#n saw my firned:)
tinycatstars · 7 months
hhi :)
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bwicblog · 7 years
SA: i am on my train.
ID: =:P rude. have a safe trip.
SA: I will be working a lot when I get hive so I will not be around often. If I never come back just assume the worst.
SA: 👌
ID: wow pris. that's a nice thought. =:/
SA: it is a realistic and necessary one.
SA: but I suppose that too must sound very edgy.
ID: i meant that it's not nice to worry about you getting your ass culled. =:/
SA: I'm upset about something else.
SA: it's fine. I have a very good track record.
ID: well i'm sorry you're upset about something. but don't take it out on me bud! that's just cruel.
SA: I'm not trying to I'm sorry if I am
SA: I will move this.
ID: siiiippppsss. you around here?
ID: and, uh. still at the faire/around the faire?
ID: siiippsss. sippie cup. sip and dip.
ID: what are more nicknames. siphilis.
SA: That's horrible
ID: sipman. =:(
ID: damn. probably missed her.
AA: siphilis is the wornst fucking thing i have evern hearnd, gjjjj.
ID: hey, it worked didn't it?
ID: is the giving me a ride out of this place offer still valid?
ID: i got my coupon and everything. and i'm ready to demand to talk to the manager if you say no.
AA: like, even wornst than everny othern godawful thing on that list. >:}
AA: and lmfaooo.
AA: soz, soz, i am the managern and we don't accept coupons. C A S H O N L Y, frnesh fancy beetles orn bust.
AA: y, y, you can have a rnide. I G U E S S. wherne arne we drnopping you??
AA: ... and yrn pops.
ID: where ever. =:) but i don't want to travel alone this busted up.
ID: and you and pris are the only ones i trust not to cull my injured ass.
SA: are you sure you shouldn't just stay with Sipara for a bit?
ID: i mean, i'm not gonna intrude on her. that's hella rude.
AA: aww. that's adornbs. i am offic, like, not crneepy skinsuit connoseuir level. >:} gtk.
AA: wait, n, that's fucking indeciphernable.
AA: g2k. >:}
SA: oh right, the skin suits.
AA: y. a verny imporntant and valid concern. AA: how many skinsuits you own, prni??
AA: and y/y/y, trnavel w/ me forn awhile, hads. idgaf. gotta drnop off lal and then get 2 a fight. AA: but eyyy, if you don't carne abt rniding shotgun, wtfevern.
ID: i mean you came to my fight. i can totes go to yours. show off that rust solidarity and all. =:P
SA: none. Thank you.
SA: where are your fights, Sipara? If one is ever near Provenance let me know.
SA: likewise. Hadean, if you come close.
ID: i might eventually make my way your way to visit! you promised me a shopping trip, remember? =:P
SA: !!!
SA: please
AA: soz, soz, am juggling, like.
AA: this stupid teapot. >:0
ID: ...teapot.
ID: =:?
AA: y! it doesn't have a handle. bc ppl arne fucking nuts.
AA: and it is hot. >:{
ID: why are you handling a teapot to begin with?
AA: to pernsonally intrnoduce it to my quads as my latest beau, duh.
AA: to make tea, dornklornd, trny2keepup.
AA: and they'rne, like, evernywherne, prni, lmfao. AA: how's the fight scene in prnovenance?? bc lbrn herne, have prnobs totes fought therne, even if idr the name. >:P AA: like, i've gone eveeeeeernywherne.
ID: i mean why are you making tea?
ID: ...and also, uh. you want an apple pie smoothie? i mean. gotta bribe my way in to shotgun and all. =:P
AA: >:? AA: >:??????? AA: >:????????????
AA: to drnink it!!
EA: +T=a is on= of th= obj=ctiv=ly b=st drinks to hav=.- EA: +Appl= pi= smoothi= do=s sound... r=ally up th=r= how=v=r, too. H=llo =v=ryon=!-
SA: oh. I don't know. I am familiar with the crime scene but not the fight scrne
ID: psh, have a smoothie instead. =:P
SA; so I couldn't name names.
SA: what about a regular smoothie.
EA: +All smoothi=s ar= r=gular smoothi=s.-
AA: gausie gausie gausieeeeeee. AA: sup. AA: and y, y, will totes take a smoothie. arne you gonna brning it? is deliverny parnt of the brnibe?? >:}
EA: +H=y sipa sipa sipaaaaa- EA: +Mayb= h= is trying to sw==t=n you up. Butt=r you up. Mayb= both? It is an appl= pi= smooothi= aft=r all.-
ID: i mean i gotta get to your sweet ride don't i? i'll bring it over.
