#n my honeybee bracelet
clingylilhoneybee · 1 year
Anyway also the pet names my partners have for me are the cutest goddamn things and I love them so so much
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raining-anonymously · 2 years
Ok this is the second time I’ve been tagged so I’ll actually do it now! Thanks @fan-of-chaos and @sharada-n!
Rules: bold what you prefer
coffee or tea (hot chocolate) | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunderstorm or lightning | Egyptian or Greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | eyes or lips | witch or fairy | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten letters | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | London or Paris | Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaid or siren | masquerade ball or cocktail party
Rules: name your top ten favourite characters from ten different fandoms
In the order I thought of them:
Seam (Deltarune)
Mettaton (Undertale)
Crowley and Aziraphale (Good Omens) (i couldn’t choose)
Loki (Norse mythology in general)
Ben Linus (Lost)
Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows)
 June Egbert (Homestuck)
Linus Baker (The House on the Cerulean Sea)
Virgil (Sanders Sides)
Rules: bold the statements that apply to you
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls pants & leggings • I play an organized sport • I love cats • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favourite season • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midnight most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colours not words
EARTH: I wear glasses • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humour is very cheerful • I am a valued adviser to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
For tagging people I’ll do @makerofmadness @softichill @seamvil @stqrryskiez  @mistery-elijah plus anyone who sees and wants to do it!
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fan-of-chaos · 2 years
Thanks for a tag @acutelatios! :DDD
Rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people.
coffee or tea (hot chocolate) | early bird or night owl (or as i like to say, eternally exhausted pigeon) | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunderstorm or lightning | Egyptian or Greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | eyes or lips | witch or fairy | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten letters | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | London or Paris (neither) | Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaid or siren | masquerade ball or cocktail party
Rules: Name your top ten favourite characters from ten different fandoms.
Hmmm. Not in order of preference bc they are all awesome but:
Luffy (One Piece)
Gintoki (Gintama)
Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Tobirama (Naruto)
Iruma (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun)
Sherlock Holmes (Elementary)
Philza (DSMP)
Aizawa (BNHA)
Magnus Bane (Mortal Instruments series (but more from Shadowhunters TV show))
(choosing only one character from each of those series is a pain bc I have so many favorites, so so many)
Rules: Bold the statements that apply to you
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls pants & leggings • I play an organised sport • I love cats • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favourite season • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midnight most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colours not words
EARTH: I wear glasses • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humour is very cheerful • I am a valued adviser to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
For tagging people... Hmmm lets see... @sharada-n, @scrimblyprimbly, @raining-anonymously, @hootthewoot, @someonenamedflare, @vyther15, @orangeplume, @dawnstar1, @mintystea, @yokohamasonebraincell !
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spookadoop · 6 years
Old Habits Die Hard (Sweet Pea) Pt.2
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Part One
The next time you saw Sweet Pea was after the little rumble between the North and Soutside. It was as a form of payment for the Serpent Prince, also known as Jughead Jones. He had used the help of Betty to get a message to you to meet him in Sunnyside Trailer park - he had a deal he wanted to discuss with you.
Turns out, he was determined to become a Serpent. FP was still in prison, someone had to run the Serpents. Even though you had moved to the Southside, Jughead had heard many of the teen Serpents talking about you like some sort of mega-badass. He figured if you were to back him up the Serpens would take him more seriously. In return he would take special care to make sure your friends your family wouldn’t get hurt.
You, of course, agreed. You figured it was about time you gave back your jacket. You cried on the way to the Whyte Wyrm from Jughead’s. You felt like you were giving up your entire life. From this point on, you would have no part of the Serpens left with you minus your tattoos. Your family had obviously disowned you, so why should you continue to keep them with you?
When Jughead flung open the doors to the Wyrm, you immediately spotted Sweet Pea at his usual pool table playing against Tallboy. You could feel the judging stares, but continued to keep your head up like you didn’t care. Like it didn’t hurt.
“I think these Northsiders are lost,” Sweet Pea called, making a shot before standing up straight to face Jughead.
“We’re not,” Jughead replied for the both of you. “I’m over being half a Serpent. “
“Wow,” Sweet Pea replied, bumping past Jughead to the other side of the pool table. “You will do anything to protect your Northside buddies.” You saw Toni looking at you from the corner of your eye but refused to look at her, staying focused on Jughead and acting like a cold-blooded bitch.
“My father was a Serpent,” Jughead shot back. “He led you. I wanna stand with you guys,” He looked around the bar before continuing. “Tallboy was the one who gave me this jacket. It’s finally time I start wearing it.”
Tallboy stood up from where he was lining up his shot, slowly walking over to Jughead. “So, now you wanna be a Serpent, huh?”
His eyes slowly shifted from Jughead to you, meeting your steely gaze. “What about you, Y/N? What are you here for?”
You cleared your throat, walking until you were face-to-face with the long-haired man. “Look, I know you aren’t going to take Jughead seriously. But, I’ve seen him exhibit Serpent traits on many occasions. I’ve seen how loyal he is, seen him fix problems with words instead of violence. Things many Serpents,” You paused you shoot a fixed look at the Serpents you once called your friends, “Have yet to learn. He knows what he’s getting into, Tallboy. And I know he’ll make FP proud.”
