#nagisa? she ate mami a whole lot but it wasn't her fault
catgirltoofies · 1 year
who is your problematic fav
all three of my cats, as a collective
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goji-pilled · 2 years
Nagisa "Charlotte Tomoe" von Seckendorff would like to firmly and loudly state that the recent turn of events was in no way her fault, nor were they the fault of Yuma nor Nakano-chan. Ever since she and Yuma became big sisters to the familiar turned witch Amthony, Nagisa has done her best to make sure none of her familiars ever rapidly consume the darkness of other Soul Gems. The two of them always made sure that none of her Pyotrs or Polinas ever stuffed themselves up when cleaning gems.
Nagisa would also like to clear the air and say that she has had "The Talk" with Ka-chan, and so they absolutely doubly made sure they never let a familiar have too much despair. They were in absolute agreement to never have an accident occur after a long day of hunting and domestication.
Does it explain why there was a Pyotr shaped like a rat the size of dog was sitting in their living room? No, it didn't. Did it explain how the Pyotr found its way out of Nagisa's labyrinth and set up shop on her bed in the middle of the night? Also no. Did Nagisa scream like a bitch when she woke up to one of Mami's memory nightmares this morning?. Nope, that was Yuma. Totally...
The rat Pyotr was currently sniffing everything around the living room, murmurs of his hunt for cheese letting loose with every sniff. The Sweets Girl had to admit, the giant rat actually looked kinda cute. Heck she would have even called it flippin' adorable. Except the rat just bit into the sofa and cried that it wasn't cheese.
"Momoe Nagisa, you have three minutes to tell us why a Pyotr has accumulated enough grief to transform into a witch?" Ah, the voice of a very angry but restrained Mami at eight in the morning. Truth be told it didn't faze her as much as it would've back when she was just Bebe. Growing up Nagisa was able to bet her chips whenever she could get away with upsetting her Mami; she ate a lot of Incubator vessels, very munchy those rats were, like fried chicken.
"Charlotte, we aren't mad at you. We'll understand if this was just an accident during a heat of the moment event. Just tell us what happened, okay?" Ugh, that name. Nagisa understood that Oktavia saw the whole thing with MGs and Witches differently than her, but she hoped she wouldn't have to hear that name leave the Mermaid's mouth again. Even if it was meant in an underlying threatening "I'm mad but won't say I'm mad" tone.
"'Fess up munchkin, tell us everythin' we need to know and we'll figure things out from there." At least Kyouko had her back when she needed it. Always the most practical and pragmatic of the Primary Trio. Hmm... maybe all she'd have to do was just convince Kyouko to plead her case instead.
"Ahem. Madoka, would you kindly?"
"Okay Homura-chan."
Oh no. Not that. Anything but that!
Snapping her head around Nagisa was cursed to see a very smug Homura and mishievious Madoka looking directly at her. The civi lowered her head to look at the floor for a brief moment, her hair free from their tails and shrouding her face. Then Madoka looked into Nagisa's warped soul with the most dissapointed look she had ever saw. Were it literally anyone else the Sweets Girl wouldn't even spare a glance.
But having Kaname Madoka, the literal sweetest, kindest, most nice-est girl to ever look at you with a dissapointed frown, eyebrows scrunched and marring the usually happy face of sunshine and rainbows?
It breaks even the most heartless of bastards.
"Mmmmmmmmmokay! It's my fault! Iwantedtoseewhatwouldhappen!"
Shame. That's all she felt as Homura commented off-handedly "five seconds" while Madoka pumped her fists near her face and giggled. Nagisa couldn't help but hang her head in shame as three dissapointed stares bore into her skull.
"Don't you understand how irresponsible you were young lady? What were you expecting to happen? What would you have done had something terrible occurred? How would we help you if-"
"I know that it's quite literally in your nature to want everything and anything, but you could've finally bitten off more than you could chew! We still don't know everything there is to Witches and-"
"You're tenacious to a fault kid, I'll let you have that, but that doesn't mean you can try ta cheat death or tragedy just we've got our lil' happy endings. Ya cheated death, technically speaking, sure but you can't expect to keep doing that when-"
Voices, so many voices, bleeding into her head as all the words ended up turning into loud and staticy white noise. Her guardians, her friends were all just worried about "what if"s and "what could've"s even so, it was all a bit much. They loved her yes and she loved them, but to love means to let others be free, to let the ones you care about live their lives as freely and true as they can. Why, why didn't they understand that? She's told them before about it all so why-
"I asked her to!"
The older girls were stunned silent, turning to the girl who had interrupted them. Nagisa also turned to the only person who had the gall and willingness to bail her out.
Tiny Chitose Yuma was standing up to her entire mediocre height, staring at the three people she considered her own mothers and aunt. Yuma seemed to always somehow understand Nagisa better than the others, even the literal other Witches. To see her sister even go so far as try to take the full blame of her stupid experiment...
"Yuma, thank you."
Smiling from the message Yuma made her way to the Pyotr, who had made its way to sit itself next to Nagisa like a guard dog. She kneeled down on the floor before scratching its chin like one too, the Pyotr beating its hind leg and started panting.
"I asked Nagi-nee to pick the weakest familiar she had and try to do to it what you three did with Anthony. I thought that since a familiar born from a domesticated witch could have the same thoughts and ideas as us, maybe a proper familiar-witch could turn into something like a pet." She turned to look at Homura and Madoka, a smirk on her face.
"We never did get to keep Amy-chan around."
Madoka seemed sold, despite her girlfriend's obvious anxiety, the beauty tugging at a pink sleeve. The Trio on the other hand were all various levels of pensive, annoyed, and proud respectively. Mami took a step towards the Pyotr, extending a hand out waringly. The giant rat sniffed at the hand for a moment before bumpimg it like a cat would; huh, guess they got a cat after all.
Kyouko took that as a sign to manhandle the familiar and start rubbing its black and red hide like a giant dog. The Pyotr went mush and flopped onto its side, offering its belly for more pats. Oktavia decided to let this slide for a moment and reach to pet the puppy-cat-rat.
As she did she instincively shifted her hand into a metal gauntlet, a second before the Pyotr nearly bit her hand off.
"Ack! No! Bad Pyotr! You do not bite the hand that feeds you!"
The Pyotr, fully chastized, whimpered as it lowered its head. Then in a flash of light and lightning the familiar transformed. Where they expected to see a person, perhaps a child, they instead found that a tiny rat took the familiars place.
Huh. Neat.
"... You feed, bathe, and clean up after it-er, him. He's yours and Yuma's responibility now, understand young ladies?"
"Ja!" "Hai!"
rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat rat. /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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