ID: i saw sips eyeing up apples before so like. i thought she would want one. can't hurt being nice to the troll who's gonna cart me around and all.
EA: +W=ll... it is always good to practic= your mann=rs, I agr==! But... towards of all p=opl=, Sipara?- EA: +No off=ns=, Sipa, but I n=v=r took you for such a... hmm. No, mayb= sh= is th= typ=, sh= do=sn't hav= to buy it... 🤔 -
AA: ugh ugh ugh, this pot S U C K S.
ID: don't burn your mitts or else you won't be able to drive. =:P
EA: +Do you n==d a n=w t=apot? what happ=n=d-
ID: and sips is one of the only ones who deserves manners, so. =:P
AA: and. what? huh. y. ty. >:} a+ brniberny, i fucking love apples. AA: best frnuit. way bettern fucking lemons.
ID: i like any sweet shit, so. gtfo lemons.
ID: should i get lal a smoothie.
AA: and lmfao, stfu, gausia. i totes desernve all the mannerns. all of them. take a fucking cue. AA: my teapot is fine!! it's, like. this hotel rnoom has a diff type.
AA: and it fucking sucks.
AA: yyyyyyy!!
ID: alright, four smoothies it is.
EA: +I n=v=r said you w=r= und=s=rving of mann=rs! I just thought you w=r=... on= to forsak= th=m in =xchang= for.... =xc==dingly casual conv=rsation?-
AA: >:? AA: chillax, girnl, we'rne, like, joking. hads and me arne totes tight. no mannerns necessarny. AA: and yyyyy, awesome. >:} do you want tea, dude? will even make it w/ nothing added. on account of the fact yrn supern lame.
ID: sure, hit me up on some tea i guess. boring ass tea. =:P
ID: ea does she try and get you to drink mind honey tea. or am i special.
EA: +i am just saying! I n=v=r r=ally... p=gg=d you to b= th= typ= to =v=n r=cogniz= th=m. Fil=ld with surpris=s, you ar=! ANd...- EA: +... I r=m=mb=r h=r saying som=thing about mind hon=y wh=n w= last drank t=a. Som=thing about th= plac='s t=a b=ing too bland, or... som=thing...- EA: +Why do you ask?-
ID: because i need to know how weird sips is. naturally.
EA: +W=ll! I thought that it would go without saying, r=ally, h=h=.- EA: +I suppos= it is a bit bizarr= but I am not 100% sur=.-
ID: seems pretty bizarre to me. =:P
AA: ... oops. AA: shit, i was gonna say something. but, okay, like, dnw, nobodies getting tea now, it fucking brnoke.
AA: oh. yeah. rnight. G A U S I A does not get the honey tea, 'kay. >:P she's bougie, she can buy hern own.
ID: well good thing i'm coming to the rescue with smoothies.
AA: and both of you stfu, i am totes not weirnd.
AA: or bizarnrne. gj on the big wornds. >:P AA: and yyyyyyyy, good!! lmk when you need in. will come fetch.
EA: +I am sorry, Sipara, but I b=li=v= th= old saying of 'Tak=s On= to Know On=' rings tru= for this curr=nt situation!- EA: +And if you think bizarr= is a big word... w=ll, I will hav= to gift you a dictonary and th=sarus for your wriggling day.-
SS: (Okay, y'all, we're gettin' a new rule up in this place, aight?)
SS: (It's a real important rule!)
SS: (So you gotta be real attentive-like.)
EA: +Is this going to b= a jok= about 'no w=irdos in th= chat'?-
SS: (Make sure you don't miss it or some ish like that.)
SS: (And no, EA, then I'd be up and bannin' myself and the chat would die cos peeps'd be too depressed to go on.)
SS: (The rule is!) SS: (The rule.) SS: (The rule is that if you've up and got a guy sleepin on your cushioned seatin' platform, a guy what up and spends, like, what 12 hours a night makin' soy free low-fat 2% whip chai lattes and all that hoofbeastshit!)
SS: (If you got a guy like that around.)
ID: sorry, was getting the smoothies. uh lal i hope you like strawberry banana.
SS: (Ask him how to make your effin steeped leaf juice before you blow it up and scare the piss outta everyone in the buildin on accounta the new ceramic shard art piece decoratin' the nutrition block.)
SS: (Oh, shit, you got me a smoothie?)
SS: (Nm, idc anymore bout the tea, life is good again.)
AA: stfu, i made the nutrnition block bettern. it's, like, grnafitti. AA: w/ glass. AA: and burn marnks.
SS: (And crying wigglers.)