“So what?” Sweet Pea called out, stomping to Tallboy’s side. “You’re here to show your support for your little Northside buddy? You aren’t a Serpent anymore, Y/N. Your opinion doesn’t matter here.”
You knew Sweet Pea was talking out of his ass like always, just being his emotionally challenged self. He was never good with showing how he felt. But, it still pissed you off. You gritted your teeth, not giving him the satisfaction of a smartass response, instead choosing to cut right to the chase. You slid off your Serpent jacket, feeling the smooth leather glide against your skin.
The sound of leather hitting the wooden floor ceased all conversations nearby. You lifted your eyes from where your jacket now lay at your ex-boyfriend’s feet, gazing around the room at the faces of the people you once called your family.
Without another word you walked out the doors of the Whyte Wyrm, not turning back to glance at the only home you had ever known.
The next time you saw any of the Serpents was at a drag race against the Ghoulies. You were sitting beside your newfound friend Reggie on the hood of a truck, a cup filled with something in your hand, a pack of pixie-sticks in your pocket. You could finally stand to see the colorful paper straws without a sick feeling reminding you of Jingle Jangle.
You could see the Serpents on their bikes a mere few feet away. Seeing them made your heart ache, especially since all of your old friends had come along. It made you long for the feeling of a smooth leather Serpent Jacket on your skin again. But, no matter how sad it made you, that part of your life was over with. You had even taken to covering up your tattoos with bracelets and makeup, trying to hide the past you hated to admit you missed.
You cheered as Tallboy announced it was time for the race to start, laughing when Reggie almost fell off the hood when you shoved him for cheering right in your ear. “Reggie can you not be so obnoxious today?” You asked with a laugh as the boy pulled you to his side. “C’mon, Y/N! Get pumped!”
“I’m going to pump you if you don’t let go of me Reginald!”
Reggie groaned and removed his arm, allowing you to slide off the hood to get some more ice from the cooler everyone was -surprisingly- sharing. You filled your cup up, sliding a few pieces in your mouth to chew and relish in the refreshing cold. It was hot as hell outside.
“I see you’re having fun with your new friends,” A voice ridiculed from behind you.
You turned around, staring at your ex-boyfriend with an unamused expression. “Yes I am. That’s generally what you do when all of your old friends want nothing to do with you,” You replied easily, not allowing yourself to give him the reaction he wanted.
Sweet Pea scoffed, crossing his arms. “Just didn’t know you were such a mutt-lover, Honeybee.”
You could feel your anger spike at the name. How dare he call you that after how he had treated you. You took another chunk of ice into your mouth, coaxing yourself to cool down before responding.
“And I always thought Serpent law said no Serpent stands alone. But ever since I found out I was being forced to leave the Southside, I’ve been left standing alone. So in a way, I guess we were both wrong.”
With that you left the boy standing by himself, much like the Serpents had left you, not allowing him the chance to reply. It didn’t take long for Reggie to figure out something upset you. He shot the Serpent he had seen you talking to a glare, receiving one in return.
Sweet Pea didn’t speak a word to anyone for the rest of the day.
When you found out FP was finally getting released from prison, you cried. Like a baby. Not that you would ever admit to it. When you finally saw and hugged the man that raised you more than your parents ever did, you cried even harder, bottling up all of your sadness for months on end tends to make you cry about everything. Of course, you told Jughead if he ever told anyone you would gut him like a fish.
So, when Betty and Jughead came to you with the idea of throwing him a retirement party you reluctantly agreed. FP knew you were no longer a part of the Serpents, but he didn’t exactly know why. It made dancing around the topic kind of hard. But, you allowed yourself to forget your stresses when the party finally came.
Most of the older Serpents didn’t seem to care that you had turned in your jacket, they had known you since you were an annoying little brat begging for rides on motorcycles and trying to not cry when you scraped your knee on the rusty playground that resided on the Southside.
Eventually you had to take a break from catching up, settling down at the bar beside Archie, who was stressing over performing with Veronica (which she didn’t know was going to happen). You found it slightly amusing to see him so wound up, but you could understand where he was coming from. It was kind of intimidating to stand in front of all those gang members and have them judge you.
You decided to help calm his nerves, taking his mind off of his performance by telling him stories of embarrassing moments you had witnessed and unfortunately had in the Whyte Wyrm.
“When I still lived on the Southside my friends and I spent every single day here. It was before Sweet Pea and I started dating, back when we both danced around the fact we liked each other. Every time we came here he would spend a least an hour playing pool with Fangs. I never really saw the fun in it because I had never learned how to play.
Well, one day he decided he was going to teach me. He helped me get the so-called ‘form’ right, and showed me how to line up a shot. Well, he failed to inform me on how hard I should hit the ball. So, when he stood at the other end of the table, waiting for his turn I lined up the shot like he showed me and hit the ball with the poolstick. I hit it so hard that it practically flew through the air and hit him directly in the crotch. He blacked out for a good ten seconds and couldn't walk right for a day or two. Yet somehow he still wanted to be with me... I still think the ball hit him so hard it messed with his head.”
 Archie laughed at your story, relaxing a little bit. Then, he seemed to get a curious glint in his eyes. “Do you ever miss being a Serpent?” The ghost of a smile appeared on your face.
