#n recently w returning to indulging myself more again w fiction i think reminded me of. how the protag i wrote in that one story i wrote
2020laxteentour · 4 years
Day One (Arrival)
Today was very eye opening, I expected Los Angeles to be all pretty and filled with expensive things. But today I really saw the up and downsides of Los Angeles. I know everywhere has it’s hard areas, but to see the major differences between and how there so close really made me think. People really spend lots of money on non-essential things when people are really out here with little to nothing. -Bascia P.
Seeing Skid row and Rodeo drive all in one day really gave me insight on how close and far rock bottom is from making it big at the top. Both were two extremes one filled with poverty and struggle and the other filled with excessive luxury both separated by a few miles and quite a few thousand dollars. On a lighter note seeing Trump's star absolutely trashed on the walkway was very enjoyable to see. -Essence H.
Today was very much a lesson and a experience. As an experience we got to go to the beach next to the pier and truly bask in California. We also watched an altercation take place within McDonald’s but that’s neither here nor there. As part of the lesson we were shown first hand the highs and lows of California. Doing this by first going to Skid Row and seeing all of the impoverished homeless people as the low, then making our way later on to Rodeo Drive and seeing all of the expensive things. This really opens up the eyes of people who might not realize that right around the corner from the big city and wealth there’s people living on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. -Bobby H.
I really like UCLA and it is so big. They even have a little town in UCLA. I don't like how they have a whole street for homeless people. I really like the beach but there was a lot of people without masks. I went to the Hollywood Walk of Fame with the stars and I saw a lot of famous people. -Jamil B.
Today was a reminder to slow down and appreciate the world and people around me. Sometimes I can be encumbered with stress and I forget how magnificent it is to be alive. Today, those anxieties came crashing down like the waves of the Pacific as I indulged myself in the warm breeze and gentle glow of the sun as it slowly settled beneath the horizon. I'm grateful for today and the people who made it possible for me to enjoy it. - Giovan B.
We began the service learning tour on Skid Row, I am aware of the homeless community in my area but not to this magnitude. The homeless tents are camped along the busy streets of downtown. Then to drive shorty over to ‘Bel Air’ Hollywood. By the way, thank you Kristen for the wonderful tour of UCLA.  We walked down Rodeo Drive to see all the glitz and famous name. The people I encountered today are not only homeless but mentally ill.  There is so much more I can do for the homeless when returning to my community. -Pamela G.
The first day in Los Angeles was interesting and eye opening. Starting off at Skid Road made me appreciate the things that I have and opportunities that I receive. It was also interesting because that’s the part of California that they don’t show on TV and I didn’t expect that many homeless people to be in one area. On tv Los Angeles has the perception of being rich, upperclass, and perfect which is not the case. -Jordan B.
Starting of the day by flying into the well known LAX. As soon as I stepped out the baggage claim I saw the vibrant sky’s of LA filled with palm trees and people. Before coming I thought I would see luxurious communities and places that screamed money, but it was the opposite. Our first official stop was a hidden community of homeless people hidden behind the beauty of downtown. It showcased how even though California is one of the richest states in the U.S it still has one of the highest poverty rates. We then went to UCLA and learned a lot about the transition to college as a minority and some of the programs that UCLA had to support some of its less fortunate students. We wrapped up the day by going to famous landmarks of LA like Rodeo Drive, Santa Monica, and The Hollywood Walk of Fame! -Marcus R.
Today was an eye opening experience. My heart broke for the people we saw on Skid row. I mean, from the tents to the blankets working as insulation and there was even wheel chairs parked outside their campsites. The way they maneuvered, was as if that setting was actually normal. Well, I’m sure to them that is. I did notice, the sense of community though, they looked out for each other. What I gathered from today’s experience, while walking amongst Rodeo drive, the price tag of many of those items, Dior, Goyard or Gucci to name a few could put those on Skid row in a better position. Whether it’s rehab, program for housing, mental health assistance or a simple makeover to boost their self esteem. Ultimately, the “HIGHS” mean Nothing, long as you’re leaving “OTHERS” sitting “LOW”. Thanks a Bunch. -Toquetta C.
