#nah trang
Cuộc sống của tôi là do tôi tạo ra. Nếu cjo tôi quay về hồi lớp 7 tôi sẽ sáu múi kiếm được trăm triệu tháng có nguoief yeeu đẹp cưới vợ nhiềubtieenf, tiêndg nah luue loát, nếub26 tuổi tôi bắt đầu và chìm đắm trong 4 năm mọi trang sử sẽ đc mở ra lưu loát eng líh cưới vợ xinh giàu có bằng mọi giá chìm đắm
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braveclementine · 13 days
Warnings: None, some angst
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
Sam grinned, filming on his phone as Steve and Bucky pushed Mateo and Kisa on the baby swings. Rue on the other hand, was sitting in the sand, digging her fingers into it while Elizabeth stood to the side in a beautiful, easter blue sundress. 
They were at a park called Sharon woods, which was filled with parents and kids on the beautiful April day. There was a playground a few yards away, built on mulch with slides and monkey bars. They'd already helped the kids on the slides until they got bored of them, wanting to go on the swings. 
"I'm gonna send it to Tony." Sam said, ending the video and then sent it to Tony. 
"I wish they were here." Steve sighed a little as Kisa giggled, kicking her feet violently as she swung up. 
"Maybe we should invite them over." Elizabeth said thoughtfully. "Trang and Kat both live in mansions. I'm sure we can work out fitting everyone." 
Steve chuckled but Sam shook his head. "Nah, Nat won't leave the tower anymore. She's worried about Anastasia's safety." 
Elizabeth looked confused, "They're not taking the kids out?" 
Sam scratched the back of his head helplessly, glancing at Steve and Bucky. 
"But," Elizabeth protested. "The kids need other childrens' interactions. They need to go to playgrounds and play in the dirt!"
"You forget," Steve said quickly. "The others aren't as old as these three. They're only at the six month mark and barely. They shouldn't-" 
"I didn't forget!" Elizabeth snapped angrily, hands clenching into tight fists, eyes flashing. It was silent for a second as Rue looked up at her and Steve and Bucky stopped pushing the kids. Elizabeth's entire body was tense as a live wire and Steve sighed. 
"I- I'm sorry." Elizabeth whispered, guilt written all over her face. "Steve-" 
Steve pulled her into a hug gently and her entire body relaxed. "It's okay princess. It's alright. I'm sorry." 
Elizabeth took a couple of deep breaths and then pulled back. "I did forget. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I just. . ." 
"Hey. I understand." Steve said softly. He kissed her forehead. "Do you want to go home?" 
"No. I'm okay." Elizabeth shook her head, smiling a little. "Besides, we're actually going to see the others on the other side of the park." 
"Really?" Sam asked with more enthusiasm than necessary, trying to bring back the light, happy feeling. 
"Yeah." Elizabeth smiled, relaxing even more now and Steve smiled too, resting his chin on her shoulder. Bucky on the other hand, kept his piercing eyes fixed on her, trying to see if she was truly alright. She seemed a little tired and there was still some guilt in her eyes, but she seemed alright. "Although we should probably change them into their bathing suits." 
"We're taking them swimming?" Steve's voice climbed two octaves in equal excitement and nerves. 
"No, no, no." Elizabeth quickly reassured him. "But there's like a very tiny water. . . uh thing? I don't know how to describe it." 
They walked back to the car and while Sam and Bucky helped the kids into bathing suits, Steve looked out at the rest of the park. There was a visitors center that he had gone into already. It had included an indoor playground which was very large, a small gift shop, and another section that had tunnels and boards that informed kids about the different animals in the woods. 
Across from the visitors center was something called a heritage village. It wasn't actually a village back in the 1800s, instead they were buildings that had been saved from demolition and moved here as a museum of living history. They were beautiful houses and buildings, although very old. He wouldn't have minded coming back here to do a tour if he could. 
"You ever go to the heritage village?" He asked Elizabeth. 
"Twice." She answered him, putting a tiny water shirt over Kisa. "Once when I was in second grade, we came here for a tour. I don't really remember much. The second time. . . I think I was in fifth or sixth grade. And I went with a friend and her parents for the Halloween event. Once again, don't really remember anything about the houses. I just remember there was this competition to eat a doughnut off of a string without using our hands. I got powdered sugar all over my face." 
"I bet you won." Steve chuckled. 
"Nope. My friend did." Elizabeth shrugged and then added thoughtfully. "I wonder what happened to her. I didn't see her again after that. She switched to another school and I stopped doing girl scouts." 
"All done." Bucky said proudly, carrying Mateo out in his swimming trunks. 
Steve rolled his eyes. "Good job. You put pants on him." 
"Shut it punk." Bucky protested. "Do you know how hard it is to dress babies when they're fussy?" 
Elizabeth giggled, putting Rue into her car seat. "Hush you two. Get in the car." 
"Yes ma'am." Bucky teased, hopping into the back of the car to put Mateo in his car seat. Steve slid into the passenger seat. 
The ride wasn't long, maybe three minutes, before they were pulling into another parking lot with Wooly Mammoth statues out front. They parked and then got out of the car, going up to the playground. 
This one was a little larger, built on hard, blue foam stuff. There were two playgrounds with a wall of rocks dividing them. On top of the rocks was a statue of a sabretooth tiger, that a little kid was sitting on top of, while a parent took a picture of them. There was a pavilion area with a snackbar, which wasn't open at the moment. 
Steve saw the water feature immediately since Violetta was standing near it, holding Valentines' hand as small geysers of water shot out of different coloured holes in the ground. There were also very small dips in the ground with fossils attached, that had water running through them. Katya and Trang were standing in them, taking pictures. 
"Hey guys!" Trang squealed, running over to them. Steve opened his arms immediately as Trang barreled into him. 
"Hey pretty girl." The words slipped off his tongue and he realized right then and there that he hadn't just missed Elizabeth. He'd missed all of them. 
The others converged on them and soon, it was Bucky, Steve, and Elijah standing together, watching the girls, Lan, Josh, and Sam play with the kids in the water. 
"How's she doing?" Elijah asked. 
"Really good." Bucky said slowly. "Although she had a small episode today. Small though, lasted about fifteen seconds if that." 
"What happened?" 
"We were talking about the others back home." Steve spoke up, feeling like he should tell this part. "How Natasha isn't very keen on Anastasia leaving the tower. And when Elizabeth was protesting it, I used the words 'You forget' when explaining the kids were a lot younger than these three. And she sort've froze up. She also snapped at me." 
"She bite you?" Elijah asked, though he was grinning. 
Steve looked a little shocked and Bucky chuckled. "He's playing with you punk. Nah, she just sort've froze and then apologized almost immediately. Like I said, it was quick." 
"Get over here you three!" Vi shouted over her shoulder. "You're going to miss everything." 
"I prefer staying dry." Elijah called back, but he moved forwards anyways and the two super soldiers followed. 
😼🧗‍♂️ 丅i𝕄έ 𝓈ᛕίρ 🚵‍♀️🚏
Steve was exhausted as they came back from the small club that the Ohioans had sang at all night. It had been a long day and the kids were exhausted too, fast asleep in their parents arms as Elizabeth opened up the garage door and they headed inside through the back door. 
"Okay, I'm gonna feed the bunnies, you three want to take them upstairs and brush their teeth?" Elizabeth asked, handing Kisa over to Sam. 
"Yeah." Steve murmured, heading through the side office door so they didn't have to navigate around all of the rabbit cages, before heading up the stairs. They gently helped each other to get the kids' teeth brush, before taking them into the bedroom they slept in. 
It was her brothers' shared room, the beds and everything still in place where they had been when they'd been growing up. But now on the other side of the room were three cribs for the babies to sleep in. 
Steve laid Kisa down to sleep, kissing her forehead and murmuring how much he loved her. She let out the most adorable cooing noise, looking so peaceful and relaxed. 
Suddenly, Elizabeth screamed. 
Steve tore away from the crib, telling Sam to stay with the kids. Bucky leapt over the railing as Steve dashed around to take the stairs, the two of them thundering down the stairs, skidding to a stop in the dark living room. Bucky flipped the switch on. 
Elizabeth was on her knees, her hands pressed hard against Heimdalls' chest, the all seeing god laying on the floor, bleeding out. Her head snapped up and she said, "Steve get me water, Bucky get me a towel. Get Sam to call Elijah and the others. Tell them to bring the family over and the sling ring. We have to get him to Bruce." 
Steve ran for the kitchen and Bucky ran back up the stairs. Steve grabbed a gallon water jug, bringing it back to the living room and poured the water out over Heimdall, before going back for more. 
He came back to find Bucky helping Elizabeth keep pressure on Heimdalls' wounds. 
Sam came down the stairs at that moment. "Trang can't get into contact with Tony at all." 
"Fuck." Elizabeth cursed. 
"They're on their way." Sam informed them. "Should I get the babies?" 
"Yes." Elizabeth said hurriedly as the water swirled around her, slowly closing up Heimdalls' wounds. "Please." 
Sam hurried back up the stairs while Steve and Bucky stayed kneeling next to Elizabeth. 
"Do you think the others' are okay?" Bucky asked softly. 
Elizabeth's eyes flashed lime green. "They're alive, but they're all badly hurt. Loki and Thor have been taken captive. A group of Asgardian rebels are trying to attack the tower. The others. . . they're okay too. But we need to get there." 
"Then let's get there." Lan said, as the others filed into the room, geared up for a fight. "Ya know, Avengers Assemble." 
Steve huffed out a laugh.
😽 🙀 卩ᗝ𝓥 ČᕼᵃภᎶє 🐨 🐯
Penny sighed as she watched the video Sam had sent Tony of the kids out at the park. They looked so happy and the park they were in looked beautiful. Penny glanced over at where Natasha was rocking Anastasia in her arms, playing with a butterfly toy, hovering it over her head while the red head child tried to grab it. 