“More than you’ll ever know.”
The day you got your Serpent tattoo was probably both the happiest and most terrifying day of your life. It was happy because you would finally be an official member of the Southside Serpents, the group that had looked out for you since you were a kid.
It was terrifying because, well, you were scared of needles. It was a fact Sweet Pea often teased you for. In return you always brought up the time Fangs pantsed him in front of the whole school. He tried to run after him, but he tripped over his own pants.
But, despite his teasing, Sweet Pea refused to leave your side any time you had to get a shot or had to be around needles. And this time was no different.
While you settled into your chair, laying your arm wrist-up on the table so the guy could tattoo the Serpent Emblem on your inner-wrist he was right beside you. “It doesn’t hurt,” He promised, sliding his hand into your free one so you could squeeze it if you needed to.
“Remember that time you skinned from your wrist to your elbow? That hurt way worse than this will.” Giving him a smile, and his hand a tight squeeze, you nodded to the guy, letting him know to start the tattooing.
You didn’t let go of his hand until you were already at your trailer.
It wasn't long into your Christmas break that Jughead Jones marched through your door with a favor to ask of you. Apparently, he had trusted the Snake Charmer and fell right into her trap. And now FP was being brought into it as well.
“Jug, why are you telling me this? I’m not involved with the Serpents anymore, remember.”
Jughead groaned, giving you an extremely desperate look. “Please, Y/N. I just want you to come help me talk to the younger Serpents. They were your friends, right? Toni and Fangs talk about you all the time. Even if you don’t consider yourself a Serpent anymore, they trust your opinion. A Serpent never sheds its skin. You’ll always be a Serpent deep down. Even without the jacket.”
You could feel Sweet Pea’s eyes on you once you stepped off of your bike. Jughead had managed to coerce you into helping him yet again. You hated to admit I, but the boy had a way with words.
You knew he wanted to demand to know why you were at their little secret meeting. But, a sharp look from Toni made him keep his mouth shut. Fangs, however, gave you a smile, mouthing a ‘hi’ to you before he turned his attention to their leader’s son.
“So what’s this about, Jones?”
Jughead cleared his throat, a hard look overtaking his face as he began to explain the situation at hand. “Penny Peabody has my dad dealing drugs. I know this because she had me doing this before him. Now, she’s roped in Tallboy, and Sweet Pea-”
“Man, if you’re pissed because your old man tapped me instead of you-” Sweet Pea cut Jughead off, only to be cut off in return.
“No, Sweet Pea. I’m pissed because I don’t want the Serpents to end up like the Ghoulies. And I doubt that any of you became Serpents just to be at the beck-and-call of a drug Queen Pin. I know where this ends. Death, jail. Which is why, in the interest of self-preservation...we have to take out Penny.”
“Snake Charmer’s helped some of us,” Sweet Pea replied.
“Oh yeah?” Jughead asked, looking at the other Serpent. “And what did she ask for in return, Sweet PEa? How many favors? Now if we don’t stop Penny tonight, she is going to get every single one of us in on this. I promise you. I promise you, Sweet Pea.” You watched as Sweet Pea and Fangs shared a look, thinking over what Jughead just said.
“What I’m asking is,” Jughead continued. “Are you willing to risk your necks to save my dad’s life?” 
“What is the first law?” Toni called out, standing up from leaning on her motorcycle.
A minute later Sweet Pea answered. “No serpent stands alone.”
You looked up and saw him staring directly at you as he stood and walked to Jughead’.s side. “I’m in.”
“Me too.” Toni replied.
You watched as Fangs stood up, determination clear on his face. “Let’s do this.”
You felt their eyes turn to you from where you stood. You took a deep breath and shook your head. You slowly walked to join them at where they stood in front of the flaming barrel.
“In Unity There Is Strength.”
That night your group of rebellious Serpents went to Penny’s hideout, being careful to not alert the older Serpents as to what you were doing. The last thing you needed was for them to ruin your plan. It was strange being surrounded by Serpents again. But it also felt like coming home after a long trip.
You couldn’t help but snicker when you saw the fearless Snake Charmer helplessly tied up on the ground. It brought you a sick sort of pleasure to see her feel how most of the people she did business with felt. Helpless, cornered...fucked over.
When Jughead began informing her that she will never return to Riverdale, her eyes slid over to you. A pitiful look overtook her face, attempting to get you to soften up. “Honeybee, I’ve never done you wrong, have I? These snakes abandoned you when you needed them. But I’ve helped you out on more than one occasion. Especially when you were hooked on JJ.”
Time seemed to come to a standstill when those words left her mouth. Your past with Jingle Jangle was something you had never admitted to anyone. It was an addiction you had kept under everyone’s noses. Even now, no one knew. No one but FP, who had helped you get off of the stuff.
“What is she talking about?” Sweet Pea demanded, an intense look in his eyes.
“Oopsies,” Penny smirked. “I’m guessing you never told them about that? Yikes. If I would have known I wouldn’t have said anything. When you stopped coming to me for more I just assumed you found a cheaper supplier.”
“You were on Jingle Jangle? When?” Sweet Pea questioned angrily, hands balled into fists at his sides. But the anger wasn’t directed at you. He was angry at himself for not noticing.
