#nah but honestly im just pissed its /still/ hot and im sweating
lexa-griffins · 8 months
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Cannot believe I took for granted all the times I have not been sick in my life 🤧
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conejotriste · 7 years
7, 17, 20, 25, 29, 30, 31, 45, 57, 62, 70, 73, 75. Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving break 😄
7. What happened tonight? Well last night I cleaned, studied, played ping pong and got high af, which was a bad decision lmao.17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to? One of my friends from elementary. We had a good couple years when we hated each other. But we got a lot of history, and once we got past the issue, we're fairly close. I still don't tell him everything like my best friend, but he always easy to talk to about anything.20. Are you starting to realize something? Some people got a real toxic way of looking at the world, and sometimes you can't save then no matter how hard you try.25. What would you say if the person you loved / liked kiss another boy/ girl? Good tonkjow, and leave them be. If they're stuck between me and a person, the other person can have that. I'm not one too compete do someone else's love. Its either only me, or them. No in between.29. Do you really truly miss someone? Yeah, a girl I had talked to last semester. One of those things when you start off as friends and don't think its gonna go anywhere. It was a nice surprise and super sweet, but a date went reallllly bad on both our parts and now we don't talk. I wish I could have swallowed my pride and told her how I felt but I'm a piece of shit so 🙃 she's the only one I had strong feelings for since my ex too, so there's that30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? Fuck no. It all depends on the situation, but a lot of times you fuck up beyond saving, and you gotta go.31. Honestly Do you hate the last boy you talked to? Sometimes yeah haha, he's a really close friend the last few years. But this mf is unreliable af. Like excessively to the point like wtf my guy. And im very reliavle, so when plans change or go wrong, its frustrating af. I love him, hes my homie, but fuck does it piss me off.45. If you could, would you take your last kiss back? Yeah, definitely.57. Do you believe in ghosts? Hell yeah I do Wth haha62. What do you wear to bed? If its hot, sweats and a sweatshirt. If its okay, shorts and a shirt. If its hot, boxers only lmao 🙄 70. Is there a profession you can see your future wife doing? I don't think they'd need to do a particular career? But I could see something involving helping people, like a counsler, psychologist, etc. Im gonna end up with someone sweet and caring, and I feel like that might flow into their profession as well73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Nah I haven't. Was close when I found out I got into my first choice for college.75. Do you study better with or without music? With if I kinda already the theoretical and just need practice, without if I have to learn something from scratch. Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes, I hope you had a good day too anon! 😀 Thanks for the ask!
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