#mytholgy and fiction explained
Well, I suppose it had to happen didn't it? My daughter Mary and her soon to be husband Jon asked me to officiate at their October wedding Thanks to the initiative, capability and maturity of my spouse, I have officially become a minister and I'm starting my own congregation. The certifying organization offered me a formal ordination if I wanted to travel to Portland. They wanted to provide me with a certificate, some vestments and a couple of collars. I assured them that I was good with all that and was probably just gonna rent a tux. My path is a little different from the norm. Usually a ministry begins with membership in an organized religion. I'm starting without an organized religion in conjunction with my life long practice of disorganization. We'll only call it a religion for tax purposes. My "religion" will be a combination of social science, fiction, rumors and mytholgy based heavily upon a fictional and fractured version of anthropology which you might have been sampling if you're up to date with my stories. If not, this is good a place to start as any. I intend to originate and practice what I call metaphysictional anthropology which is not science based but rather structured upon specualtion, extrapolation, motivation, gossip and mutual misundertandng not only of the past but also of the present and the future. I will develop questionable data to produce theories about human behavior, cultural practices and societal structures to create a simplified version of misapplied scientific principles in order to understand the camouflaged primitive nature of human societies, culture and falsely assumed premises. I guess the whole thing needs a name. Let's call it Riversend which can be easily misunderstood to mean either Rivers End or River Send. I guess as founder of this congregation, I need a title. Don't call me Reverend call me Riverend or just plain RIV. This is day one. So let it be written, so let it be done. Like if you like and remember our first tenet. "If you're asking our opinion, don't take our advice" Feel free to like if you like.
Welcome to the second day of Riversend. It's me the Riv. Where were we? Oh Yeah. As mentioned Riversend is a tax free "religion" will be a combination of social science, fiction, rumors and mytholgy based heavily upon a fictional and disorganized version of anthropology. Why anthropology? Anthropology is considered a social science rather than a legitimate science. It is the quasi scientific study of humans, encompassing a broad range of topics that include culture, society, language, biology, and the past. Anthropologists use empirical methods, systematic observation, and analysis to understand the diversity of human cultures and societies. The field of anthropology is divided into several subdisciplines, each with its own focus: Cultural Anthropology: Examines the cultural variations and practices of different societies and communities to illustrate how before Riversend we just couldn't get along. Physical Anthropology (or Biological Anthropology): Investigates the biological aspects of humans, including human evolution, genetics, and primatology to explain how we went from chimpanzee to erect. Linguistic Anthropology: Studies language and its role in shaping and reflecting culture and why nobody speaks Aztec anymore. Archaeology: Explores human history and prehistory through the analysis of material remains not including Noah's Ark or the Tower of Babel. Since I'm now a minister, perhaps I can call the whole thing a religion. In order to do so, I'm gonna have to define our beliefs and tenets. Then I'll create rituals, ceremonies and practices and the significance of each ritual in co-ordination with the construct of an aphoristic mythology while developing icons that can serve as visual representations of the "religion" that I am fabricating and determining where our rituals fit into the permanently disorganized nature of humanity. We will designate leaders as they emerge or I decide to make a big deal out of somebody in order to prove a catechismic theory without stepping into a pile of dogma. And ths will be our motto: THE RIVER FLOWS.
will be our motto:
What's up, y'all
It's Day three and time for another Riversend rivulet.
At Riversend openly embrace the concept of happiness above and beyond the image of pursuit which suggests that happiness is always a step or two out of reach. Happiness is a matter of seratonin. Don't let somebody else's low level of seratonin kill your buzz or distort your vibe check. Yeah happiness is internal which we seek to satisfy externally. We propose this remedy.....schedule something that you can't wait to do for the next day. Leap out of bed, KNOWING that you're going to do that thing, however simple or complex that thing is and when you do it recognize the seratonin rush that comes with it and celebrate that moment, savor it, tuck it away and don't be afraid to declare "I'm happy".
If we're gonna get a tax break, we gonna need a prayer or two or three which we'll make up as we go along.
Here's the first one.
Grant me the wisdom to understand that happiness lies within my grasp, not as a distant pursuit, but as a present reality. Help me to see that happiness is not solely a product of external circumstances but is also influenced by the serotonin within me.
Shield me from the negativity of others, preserving my inner peace and protecting the purity of my joy. May their low levels of serotonin not dim the brightness of my spirit or distort the clarity of my perception.
Guide me to embrace a remedy for happiness, one where I eagerly anticipate each new day with something to look forward to. Let me leap out of bed with excitement, knowing that within the day lies an activity, simple or complex, that will bring me joy. And in experiencing it, may I recognize the rush of serotonin, celebrating that moment, cherishing it, and storing it away as a treasure.
Teach me not to fear declaring my happiness, for it is a reflection of the joy within me. Grant me the courage to affirm, "I'm happy," acknowledging the blessings that surround me and the beauty that resides within.
In your name, O Unnamed God, I seek guidance on this journey towards inner peace and contentment. Amen.
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thefoxtricks · 4 years
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Um excuse me that is Derek Hale and he is a werewolf thnx
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What's good, y'all?
Welcome to the second day of Riversend.
It's me the Riv.
Where were we? Oh Yeah.
As mentioned Riversend is a tax free "religion" will be a combination of social science, fiction, rumors and mytholgy based heavily upon a fictional and disorganized version of anthropology.
Why anthropology?
Anthropology is considered a social science rather than a legitimate science. It is the quasi scientific study of humans, encompassing a broad range of topics that include culture, society, language, biology, and the past. Anthropologists use empirical methods, systematic observation, and analysis to understand the diversity of human cultures and societies.
The field of anthropology is divided into several subdisciplines, each with its own focus:
Cultural Anthropology: Examines the cultural variations and practices of different societies and communities to illustrate how before Riversend we just couldn't get along.
Physical Anthropology (or Biological Anthropology): Investigates the biological aspects of humans, including human evolution, genetics, and primatology to explain how we went from chimpanzee to erect.
Linguistic Anthropology: Studies language and its role in shaping and reflecting culture and why nobody speaks Aztec anymore.
Archaeology: Explores human history and prehistory through the analysis of material remains not including Noah's Ark or the Tower of Babel.
Since I'm now a minister, perhaps I can call the whole thing a religion.
In order to do so, I'm gonna have to define our beliefs and tenets. Then I'll create rituals, ceremonies and practices and the significance of each ritual in co-ordination with the construct of an aphoristic mythology while developing icons that can serve as visual representations of the "religion" that I am fabricating and determining where our rituals fit into the permanently disorganized nature of humanity. We will designate leaders as they emerge or I decide to make a big deal out of somebody in order to prove a catechismic theory without stepping into a pile of dogma.
And ths will be our motto:
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