Penny laughed, obviously finding it funny that he didn’t know. “When wasn’t she on it? She tried to stay away, but I guess you could say she had a big sweet tooth.”
“Were you just not going to tell us you were doing drugs, Y/N?” Sweet Pea demanded, obviously not very happy something like that had been kept hidden from him. “You should have fucking told me. Serpents shouldn’t have to go through that shit alone.”
“Yeah, well you’ve made it quite clear I’m no longer a Serpent, Sweet Pea, so it isn’t your fucking problem. Just yet another thing I had to deal with on my own while we were together,” You snapped.
“Maybe we should focus on the task at hand,” You remarked before Sweet Pea could open his mouth, crossing your arms over your chest as you glared at the Snake Charmer. Taking the hint that you wanted the attention away from you, Jughead cleared his throat, getting the attention back on him.
“I don’t care where you set up shop. But it’s not going to be in Riverdale. And it’s not going to be with the Serpents. You wanna deal drugs? You wanna extort people? That’s your business. But not on the Southside. That belongs to us.”
Penny laughed, shaking her head. “You stupid, cocky kid. Serpent law says you can’t hurt one of your own,” She replied, lifting her sleeve to show her tattoo.
"Oh Penny...It’s time you learn,” Jughead stated, standing up and taking off his jacket. “Grab her.”
Toni and Sweet Pea quickly shot over to her sides, grabbing her arms and holding her down. She screamed to be let go, but you all knew that would never happen. Jughead knelt down and opened his knife. “You hurt one of your own by giving Y/N Jingle Jangle. And that tattoo doesn’t make you a Serpent.”
Penny’s screams filled the quiet night as Jughead slowly cut off the tattoo on her arm. She deserved it, there was no way you could deny it. But you couldn’t help but imagine yourself in her place. The thought of having a blade slice off the thin skin on your inner wrist made you turn away with a grimace, unable to watch the process any longer.
When all was said and done Penny was left a sobbing mess in the woods. Considering a couple of the young Serpents actually puked while watching the barbaric tattoo removal, you didn’t feel so bad about having to turn away.
You left wordlessly once it was over, not wanting to stick around a group you no longer belonged to any longer than necessary. You could feel Sweet Pea’s eyes on you, but you didn’t want to meet his gaze. The hurt you knew would be there would only make you regret the way you snapped at him.
His eyes didn’t leave your figure until you had disappeared from his sight. He was still trying to soak in the fact that you had went through an addiction to Jingle Jangle right under his nose. He never even noticed.
It made his chest ache, wondering how you must have felt when you were going through it. How abandoned you must feel thanks to his not knowing how to handle you leaving. It was his fault you had turned in your jacket. If he would have just told you that he was scared you would find someone better than him on the Northside you would still be spending every Friday night with him at his trailer, watching movies that would give you nightmares for weeks.
He had just been so scared you would find someone that could give you everything you wanted and would treat you like a boyfriend should - not be scared to tell you how he felt and cover up his emotions with snarky comments and a cold attitude.
He missed having you by his side, always ready to put him in his place when he had an attitude, somehow knowing how to calm down his explosive temper with a single touch. He had been in love with you since you were kids, and he would never be able to stop loving you. You were ingrained into ever fiber of his being.
He had to find a way to make things right.
The next morning you found a box with your name written on it in sharpie on your front porch. You brought it into your room and plopped on your bed, equal parts scared of and curious about what was in it.
When you opened it you saw a piece of paper with very familiar handwriting. Slowly, you picked it up, scanning the words written on it.
“Reasons I Suck At Being A Serpent
1) I let you stand alone because I was pissed you were leaving the Southside.
2)  I was too scared to tell you the real reason I was pissed that you were moving to the Northside. The truth is I was scared you would find a guy that can treat you better than I ever could.
3) I hurt you for the stupidest reasons when we were together.
4) I didn’t treat you like I should have. I was an asshole to you so many times when I should have been holding you close and telling you how beautiful you are. Even when you fell asleep in class and had marker smudged all over your face because you doodled on your hand.
5) I didn’t tell you that I love you enough. I wanted to tell you I love you every time I woke up with you in my arms, holding you tight like a lifeline. I was too afraid to let you break down the walls I worked so hard to put up. The truth is, those walls never kept you out. You’ve always been the one able to pass through them like a ghost and it terrified me.
6) I didn’t notice something was up with you when you were on Jingle Jangle. I should have been able to tell you were going through something and needed me to help you through it.
7) When you were on JJ, you should have felt like I was someone you could turn to and help you get through it. But, I never gave you enough proof that I was. It’s no one’s fault but my own, and if I’m ever given the chance I will make sure you never feel that way again.
I’m sorry for everything, Y/N. I’m sorry I didn’t love you the way I should have. I’m sorry I don’t know how to express my emotions properly. I’m sorry for being the reason you want nothing to do with the Serpents. We’re your family, and the fact I hurt you enough to make you feel like we don’t care shows just how much I fucked up.
But, if there is even the smallest chance you could ever forgive me and come back to us, meet me at the Whyte Wyrm Saturday at 9 pm. If not, I can’t blame you for not wanting to risk your heart again. I want to be the boyfriend you have always deserved.
