deadsorryguys · 6 years
Tagged by @nobeerreviews
Rules: Post GIFs of your 10 favorite movies without naming them and tag other followers to do the same.
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I tag @nitashinori @agenderlessromantic @heteroflexdennis @sifirax @gbkoda @beetrootmandog @sylphofwitches @red-paladin-fire @nabitattoo
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butterfly-tattoo · 6 years
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The Sims 4 Plants Legacy Challenge! ✨
   This is a very pack intensive legacy challenge based on plants! Basically each generation is based off of a different genre of plants! Feel free to move around generations or skip generations (If you dont have the pack for it) The order doesn't really matter! Each heir will need to have a specific aspiration and 1 specific trait, you can choose the other two.     This legacy focuses on growing a diverse family farm with as many plants in the game as possible! Each generation must 
Finish their aspiration
Grow the required plants
Expand the family farm
   The heir and their spouse must live at the family home until they die. Each Sibling must be a young adult before they move out. Everyone in the house hold is allowed to help with the farming. Your sims partner can have a job but your sim cannot. Your sims partner can have any base game job unless stated otherwise. Each generation only needs one child unless stated otherwise. The heir doesn't have to be female and the children can be adopted. This is more about plants than DNA (YAY gay legacies!)
Gen 1 - Lets be farmers! (base game)
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist Trait: Loves out doors 
To start the challenge off, move your founder into a VERY BIG lot. This will be your lot for the rest of the challenge. You shouldn't cheat to get a house, this challenge is about building up your farm. (but of course its your game so do what you want) Use your starting money to create a starter house.
Have your sim get married to a townie. Your sim is starting over with very little after having left their family forever. The only real interest they every had was plants! Maybe they could use plants to help them get their feet off the ground? 
Add a fence around the plot of land
Things you need to plants:
dragon fruit
Gen 2 - Selvadorada (Jungle Adventures)
Aspiration: Jungle Explorer or Archaeology Scholar  Trait: Active
Have your sim get married to a Selvadoradian. After meeting their spouse on vacation, your heir becomes very interested in their culture. They decide to use the family farm to plant things to make their spouse feel more at home. Of course, still using it for profit to pay for extending the house. 
Expand the house to have a section for the last generations to live out the rest of their lives. (bedroom, on suite bathroom, little activity area)
Things you need to plants:
Black Bean
Tree of Emotion
Gen 3 - Vampires
Aspiration: Good Vampire or Vampire family Trait: Family oriented
Have your sim get married to a vampire. The current Heir obsessed with learning about their spouses vampire culture and raising their children on healthy plasma alternatives! *At the end of this generation, turn the heir, their spouse, and the next heir into humans* 
Expand the house to have a basement where you keep your partners coffin and anything else youd like to put there.
Things you need to plants:
Plasma fruit
Gen 4 - Family Chef (Base game)
Aspiration: Master Chef Trait: Foodie
Have your sim get married to a sim they meet at a restaurant/bar. Your sims spouse can work in the culinary career. This sim has always loved cooking healthy for her family. Now they cant wait to use home grown produce on their own kids. 
Expand the farm to have a grill area.
Things you need to plants:
Gen 5 - Aliens (get to work)
Aspiration: Successful Lineage Trait: Geek
Have your sim get married to an Alien.*Actually since there is a base game plant from sixam, you could do the generation without get to work! Just Marry a faux alien, collect that plant, collect two other rare plants, and do the astronaut career instead of scientist!* After meeting their alien partner, your sim decides to plant things from their home world. Your sims spouse must be a scientist that uses their spare time to help your sim build a spaceship
Add a rocket ship to the farm.
Things you need to plants:
Glow Orb
Quill Fruit
Fang Flower
Gen 6 - Camping (outdoor retreat)
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast Trait: Squeamish
Have your sim get married to someone they met on family vacation. Even with your sims love for plants, dirt really grosses them out. Lucky for them, they fell for a camper. Have your sims spouse help them find plants in Granite falls.
Add a pond to the farm (A small natural looking swimming pool with plant life and rocks around it OR cheat to buy a fishing pond for 1000 simoleons)
Things you need to plant:
Morel Mushroom
Gen 7 - Flower shop (Base game)
Aspiration: Big Happy Family Trait: Romantic
Have your sim get married to a sim they meet at the park. They fell in love surrounded by flowers and they intend on being surrounded by flowers forever.
Expand the farm to have a shed or green house.
Things you need to plant:
Gen 8 - Fur babies (cats and dogs)
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals Trait: Cat lover 
Have your sim never get married and never have children. After a family full of cousins, aunts, brothers and sister, Your sim is ready to finally be alone. 
Add a play area for cats and adopt as many cats as possible!
Things you need to plant:
   That’s about it! If you do this challenge, please, please tag me and/or link back to this post! If you're doing a YouTube series on this challenge please link the rules in the description. Ill add more generations as they add more plants so be on the lookout for that! If you like my content, consider buying me a coffee?
Social media links below the cut (follow my twitch to watch me play this legacy!)
Twitter: NabiTattoo Twitch: ButterflyTattoo Tumblr: Butterfly-Tattoo
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