#mystery is just vivi's not-dog in my version of this au.
zecoritheweirdone · 4 months
so i saw this old-ish post about an au centering around a villain lewis and a hero arthur,,, and i. may have gotten attached to it,, dkdndkdjs. so i decided to make some edits + doodles based on it!! i also really wanna make a lil oneshot about it as well,, but uh... whether or not i actually follow through on that, we'll see,, skdjsojdks.
edit: good news, gang,, i wrote the fic!!
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justanmsafan · 3 years
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Reversed Mystery Skulls Animated - Prologue (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1051808866-reversed-mystery-skulls-animated-prologue?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Mosskatani1&wp_originator=QORFa5%2BN0Ftxq966c0Vykd%2FmZzGOlJOADpcoWw7wbZzdvcBHSv6O0VJWlNAk8SWlKiDyifYY%2FqI575q2r8NdXIi8nG6U1q1JSFNVGW%2FVgYOG%2BP4ykVUMWpc4lh1KUbom An au where the protagonists are swapped. This isn't my au, it's just my take on it. The Mystery Skulls gang are travelling along an old dusty road, when suddenly the van stops mid-drive for an unknown reason. Lewis, Ben, Lauren and the gangs dog Vivi decide to bunk down for the night in the mansion they conveniently stopped in front of. What happens when theres an angry ghost after Lewis? And what exactly are Ben and Vivi hiding? (Au by @Mannievelous on Deviantart) Expect the grammar to be bad
All chapters are out. Remember this is just my version of this au, it’s not mine.
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zecoritheweirdone · 5 months
Hello, I'm the person fascinated by the implications of the Mystery Skulls au!! I'm a little rusty on my lore, but I'm mostly spinning False as Arthur in my brain- Falsie being jealous of Pearl enough to let the spirit possess her (if we're doing a one to one). And I'm so curious about who Shiromori is in this au!! I'm just!! Sorry, my brain is Bad at articulating but ultimately I'm just very excited about this whole concept!!
hell yeah,, i'm glad you like the au!!!!
and yeah, for the most part this au is pretty much one-to-one with the source material– tho i do have something to add for the jealousy bit! this is mostly just my own interpretation, and this could just be me being aro and not quite getting love stuff,, but i always saw arthur as not jealous of lewis,, but more just not wanting to be left out/a third-wheel. or maybe he is jealous, but not specifically of lewis– but instead, of the fact that the two tend to focus on each other, even when arthur's around.
cuz like,, mans got kicked to the backseat of his Own Van in favor of lewis, vivi, and her Dog. they let the DOG get shotgun instead of arthur. plus, in hellbent, you see a few stills of lewis and vivi being lovey-dovey to each other, with arthur sulking in the background. hell, in one of them, you see vivi looking past arthur, ignoring him in favor of waving to an out of frame lewis.
i don't think the two intended to make arthur feel left out,, they still hang out with him, so obviously they still care about him– it's just that,, i imagine they're prolly in some honeymoon sort of phase in their relationship,, maybe they just started dating and all they can really think about is how much they love each other. probably. again, idk how love works, so- take this with a grain of salt. i just find this interpretation much more interesting, personally!
so, yeah– pretty much all of what i said applies to this au! minus the romance bits, potentially? maybe? gonna be honest i don't really have a strong opinion one way or another in regards to shipping in this au. but either way, false was feeling left out of the group,, and because of that, got herself possessed by a demon(cuz that's prolly what reverb/the thing that possessed arthur is, not just some random spirit,, what with the horns and the webbed wings and stuff in his profile),,,
as for shiromori..... i'm still on the fence, tbh? my first thought was bdubs,, cuz like. they're both plants(sorta),, and he's got a connection to etho like shiromori does to mystery,,, but... i was also thinking about maybe having joel as her, instead? there's the etho connection, of course,, plus there's joel's whole theme for season 10! i feel like either would fit,,,
i suppose there's also the connection to vivi/her ancestor to consider, as well... so far i'm thinking the mushi equivalent in this au is prolly just another version of gem? maybe from empires? but i'm open to suggestions! i'm unsure about joel, but i do know that gem and bdubs have interacted secret life series before!usually in (lightheartedly) negative ways, from what i've seen,, so that could be another point to bdubs.
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