- S.P “
You finished reading the letter, slowly sitting it down next to you before reaching back into the box. When you pulled your hand back out, it was holding your leather Serpent jacket.
Considering whether or not I should do a Part 3 to wrap it all up, or let you guys come up with the ending you want. What do you think?
@chloe-skywalker @unaveragewriterfreak @poolpartyingwithjaws
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paworu · 6 years
Tagged by @destinyfruit
Rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people.
coffee or tea
early bird or night owl
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
silver or gold
pop or alternative
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks
mountains or fields
thunderstorm or lightning
Egyptian or Greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
eyes or lips
witch or fairy
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macarons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten letters
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
London or Paris
Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet
denim or leather
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaid or siren
masquerade ball or cocktail party
Rules: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations.
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organised sport • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favourite season • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midnight most days• I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colours not words
EARTH: I wear glasses • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humour is very cheerful • I am a valued adviser to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally
Anyone is free to do this n tag me
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Chapter Two
Player: Tyler Seguin – Dallas Stars
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I add this request into the already planned part two! I thought it was such a cute idea. You and Tyler begin dating after years of being best friends.
 Mentions: None.
Warnings: Slight Cursing.
Preview:  You smiled helping her put away the groceries, as Tyler frantically came flying down the stairs. “Mom, do you think she will like the dark or the light blue? And have you seen that box I kept in my closet? I really need..” He trailed off as he caught a glimpse of you putting fruit into the fridge.
Characters: 1776 words.
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You and Tyler had clicked into boyfriend and girlfriend before you even went out on your “first date.” Being best friends for as long as you can remember helped. You told Tyler that you didn’t have to do the whole date thing, but he insisted.
 “Segs, we go to dinner all the time. I don’t really see a difference.” You giggled as he was looking up reservations on his computer.
 He pouted. “It’s going to be different now! I get to show you off as my girlfriend, Finally.” You whacked his arm.
 “Hey! It’s not my fault, your stubborn ass wouldn’t let me do this all these years.” He laughed and it was like music to your ears. You loved his laugh, his smile, everything about him. You suddenly had no idea why you put up all the walls in the first place.
 “Now go home, so I can get ready!” He basically pushed you from his childhood room to the door. He gave you a quick peck on the lips and then the door was shut in your face. You shook your head and made your way down the driveway. You almost ran into Jackie who was carrying hands full of groceries.
 “Jackie! Let me help you.” You grabbed a few bags from her and followed her back up the driveway.
 She smiled. “You would think having a certain son home, this would be much easier.” You both laughed. “It’s so good to see you, love. Ty has not stopped talking about you since you two finally got together, but then he has always talked about you.”
 You blushed. “Really?” you questioned.
 “Y/N, that boy has been fawning over you since you two were little. I’m glad you have finally given in to him.”
 You smiled helping her put away the groceries, as Tyler frantically came flying down the stairs. “Mom, do you think she will like the dark or the light blue? And have you seen that box I kept in my closet? I really need...” He trailed off as he caught a glimpse of you putting fruit into the fridge.
 “I thought I got rid of you!”
 “Good to know how you feel Segs.” You laughed throwing away the extra plastic bags.
 “Y/N was helping me since someone didn’t come down and help their mother,” Jackie answered for you.
 You gave Jackie a quick hug and turned towards the door a flustered Tyler following you.
 You turned to face him suddenly. “I like the light blue, it looks good on you Segs.” He smirked. “And what’s so important about that box?” you asked.
 “No more questions, Out!” Tyler once again placed you outside his front door. “I will pick you up at 7!”
 You giggled as you headed down the driveway and got into your car. The entire drive home you contemplated what to wear tonight. As you pulled into your driveway your phone pinged alerting you of an incoming text.
 Segs: I’m glad you picked light blue, it will match best.
 You were confused but put it off as Tyler being Tyler. You walked into the house and went straight to your room. You were suddenly surprised when you opened the door. There on your bed was a gorgeous light blue dress that fit your style perfectly.  There was also a brand new pair of simple nude heels and a note. You sat down on your bed and picked up the note dumbfounded by Tyler’s kindness.
I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to get you something special for our “First Date.” I think this would fit your type of style and I already know you are going to be absolutely breathtaking. Also, don’t wear a jacket or jewelry.
See you soon.
- Segs
 You smiled at his use of your childhood nickname. You shot him a quick text saying thank you and began to get ready. Even knowing Tyler all these years, this date was giving you butterflies. You did a simple makeup look and slipped into the dress that fit perfectly. You curled your hair and were just slipping into your heels when you heard a knock at the door.
 You quickly headed to the door and opened it to find Tyler standing in your doorway with a bouquet of sunflowers, your favorite. “How did you remember that these are my favorite!” You smiled giving him a hug and taking the flowers from him.
 “I remember things about my favorite honeybee.” He gave a quick kiss to your temple as you cut the stems and put the flowers in water.
 “Well let’s go on a date.” You giggled and followed him out the door.
 You drove to a nice steakhouse and had light conversation. It flowed and was just like any other dinner you had with Tyler. You really were just in love with your best friend. You finished dinner and you thought the night was over. That was until Tyler was leading you through the streets of Toronto and not towards the car.