Penny didn't blame Nat for being overprotective of her kids. But she also wished that Chamber and the others could be at the park with Rue, Kisa, Mateo, and Valentine. 
"I feel like we should make plans for when they come back." Tony said from where he was lounging on the couch, his head in Stephen's lap. Stephen had fallen asleep over his book, jerking awake now as Tony broke the sleepy silence. 
"You just want an excuse for another party." Rhodey yawned, answering emails on his tablet for the air force. 
"No parties. Not with the kids here." Natasha shook her head. "The Christmas one was bad enough." 
"Aww Nat, c'mon." Clint whined. "The kids will be fine. We throw parties here all the time and nothing happens." 
"No. Tony." Nat practically growled out. 
"But-" Tony protested but Stephen pinched his ear and muttered, "Leave it bubs." 
"Maybe just a party for us." Wanda said softly, trying to appease everyone. 
"May-" Bruce started before they heard a huge crash from outside. The room went silent, everyone alert. Stephen stood up, drifting over to the window. 
"It's an army." He informed them, a serious look on his face. "It looks like they might be from Asgard." 
"Do you think something has happened to Loki or Thor?" Bruce asked immediately. Penny felt that sick feeling in her stomach again. 
"I don't know." Stephen said slowly. "I'm going down to meet them." 
"We'll go with you." Clint said quickly. 
"What about the kids?" Wanda asked. 
"You, Natasha, and Vision stay with them." Tony ordered immediately, "Bruce, you too." 
The four of them nodded, gathering the children into the living room completely, while the others headed down through the tower. 
Penny approached the army hesitantly with the others, her hand on her gun. The army was massive, perhaps three hundred or so soldiers. Penny stopped dead when she saw that Loki and Thor were with them, but in terrible condition. 
"Loki." Tony gasped out while Stephens' hand shot out to stop Tony from approaching. 
The two Gods were on their knees. Thor was completely unconscious, head lolled to the side. His face was purple and it looked like he might have some broken bones. Loki on the other hand, was just barely conscious, swaying as he tried to stay upright. Blood covered his face, some of it still leaking from a cut on his forehead. His blue eyes were glazed in pain as they swept over Tony first, then Stephen, Penny, then the rest, before closing again.
Penny's heart fluttered uncomfortably as she looked for Hogun or Heimdall or Sif or Fandral or Volstagg, but she did not see any of the other Asgardians. 
"You are the Midgardians friendly with these Gods?" One of the men in the front asked. He was larger than most of the others, clearly a general of some sort. 
"Yes." Stephen answered calmly. "What do you want in trade for them?" 
"We want their blood." The general smirked. "And yours. But. . . if you can point us in the direction of our Goddess, then perhaps we will consider sparing some of your lives." 
That wasn't comforting at all. 
"I can probably hook you up with Taylor Swift." Tony responded. Clint snorted. 
The general huffed, throwing some orb at them. Penny darted away, but then cried out as some sort of transparent wall appeared in front of her. Looking around, she saw they were in a semi-circle sort of contraption, none of them able to get out. Thick, clear strands started to unfurl from the ceiling and Penny dodged away from one. 
Rhodey cried out as they wrapped around his wrists, drawing his arms over his head. Penny's back hit the shield, trying to avoid them, but it was useless. There was no escape, and soon all of them had their hands over their head. 
She was glad now that Wanda and Vision had been the two to stay with the children. With Bruce and Nats' help, they could get the children out of here. Maybe regroup with the Ohioans and tell them what had happened. At least Steve, Sam, and Bucky were safe. Elijah, Lan, Vi, Josh, Katya. . . all of them were safe. 
"Let's see. . . them or you?" The man questioned, gripping Loki's face. Loki said nothing, squaring his jaw, before the mans' fist came down across his face. Stephen and Tony both jerked in their bonds while Loki crumped to the grass. "I guess you." 
The guards holding him raised their knives, but before either of them could stab Loki, they both fell over. 
The clearing was silent for a second. The Asgardian army was looking around in confusion while the general looked over their dead bodies. "Arrows!" He shouted, looking around. "HOGUN!" 
Hogun? Was he alive then? But it would be hard for one man to defeat three hundred people. . .
The general turned back to Loki, kneeling down, grabbing him by his hair. Penny wished she could cover her face with her hands as the knife was put to his throat. 
Suddenly, a golden trident flew through the clearing, stabbing through the man before Elizabeth stepped out into the clearing, the trident flying back to her hand. The man turned, staggering. 
"Pick on someone your own size." Elizabeth said as the general fell over, dead. The Asgardian army turned towards her and a smile slowly spread across her face. "Ohioans! Assemble!" 
Elijah and Mai flew across the sky, dropping into the Asgardian army, fire and electricity lighting the army up immediately. Sam and Katya flew across the sky, one shooting bullets from his gun, the other slinging arrows from her bow. Steve, Bucky, Elizabeth, Ahni, and Violetta charged across the grass, crashing into the army while Ghaida flitted across the field towards Loki and Thor. 
Trang flew down from the sky in her Iron Woman outfit, Riri soon joining her in her Iron heart suit. The two of them landed in front of the dome and Trang's faceplate came down. "Aww you guys look nice and safe in your bubble." 
"Really glad you're okay." Tony panted out. "You want to get us out of here?" 
"Maybe." Trang teased while working at the dome they were trapped in. "Riri, go get Heimdall, bring him to the lab." 
The African American girl nodded, flying back into the forest that the Ohioans had come from.
"Heimdall?" Penny questioned, gritting her teeth as the chains around her wrists tightened, clearly not liking whatever Trang was doing to the bubble. 
"He showed up in Elizabeth's living room unconscious." Trang explained. "We thought it would be best if we got back here immediately. Lucky thing we did too. Where would you guys be without us?" 
"Bahamas." Tony sighed. "Probably." 
Trang wrinkled her nose at him and the bubble came down. "Rude." 
Tony grabbed her hand, dragging her over to where Ghaida was applying medical to Thor and Loki. Penny dashed over to them as well. 
"They'll be okay." Ghaida told them right then and there. "Get them to the medbay, I'm going to go and join the fight." Ghaida got up, her palms suddenly alight with orange aura, leaping into the fight. Penny looked up to see her touch a man, him dissolving into dust immediately. Steve slammed a man across the face with his shield while Elizabeth and Elijah froze and flamed a man at the same time, him shattering into pieces as he turned into dried ice. 
Ahni slammed into another guard while Mai took apart tens of men, ripping through them with lightning. Trang soared into the battle, joining Katya and Sam in the sky as they rained bullets and arrows down on them. 
Penny ran forwards, taking the safety off her gun, firing into the heads of two men as she ran towards Steve. They fell immediately, three of them turning on her. Bucky wrapped his hand around one of the mens' throats, snapping his neck, while Katya put two arrows through the other twos' heads. 
"Hey doll." Bucky called casually like they weren't fighting for their lives. "What's new?" 
Penny rolled her eyes, wishing she could hug him. "Alright, she wants a spanking, noted." Bucky muttered to himself, before shooting another Asgardian. "Do you think its' cheating if we brought guns to a sword fight?" 
"I think they almost killed Loki and Thor and we could use machine guns if we wanted to." Penny responded, shooting another man who had gone to leap onto Violetta's back. 
Lan appeared out of nowhere, stabbing a man in the neck with his knife, before turning back into a microscopic fly, buzzing away to his next victim.
Suddenly, Elijah was landing next to them, grabbing Penny and Bucky's arms, "Run." 
"What?" Penny asked, taken by surprise, tripping over her own two feet to run with them. 
"Elizabeth's firing up." Elijah said. "and you don't want to be caught in the crossfire." 
Penny looked over her shoulder to see Elizabeth having risen into the air, a blue aura surrounding her with her trident in hand. 
"Where's Wanda?" Elijah shouted to Tony as they ran, "We're going to need a shield." 
"What did you guys use before you had Wanda?" Penny asked as Tony pointed up to the tower. 
Elijah glanced down at her, "We didn't. We could just withstand it." 
Suddenly, electricity crackled and Penny turned to see that Mjolnir had flown into Elizabeth's other hand. Loki murmured something and Stephen turned to him, "What bubs?" 
Elijah and Mai stood in front of the group, a wall of fire starting to surround them, while Mai reached down, touching the earth to lift it into a cliff for them to hide behind. 
Penny watched as the soldiers in front of Elizabeth started to drop their weapons, cowering on their knees. 
"Our goddess." Loki breathed out, before falling completely unconscious. 
"That's-" Tony cut off as Elizabeth slammed Thor's hammer into her trident and they all had to hit the ground as the air filled with a thunderous sound. It was louder than anything Penny had ever heard come from the sky before. New York city went dark as the electricity went out, and a static electricity mixed with water filled the air. Penny could feel her skin tingling as her fingers dug into the dirt. 
Then there was a silence. Ringing silence that filled Penny's ears and she whimpered just a little, putting her hands over her ears. She opened her eyes, seeing that Elijah had staggered to his knees, the fire put out. 
And then the ringing faded and Elizabeth hopped down over the cliff edge, looking weary. "It's over." And then she too, collapsed.
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phuongdg · 10 months
Bae là gì? My bae là gì trên Facebook và trong tình yêu
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“Bae” là từ tiếng Anh được giới trẻ sử dụng rất nhiều hiện nay. Không chỉ xuất hiện trong các cuộc hội thoại trên mạng xã hội mà còn được sử dụng trong giao tiếp hàng ngày. Vậy bạn hiểu “bae” là gì? Tại sao “bae” lại nổi tiếng trên các trang mạng xã hội? Mời bạn đọc tìm hiểu chi tiết trong nội dung bài viết dưới đây!
“Bae” là gì?