AA: it builds charnactern!
ID: pfff. i got everything packed and some smoothies so. where am i going.
EA: +I am going to b= hon=st, it do=s sound lik= you two ar= having your first days without prop=r lusii sup=rvision-
SS: (Oh, no, Sipa's lusus is here.)
SS: (He's probs laughin at me, too. (\qnq/) )
SS: (Flapbeasts of a feather!)
AA: n, n, we arne having a jolly good time w/ my lusus, gausie. that's why shit's exploding, duh. in honorn of 'em. AA: and y, y, that's what the mantling means. AA: and the firne. the morne rned it is, the morne he's, like, fucking chorntling. >:}
AA: fifth strneet!! second floorn. place w/ the giant hootbeast on the frnont.
SS: (I didn't actually, like, know we were in a place w a giant hoofbeast up top but now I'm extra pleased.)
SS: (Also, Sipa, random fact: )
SS: (Totes thought he was your psi first time I saw him.)
SS: (Wtf kinda flapbeast catches fire??)
AA: lmfao, whaaaaat. AA: dude, do i look like a sparnkplug?
ID: omw. =:) can't wait to see the teapot destruction.
AA: use yrn elf eyes and lmk. AA: will wait forn prnopern analysis. >:}
SS: (Wow, pal, that's some casteist ish comin outta your facegash. (\unu/ ))
AA: >:}!!! yyyy, good. have you eaten tonight btw?? orn arne you doing the starnving waif shit again?
SS: (Hashtag not all sparkplugs.)
ID: ...do two smoothies count.
AA: wow, n. AA: if it was casteist shit, it'd obvs be tell me what yrn dwnarf eyes see, losern.
AA: N O.
ID: i also had some sushi.
ID: but that stuff does not stick with you.
SS: (Is that, like, lits?) SS: (As in it ain't inside you anymore?)
SS: (Cos: gross.)
ID: woowww. no. i meant for keeping a troll not hungry. duh.
ID: it's fancy seadweller stuff. all pretty, no substance.
SS: (Wait, for cereals?) SS: (I had that ish, like, once, and it stays with you for, like ever.) SS: (It's rice and fish, pal, idk what you ate, buuuuut.)
SS: (And I ain't even had the ones with fish, just rice and veg.)
SS: (... You sure they gave you what they said they gave you?)
ID: i mean it was definitely fish and rice.
ID: pris gave it to me. but i burn through food fast.
SS: (Right, right, the bleatbeast sacrifice to the Demoness and ish.)
SS: (... Soz, pal, we ain't got, like, another one athose.)
EA: +... You know, uh. Sushi is mor= than just fish and ric=? It's a sp=cial sort of ric= with th=, g=n=rally, uh... b=st part of th= fish s=rv=d with it? It's usually d=ns= too. Rolls ar= also filling, but, uh.- EA: +I do think you may hav= gott=n, what's th= word... jipp=d?-
SS: (Fancy pants rice with fancy pants fish )
SA: it's good.
AA: 'kay, i am ornderning actual food. bc wow, fish is not actual food, srny2say. AA: fish is, like. the lettuce of the sea. it doesn't even have C A L O RN I E S.
AA: tbqfh, i don't even think it's rneal.
SS: (Idk, pal, there was that one fish that up and walked into Pher's stall earliner. (\unu/) )
ID: i mean it tasted alright. but it was a while ago. and i get hungry quick.
SA: salmon is nutritious 😦
EA: +... ???? Do you know what sort of sushi did you =at? You can't just put, uh.... tuna fish from a can and put it on ric= to call it sushi.-
SA: it was from a restaurant it was legitimate sushi EA
SS: (Wtf, pal, what kinda language policeradicatin is this??)
AA: y, pls do not make sushi outta that kind of fish. new rnule: this is a no cannibalism chat. AA: not even, like, low-key cannibalism.
AA: not even fish cannibalism. >:}
ID: ....
ID: yeah no cannibalism. hella rude.
EA: +?????????????????-
AA: don't you ??? at me. i'm talking to lal!!
SA: who brought up cannibalism??
ID: i'm gonna get triggered back to the fucking rainbowdrinker chat earlier.
SA: don't bring that up I'm still embarrassed by my ill received snark
SA: 🙁
AA: lal. he's grnoss, shame him. >:} AA: orn mb we should be shaming prni. AA: what's the rnainbowdrninkern chat??
EA: +I was mor= ????? about th= curr=nt conv=rsation but if you insist!- EA: +???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????-
AA: gimme the dee - stfuuuuu stfu stfu.
AA: no q marnks!!