Flying into LAX I was super excited. Being it’s my first time to L.A. I’m looking forward to learning a lot. After we left the airport we were able to visit a Los Angeles staple, Randy’s Donut. Along side visiting Randy’s Donuts we were also able to eat at In-N-Out burger which was a much wanted visit for me. As we continued into our day I enjoyed being able to walk Skid Row and see poverty and manipulation of drugs in its purest form. Seeing versus hearing is a huge impact on me because the visual is what makes it stick and in stowed in me that I want to make something out of myself in order to make sure I don’t end up in a situation like that. After going to Skid Row and seeing the beautiful UCLA campus I enjoyed being able to watch the sun set at the Santa Monica Pier. As we ended our day on the Hollywood Walk of Fame I seen some of the amazing Black celebrities stars that have paved the way in the industry of entertainment. Today I can say was a great way to start off my journey in exploring Los Angeles and learning about the state of California and i look forward to learning so much more. -Roderick T.
The first day is always the best. We may be all fighting fatigue-- if not from our travels, then definitely from everything we managed to accomplish. We managed to encompass both polarities of the city, noticing just how close the highly affluent and poorly disadvantaged sit in relation to each other. It's striking to think that one could at one moment be in one of LA's economic epicenters, then only blocks away encounter homelessness, addiction, mental illness, and perhaps many other unfortunate things. For a first day introduction we covered a lot. -Malachi W.
Fully loaded Day 1, I am so glad we started from the poorest areas (Skid road) to some of the richest areas (Beverly Hills, Bel Air and Hollywood). It shows the great in inequality and really shows that for LA to be so rich, it has such a high homelessness population. Walking the beach, getting the clean air in was such a treat too, love seeing so many people from different backgrounds. I expected to see diversity and I did today, from the different areas and of course the different foods offered. I am looking forward to more adventures tomorrow. -Rania A.
Being grateful is a very valuable character trait which should be administered throughout life for as long as you are able to live. Today as we traveled through Los Angeles and we were strolling down one of the main strips, I would get my first look at "skid row" a very heartbreaking view to see. So many potential lives lost due to choices made all I could do was say a prayer. Meanwhile on the other side of town not too far the view was a whole 180, from the nice cars to the better view of the community, even the streets itself were cleaner. Arriving at UCLA was inspiring, considering that was my first time ever being on the campus and who better to give a tour of the campus, Ms. Kristen. Hearing the his-story of how Black Panthers members were killed there and the only way they paid homage to them was to place their names on a stone, speaks so much volume especially during these revolving times were currently in. The stroll down Hollywood Blvd would be new as well to me but its nothing of the fictional sight we see in movies or on tv, there are a lot of changes needed in this country we call The United States of America. I just pray I'm here to witness and also be apart of the change I would love to see. Equality for all!!! -Tia J.
This year’s tour started with a zoom orientation.  Different but needed due to safety precautions.  Very informative and helpful. Topics included mental health and COVID- 19. In this land of great opulence, it’s humbling to see and walk through the real Skid Row. I didn’t take many pictures, because regardless of their station in life, these people still deserve respect. As Dr. Mike said, “ We must lift as we climb”. Starting our trip with a tour through Skid Row was absolutely necessary.  -TeShania B.
I am glad that I was able to give a campus tour of UCLA and talk about my experience as an undergraduate student. I am delighted that everyone enjoyed the campus tour. I personally had not been to Beverly Hills & Rodeo Drive before today simply because I had not gotten around to it. I have not seen Skid Row in person yet, but the area has been of much discussion in my recent classes. Los Angeles is a very diverse and vibrant city that is full of richness and culture. Even though I study other parts of the world, I can easily see the existing inequalities within Los Angeles itself. Skid Row is a great example of when extreme wealth collides with the poor. Even the geography and architecture is different. I think the main question then becomes: How can Skid Row and its peoples standard of living improve without gentrifying it, further displacing the homeless or the residents? It was great seeing familiar faces again as well as meeting new people! -Kristen L.
"This. Is. America." That statement was made by Dr. Weaver today while visiting Skid row. I have seen pictures and even seen clips on television about this place, but to see the eyes of the people, feel the emotions of the environment, and smell the air of the area was very surreal. I seen the hopelessness, the dreams that were lost, the consequences of mistakes, but through all of the misfortune I still seen community, I seen people living side by side and being amongst "family". From Skid row to UCLA from lost dreams to endless opportunities I seen the parallel of two worlds and it left me in a state of wonder on how the world can suck life out of you, but also how if you do the work and apply yourself how the world can be so fulfilling. I really took in and digested everything that I seen today and prayerfully it helps to continue to shape my perspectives on life in such a way that allows me to grow and have grace for others. -Patrice C.