“Bae” là viết tắt của từ gì? Từ “bae” là viết tắt của từ “Before Anyone Else”, dịch ra có nghĩa là “trước bất kỳ một ai khác”.  Thường được sử dụng để chỉ về một người cực kỳ quan trọng đối với bản thân bạn.  Thường được sử dụng để nói chuyện với người thân hay chỉ những người đang yêu nhau.  Từ này cũng có nghĩa tương tự với “bae is my everything” nhằm thể hiện sự trân trọng cùng tình yêu mãnh liệt, sự sẻ chia trong cuộc sống đối với một người đặc biệt nhất.
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Bae - Before Anyone Else Hiện nay thì các bạn trẻ thường dùng từ “bae” để miêu tả bạn đời của mình. Từ ngữ ngày mang đến nhiều ý nghĩa tích cực, thể hiện sự quan tâm, tình yêu nồng cháy cùng sự trân trọng với họ. Đồng thời, từ “bae” còn giúp cho mối quan hệ của cả hai trở nên gần gũi hơn, thể hiện nhiều ý nghĩa đặc biệt hơn trong cuộc sống. “Bae” là gì trên Facebook? “Bae” thường được sử dụng trên các trang mạng xã hội và phổ biến nhất chính là Facebook. Bạn có thể bắt gặp từ này ở bất kỳ đâu, trong những bài đăng của bạn bè, trong comment hay trong những đoạn chat… Trên Facebook thì “bae” thường được sử dụng để nói về người yêu (giữa các cặp đôi đang yêu nhau). 
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“Bae”trên Facebook để nói về người yêu Ngoài người yêu thì “bae” còn được các bạn trẻ dùng để gọi bạn thân của mình hay đôi khi còn dùng nó để thay thế cho tên gọi. Ví dụ: Bae, nay rảnh không? Đi ăn tối với tao đi. Đi xem phim không bae? Thank you bae. Mai nhớ gọi dậy sớm nhé bae. “My bae” là gì trong tình yêu? Trong tình yêu thì “ my bae” là từ dùng để chỉ người yêu của tôi. Bạn thường thấy nó xuất hiện trong giao tiếp của những cặp đôi đang yêu nhau hoặc với bạn đời giống như một cách gọi thân mật. Ví dụ: I miss you bae. (Anh nhớ em) Chúc ngủ ngon, my bae. (Chúc ngủ ngon, em yêu) Bae, em đang làm gì đấy? (Em yêu, em đang làm gì đấy?) You got a bae or nah? (Bạn có người yêu không?) I belong to you bae. (Tôi thuộc về em, em yêu)
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My bae - người yêu của tôi Việc xưng hô “bae” trong tình yêu giúp cho đối phương cảm nhận được sự quan tâm cũng như sự yêu thương nhiều hơn. Nó cũng giúp cho tình yêu của bạn được thăng hoa và trở nên ngọt ngào. Đối phương sẽ cảm thấy vui sướng khi được gọi bằng một cái tên thân mật như vậy.
Nguồn gốc của “bae” là gì?
Vào năm 2003, trong từ điển Urban Dictionary (từ điển thành ngữ và tiếng lóng) thì “bae” được định nghĩa là cách nói khác của từ “babe” theo giọng đọc của người Việt. Đồng thời, từ này cũng thường được xuất hiện trong các bài rap vào năm 2005, chúng thể hiện sự quý mến của bạn đối với người mà mình yêu. Vào giai đoạn 2012 - 2013, câu “bae caught me slippin” đã trở nên nổi tiếng khi xuất hiện trào lưu chụp ảnh khi người yêu đang ngủ. Chính nhờ vậy mà từ “bae” lại ngày càng trở nên phổ biến. Nó trở thành từ ngữ mà những người độc thân sử dụng để gọi bạn thân của mình.
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“Bae caught me slippin” - trào lưu chụp ảnh người yêu khi ngủ Cũng giống với nhiều từ ngữ khác, từ “bae” ngày càng phát triển rộng rãi trên nền tảng mạng xã hội và được lan truyền với nhiều ý nghĩa khác nhau. Nếu như bạn thân, người yêu thường gọi nhau là “bạn” thì với các nhãn hàng lại sử dụng từ này với nghĩa là “ngon”, “tuyệt vời”.
Vì sao “bae” lại được sử dụng phổ biến?
Từ “bae” đã trở thành một thuật ngữ rất phổ biến trên các trang mạng xã hội hiện nay bởi một số nguyên nhân như: Tính thân mật và ngắn gọn “Bae” - cách gọi ngắn gọn, dễ nhớ thay thế cho cụm từ dài là “before anyone else”. Nó mang đến sự thân mật và thân thiện, tạo ra một cảm giác gần gũi cũng như cá nhân hơn trong giao tiếp trực tuyến. Tính diễn đạt cảm xúc Từ “bae” thường được dùng để nói về người yêu, bạn trai hoặc bạn gái. Nó giúp cho việc diễn đạt tình cảm, sự quan tâm và tình yêu trở nên ngọt ngào và thân mật hơn. Giới trẻ rất thích sử dụng thuật ngữ này để gửi đi thông điệp về tình yêu và sự quan tâm đến với người mà mình yêu thương.
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Bae - diễn đạt tình cảm ngọt ngào, thân mật hơn Thịnh hành trên mạng xã hội Mạng xã hội hiện nay đã trở thành nền tảng quan trọng trong giao tiếp và chia sẻ thông tin của giới trẻ. Từ “bae” đã được lan truyền và trở nên phổ biến qua các nền tảng mạng xã hội như Twitter, Instagram và Facebook... Khi một thuật ngữ nào đó được sử dụng nhiều trên mạng xã hội thì nó dễ dàng lan rộng và trở thành một phần trong ngôn ngữ trực tuyến của giới trẻ. Tính chuẩn mực và thịnh hành Sự phổ biến của “bae” còn có thể được giải thích bởi sự ảnh hưởng của các ngôi sao, các nghệ sĩ hay các nhân vật nổi tiếng. Khi mà các người nổi tiếng sử dụng thuật ngữ này trong giao tiếp trực tuyến hoặc trong các bài viết trên mạng xã hội thì nó tạo ra sự lan tỏa và tương tác từ phía cộng đồng hùng mạnh. Lưu ý: Mặc dù từ “bae” được sử dụng phổ biến những bạn cần nắm được cách dùng sao cho đúng nhất. Nếu không cách gọi dễ thương này sẽ dễ bị hiểu lầm, hiểu sai và gây ra những điều không mong muốn.
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Sử dụng từ “bae” đúng đối tượng Dùng với đúng đối tượng: Bạn chỉ nên gọi bạn bè, người thương, bạn đời hoặc anh chị em thân thiết của mình, tuyệt đối không gọi “bae” đối với người lớn tuổi. Dùng đúng ngữ cảnh: Chỉ nên sử dụng khi giao tiếp gần gũi, tránh tuyệt đối dùng trong văn bản chính thống hoặc là trong các cuộc trò chuyện đòi hỏi lịch sự và chuyên nghiệp. Không nên lạm dụng: Tránh sử dụng từ này quá nhiều bởi việc thay thế hoàn toàn tiếng Việt sẽ làm mất đi sự trìu mến và dễ thương của từ này.
Ý nghĩa của “bae” trong một số lĩnh vực khác
Từ “bae” không chỉ được sử dụng như biệt danh để gọi bạn thân, người yêu mà nó còn là viết tắt của nhiều từ khác nhau. Tùy vào từng lĩnh vực và ngữ cảnh mà ta sẽ có các nghĩa khác nhau: Trong y học: “Bae” là viết tắt của từ Bovine aortic endothelial (động mạch chủ). Trong giáo dục: “Bae” là viết tắt của cụm từ Bachelor of Art Education (cử nhân Giáo dục Nghệ thuật). Hoặc “bae” là viết tắt của Bachelor of Arts in Education (cử nhân văn học trong giáo dục). Trong Hàng không: “Bae” là viết tắt của từ British Aerospace (Hàng không Anh). Bachelor of Aeronautical Engineering: Bằng cử nhân kỹ sư hàng không (thường dùng trong lĩnh vực giáo dục và đào tạo). Badass Everyday: Đẳng cấp mỗi ngày (sử dụng như một cách để tự hào về bản thân). Black and Excellent: Đen và xuất sắc (sử dụng trong cộng đồng những người da đen nhằm tôn vinh những thành tựu và giá trị của họ). Bacon and Eggs: Bacon và trứng (dùng như một cách để đùa giỡn hoặc để đặt tên cho một món ăn). Có thể bạn quan tâm: My love nghĩa là gì? Dùng cho ai, các trường hợp sử dụng my love 500+ Cách đặt biệt danh cho người yêu độc đáo, dễ thương Như vậy bạn đã hiểu được bae là gì rồi đúng không nào? Bae được xem là “trend” của các cặp đôi đang yêu nhau, mang ý nghĩa tích cực và được sử dụng phổ biến trong giới trẻ. Read the full article
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com - Ada kabar baru dari PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Daop II Bandung, guys. Jumlah penumpang KA Siliwangi lagi naik banget selama liburan panjang Peringatan Hari Lahir Pancasila. Bahkan, hingga Minggu 4 Juni 2023. Manager Humas PT KAI Daop 2 Bandung, Mahendro Trang Bawono, Jumat 2 Juni 2023, menyampaikan bahwa peningkatan penumpang sudah terjadi  sejak Rabu (31/5) di Stasiun Cianjur.  Mereka tujuannya mau jalan-jalan ke Sukabumi dan Bandung Barat. "Jumlah penumpang emang lagi nambah di Stasiun Cianjur. Sejak Rabu jumlahnya naik dari biasanya cuma 500 orang jadi 1.200 orang. Khususnya mereka  yang mau ke Stasiun Sukabumi. Terus Kamis naik lagi jadi lebih dari 3.000 penumpang," katanya. BACA JUGA: Ada Perubahan Jadwal Kereta Api Bandara Nih Guys, Catat Waktunya Ya.. Mereka memprediksi peningkatan penumpang KA Siliwangi bakal berlanjut sampe akhir pekan dengan destinasi wisata dari Cianjur ke Sukabumi. Atau sebaliknya dari Sukabumi ke Cianjur. Nah, buat siap-siap ngadepin lonjakan penumpang, mereka udah siapin petugas tambahan di Stasiun Cianjur. Termasuk nambah pengamanan yang bakal ngasih imbauan ke calon penumpang supaya patuh aturan yang berlaku. BACA JUGA: Info Penting Perubahan Jadwal Kereta Api dari Bandung, Kalian Harus Catat Nih.. "Selain urusan teknis, kita juga ngasih imbauan ke calon penumpang buat beli tiket lewat aplikasi KAI Access biar enggak rame di stasiun," katanya. Mehendro nambahin lagi, walaupun masih bisa beli tiket langsung di tempat, tapi lebih baik deh calon penumpang beli tiket secara online. Selain memudahkan pas udah sampe di stasiun, mereka juga enggak perlu antre, bro. "Sampai Jumat siang, laporan dari Stasiun Cianjur, masih ada antrean calon penumpang yang mayoritas tujuannya Sukabumi. Namun,  beruntungnya, laporan kedatangannya cukup seimbang, sekitar 2.000 penumpang," tutupnya. ***
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sorawichphoto · 1 year
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ที่นี่อากาศกำลังเย็นสบายไม่มีฝุ่นพิษ (ที่ Nah Trang) https://www.instagram.com/p/CquwknpvjG4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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abritishboyabroad · 7 years
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herliusumeemily · 3 years
🚫 NSFW 🚫
Loki in Jotun form x Sigyn
Nah, Sigyn in my design so it will be different from the design in Marvel comic but hope you will enjoy it ✨❤
Commission by Linh Trang
Link full: https://privatter.net/i/6512390
#Loki #Sigyn #Logyn #r18
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lebe-vietnam · 6 years
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Heute fliegen wir von Saigon nach Cam Ranh. Von dort aus geht es zu unserem nächsten Ziel Nah Trang. Hier wird in den nächsten 4 Tagen das Meer und die Erholung im Mittelpunkt stehen.