 He draped his jacket over your shoulders. “So that’s why you said no jacket huh?” He smiled
 “I wanted this to be legit” You laughed at him.
 “I’ve worn a lot of your clothes before Ty.”
 “But it’s different now” he replied as he pulled you in closer.
 “So why no jewelry?” you asked raising an eyebrow up at him.
 “Shhh, you will see,” Tyler answered rubbing your arm.
 You didn’t realize you two had reached the CN tower. Tyler walked you in waving at security. You two entered an elevator with a sign that read “Private Event”
 “Tyler, what are we doing? We can’t crash a private event!” you looked at him nervously.
 “Why do you have so many questions?” He laughed as the elevator doors opened.
 You gasped at the sight your eyes were met with. The glass floor was filled with twinkling lights that matched the Toronto skyline. It was stunning. There was a simple black box sitting on a bar with two glasses of bubbling champagne.
 You were almost brought to tears. “Ty, you did all this?”
 Tyler took you by the hand and lead you towards the bar overlooking the beautiful night skyline of the place you called home.
 “Y/N, I have been waiting for years to be able to do this for you, and I am so glad you have finally let me. I have been in love with you from day one, and I want to prove it too you.” He grabbed the box from the bar and opened it. What was inside allowed the tears to spill from your eyes. The box was almost filled to the brim with pictures, ticket stubs, and handwritten notes. Every birthday and holiday card you had ever given him, skate laces, and so much more that brought you through the years you have spent with Tyler.
 “You kept all this?” You asked looking up at him.
 “I’ve kept everything you have ever given to me because you gave it to me.” He smiled and wiped the tears from your cheeks. “And now I want to give you something that represents everything in this box.”
 He reached inside his jacket that was still draped over your shoulders and pulled out a satin box. He opened the box to show you a Pandora bracelet filled with charms. He began to explain each one as he clipped the bracelet onto your wrist.
 “Hockey sticks because that is how we met. A heart well because duh. Minnie ears because every time you visit me in Cali, you drag me to Disneyland. A Honeybee because that’s your nickname. A Canadian flag because its where we are from. Texas because that’s where I am and hopefully you will be soon. A sunflower because that’s your favorite. A dog from Marshall and Cash because I am pretty sure you love them more than me. And a crown because I promise to always treat you like the princess that you are.”
 The tears were now in full force. “Tyler this is amazing, you’re amazing.”
“I try, I try” He smirked brushing fake dirt from his shoulders, making you giggle.
 “I love you Segs.” You wrapped your arms around his neck.
 “I love you too Honeybee” he answered followed by a swift kiss on your lips.
 You and Tyler were inseparable for the entire summer. Your relationship flourished and you had never been happier, but the end of summer was drawing near. And that meant going back to the real world. You would be headed back to school and Tyler would be going back to Dallas to begin training for the upcoming hockey season. Tyler had spent the entire summer trying to convince you to move to Dallas but you only had one more semester and wanted to finish at your college.
 You found yourself sitting in the backyard of the Seguin family home. The Seguins were hosting their annual end of summer BBQ and you were all sitting around the fire making s’mores and enjoying each other’s company.
 You were all swapping old stories and memories when Paul spoke up. “Do you all remember the first time the two lovebirds met? Y/N knocked Tyler on his ass so hard, I almost fell over laughing.”
 You giggled recalling the first time you met your best friend.
 You had gone to a family skate for the Toronto Young Nationals with your older brother. You were skating along when an older boy rushed past you causing you to lose your footing. You held back your tears as your brother helped you up. You continued to skate when that same boy began to rush past you again but this time he was trying to fit between you and the wall of the rink. So you did what your brother had taught you and checked him. He hit the wall with a such a huge force that after he fell he began to cry. Later on, your parents forced you to apologize and you and Tyler became best friends right then and there. He said he liked a girl that could check him and keep up.
 You smiled at the memory but the doubts you had been having crept back into your mind. What if Tyler couldn’t handle long distance, what if he changed his mind. You shook your head bringing you from the thoughts.
 You and Tyler loved each other, what could happen?
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bayouheir-blog · 7 years
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REPOST! don’t reblog
BOLD any that applies to your muse and italicize any that kind of applies to your muse. feel free to add to the list.
TAGGED BY:  stole it from my other blog TAGGING:  anyone else who would like to !!!
red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. violet. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. bubblegum pink. sky blue. pale jade. sunshine yellow. dusty pink. coral.
fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. fog. mist.
claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. neck. shoulders. legs. freckles. unseen bruises. canines. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. fingernails. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing. tattoos. athletic. hair. fur. sleek.
fists. legs. sword. dagger. spear. lance. bow & arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. claws. teeth. stealth. strategy. forehead. kitchen knife.
grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. sunflowers. tulips. lavender. petals. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. fungi. ocean. river. frozen lake. meadow. valley. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. swamp. bayou. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. snow. mist. pond. shadows. honeysuckle.
big cats. wolves. foxes. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. frogs. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. penguins. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. monkeys. honeybee. griffins. fireflies.
sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. vodka. beer. coffee. sake. tea. spices. herbs. apples. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. lollies. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. surf ‘n’ turf. burritos. pizza. ambrosia. eggs. milk. yoghurt.
music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. baking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. war tactics. electronics.technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. strings. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. flute. bells. exploring. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. sleeping. climbing. running. jogging. parkour. studying.
lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. ankle boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. beanie hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks.corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. mittens. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sun glasses. straw hat. visor. eye contacts. makeup. ribbons. hoodie. sweater. converse. tennis shoes. boxers. briefs. boxer briefs. shorts. cargo. cropped pants. crop top. cuffed pants. sun dress. stockings.
balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. growth. decay. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. journal. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. comrades. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. kisses. spring. summer. autumn. winter. farmland. countryside. suburban. village. blood. horror. shibari. tears.