I enjoyed the flight and the little tour that you gave us. It was exciting to see how these people live on the other side of the country. Also the Nipsey Hustle memorial was exciting to look at knowing he was a great and intelligent man. And the people up here respect him and his death. I just got used to the time zone because I didn’t know if I wanted to go to sleep last night or stay up. -Bobby H.
It was nice getting to meet up with everyone on the UCLA campus. Even though I’ve been down in the dumps lately, today I was able to relax and enjoy everyone’s company. The Santa Monica Pier/3rd Street Promenade and Rodeo Drive are almost complete opposites of each other. The pier is calming, cool, peaceful and full of lively people while Rodeo Drive has an awkward silence that can only be filled by the rich and privileged. -Kristen L. (PART II)
Today was a busy and eventful day. Walking the streets of L.A. was exactly what I expected. Just being able to take the sights in was an experience in itself. From the many famous sights and buildings, to the landmarks and restaurants, L.A. has been more than just a trip. It was been an experience!  -Javon B. (PART II)
Today as we traveled between Inglewood and Beverly Hills, I noticed how deep the wealth disparity in America is. This was very similar to my hometown of Atlanta but it was still shocking to see. I was also surprised at the big homeless population down by the Santa Monica Pier. While I know homelessness is a large issue in the US, I didn't expect to see it all so close to a heavily tourist traveled destination. It was also interesting to see all of the houses in the hills around Hollywood and to hypothesize how high the insurance might be for those people. Overall it was just cool to see the difference between real world LA and tv/movie LA. -Kasamba A. (PART II)
Today’s experience was a sight full ...a great experience for my first time in LA. Everything is so busy & fast paced but absolutely beautiful. I expected the people to be kind of pushy due to the high volume of tourists but they are actually friendly, which is such a relief for someone who’s used to southern hospitality. Being able to tour UCLA was definitely my favorite part of the day. Learning about the historical aspects concerning blacks & how there is little recognition on the campus was different being that I attended an HBCU. It’s good but also sad to know that the racial injustice & protesters that are happening all around the world today are what’s making major universities & cities rethink some of the historical things on their campus. Santa Monica was another favorite, simply because of how absolutely beautiful it was lit up at night. I look forward to the events for tomorrow with being able to give back in some way in another community other than my own. -Markesia B. (PART II)
Different. It was all different from the moment I stepped off the plane the vibe and the energy of the people in the airport and the local eatery was different but I loved it. I also enjoyed bonding and getting to know the young ladies in my room and hearing some of their backgrounds. Beverly Hills is famous for being famous and also presenting the fairytale lifestyle we see on tv. The reality is it doesn’t show the opposite side. The cast out & less fortunate standing next to a Lamborghini being ignored asking for food or saying “anything would help”.  What separates us? Why is the separation so comfortable for us to not make a change? I pray one day we will be a able to come together and help those who are a little more unfortunate than we are in the areas of job placement, mental health and also financial stability. Stepping on the campus of UCLA and hearing about all the history and monumental events that took place on their campus was an eye opener. So many of those events never hit the history books but they are ones that are worth talking about especially in our society today. This trip so far has shown me to always be thankful and to give back every chance I get. -Sierra W. (PART II)
So far my experience of learning Los Angeles has been wonderful!  This is my longest flight in the books now.  A lot of sight seeing from my plane view before I landed.  I’ve tried new restaurants also learned about different events that took place at UCLA.  I had no clue Martin Luther king had a small speech there.  Learning the background and history of each area we visited today makes me want to go back and learn a little more... I’m ready for Day 2, to learn the other areas and it’s history as well! -Joy F. (PART II)
Today was my first day experiencing LA and I must say the day was very memorable and impactful. Our first stop was UCLA! The UCLA tour was very informative. I learned that this institution was a Land Grant Institution, just like my HBCU Fort Valley State University.  I like how the institution is taking initiative to rename a building after renowned African American leaders. I wished that it didn’t take the current state of the world to do so. What also interested me about LA was the vast amount of tree species that they have. For some odd reason I didn’t think this city would have so much greenery, it was truly amazing. I also had the opportunity to visit Santa Monica pier and the beach.  I didn’t realize how difficult it could be walking in sand, it was a really hard task for me, this made me think about the health of the people in LA and how strong they truly are because that was a workout with in itself. I truly enjoyed my first day in LA. -Sha’Bria J. (PART II)
Wow! My experience here in California has been great so far! I am heavily astounded by the architecture of the buildings here! The vibe of the LA streets was everything I expected and more! The food choice here in LA is spectacular. Los Angeles has a wide range of food variety in Italian, Mexican, Korean and Japanese. The traffic wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be. I’m glad we were able to get to a lot of different locations in a decent amount of time. Out of all the places I’ve been to today the Pier really stuck out to me the most. I loved the foggy view from the pier with the mountains in the horizon. That was an extremely nice view to me and I connected with that the most. I am a huge fan of nature! I expect to see even more great landmarks of LA and I can’t wait to visit  them! -DeMarcus D. (PART II)
I arrived at LAX at about 12:15 pm it’s humid but there is a breeze. Not knowing what to really expect from this trip but I knew that LA was going to be good time. After getting settled into the hotel the nonstop adventure began. I’ve been to LA a few times but Never really dedicated a whole day to site seeing and going to most of the major attractions including UCLA. UCLA has never been on my list of places to go but I’m glad I was able experience walking on the campus that I always see on movies. LA doesn’t seem any different than Atlanta, traffic is the same the people are friendly. The only differences that I saw were the way the houses are built some even built into the hillsides, oh and of course palm trees. Today’s adventure was great and can’t want to see what tomorrow has in store. -Alicia C. (PART II)
First things first. Los Angeles has always been on my bucket list for American cities to visit. Being a native New Yorker I felt as if I was right at home as I began to explore the streets of L A.
Los Angeles is a mix between a New York minute and Florida weather without the humidity. It’s hustle and bustle, aggressive  driving and bumper-to-bumper traffic along with the stressful pedestrian crowds all fade away as you drive off into the luxurious soothing mountainous views of the Hollywood hills of Los Angeles observing the scenic landscape around the renowned Hollywood sign. Los Angeles is a melting pot for various cuisines from around the world. Choose any restaurant and you’re in for a delicious meal that’s well worth the price tag.  That California culture just pops out at you as you experience hippie like culture, millennial skateboard brats, multi-culture model type women, conservative preppy trust fund babies and the many facets of Afro and Latino ethnicities. There happens to be an overload of homelessness in the city which was surprisingly overwhelming; for I have never seen homeless people in multitudes in any city I’ve ever visited, but this I just is what it is... The trip is awesome and I’d absolutely revisit plenty of times for it was very exciting as well as relaxing. -Dameon C. (PART II)
Although I’ve never traveled to L.A. I gathered what to expect from photos & film. There’s the glitz and glamor of Hollywood, but there’s also laid back coastal cities, scenic mountains, and multiple beaches. So far I’ve visited iconic locations, such as the infamous Randy’s Donuts which has appeared in several movie sets and Nipsey Hussle’s clothing store, The Marathon, where he was tragically gunned down. Visiting Oceanside City reminded me of Jacksonville, FL with the towering palm trees, colorful beach homes, and surfing scene. I continue to notice the diverse communities of California which I’ve indulged in with street tacos and tajin fruit salads. I’m looking forward to what tomorrow will offer. -Shauna J. (Part III)
Today’s trip to San Diego from Los Angeles was a trip to remember. We started at the Courtyard hotel then boarded the minivan. Along the way to San Diego we stopped at Oceanside and got some food which was really good. What I ordered was hush puppies, I wasn’t really hungry since I had a big breakfast. When we got to San Diego we walked the entire boardwalk at the pier. On the way back we stopped at an outlet, shopped around and got some food, and finally made our way back home. -Qadir C. (Part III)
Today’s venture to San Diego actually was nice and relaxing. We made two stops before San Diego. One at a scenic rest stop over looking the beautiful massive Pacific Ocean and the other in a beach front town called Oceanside. There was a pier almost 8 stories tall and half a mile out to sea that was spectacular. People were actually surfing in the 60 degree weather and the ocean was a rich green-bluish color. The main stop in San Diego was a real Marvel as I enjoyed the view of the retired naval ships that were docked and turned into museums. As we headed back to Los Angeles we stopped to Window shop at an outlet mall then ended the evening off with some delicious seafood. I had an excellent time. -Dameon C. (Part III)
I am very excited to return to California for the second time. The Christmas decorations here are beautiful. I was so looking forward to a doughnut from Randy’s.  I wish I was closer to the lovely beaches of San Diego.  Today I also listening to the discussion of the making of the pyramids very interested. Today  I had a nice lunch and dinner with the entire group which is different. I am so looking forward to the volunteering project to help to give back to the community. -Pamela G. (Part III)
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