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anhducdiaryblog · 2 years
Một cuối tuần của tuổi 22 như thế nào?
23/07/22 7:22pm
Đang ngồi trong phòng, nghe nhạc Nah. Chẳng muốn làm gì. Lại càng không muốn dính vào thủ dâm và porn. Tuần này mình cứ bị gì vậy!? Không thể thức dậy sớm như tuần trước nữa. Liệu mình có nên thông cảm cho bản thân vì chuyện đó và xem đây là một pha trầm của quá trình thăng tiến không? Nhưng dù gì, mình vẫn có cảm giác mình chỉ cố gắng được một khoảng thời gian ngắn, như mọi lần. Cảm giác không tới đâu, không rõ ràng, không chắc chắn. Ước gì mình có thể thấy được quá trình tiến bộ của mình, chứ không phải vô vi vô hình như thế này. Khác gì đốt đuốc trong đêm? Có khi ta đang đi đúng, nhưng rồi theo cảm tính, không chắc chắn, ta đổi đường. Và vô tình, ta đi lạc khỏi con đường đúng. Có thể lắm. Ai biết được? Rất ghét cảm giác này. Nó làm mình thấy tệ.
Mình không muốn porn, mình không muốn thủ dâm. Mình có thể nhận ra rõ rệt sự rối loạn giữa khả năng cương cứng và khả năng bị kích thích lệch pha như thế nào sau một khoảng thời gian cai nghiện. Cơ thể mình chưa phản ứng kịp với cơn hưng phấn thì BÙM, mọi thứ đổ nát. Mình dễ bị kích thích, còn cơ thể thì khó nương theo nó. Hai bên không hiểu nhau, không lắng nghe nhau. Và mọi thứ đổ nát.
Tuy đến thư viện lâu rồi nhưng sáng nay là lần đầu tiên mình vào phòng đọc báo chí. Phải trình thẻ và bắt buộc gởi ba lô. Phải bỏ tiền ra nếu muốn dùng ổ điện. Cô nhân viên giải thích điều lệ này là vì các phòng ở ngoài do một bên khác quản lí. Mình không hỏi rõ – cũng có cần thiết lắm đâu, nhưng chắc một bên tư nhân nào đó đảm nhiệm phòng này dẫn đến có sự khác biệt ấy. Tuy nhiên, trải nghiệm ngồi học ở đó khá ổn. Thoáng khí, rộng rãi và ít người. Mình tha hồ ngồi, bày bừa đủ mọi sách vở và bút viết, tai nghe. Wifi có tín hiệu yếu nhưng không bị chậm. Phòng ốc cũng mát mẻ, so với chỗ sofa bên cửa sổ ở căn phòng bên ngoài – vốn rất là nóng – thì khá tuyệt. Mình sẽ quay lại chỗ đó, lần tới có thể mình sẽ mua phí cắm điện để ngồi lâu hơn.
Ba cuốn sách đã được mình lược sơ qua về cách sử dụng, format và mục đích của chúng. Mình đặt mua chúng đúng theo nhu cầu. Một để học từ vựng, một dành cho ngữ pháp và còn lại là dùng làm quen với cấu trúc đề. Mình đọc chi tiết những phần preface, introduction mỗi cuốn. Hài thật. Việc ấy làm mình nhớ lại quãng thời gian còn ngồi ở trường lớp. Mình chưa bao giờ động đến những phần đó. Thậm chí ở những phần bài học chính mình cũng chưa bao giờ thật sự để tâm. Những cuốn sách như một loài chim xa lạ từ phương trời nào bay tới, mình không có chút manh mối nào. Nó ở bên đây còn mình ở bên kia thung lũng. Có mới thấy mình đã sống vô tâm hời hợt như thế nào. Vì mình chưa bao giờ thực sự yêu việc học. Do đó, việc tỉ mỉ tẩn mẩn mày mò từng chút như vậy khiến mình có cảm giác make sense. Mình đang đặt cái tâm vào việc mình đang làm, mình hiểu rõ vì sao mình làm, mình kiểm soát nó và vì vậy mình đang thực sự sống. Nó khiến mình thấy trưởng thành. Với sự giác ngộ này, mình đang hơi hướm nghĩ đến việc tìm hiểu lại từ đầu môn toán. Mình vẫn luôn tò mò sự liên quan mật thiết giữa toán và cuộc sống mà. Chẳng phải những nhà toán học đều từ triết học mà ra đấy sao? Nhưng chuyện đó để sau, trước mắt phải lo cho đặng cái môn anh văn này đã! Đi thì đi cho tới tận cùng vậy.
Tuần này mình đọc khá nhiều và đều đặn. Mình đã đọc gần xong cuốn sách của em, và phân nửa cuốn Nhảy nhảy nhảy. Ờ thật ra không phải gì nhiều nhặn lắm. 550 trang/ tuần là chuyện không có gì tự hào. Ý mình là, tuần này mình đã năng đọc hơn.
Em về quê rồi. Hơi buồn, những ngày hẩm hiu này mà được ôm em thì thích. Dù sao, mình cũng không thể có được điều mình muốn mãi được. Em đang trên đà phát triển, mình vẫn có cảm giác tự ti lưng lửng trên đầu mỗi khi nghĩ đến chuyện em với mình. Vấn đề của chuyện đó là gì? Đương nhiên trong hành trình thành toàn tự ngã, ta bắt buộc phải có lúc sai. Lẽ dĩ nhiên, sai đến nỗi gần như không thể thoái lui là bình thường. Ta thậm chí có thể bỏ cuộc và muốn đầu hàng. Ta rơi xuống tận đáy địa ngục của tâm hồn lẫn trong cuộc sống. Và còn gì tệ hơn cả nếu lúc đó, ta đang yêu một người. Và người ấy lại ở một cực đoan khác. Người yêu của ta thì có tương lai và triển vọng tươi sáng. Họ cũng đang ở độ tuổi phơi phới ngời ngời sức sống. Xung quanh họ là hàng trăm những ứng cử viên mà về cơ bản, đánh bật ta mà không cần phải gắng sức. Gia đình, bạn bè họ kì vọng nơi họ thật nhiều và thậm chí là kì vọng luôn cho người đi bên cạnh họ – là ta. Hơn nữa, họ cũng đặt nơi kì vọng nơi ta. Có một câu mình rất đau lòng mỗi khi nhớ lại “mình đã sẵn sàng để bay, còn bạn ấy chỉ mới bắt đầu tập chạy”. Không khác được, chính là cảm giác thẫn thờ, bất lực khi họng súng nổ một phát chí tử vào con tim nóng đỏ, nhạy cảm và dễ tổn thương ở độ tuổi chết tiệt này. Và thế đó, sự bất cân xứng này giữ mình luôn có những băn khoăn, khắc khoải còn trải dài bất tận. Làm sao ta có thể dửng dưng được. Ta phải gồng mình trước mỗi hành động. Lỡ như mình thất bại? Thật ra thì, nếu thất bại mình có thể làm lại. Đó là thời gian và cuộc đời của mình, kinh nghiệm mình. Nhưng người ấy có thời gian, có cuộc đời của họ. Đó là cái sự thật làm cho mình thấy nhức nhối mỗi khi nghĩ về chuyện mình và em. Em nói mình hãy cố gắng, mình biết chứ, mình cố gắng chứ. Mình thật sự yêu em. Chết thật, vào cái khoảng không có gì này, mình lại còn muốn em và mình có một gia đình nhỏ nữa chứ! Nhưng mà em có hiểu, “cố gắng” là bao gồm luôn chuyện mình sẽ có những khoảng trầm “cảm thấy tuần này vô ích” hoặc những cú thất-bại-thê-thảm (sau khi đã cố gắng rất rất nhiều) không?  
Nói thì nghe bi quan quá. Toàn nghĩ đến thất bại. Nhưng đâu thể nghĩ hoài đến thành công, thành tích được. Nỗi sợ thất bại vẫn còn đó, đó là sự thật, một sự thật trần trụi.
