blackheartedbrigand · 9 years
(post instead of reblog)
TAGGED BY; travaiil​
[★] B A S I C S
Name: Lis Pronouns:  she/her Sexuality:  heterosexual Zodiac sign:  virgo Taken or Single:  taken Three facts:
I work from home full-time soooo...
I have a tendency to lurk on tumblr more often than I should.  :p
I lived in Alaska for four years and loved it.
[★] E X P E R I E N C E
How long (months/years?): 9 years Platforms you’ve used:  Tumblr and forum-based (Invisionfree and jcink) Best experience:  PotC fandom is where I got my start and where my RP heart is.  <3
[★] M U S E   P R E  F E R E N C E S
Female or Male:  Men. Favorite face:  As Pepper said before me....I choose faces based on the feel I have for the character.  Least favorite face:  I don’t really have any least favorite. Multi or Single: Single
[★] W R I T I N G   P R E F E R E N C E S
Fluff, Angst or Smut: I don’t do smut so either Angst or Fluff.  If there’s action or If I have a prop to work with I’m golden.  Straight chat threads (unless I’m really inspired or writing with PotC canons) can oftentimes leave me feeling a little high and dry. Plots or Memes:  Plots but tbh I really should try and do more memes. Long or Short replies: I love writing long posts. I love setting the stage and describing the scene.  BUT...I’ve learned that I just can’t handle those type of threads anymore because of my lack of time and slow writing ability.  [cries over all the lovely plotted threads currently on hiatus]  So I’ve had to switch gears and go with short replies....which are actually quite fun in a different sort of way.  :D Are you like your muse(s): I think in a way I’m like them.  Mainly in attitude.  I doubt if I could play a character that is completely different than I am.
[★] Tagging: jackthemonkcy, thekingoffrance, captainjacksparrovv, my-thief-calls-me-sexy and anyone else who would like to do it - consider yourselves tagged!
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rassilon-prydonius · 10 years
♠ ((the opinions and judgment meme - hello *waves* ^_^))
Send me a ♠ for what my character thinks of yours in three words
My Only Hope
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ladyxtrey-blog · 10 years
This message is to tell you for this holiday season (and every other day, too), that I'm glad I met you, I'm glad we're friends, and I'm glad we're RP partners. You are loved, and you are cared for. May your holiday be bright and joyous, and may your cares and worries be minute for the coming year. (Send this to as many as you want to show them you care!)
((Right back at ya!))
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tardisinred · 10 years
+ my-thief-calls-me-sexy
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"Oh my word!" Lena grinned brightly, "I thought I was alone here in London!"
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thepriceofonesdesires · 10 years
link to previous reply
Inhaling deeply through her nose helped to push down the spark of annoyance the Tardis’s words ignited.  She held herself perfectly still trying to convince her body this was not a hunt.  The smile she gave next was the perfect image of genuine as she decided an intellectual approach would serve her better than violence…well it would avoid a lecture when she returned home anyway. 
“My dear Tardis…if you do not take me home that would only mean I would remain trapped here with you for the rest of eternity.  Does that really strike you as a safe decision…considering your obvious distaste for my company?”
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The Doctor carelessly let the door shut behind him, walking with leaden steps. Every breath seemed to hurt and it felt like a block of ice sat dead centger of his chest. Sinking into the jump seat, he stared at the floor and tried mightily to fight back the the flood tide of grief that threatened to overwhelm him. Perhaps it was time to just stop. Find a.. cloud, somewhere, park the TARDIS  and live out his life removed from the cares of men. The Doctor, to coin a phrase, was out.
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twinheartedarchive · 10 years
my-thief-calls-me-sexy impossiblyblue idrxs xbitey
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"Didn't think I'd be seein' you in physical form again. For once I'm glad I was wrong."
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somanyandsofew · 10 years
xferido, darkdoctorten, my-thief-calls-me-sexy, tiadalmaobeahwoman and the-woman-twice-dead-clara opened the pit
"What do you want?"
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wishmelxck · 10 years
"Looks like you're in a hurry. Are you alright?"
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