0 notes
spookadoop · 7 years
Old Habits Die Hard (Sweet Pea)
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“I guess old habits die hard”
Part Two
The tattoo on your inner left wrist was one of honor, loyalty, and family. A double-headed Serpent in the shape of an S, representing your family, not by blood, but by choice. On your other wrist was the image of a sweet pea. A symbol to remind you of the man you loved. Your soulmate.
At least, you thought he was.
Sweet Pea held your heart in the palm of his hand. There was never a time you two weren’t together. That was where your nickname, Honeybee, came from. No one ever used your real name, you were pretty sure over half of them just assumed your name was Honeybee.
Everything was perfect in your life. You had a family stronger than any in existence, the love of your life by your side, and friends that would die for you.
Well, until you found out your biological family was moving you to the Northside of town. It was like a switch had flipped. All of a sudden Sweet Pea acted like he was disgusted by you. You bestfriends? They were too busy to spend time with you while you balled your eyes out on your last few days.
And so, newly single, heartbroken, and friendless, you moved to Riverdale High.
The first day at your new school, you were dressed in your usual attire. It always consisted of something leather, something lace, and something flannel. So, you went with leather boots, a flannel shirt, and shorts that ended in lace fringe at the bottom.
You grabbed the jacket from your desk chair, sliding the leather on without a thought. You looked in your full body mirror before stopping, your ex-boyfriend’s words from your last visit to the Whyte Wyrm ringing through your head.
“You’re not a Serpent anymore... You don’t belong here.”
You slid your jacket off, choosing a black hoodie instead. You wrapped bracelets around your wrist to cover your Serpent tattoo before leaving your room, head hanging low.
You waited for the text from Sweet Pea you always received in the morning, either telling you he was going to pick you up, or telling you he’d meet you at school. On the days when he sent the later, you’d ride to school on your very own motorcycle. You shut your eyes tight, realizing the text wouldn’t come.
Old habits die hard.
You reached for your motorcycle keys, before remembering they were on your dad’s keychain. He said that motorcycles had no place at Riverdale High, forbidding you from riding it to school. He left a spare key hidden somewhere in his room, in case of emergencies. 
Seeing as you had missed the bus, and in no way in hell were you going to walk to school, you snatched the key from where it was taped to the underside of one of his dresser drawers.
You climbed onto the bike, feeling a deep happiness when the engine roared to life. At least you still had a small piece of your old life. A small, amazing, fast piece that resulted in everyone's eyes being on you when you pulled into the Riverdale High parking lot. You always did have a flare for dramatics.
You brushed your hair out of your face, cutting off the bike. You climbed off of it, popped out the kickstand, and made sure it was sturdy, pretending to not notice the strange looks you were getting. It was almost amusing.
You walked inside, looking around the all too clean hallway. As a blonde haired girl walked forward, introducing herself as your mentor, you felt all the more homesick.
“So, where did you come from?” The girl, Betty, asked. You cleared your throat, “Let’s just say, it feels like a world away.”
It felt like just yesterday you had been on your couch in Sunnyside Trailer park, curled up to your boyfriend. Every now and again, you’d place a kiss onto the tattoo on the side of his neck. He’d return it with a kiss to the matching tattoo you had on your left wrist.
It was weird, every time you’d look on your phone and notice it had been a few months. The shirt you had from a time Sweet Pea had spent the night had lost his smell, but you still wore it.
Your friends had learned of your past with the Southside Serpents, but not out of your own will. Veronica had been digging through your closet, looking for an outfit to wear to a show she was performing with the Pussycats. With a shocked gasp, she pulled a Southside Serpents jacket out. With Betty, Veronica, and Kevin’s eyes on you, you had no choice but to explain, slowly removing the bracelets from your wrist.
You explained the reason behind your joining, how you were in need of a family that would love you regardless of everything, and the Serpents seemed to just appear. You then explained the significance of the flower on your other wrist, the connection it had to the love of your life.
They assured you that they loved you regardless, giving you the confidence to go without your bracelets from then on. It garnered some stares from the Bulldogs, but one glare had them looking away quickly. Reggie included. You had a mutual understanding. He leaves you alone and you do the same. That included not asking about your Serpent past.
Unfortunately, the past didn’t want to stay in the past. Veronica had dragged you to Archie’s after having to grab his loaded gun. After the stupid Red Circle video, you refused to talk to the boy. After her support, you stopped talking to her as well. The video was a straight threat to any and all Southsiders, yet again blaming them for problems in the North. And then he goes and tags buildings in the Southside. You were furious.
But, you punched him in the face the next day at school. So it was all good. Veronica also promised you food if you went on the outing to get a technical piece of evidence.