Dù sao, mình vẫn mong em yêu luôn những lần bi đát bỉ cực ấy của mình.
Đó có phải là một đòi hỏi quá đáng không? E là mình không tự trả lời câu này được.
8:39 pm
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cảnh một cậu bạn của Will trong Good Will Hunting, Cả bốn người họ trở về từ quán bar tối hôm trước khi trời hửng sáng - lúc mà mọi người chuẩn bị thức dậy đi làm. Trên chiếc xe đó, cả bốn người đều im lặng, không ai nói lời nào. Họ đều vô hồn nhìn ra thành phố đang thức dậy với vẻ mặt ảm đạm chán chường khác xa tối qua. Phải chăng, họ đang suy tư về cuộc đời mình? Có chăng, họ đang nghĩ về câu hỏi khó cuộc đời dành cho mình vào độ tuổi ấy - là trưởng thành?
p/s: dù sao thì, mình đã khá hơn một năm về trước. ngày này một năm trước. giãn cách xã hội, trầm cảm, bí bách, lo âu, ghê tởm, ám ảnh, cô đơn, tuyệt vọng. link bài viết một năm trước.
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braveclementine · 1 month
The Beach
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, slight master kink, oral, threesome, m x m smut, sub!Steve Rogers, pet names
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
The colours are pretty much perfect, although I would've liked just a little bit more blue. And the kind've reddish colour should be more purply but altogether, the green is the exact shade I thought it would be. Wish the jaw line was more curved though since it's Iron Woman, but it was more of an Iron Man design. 
🍄🐚 𝕊𝕋ᵒŕ𝐲 🍙🤾‍♀️
Tony took everyone to the beach about one and a half months after Chamber was born. He had a private island with a huge mansion built on it with plenty to do there. And so, they went. And that's where they were now.
Penny was on her stomach, laying down next to Violetta who was also sunbathing, looking at her phone. She was wearing a maroon coloured two- piece bathing suit and looked lovely in it. Penny was wearing sky blue.
Elijah was sitting up, far away from the waves, asleep with his arms behind his head.
Elizabeth was walking along the edge of the beach with Clint and Rhodey. She wasn't wearing a bathing suit, but a white dress instead, looking like a Disney princess or something.
Wanda, Natasha, and most of the other male Avengers were out in the ocean, laughing and playing with each other except Stephen. The Sorcerer was sitting up on the sand, under an umbrella with Katya in his arms.
Katya always had to be in either Stephen or Loki's arms nearly twenty-four seven because of the child in her stomach as he grew bigger. They were calculating what the soonest possible time could be to getting him out safely for both the child and the mother. But Katya continued to insist that she could do it.
Katya was wearing a white shirt over her two piece black bathing suit. Trang and Ghaida were sitting near them, Trang wearing a vibrant red colour. Meanwhile, Ghaida wore some sort of traditional outfit so that her skin didn't show.
Laughter spread out across the beach as Elizabeth sprinted away from Clint and Tony splashed Natasha in the face with ocean water.
"You want to join them?" Violetta asked sleepily.
"Nah." Penny mumbled, looking over at her Italian love. "I'd rather lay here with you. It's calmer. Quieter too."
Vi laughed, "Ah I see. Because my throat hurts to much to talk."
"Oh?" Penny giggled, "Why does your throat hurt hmm?"
Vi blushed, "No reason. At all. Has nothing to do with Bruce or last nights flight from Florida to here."
"Plane sex." Penny muttered. "I should put that on my bucket list."
Violetta laughed louder at that. "I'll help you out with that task."
"I'll take you up on that." Penny said, turning over and closing her eyes against the sun.
"So can you tan?" Violetta teased.
"Nope. I always burn." Penny sighed, pointing at the pink umbrella that was only a few feet away. "I'll need to get under that very soon unless I want to be in pain the rest of the vacation."
"This is nice." Violetta hummed after a moment. "This vacation. I don't remember the last time I did something like this."
"Really?" Penny asked softly.
Violetta rolled over on her side, propping herself up on her elbow, "I don't know. Katya sometimes took me on family vacations when I was younger. They were rich enough to afford it and it wasn't like I had family to go with or stay with instead. And once we grew up they weren't really like this. And honestly, any vacations we tried going on usually ended up in some sort of fight."
"Oh." Penny said, unsure what else to say.
"Yep." Vi sighed, closing her eyes again. "It doesn't matter that much though. We have this now, so why bitch about not having it before? Besides, I prefer it like this. Vacation is supposed to be with people you love and I'm glad we're all. . . " Vi cut off and quickly fixed her words, "I'm glad we're together."
Penny got up, moving the umbrella in further so that she would be in the shade now, before laying back down next to Violetta. She watched a shadow walk closer and heard Rhodey ask, "Can I join you ladies?"
"Of course." Penny smiled up at him, heart flipping in her chest. It was so ridiculous, this crush on him. It made no sense whatsoever.
"You're warm." Rhodey commented, a hand placed gently on her hip. "Did you put sunscreen on?"
"Shhh." Violetta said playfully and said in a fake whisper, "Don't let Elizabeth overhear you talking about poison lotion going into your skin."
Rhodey rolled his eyes, but Penny was storing these nuggets away for later. Remembering how Ghaida had avoided Steve's question had put her on high alert towards anything pharmaceutically made. Not to mention. . . it wasn't like Big Pharma was exactly trusted by the African American population. Not after the Tuskegee experiment.
"Oh knock it off." Rhodey muttered, closing his eyes as well as he laid behind Penny. "There's nothing wrong with sunscreen."
Penny smiled. "Oh but you never know. . . have you ever read the ingredients in a bottle of sunscreen?"
Violetta groaned, "No! Not you too! Penny don't go over to the dark side!"
Penny giggled at that and Rhodey chuckled.
Violetta slowly fell asleep and Penny got up so she could angle the umbrella and its' shade over Vi as well. Then, as she laid back down, she faced Rhodey.
"Hey sweet mama." Rhodey said, smiling slightly at her. "You know if you get to hot, we can go back inside?"
Penny smiled and nodded a little. "Yeah, I know. It's just. . . such a beautiful day isn't it?"
Rhodey smiled, wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her into his chest. She wondered why her heart was beating so fast. She just smiled into his shoulder then, closing her eyes.
"Hey, do you want to try something different?" Rhodey asked awkwardly. She opened her eyes to see he looked a little hesitant.
"What kind of different?" Penny asked, heart definitely speeding up in her chest now, doing unpleasant flips.
He thought about it and then asked, "Well like Stephen, Tony, and Loki are trying to move. . . I guess like further with Trang? Like planning dates and taking their relationship further than just, you know, sex. I was just wondering if that was something that you might be interested in doing with me?"
Penny's whole face burned and she ducked her head in happiness, "I would love that James."
She could feel Rhodey's body relax besides hers and even heard his sigh of relief. She smiled gently at him, "Worried?"
"Well," Rhodey said, tucking her hair behind her ear, "I know around the tower and stuff it's mostly sex or cuddling or affection. . . but nothing. . . well I suppose what I consider as 'serious'. And I've kind've missed that. And I mean, I wasn't sure how much you like me, but um, I like you. . . like a lot. So I figured I might as well take the risk."
Penny leaned up to gently kiss him on the lips, drawing back and saying, "Well, it'll be my first date, so high expectations." She winked.
"First?" He asked in shocked. "You never had a date before you met us? None of those idiots ever took you on a date?" He pointed behind her at where most of her soulmates were dancing in water, a boombox was on at the moment.
"Well, before I met my soulmates, my dad wasn't really the kind of father to really let me go out with anyone. Any experience I had before you guys was usually just. . . sex. Because if he was gone, I was at a safe house with, well, usually er- Rumlow." She winced.
Rhodey nodded as as Penny hesitated, thinking about how much she hated herself for being with Rumlow, he cupped her face, "Hey. It's not like you knew. You thought he was just like any other guy."
"I know." Penny whispered. "But, um, yeah and well we're not really supposed to be leaving the tower. Steve said he wanted to take me on a date, but he also wanted to take me on a real one, outside. So I mean, you know. . . it's not that they don't want to. It's just. . ."
"Life isn't working out right now." Rhodey smiled.
"Exactly." Penny said and smiled at him. "I would love to go on a date with you. And just because it's my first date doesn't mean you have to go all out James. I'll love anything you plan, even if you just want to go on a walk in the park. The location, the activities, it doesn't matter. As long as I'm with you."
Rhodey was silent as he pulled her closer to him and the two of them laid there, before Penny fell asleep in his arms.
🪨🛸 Ƥ𝓸𝕧 ᑕнᗩ𝐍Ğ��� 🍚🌾
Tony listened and watched as Trang, Ghaida, and Elizabeth sat on the living room floor of the beach house. Elizabeth was arranging all of her shells in colour order, and was listening to Trang as she talked.
"Mollusks produce calcium carbonate, laying down layers over the years. And this forms seashells." Trang explained. "The difference in color comes from the water it lives in, and what the animal eats. Since we're in the Caribbean, the seashell colours are much brighter than you might find in say Connecticut or Maine."
"I like this one." Elizabeth said, holding up a brown and turquoise coloured seashell.
"What kind is it?" Trang asked Ghaida.
"Tulip shell." Elizabeth answered instead. "I think I want to find more of this colour tomorrow."
All of the girls had changed out of their bathing suits and into summer dresses. Both Ghaida and Trang were wearing bright yellow and Tony thought they both looked amazing in the bright colour. Ghaida had also cut her long black hair so that it was more curly and shoulder length.
Elizabeth was wearing a white dress, with a lei around her neck. She had also pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her chin on them, her arms wrapped around them. She looked tired as well.
Penny came in at that moment, looking drop dead gorgeous in a peach coloured dress. She smiled when she saw Tony, coming over to sit down next to him and he put an arm around her shoulder.
