#n part of me rlly wants to stop rambling like this on social media but i just.. really want to let it out somewhere but
caratcorner · 7 years
Woozi: Damn Paperboy
Anonymous asked: Hi There :) Can I Request A Scenario Where Lil Ol Jihoonie Gets Jealous? I Don't Have anything Specific But~~ The Ending Should Be Rlly Fluffy!!! Thank You~~~
Summary: There is a (very handsome) paperboy who stops by your house every Sunday morning. Jihoon is not jealous. 
-Admin Syrup
Jihoon held the blinds open with two of his fingers and peered out the window through the small opening. “It’s that damn paperboy again,” he muttered under his breath, eyes trailing the unsuspecting paperboy in question, who was pedaling toward your house on his bike. Jihoon was very familiar with the boy, who was tall with dark, dark hair and dark, dark eyes and a jawline that could split Jihoon right in half. The only reason why he had become unpleasantly acquainted with the older—dare he say attractive—male was because the paperboy had made a point to show up in front of your house every Sunday morning with the newspaper. 
What’s so important about the damn news anyway?
He withdrew his fingers and let the blinds snap closed. You were slouched on the couch, right leg resting over your left thigh as you scrolled through social media. “Did you say something?” you asked, diverting your attention from your phone screen long enough to lock eyes with your boyfriend and quirk an eyebrow at him. His mouth was pulled in a straight line and his cheeks were tinted pink as he realized that you had heard him muttering to himself. 
“Nothing,” he mused, puffing up his cheeks and avoiding your gaze to be as inconspicuous as possible. You narrowed your eyes at his coy look, but it was too early in the morning—at least for you, 9AM is pretty early on a Sunday morning—to be suspicious. Jihoon diverted attention away from himself by heading toward the kitchen. “I think the coffee should be ready by now.” The coffee, like Jihoon when he had spotted the paperboy, had been brewing.
Maybe preparing coffee would soothe his nerves. He navigated around your kitchen, which he had become familiar with as if it were his own kitchen, and grabbed the container of sugar from the pantry for your cup of coffee. As he set your two matching mugs on the counter, he heard the doorbell ring.
It’s the damn paperboy.
He heard you rise from your spot on the couch and stretch for a moment before heading over to answer the door. Meanwhile, he concentrated on emptying the contents of the coffee pot, eyes trained on the dark liquid streaming into his awaiting pink mug. “Don’t be ridiculous, Jihoon,” he muttered to himself once again, only loud enough for his own ears. “He’s just doing his job. Also they’re friends so there’s no need to feel like this. Just because he’s handsome doesn’t mean that Y/N enjoys seeing him.” He was full on rambling right now, the tone of his voice rising up and down as he tried to suppress his bitterness. 
Your voice carried into the kitchen, and it was clear that you had already answered the door. “Junhui! Good morning!”
“Y/N! You answered the door right away. Were you waiting for me?” was Junhui’s reply, and Jihoon pictured the older boy leaning casually against the doorframe and turning up his charisma to 15%. The very thought irked him. Junhui’s charisma at 15% was more charisma than Jihoon had in his entire body.
Of course Y/N answered the door right away. You come the same time every Sunday! 
Jihoon blinked slowly, turning to your blue mug and pouring in the remaining coffee. Next came the sugar. He preferred no sugar in his coffee, but he knew that you liked a spoonful or two in yours.
“You know how it is. It’s a part of my morning routine to read the news. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
No. Jihoon couldn’t believe his ears. Were you flirting back? As he became engrossed in listening to the conversation between you and Jun, the one spoon of sugar he was adding into your coffee soon became three, and then four, and then five.
“Why aren’t you dating me again?” Junhui asked, and that was the last straw for Jihoon.
With his mug in his hand, he marched out of the kitchen and right by your side. “Babe, your coffee is in the kitchen.” He spoke as if Junhui wasn’t there at first, and then slowly slid his eyes up to meet the handsome boy and his infuriatingly perfect facial structure. “Oh, you’re here. Hi.”
Junhui’s cheeky grin never left his face as he greeted Jihoon. “Oh, you’re Y/N’s boyfriend, right? Hey! Nice seeing you again!” Jihoon only twitched his mouth in response.
“You should drink it before it gets cold,” Jihoon advised gently, looking into your eyes while you wondered what the heck was going on with him today. His free arm made itself around your waist and his fingers tugged the hem of your sweater down in a suddenly clingy act. 
Junhui’s eyebrows shot up as he shifted his eyes from you to your boyfriend. “Oh, okay. Well, I can’t stay around for too long since I have to get to other neighborhoods too. I’ll see you in class tomorrow, Y/N!” He gave Jihoon a bright wave, as if Jihoon had not just ignored him. “You too!”
You waved to Jun a final time as you watched him get on his bike. Jihoon stepped forward to shut the door. “What’s up with you today?” you deadpanned immediately. “You’re acting too weird. You never call me babe in front of other people.”
“Nothing.” He looked visibly relieved now, and he nonchalantly left your side to sit down on the couch. Two seconds ago he was all over you and now he was just casually sipping coffee without giving you a second glance? Shaking your head, you set down the newspaper on the table and went to the kitchen to retrieve your mug before curling up next to him on the couch with your legs tucked underneath you. You stared at him curiously, trying to figure out what he was up to, while Jihoon stared straight ahead and drummed an arbitrary beat on his thigh with two of his fingers.
“Does Jun have anything to do with how you’re acting?” you questioned, leaning in close to observe even the slightest change in expression on his face. 
Jihoon gulped, not sure if it was because you were too close to him, or because you had caught onto him so quickly. “No. Why would I care about what’s-his-face?” His slight rise in tone while he answered you gave him away.
With a smirk, you pushed his shoulder gently enough so that he wouldn’t spill his drink. “I completely understand.”
“What? There’s nothing to understand. There’s nothing going on.” His cheeks became increasingly red with each passing second.
“There’s no need to be jealous,” you reassured him with a slight lilt to your voice.
“Jealous?” he sputtered, his eyes widening. “Ridiculous. I’m not jealous.”
The sly smile remained on your face. “Okay. Even if you’re not jealous. Know that you’re the one I’m dating and I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.”
Jihoon was silent for a moment. “Jun is attractive though.”
You didn’t bother pointing out that Jihoon had completely contradicted himself. “He is. But I could care less.” 
“But he flirted with you. And you flirted back.” 
You rested your cheek on his shoulder, feeling him gradually ease into your touch. “That’s just how he is. And that wasn’t flirting, I was just being friendly.”
Jihoon begrudgingly hummed. “I’m not jealous by the way. I’m just pointing out the things that happened in the past ten minutes.” He stopped drumming his fingers when he felt your hand cover his.
You remained in silence for a few moments in the same position. “You’re cute, Jihoon,” you spoke at last, readjusting yourself so that you were sitting up straight and your legs were dangling from the couch.
“Don’t call me cute,” he murmured with a soft pout, his hand discreetly finding yours again. 
The two of you simultaneously took sips from your drinks, but your face contorted in surprise as you had the first taste of your coffee. “How much sugar did you put in this?”
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