#mystic mysfits: the lost boy
dippydots · 2 years
First chapter of the next Mysfits' adventure :D
Robin tapped their fingers against their desk. He didn't like school too much. Sure, he liked math, Edmund was nice and Edith was cool, but he was frequently bullied. Especially by Bianca Sampton. Robin didn't like her very much. She'd make fun of him and his friends all the time, regardless of what they did to ignore or stop her. Anaïs had said that she only gets away with it because she's rich and her parents helped fund the school. They sighed. There was only two minutes left of school, and then it'd be a week off of school. "Psst. Rob." He looked to his left. It was Edmund. "Wanna come over to my house tomorrow?" he asked while smiling. Robin had been over at his house so much that it felt like he was hardly at his own. "I'll th-think about it," they replied. Edmund gave a thumbs up and went back to messing with his mechanical pencil. The bell rang, and the kids rejoiced, grabbing their bags and rushing out the door. Only Robin walked, as well as Edith. "Have a nice break you two," their teacher, Ms. Green, said. "You too," Robin said quickly while Edith only nodded. As they walked to the exit, Edith cleared her throat. "So what do you think-."
"Let me finish my sentence. Of Jack and Erik. It's been a year since, well, you know."
"They're cool, I guess." He was happy to be adopted by them, but deep down he missed his birth parents, he wanted nothing more than to see them again. He did care about them a lot, but it always felt like he didn't truly belong in their home. Edith hummed. "I always thought of them as weird, I mean, Uncle Jack's love for Sprite is not normal." He chuckled a little while Edith remained straight-faced. They arrived outside, where Edmund was waiting for them. "Did you think about it?" he asked, "You said you'd think about it." Edith rolled her eyes. "Teddy he doesn't always have to come over to our house, he needs to spend time away from us every now and then," she said with a frown. Edmund frowned defeatedly. A car horn honked. Edmund's dismal expression immediately lit up. "See ya later Robin!" he shouted as he ran over to his mom's car. Edith walked after him. "Take care." Robin waved good bye when suddenly a force wrapped their arms around him and pushed him to the ground. He looked over to see Anaïs. "Hi Robby!" she said with a big smile. "Ani you're hurting me," he said, sitting up. She giggled. "I can't wait to show you my art today! We made pumpkins!"
"Oh cool." She nodded. "I asked Mr. B if I could make mine pink, and he let me, and then everyone else started to ask if they could use different colors!" She continued to ramble on and on about her day, which Robin didn't mind. He enjoyed hearing what she had to say. Eventually, Jack's car pulled up. Robin and Anaïs got into the backseat, and she greeted Jack in the same fashion as she did with Robin. "How was school, kiddo?" he asked while patting her head. She sat in her car seat and went into detail of her whole day. Since he already heard the whole story, Robin stared out the window as they drove home.
Night time arrived sooner than later. Robin got dressed in his oversized pj's, it was a habit he picked up so he'd always be prepared for a transformation, full moon or no full moon. He was settled in bed with a book when there was a knock on the door. "Yeah?" he asked. The door opened to reveal Erik. "I haven't seen you all day, my little songbird," he said, sitting in the chair by Robin's desk. "Well, you have been busy with your latest musical."
"It's not really my musical, I'm just conducting the orchestra," he beamed. His smile faded however as he noticed Robin's unenthused expression. "Is something troubling you?" he asked. They shrugged. "It's the book I've been reading, Peter and Wendy, I don't get why anyone would turn down the idea of never growing up." Erik looked sad, and glanced to the side. "Well, I used to know someone who similarly thought that way for a long time. From what I understand, you'd miss out on a lot of things if you stayed a child forever. Not to mention that you'd miss the ones you love."
"Well, I guess," he sighed, "It's weird. I don't want to get older, but I don't want to stay here forever. I wish that I could be somewhere like that, like here!" They pointed at the book. Erik hummed in thought. "That would be cool I suppose, but Neverland is a fictional place. You could visit it in your dreams tonight," he smiled, pressing his forehead against theirs. "Good night dear."
"Night, Papi."
Robin couldn't sleep very well. He kept tossing and turning in bed. It felt hot in the room, maybe he could crack open the window for a bit. He put his glasses back on and carefully stepped towards the window, and he opened it. The cool, autumn air flowed through the room. He sighed with relief. He looked out at the night sky, at all the twinkling stars in the sky. Maybe he could make a few wishes. He closed his eyes. He wished to go somewhere where he could feel more comfortable, a place that felt fully like home. He opened his eyes, and turned to go back to bed. However, there was a dark shadow on the wall in front of them, one that was not their own. His body started to quiver with fear. He turned around, and his eyes widened. There was a figure standing on the windowsil. His heart started to pound in his chest. The figure, squatted and pulled up the window all the way, and slipped into the room. Robin took a step back. The figure was dressed in earthy greens and browns, and was a bit taller than him, but not like how an adult was taller, more like a middle schooler. The figure had pointed ears and cold looking eyes. The figure grinned and crossed his arms. "You were making a lot of wishes, ya know? Spare some for the rest of us," he laughed. Robin only stared in fear and confusion. "Wh-who are you?" He desperately wanted to run and get Jack and Erik but his body was frozen. "Who else would I be?" Robin studied the figure more carefully before glancing over at the Peter and Wendy book on his side table. No, no it couldn't be, could it?
Pan grinned. "Say, what's your name?" Robin hesitated before mumbling their name. "Nice to meet ya, Robin." He looked him up and down. "You're a big kid, you could be useful around camp." What. "Why don't you come with me, away from this dump? The boys will love you." Robin paused. "Could I br-bring my sister?" Pan wrinkled his nose. "Ew a sister? No, no way. Girls will ruin the vibe of the whole place." Robin glared. "Then I'm not coming with you!" Pan chuckled. "Who said you had a choice?"
Down the hall, Jack heard a scream coming from Robin's room. He immediately jumped out of bed, Erik following suit. He opened the door hastily, seeing only his empty room. The window was wide open. He rushed to it, searching for a sign for them. "Robin!" he shouted, jumping out the window and landing safely on the ground. He ran into the backyard, looking around for his son. Robin's screams could still be heard, but he was no where to be found. He rushed back inside, and went to grab his phone.
Meanwhile Anaïs, who had woken up to the sudden noise, entered Robin's room and looked out the window frantically for him. However something else caught her eye. High up in the sky, rushing towards the stars, were two dark figures. One was flying, the other was thrashing their arms around, crying for help.
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