"So what's going on?" Penny asked.
"We're looking at all of the shells Elizabeth found." Trang said, relaxing back on the floor. She'd taken her glasses off and Tony admired how she looked without them. "She's found some really pretty ones."
"Don't you look pretty." Violetta's voice said, winking at Penny as she walked in with Katya and Stephen. Stephen sat down on Tony's other side, letting Katya rest in his arms. Tony was a bit surprised to find that Katya looked like some ethereal sort of goddess in her beautiful white dress.
Violetta wasn't wearing a dress, having settled for a white crop top and black shorts, sitting down next to Penny.
"Where is everyone else?" Trang asked as they helped put Elizabeth's shells in her bucket.
"They're grabbing fishing rods to catch dinner." Katya said, shifting slightly uncomfortably in Stephen's arms.
Elizabeth looked up at that, "They're going to eat the fishies?" She asked in a small voice.
Trang looked at her for a second, then turned to Katya. "Uh, where are they?"
"Heading up the southend of the island." Violetta answered, rolling her eyes. "And you don't have to stop them form eating fish just because of her. We always used to eat fish. And Elizabeth, you'll literally eat Lobster tails if we give you enough butter so."
Elizabeth nodded, accepting that whatever Violetta said was true, lowering her head back to her knees.
Tony looked sideways at Penny. "You want to do something fun?"
"Oh so hanging out with us isn't fun Stark?" Trang teased.
"Not at all Tien." Tony shot back. "After all, intellectual crowd is so b-b-boring." He pretended to yawn. Trang and Penny both laughed.
Elizabeth picked up her bucket of seashells and made her way out of the room.
"Is she okay?" Penny asked.
"The heat is probably just getting to her." Violetta said. "The sun will suck her powers out since ice is part of it. If she gets to dehydrated she can get sick."
Tony could feel Stephen next to him as he turned to look at Violetta, "And does she know this about herself?"
"Oh. Right." Violetta sighed. "Forgot about that bit."
"I'll go to her." Penny said, standing up.
💐🚁 ⓟσⓥ ¢𝐡ⒶŇ𝔤ᗴ ❕🧻
Elijah roared with laughter as he watched Pietro slip on one of the rocks and tumble off the cliff ending to splash into the water below all of them. Wanda chuckled, standing there in a nice orange sundress, using her powers to lift him back onto the rocks.
"I thought you were sure footed." Clint said, clapping him on the shoulder. "Shouldn't you have seen that coming?"
"Ha ha." Pietro said, getting to his feet, shaking himself like he was a dog. "Funny. You're all comedians."
Then Clint was suddenly flying into the water as Pietro pushed him in. As Clint's head broke over the water waves, Pietro called down, "What? Didn't see that coming?"
Clint gave Pietro the finger.
Natasha chuckled, having gotten it all on video.
"You'll send that to me later, right?" Elijah asked the Russian spy with a grin.
Nat raised her eyebrows at him. "Maybe. . . if you подари мне мою летящую птицу." [Submit to me my flying bird]
"Oh?" Elijah asked teasingly. "Is this blackmail I'm hearing my Huálì de húlí?" [Gorgeous fox]
"Flattery gets you nowhere in this life." Natasha continued the banter.
"On the contrary," Elijah said, sliding up to her, to wrap an arm around her waist and she smirked at him. He ghosted her lips with his, "It gets me everything." and he plucked the phone from her hand, twirling around and airdropping the video to his own phone.
Natasha tackled him into the sand, "You are more of a fox than me you little trickster."
Elijah chuckled, rolling over to pin her down lightly, slipping her phone back into the pocket of her sundress. "Just teasing." He kissed her on the lips and then sat up.
"We have fish." Clint celebrated, holding up a huge Mahi Mahi in his hands. Bruce held a second one.
"Well, clearly, we're set." Sam laughed, waving his hand at the size of them.
"Eh, maybe six more just for these three." Wanda poked Thor and Steve in the arms.
"Yes!" Thor exclaimed, already fishing for more, "I could eat a whole one and still have room for more!"
"Yes, yes, you glutton." Loki grumbled, lounging in the shade, looking like the heat was affecting him.
Heat was affecting him. . .
"Shit." Elijah cursed aloud, grabbing his phone, getting back to his feet.
"What?" Half of them asked.
"Penny?" Elijah asked in confusion as the girl answered his wifes' phone, "Where's Elizabeth?"
"Oh." Penny's voice sounded worried, "I don't know. She seems a little sick Elijah. She says she has a really bad headache. I don't know. Violetta said it was the heat-"
"Okay. Thanks." Elijah sighed, closing his eyes, hating himself. He should have remembered this. He was such a fucking idiot. And he couldn't do anything about it because he was literally made of heat.
"What's wrong?" Steve asked, the others looking at him.
Elijah gestured to Loki, "Seeing you being affected by the heat. I remembered how Elizabeth gets affected by the heat. And I forgot to tell her about the heat and-" He gritted his teeth, pressing the heels of his palms against his eyes, "Fuck I'm an idiot!"
"Elijah." Wanda put a hand on his arm. "Is she okay?"
"I forgot. This is my fault." He replied dully. "Since her body is made up of ice, the heat will drain it. And it'll make her sick. And I can't do anything about it because I'll just make it worse." He looked at Bucky and Loki apologetically. "I'm sorry. If one of you two-"
"I'll do it." Bucky and Loki said at the same time, Bucky putting down the fishing rod. Bucky put a hand on Elijah's shoulder. "We're family. We'll help her. And don't' blame yourself. We all forget things every once in a while and fun. . . well it always takes the serious thoughts away."
"Just, make sure to bring her food too." Elijah said quickly, trying to remember everything now. "Ice cream or milkshakes, watermelon, something cold and has liquid in it-"
"Calm down." Loki said. "We've got it."
And he watched the two of them hurry back to the house. Elijah turned and walked away from the group. Wanda quickly caught up with him. "Elijah, why are you blaming yourself?" She grabbed his elbow and he looked down at the red-headed girl. "It's not your fault, you know?"
He sighed, "Because it is. Because she doesn't remember, doesn't know. So it's on me to remind her, to tell her. But I forgot and now she's sick and in pain and its my fault."
Wanda sighed, "It's not and you know that. Elijah, how are you supposed to remember every single thing in the world? Even for your soulmate? God, sometimes even I forget she lost her memory, because she acts so normally with us. We all do. And we're having fun, Elijah. Bucky is right. You're living in the moment so don't. . . don't ruin your fun, okay? Come back, be with us."
"But what if it's worse this time?" Elijah worried.
"And what if it's nothing at all?" Wanda countered. "What if it's just a headache? Besides, like you said, you can't do anything now. Bucky and Loki will take her food and they'll keep her cold again. You know you can trust them with her. They'll take good care of her."
Wanda held out her hand and Elijah smiled. He slipped his hand into hers. "You're right. Let's go. I'll teach you this handy trick we learned in Hong Kong to fish."
"I'd love that." Wanda said.
🤌🤾‍♂️ ţн丨𝐑D ς𝕙𝓪ℕg𝓲ⓝ𝑔 Ƥσⓥ 🌷🍘
Elizabeth's head was splitting open. Her head was pounding so badly, it felt like it was taking up not only the front of her head, but it was aching in the back. It felt like it was behind both eyes and in her nose and behind her right ear. She clutched her hands to her head, her eyes closed, trying to get it to go away.
Penny explained that Violetta had said it was the heat. Which, Elizabeth supposed, made sense. But it wasn't like it helped her get her headache away. And her stomach was aching, turning, weird feeling.
There was a knock at the door and she wanted to whimper at the loudness of it. Penny didn't answer verbally, opening the door.
She felt the bed dip and very gently, someone's cold hands pulled her into them. She saw it was James and she closed her eyes again.
"Doll?" James barely asked in a whisper. "How are you feeling? What hurts?"
She didn't want to speak, because she felt even talking increased the pain. "Head. Stomach."
Loki sat down on the either side of her, holding a tub of ice-cream. "Pet. Sit up for me and eat this."
She didn't move, closing her eyes again. Sleepily, she grabbed James' metal hand, putting it against her forehead and sighed in pleasure.
"It's your favorite flavor." Loki sang. "I mixed cookies n' cream with cookie dough."
Very slowly, still holding James' hand to her forehead, she sat up. She looked at James, then let go of his hand. He kept his hand there for her and she took the bowl. She pouted at Loki, "Bribery."
"Well, you need to eat." Loki said, placing his hands on her stomach and leg. She'd striped down to nothing to hopefully cool herself off and now she relished the coldness of their hands. She took the ice cream and was glad that was cold too. And she loved the way the ice-cream went down her throat.
"Just so you know," James said softly. "Elijah wanted to be here, but he doesn't want to make it worse for you. When you're feeling better, even if that's later tomorrow, give him a call. He's worried."
Elizabeth nodded. "Can. . . just text. . . I'm okay?"
"Of course doll." James said, reaching over to grab her phone. "Password?"
"108158." She mumbled, before shoving more ice-cream into her mouth. "Good. Thanks, Loki."
"You're welcome princess." Loki whispered softly.
After a moment, she set the ice-cream aside, and then snuggled into Loki's body, grabbing James' hand to put it back on her forehead.
She fell asleep easily and Bucky sighed, "She actually is hot."
"I've always thought that." Loki said slyly and Bucky shook his head in amusement.
It was quiet and peaceful for about twenty minutes or so, when Elizabeth whimpered suddenly.
"Well she wasn't sleeping long." Loki muttered as she stirred.
Elizabeth struggled out of their arms, rushing to the bathroom.
"Doll." Bucky yelped, hurrying behind her and gathering her hair up as she started to throw up into the toilet.
They waited patiently as she continued to throw up everything in her stomach, before retching several times as her stomach was empty, her entire body shuddering in his arms. Finally, she just collapsed in Bucky's arms.
"Don't feel good." She muttered.