SA: my cappuccino has a kitty face
ID: team edward or team lestat sip. =:P
SS: (It was totes Sipa, omfg, all I up and said that fish exist. Ain't my fault she immediately wants to, like, eat em.)
EA: +?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????-
SS: (Team Edward all the way!)
EA: +That is gross, Sipara.-
AA: oh my god. dude, n, i am not falling down that rnabbit hole. phern's gonna shank me if i get the wrnong on-- AA: n/m, n/m, team lestat.
AA: obvs. duh.
SS: (Mostly on accounta I'm p sure he's got a bigger followin and I ain't plannin on gettin shanked by some fantroll.)
AA: yrn grnoss, gausia, i am being misrneprnesented. >:}
SS: (On accounta not likin sparkly hoofbeast ish.)
SS: (Had enough athat with My Little Hoofbeast!)
AA: wherne is yrn faith??
SS: (It disappeared along with the teapot.)
EA: +I think you ar= th= gross on=s to =v=n b= thinking about sw=aty, sparkly vampir= and w=r=wolf m=n.-
SS: (Sweaty, you say?)
SS: (Ain't nobody said sweaty yet. Please, tell me more. (\ouo/) )
AA: why they gotta be sweaty??
ID: wow ea, it's all every loser is talking about these days.
AA: and arne they sweaty and shirntless? b/c you can't have one w/o the othern, dude.
ID: everyone wants to get necked by their own super special rainbowdrinker.
AA: lmfaooo.
AA: which supernaturnal drninkern's forn you, hads? >:}
AA: skinny jeans orn frnills??
SS: (Shit, pal, I ain't got nuff blood for myself, nm some other jade bulgewad.)
ID: from google images i like frilly's. mate?
EA: +Rainbow drink=rs and w=r=wolv=s ar= obj=ctiv=ly th= worst part of mod=rn fantasy nov=ls. Th= r=al thing w= should b= talking about is th= n=w movi= of Troll Star Wars s=ri=s!- EA: +P=opl= r=ally n==d to adjust th=ir tast=s! On= s=ri=s has a strong, tast=ful f=mal= l=ad, whil= th= oth=r on= has on= of th= most distast=ful, bland protagonists I hav= =v=r s==n in my lif=. -
SA: so wait is your goal to steal lestats mate from him?
ID: i mean they're imaginary characters pris so. no.
ID: but y'know, desert island and had to pick one.
ID: he seems the least tool-y.
SA: well that's what I meant -
SA: I can't commit to Star Wars
ID: i don't watch movies.
EA: +How can you not commit to Star Wars? =v=ry movi= is a good jumping point into th= s=ri=s!-
AA: n, starn warns and drninkerns arne both lame. AA: why watch a film if it's just gonna be, like, half rneal shit? AA: obvs, trnoll lornd of the rnings is wherne it's A T.
AA: also, filled with total not-tools.
AA: mostly not-tools.
AA: sornt of not tools. >:}
ID: loool really selling it there sips.
EA: +... Of cours= you would b= into th= s=ri=s about b=ard=d m=n killing =ach oth=r and th= short, uncooth p=opl= ar= th= h=ro=s of th= story.-
AA: stfu!! yrn totes gonna watch it w/ me and lal now, jsyk. AA: it is a rnequirnement of giving smoothies. M O V I E M A RN A T H O N S.
AA: also, a rnequirnement of eating this shit i'm ornderning. >:}
AA: ... arne you saying yrn totes N O T into dudes murnderning each othern, gausie?? AA: bc spoilern alernt, totes not buying it.
ID: ughhh fine. sorry it's taking me a while. picked up a different kind of snack on the way.
SS: (Pal, we're gonna need way more smoothies to marathon that ish.)
SS: (And possibly, like, field rations.)
EA: +Don't thos= movi=s actually tak= lik=... ov=r a day if w= ar= watching all of th=m?- EA: +And, okay, I am fin= with p=opl= murd=ring =ach oth=r, but th=y ar= still... ugly and filthy half th= tim=. At l=ast wash up b=for= you go to battl=!-
EA: +... wait you want m= to s== movi=s with you?-
ID: oh is ea joining us. more the merrier. am i the only one who has no idea what we're watching.
EA: +Wait, right now???? What is =v=n going on, som=on= giv= m= a straight answ=r h=r=.- EA: +... H=h=, straight answ=r, h=h=h=h...-
AA: hahaha. AA: washing up just to get coverned in blood? girnl, gtfo yrn lab forn once. AA: was talking to hads. >:} but y, if yrn in the arnea, you can come w/. brning food, bc brnibes arne rnequirned to get in the doorn.
