm putting yourself in a box and going with the trend can do, and as my new self, I’m walking away from that. 
Restarting is a process, and getting caught up in my past is not apart of it. I am a new person. I will learn, but I will not be defined by what was.
I don’t improve when it’s convenient to me, I am working incredibly hard every day to make a life that I can be proud of, and see the world in a way I haven’t for many years. I closed out of the pages, and decided to look a few different ones. So, now I’m apart of two new groups: Self Improvement, and Deciding to be Better. I’m devoting it all to understanding, and who I am.
This has been a true stepping stone in my path. I am so happy that I came across what I did, and now I have the means to make my fight even more powerful. I hope this has given you the insight that you need to make peace in your own life, and always know that you’re not alone in your fight. 
Until tomorrow.
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