"Yeah, I can see that doll." Bucky whispered softly, gently picking her up in his arms. He hesitated, knowing that she couldn't have medicine because it didn't react well with her body. He set her back down on the bed and looked at Loki, "Do we have crackers?"
"I'll go look." Loki slipped off the bed and said, "Get her water," Before walking out the door.
"Drink this doll." He said, propping her up and giving her the water. She drank a little, continuing to try and put the glass down, but he wouldn't let her until she drained the entire thing. "Good girl."
She only hummed, her eyes closed and she turned into him a little.
Loki came back with some crackers, which she ate, before falling asleep again. He put a pan down by the bedside table. "Let's just keep an eye on her fluids for now. The sugar in the ice-cream probably didn't help her stomach. I don't really know what Midgardians do for sickness other than soup, which being hot, won't help her."
Bucky nodded. "She probably just got some sort of small flu. Plus, it's the first time she's ever been somewhere extremely hot. She's just getting used to it."
"Exactly." Loki said softly, laying down. Bucky smiled as Loki snuggled into both of them and he wrapped his flesh arm around Loki, keeping his metal arm on Elizabeth's forehead and watched both of them drift off to sleep.
❓🪷 𝕡๏𝓥 C𝓗𝓪𝓃ǤẸ 🍥❔
"That was amazing." Clint moaned, pushing back on his chair as everyone finished off the fish that Elijah and Trang had cooked together.
"Indeed!" Thor said, kicked back with a beer.
"We saved some for Bucky and Loki right?" Penny asked in concern.
"Of course." Steve nodded.
"Nah." Violetta said, smirking. "You snooze you lose and that was amazing fish."
Steve rolled his eyes and pointed to the pan that still contained plenty of fish for Bucky and Loki.
The only other people missing from the dinner table besides Loki, Bucky, and Elizabeth were Stephen and Katya.
"Do we have dessert?" Clint asked excitedly.
Natasha and Trang laughed at him while Ghaida nodded, getting up from her seat. "I made something a little different tonight, um, from my home country. It's called Rasgulla. It's basically a ball of Indian cottage cheese and cooked in sugar syrup. I also made Thekua, which is a kind of cookie. And of course, for the cowardly people, I made chocolate chip cookies."
"Yep, well I'm a coward then." Rhodey chuckled, picking up one of the chocolate chip cookies without any shame.
Ghaida giggled, "More for me then."
Penny took one of the Thekua cookies and also a chocolate chip one. She liked the taste of the Thekua cookie. It seemed like it might have coconut in it and some sort of small seed for flavor. Chocolate chip of course, would also remain her favorite however.
"You're going to have to make me more of these." Bruce told Ghaida as he ate the Rasgulla. He blushed then and said, "O-or just teach me how to make my own, of course."
Tony snickered, clapping Bruce on the back, "Let her make them for you. Then you won't burn the kitchen down."
Ghaida laughed, "Of course Bruce, I would love to teach you how to make them. Besides, they're simple so it's not that hard to make them every day if you wanted. Besides, what else would I do?"
"I- um thanks." Bruce blushed again.
"Okay, um, can I talk to you guys about something serious?" Clint asked, suddenly sounding worried.
"Sure." Tony frowned.
Clint bit his bottom lip and then said, "I'm worried about Katya. I mean, the kid inside of her doesn't really know animals, right? And right now, it's been birds and chipmunks and squirrels. That's scary enough but what if. . . I mean is it possible for the kid to transform into an elephant or something? I mean-" Clint looked at Steve apologetically. "I would never want her to have an abortion under normal circumstances but we're talking about Katya's life here. . ."
Steve hesitated and then nodded, "I understand. And it's. . . with Sharon she was my kid. And yes, of course I would view Katya's kid as my own as well, but it is just a little different." Steve glanced at Ghaida, "Is there danger?"
"No." Ghaida shook her head, not looking worried. "The baby inside of her has a unique connection. He can actually feel the space around him and know that one, he is in something living and to become to big would hurt whatever he is in, and two, can tell that he is in someone he already loves. At the same time, he can't stop changing, it's part of him. But he can limit it. Katya will be in no danger at any time of her pregnancy. The only thing is this slight pain she is having from him transforming so much, but being with Stephen and Loki so much has definitely helped her immensely."
Clint relaxed in the chair, covering his face with his hands, "Thank God. I've been so worried. I didn't want to ask because I didn't want to know the answer. I was so scared."
Natasha wrapped her arms around him.
"Hey man, it's okay." Sam said softly.
Clint let out a shuddering breath and sat back up a little. "Sorry."
"You're all good man." Rhodey said.
Clint laughed then in relief as well and nodded, "Good food Ghaida."
She laughed then and the entire atmosphere relaxed.
"Bleh." Elijah suddenly wrinkled his nose, looking disgusted by something.
"You better not be making that face because of my food Elijah." Ghaida warned him, picking up a wooden spoon.
Elijah shook his head, glancing up at the ceiling. "No, she just um, threw up." Elijah shrugged, though he looked worried.
Loki came down only a few seconds later. "We have crackers, right?"
"Yeah." Pietro handed him a box of crackers he went and got from the pantry. "Is Princessa okay?"
"It's just a killer headache and some stomach pains." Loki said. "Nothing major." He made a faux sad face, "She prefers Bucky over me though. That damn metal hand."
Tony and Steve both laughed at that.
"You'll win her over darling." Tony winked.
"Get your own metal hand." Sam chortled.
"Hmm." Loki said thoughtfully. "Perhaps. Ooh, Thekua, don't mind if I do." He scooped up the rest of the cookies and ran with them.
"Oi!" Clint shouted after him but he was gone.
Tony chuckled again. "Well, what do you guys say we head off to the movie theater?"
"You have a movie theater here?" Violetta laughed. "Why am I not surprised."
Tony feigned being hurt, "What's wrong with a movie theater?"
"Oh you know." Vi continued to smirk, "Just a gorgeous island to explore and you put a movie theater in the house."
"Rainy days." Tony argued.
Violetta paused and then said, "Well, fair point."
"What do you guys want to watch?" Rhodey asked, standing up from the table while Steve and Bruce started to stack the plates together and Wanda filled up the sink with soapy water.
"Blazing saddles!" Sam shouted immediately. "I want to watch Blazing saddles."
Tony stared at him, "Umm. . . you do?"
Penny looked at Tony, "What's wrong with Blazing saddles?"
"What is Blazing saddles?" Steve asked, looking confused.
Tony pointed his finger between Sam and Penny, apparently unable to say anything. Rhodey crossed his arms, starting to grin, "Yeah Tony. What's wrong with Blazing saddles?"
"I- um- Blazing saddles it is!" Tony yelped, getting out of his chair, his arm around Trang's waist.
Penny giggled, grabbing Sam and Rhodey's arms. "You guys like Blazing saddles?"
"Favorite movie." Sam said and then shouted upwards so Tony would hear him, "Some people need to stop being so sensitive. Especially when they ain't black!"
Penny giggled and Rhodey chuckled at that. Tony flipped Sam the bird, but didn't turn around.
Penny curled up with Bruce and Wanda as she watched the movie. She loved as almost every minute into the movie, Steve continued to show a horrified expression on his face. Sam was consistently teasing Steve as well, whispering stuff in his ear that made Steve blush deeper.
"Best movie!" Sam crowed after it was over.
"How is that movie legal?" Violetta muttered.
"You know I only hear white people complaining." Rhodey chuckled, "The black people in the room love it."
"You're weird." Tony shook his head, kissing Rhodey on the cheek. "But that's okay."
"I just love it because you all get awkward." Sam snickered.
"You know I think Elizabeth actually likes the movie too, now that I think about it." Trang said, getting up and stretching.
"That's why she's my favorite." Sam and Rhodey said together before laughing and high-fiving each other.
"And my best friend." Penny giggled.
Natasha and Violetta both pouted at Penny while Wanda giggled as well.
"So it's decided, I'm going to bed with those two." Sam chuckled, pointing at Penny and Rhodey.
"Mmm." Steve said, before picking Sam up at the knees, putting him over his shoulder, carrying him off, "Penny you can follow!" Steve called over his shoulder.
Penny giggled, kissing Wanda and Bruce, then Nat, Vi, and Rhodey, blowing kisses to the others, running to catch up.
"Steve." Sam whined, playfully beating his fists lightly on Steve's back. "This is abuse!"
Steve chuckled, tossing open the door that led to his bedroom, plopping Sam down on the bed. He beckoned to Penny, who quickly joined them on the bed.
"Strip." Steve ordered.
"Yes. . . Master." Sam teased, slowly lifting his shirt over his head while Steve flushed terribly, freezing a little.
"I- wait-" Steve stuttered. "I didn't-"
"Aww." Penny pouted. "Sammy you broke him."
Sam pressed kisses to Steve's neck. "Stevie, come back to me."
"Sorry." Steve blushed, "I. . . isn't. . . you can't call me master Sam."
Sam pouted. Penny gently cupped Steve's face. "Sorry Steve. We were just playing around. We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
Steve kissed her palm and said, "It's okay cookie. I thought. . . I thought we can't make jokes like that."
"You can't make jokes like that with sensitive people." Sam corrected, cupping Steve's other cheek. "But Stevie, we don't care. We make jokes about ourselves. You want to play around, we're game. You don't, we won't make you uncomfortable. We'll just keep that attitude with Rhodey. Promise."
Steve nodded. "Okay. Thanks."
Penny kissed his forehead. "You still in a fuckable mood?"
Steve's eyes darkened, "Oh Cookie. . . "
"Let us take care of you." Sam whispered in his ear and Penny went ahead, caressing Steves' thick thighs so that she could pull his boxers down, getting his erection in hand so she could start to tease his tip.
"Let us take care of you tonight." Sam whispered softly, pushing Steve all the way back onto the bed. He started to kiss down Steve's chest, scraping his teeth against his skin while Penny deepthroated his cock.