When Archie and Veronica started fighting you excused yourself to another room, giving them their privacy. It was only when you heard a knock on the door you emerged from your hiding spot. There, you were greeted by the entire Riverdale High football team. And Pizza. 
“Suddenly I love you, Reggie,” You joked, sitting on the arm of the couch.
“I always knew the Mantle charm would get to you, Y/N,” He replied, sending you a wink.
You happily munched on a piece of pizza, in your own little world. You knew that the second you tuned into reality you would be pissed off. More than likely, they were talking about the Red Circle. It wasn’t until the sound of motorcycles filled the air that you froze.
In unison, you and Veronica hurried over to the door, peering out through he window. Your heart dropped.
“Oh no...” You whispered, watching as the familiar figures of the Serpents hopped off of their bikes. They followed the lead of one boy in particular. It took you a split second to recognize Sweet Pea, and the look on his face. It meant shit was about to go down.
“Not a moment too soon,” Veronica mumbled. “Archie, trouble.”
Archie hopped over the coffee able as the Serpents walked onto the porch. He opened the door as you quickly hid out of their view. You were able to see Sweet Pea’s devilish smirk, but thankfully he couldn’t see you.
“How stupid are you Northsiders?” For the first time in what felt like years, Sweet Pea’s voice finally graced your ears again. “You really think you can come to my house, stick a gun in my face, in front of my boys, and there wouldn’t be any payback?”
Reggie pulled the door open wider. “You have crap timing, bro. Bulldogs eat Serpents for lunch.”
“We’ll see about that,” Sweet Pea replied, looking at Reggie like he was a puppy tugging on his pants leg. “And the more the merrier.” He stepped closer, resulting in Reggie pushing him back. That caused you to quickly step out of your hiding spot to pull Reggie back.
Sweet Pea’s eyes shot to you as recognition lit up the faces of the Serpents. “Well, well. Look what we have here. You sure as hell shed your skin pretty quick. Guess you were always meant for the snobby and stuck up Northsiders, Princess. I wouldn’t be so surprised if you already got your tattoo removed.”
You gritted your teeth, narrowing your eyes at the boy. “It’s hard not to when your so-called family and so-called boyfriend all tell you that you don’t belong and to never come back because your parents decided to move,” You growled out. “And I sill have my tattoo, thank you very much. Both of them. Go ahead and call me stuck up one more time, Sweets. I fucking dare you. I apparently wasn’t snobby when we had sex all those time, now was I?”
Archie stepped in between the two of you quickly after making Veronica promise to stay in the house. A promise you were pretty sure neither of you believed she would follow through on.
“If you want to fight, we’ll fight.”
Pea’s eyes snapped back to him. “What about your gun?”
“What about your knife?” Archie shot back.
“Veronica stepped between the two of them. “How about no weapons? If you troglodytes insist on doing this, there are gonna be rules. Or should I call Sheriff Keller to referee?” She threatened. Sweet Pea gave Archie an unimpressed look. 
“First off, no weapons. If someone is unconscious, you don’t touch them. No double-teaming. You fight one on one or you don’t fight at all. If you break any of the rules then...” Veronica’s eyes landed on you. “Then Y/N gets to hit you with anything she chooses, anywhere she chooses.” That seemed to make everyone pretty sure they wouldn’t break the rules.
You went along to keep an eye out on any rule breakers. When you got out of Archie’s truck, you had to force yourself no to look at Sweet Pea. You could feel his gaze burning into your body, heating it up despite the cold rain chilling you to your bones, from where he sat on his Harley.
You didn’t have to look to know what he looked like a that moment. You had seen it many times during steamy showers, and nights spent swimming at the lake during bonfires. He looked better than the Devil himself.
You watched as he walked forward with the rest of the group of Serpents, dog tags glinting in the streetlights. When both sides were in almost perfect formation in a line, Archie and Sweet Pea stepped forward. You had to look away, waiting until it sounded like the fight was in full swing to look back. You didn’t want to know who threw the first punch. You saw Sweet Pea get hit, you wanted to jump in and pull him away but the familiar hand of Veronica grabbed your wrist, stopping you.
She observed how every time the tall Serpent was hit, you grimaced. But, every time a Bulldog, or Archie, was hit, you didn’t react. She grimaced when the tall Serpent kicked Archie while he was on the ground, but you didn’t move at all. Accompanied by the longing look in your eyes, she knew where your loyalty lied.
When the tall Serpent looked ready to deliver a final blow to Archie’s fallen form, Veronica reached into her cloak, pulling the gun out. At the sound of it firing, you jumped back, tripping over your own two feet out of instinct to run away. Almost immediately, the sound of sirens rang out.  
Sweet Pea backpedaled towards his bike quickly. “Let’s go!” He called out. “Okay, you guys, let’s go. Let’s get out of here.” He quickly cut on his bike, eyes locking with yours. He clenched his jaw before earing off down the road.
You told Veronica you were leaving, hurrying off before she could say anything. You couldn’t stand to hear the Bulldogs blame the Serpents for everything like they always did. Even if it meant getting sick by walking in the cold rain. You had to remind yourself you wouldn’t be able to go home and curl up in your bed with Sweet Pea, warm in his embrace.
Old habits die hard.
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