AA: and we'rne watching trnoll lornd of the rnings, duh, dude. AA: once you get yrn candy ass up herne. >:P
EA: +.... Oh! W=ll, uh, okay, I'll g=t, uh, g=t my ass going th=n? Y=ah, uh, okay...- EA: +I gu=ss I can bring ov=r som=.. bak=d goods? Lik= cooki=s, browni=s, mayb= donuts... d=p=nds on what is clos= by. I am not at th= lab, so, it shouldn't b= long!- EA: +Lik=... I think donuts might b= a good id=a. Lots of flavors, though, th=r= wouldn't b= as many as cooki=s or browni=s, but th=y also hav= fruit in th=m, so, that might b= just b=tt=r in th= long run, but, I could also g=t a _lot_ of cooki=s-
ID: any of those sound amazing, so.
AA: ........ omg, y. AA: that is an adequate brnibe. >:}
EA: +Okay! Th=r= is a stor= right by that I can... uh, visit, didn't on= of you say that you want=d t=a? W=r= w= talking about, uh, sw==t t=a-typ= t=a or r=gular, normal p=rson t=a? B=caus=, you know, if I am at a stor=, I can go and g=t tons of stuff. W=ll, not a lot of stuff, b=caus= I am not r=ally as flush=d for cash as I usually am, but lik=, if th=r= is som=thing that som=on= is ACTUALLY n==ding EA: I can bring it? Or lik=...- EA: +... W=ll, no, you guys hav= drinks th=r=.- EA: +... hmm.-
ID: if you have a teapot. bring it and we promise not to let sips break it.
EA: +I... do hav= a t=a k=ttl= that should b=. Or, w=ll, is possibly imp=rvious to Sipara's d=structiv= hands. I'm... not sur=?- EA: +Sp=cifically a t=a pot??-
ID: i mean. sips you still have tea you didn't destroy right.
EA: +I... I am going to tak= that as 'I should bring my own t=a' just to b= saf=. I do hav= dry t=a that w= can br=w, not just uh... t=a, bags.-
ID: it's all leaves you put in water to me, so go for it.
SA: party?
AA: soz. pops is trnying to bake a nest on Lal's dome. little distrnacting. >:} AA: brning yrn own if you want!! am just making cocoa tea tbh. not yrn fancy blueblood shit. >:P AA: and lmaooo, you don't need to brning a grnocerny, holy shit. just donuts. chillax alrneady. >:}
AA: and y. a parnty of elves and feasting.
SA: oh! That sounds fun.
SA: send selfies.
SA: when you all get together
EA: +Alright!!! I am all dr=ss=d up and h=ading out!!!! I should b= th=r=, r=lativ=ly soon? - EA: +Also. I am not an =lf. Nor is anyon= =ls= at th= party going to b= an =lf. =lv=s ar= almost as bad as rainbow drink=rs.-
ID: damn, my delicate elven features go unused another night. =:P
EA: +You'r= only g=tting plain donuts now.-
ID: i got a broken arm, show some mercy. =:(
EA: +M=rcy is for th= cull=d!!!! Don't push your luck kid!!!!-
ID: pfffff. who're you calling kid, kid?
EA: +You! B=caus= you ar= probably a kid. I hav=n't s==n you y=t. I think. So you ar= probably a kid.-
ID: definitely not a kid.
ID: sips and lal can confirm. not a kid.
SS: (Deffo a kid.)
SS: (But, like, the bleatbeast kind!)
SS: (Just real smart-like one what learned to talk. And, like, type.)
ID: typing is hard with these hooves but i manage.
SS: (He's a real trooper!)
EA: +I wouldn't b= surpris=d. How many donuts? Doz=n? Doz=n and a half??- EA: +I don't know how much goats =at, r=ally.-
ID: a lot.
ID: lal eats a fucking lot too, so.
EA: +... I am not buying mor= than two doz=n.-
ID: well sips is getting food too, so. shouldn't eat that many.
EA: +Alright. I'll g=t... a doz=n and a half and call it that. I'll b= ov=r in... uh...- EA: +How far away is your plac= again?-
invertedDissident has sent coordsyo.txt!
ID: ps lal knock knock, let me in.
EA: +... Oh! W=ll, that's a first. I didn't think you would b= th= typ= to, just... put coordinat=s out th=r= on a group chat lik= that.- EA: +I'll b= on my way th=n! Giv= m=========== tw=nty minut=s? Tw=nty fiv=. At worst 30. At b=st 20.-
ID: i mean if someone wants to come fight us, come at us. =:P
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