Steve moaned, panting as the two of them worked him up. Penny dipped her hand down, rubbing her own clit as she worked him so that she would be ready to plop herself down on him as he got ready to blow.
Sam pulled Steve's nipples between his teeth and Steve was panting now, almost writhing underneath them.
"Oh- ngh- Pen- going-" Steve stuttered out. Penny pulled off of him with her mouth and felt a little bad as he whimpered in loss. She quickly straddled him, sinking down on his cock easily and loved his ecstatic moan.
Penny leaned over as she rocked on Steve's cock, taking Sams' into her mouth. Sam breathed in deeply, his breath stuttering in his throat.
"Oh fuck." Steve whimpered, "Fuck Penny, please, I'm so close."
"Cum Sugar." Sam murmured, nibbling at Steve's earlobe, gently bucking his hips so that his dick touched the back of Penny's throat. She quickly took more of him down her throat, mewling in pleasure as Steve's hands held her down completely on him, him spurting up into her. His eyes looked so dazed, but his fingers still came down to tease her clit until she came with him, Sam spilling into her mouth.
Penny went to the bathroom this time, grabbing the washcloth for the first time to clean Steve up.
"My job cookie." Steve murmured, pushing himself up to rest his back against the headboard, gently taking the washcloth from her.
"Not tonight." Sam took the washcloth from Steve, gently cleaning the three of them up before tossing the cloth back into the bathroom. "We love you Steve."
"Yep." Penny agreed as the two of them snuggled next to him on either side of him.
Steve smiled a little, wrapping his arms around each of them, closing his eyes, "What did I do to deserve you guys?"
Sam chuckled. "We're the lucky ones."
"I agree." Penny said softly, stroking Steve's cheek. "I love you dreamboat."
"I love you too cookie." Steve said, blinking back tears and the three of them fell asleep. 
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taifonts · 3 years
Shiny Aisyah Font (Phông chữ Aisyah sáng bóng).
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Lưu ý của nhà thiết kế
LƯU Ý: Bằng cách cài đặt hoặc sử dụng phông chữ này, bạn đồng ý với Thỏa thuận sử dụng sản phẩm: - Phông chữ này đã là PHIÊN BẢN ĐẦY ĐỦ và CHỈ DÙNG CHO CÁ NHÂN. KHÔNG ĐƯỢC PHÉP SỬ DỤNG THƯƠNG MẠI! - Đây là liên kết để mua GIẤY PHÉP THƯƠNG MẠI: https://www.creativefabrica.com/product/shiny-aisyah/ref/238083/ - Nếu bạn cần GIẤY PHÉP TÙY CHỈNH hoặc DOANH NGHIỆP GIẤY PHÉP vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi tại: stringlabscreative (at) gmail.com - Mọi đóng góp đều rất được trân trọng. Tài khoản Paypal để quyên góp: https://paypal.me/stringlabs > Vui lòng truy cập cửa hàng của chúng tôi để biết thêm nhiều phông chữ tuyệt vời: https://www.creativefabrica.com/designer/stringlabs/ref/238083/" target="_blank"> https://www.theo www. creativefabrica.com/designer/stringlabs/ref/238083/ Theo dõi instagram của chúng tôi để cập nhật: @stringlabscreativestd Cảm ơn bạn. > ------------------- INDONESIA: Dengan meng-install font ini, dan membaca persyaratan ini, anda dianggap mengerti dan menyetujui semua syarat dan ketentuan penggunaan font dibawah ini: - Bản demo font ini hanya dapat digunakan unauk keperluan "Personal Use" / kebutuhan pribadi, atau unauk keperluan yang sifatnya tidak "komersil", aliasilk tidak menghas keuntungan dari hasil memanfaatkan / menggunakan phông chữ kami. Baik itu unauk Individualu, Agensi Desain Grafis, Percetakan, Distro atau Perusahaan / Korporasi. - Silakan gunakan lisensi komersial dengan membeli melalui liên kết ini: https://www.creativefabrica.com/product/shiny-aisyah/ref/238083/ - Dengan hanya lisensi "Personal Use", DILARANG KERAS menggunakan atau font memanfaatkan ini unauk kepeluan Komersial, baik itu unauk Iklan, Promosi, TV, Film, Video, Motion Graphics, Youtube, Desain kaos distro atau unuk Kemasan Produk (baik Fisik ataupun Digital) atau Media apapun dengan tujuan menghasilkan nhuận / keuntungan. - Untuk penggunaan keperluan Perusahaan / Korporasi silakan menggunakan GIẤY PHÉP TÙY CHỈNH. - Phông chữ Menggunakan ini dengan lisensi "Personal Use" unauk kepentingan Komersial apapun bentuknya TANPA IZIN dari kami, akan biaya MỞ RỘNG GIẤY PHÉP atau 100x Harga lisensi desktop. - Saya hanya menerima "lisensi font" sebelum penggunaan - Saya tidak menerima "lisensi font" setelah penggunaan. (Contoh kasus: anda ketahuan menggunakan font saya unauk keperluan komersil, padahal lisensinya miễn phí cho mục đích sử dụng cá nhân, kemudian setelah ketahuan menggunakan font saya, anda membeli lisensinya di link diatas. Nah unuk kejadian yg seperti ini saya " phông chữ yang anda beli adalah "LISENSI SETELAH PENGGUNAAN") - phông chữ Lisensi setelah penggunaan silahkan gunakan sesuai điều khoản & điều kiện yang berlaku setelah anda membeli lisensi phông chữ tersebut Informasientang Lisensi apa yang akan anda perlukan, silahkan menghubungi kami di: br> Terima kasih.
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Character Map
Tệp Nội dung
Tên tệp Kích thước tệp Loại tệp Tùy chọn Bản demo Aisyah sáng bóng - Thư mục Bản trình diễn Aisyah sáng bóng /ShinyAisyah.otf 40 KB Tệp phông chữ tải xuống Shiny Aisyah Demo / ShinyAisyah .ttf 56 KB Tệp phông chữ tải xuống Shiny Aisyah Demo / đọc cho tôi. rtf 3 KB không xác định Bản trình diễn Aisyah sáng bóng / .DS_Store 6 KB không xác định _ _MACOSX - Thư mục __MACOSX / Bản demo Aisyah sáng bóng - Thư mục __MACOSX / Shiny Aisyah Demo /._ ShinyAisyah.otf 212 B Tệp phông chữ tải xuống __MACOSX / Shiny Aisyah Demo /._. DS_Store 120 B không xác định __MACOSX / Shiny Aisyah Demo /._ read me.rtf 366 B không xác định __MACOSX / Shiny Aisyah Demo /._ ShinyAisyah.ttf 212 B Tệp phông chữ tải xuống __MACOSX /._ Bản trình diễn Aisyah sáng bóng 212 B không xác định
Chi tiết phông chữ
Tên nhà thiết kế: StringLabs Giấy phép Phông chữ: Miễn phí cho Sử dụng Cá nhân Trang web: https://www.creativefabrica.com/designer/stringlabs/ref/238083/ Giấy phép Thương mại: https: //www.creativefabrica.com/product/shiny-aisyah/ref/238083/
Danh mục phông chữ
Xem tất cả danh mục.
Chia sẻ phông chữ
Tải Phông chữ miễn phí hàng đầu tốt nhất cho nhu cầu học tập, công việc, thiết kế: https://taifonts.com/p/shiny-aisyah-font-1628654886.html
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abritishboyabroad · 7 years
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Biker boy.
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viaggiatori · 6 years
I treni del Vietnam più moderni di quelli italiani? Il nostro vlog
I treni del Vietnam più moderni di quelli italiani? Il nostro vlog
Come sono i treni del Vietnam? Decisamente più moderni di quelli italiani, almeno su certe tratte. Nel vlog che trovate di seguito vi mostriamo il nostro viaggio in treno da Ho Chi Minh Citya Nah Trang: 7 ore di treno in cuccetta, con partenza alle 9 di mattina e arrivo alle 4 di pomeriggio. Vagoni di prima classe con scompartimenti da 4 cuccette con prese elettriche per ricaricare cellulari e…
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blogtintonghop24h · 4 years
Kẻ ấu dâm Hàn Quốc bị ném trứng khi ra tù
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Cho Doo-soon đội mũ lưỡi trai, đeo khẩu trang trong ngày mãn hạn tù. Ảnh: AP.
Cho Doo-soon, 69 tuổi, được thả khỏi nhà tù ở phía nam thủ đô Seoul hôm 12/12 sau khi kết thúc 12 năm tù. Cho bị đeo vòng chân điện tử trước khi bị áp giải từ trại giam về nhà ở Ansan.
Giới chức đã phải lắp đặt thêm và nâng cấp hệ thống camera an ninh đồng thời cam kết sẽ giám sát liên tục đối với người đàn ông mà người dân vẫn coi là mối nguy hiểm đối với cộng đồng.
Cho bị kết án bắt cóc và cưỡng hiếp bé gái 8 tuổi tại phòng tắm một nhà thờ ở Ansan năm 2008, khiến cô bé phải chịu những tổn thương nặng nề va dai dẳng. Vụ việc khiến người dân cả nước bị sốc và sợ hãi. Dựa trên vụ án chấn động này mà năm 2013, đạo diễn Lee Joon-ik đã sản xuất bộ phim "Hope".
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Cho bị kết án tù năm 2008 sau hành vi bắt cóc, cưỡng hiếp bé gái 8 tuổi. Ảnh: The Korea Herald.
Từ năm 2017, khoảng một triệu người đã ký vào đơn kiến nghị trực tuyến lên Tổng thống Hàn Quốc để phản đối việc thả Cho, điều mà người dân Ansan khiếp sợ suốt nhiều năm qua.
Hôm 12/12, hàng chục người biểu tình giơ những tấm biển ghi dòng chữ "Cho Doo-soon xuống địa ngục đi" và hô khