#n larry from sally face bc hes perfect in every way actually
zdvibez · 2 years
10 blorbos 10 fandoms bc I saw Dan do it but I will have the opposite problem where I have to narrow it down bc I have TOO MANY fandoms
Buzzo - Lisa the painful, no I don't take constructive criticism
Shane - Stardew Valley, yes I am mentally ill
Randy Jade - Dialtown,,, he's just,,, so pathetic,,,,..,.,.,
Kevin - WTNV, no I am not a cultist but I could probably be persuaded
Caustic - Apex Legends, I literally cannot explain this one
Davesprite - Homestuck, it's all the benefits of liking Dave but now he has feathers, yes I'm queer thanks for asking
Greed - FMA, he's so SCRUNKY
Zacharie - OFF, *points at my name* I think tht explains all u need to know
Sheriff - Madcom, he's ALSO pathetic and I want to soak him in milk and slam him against the wall
Pico - Newgrounds, I have extended pico au lore dhmu he's unrecognizable
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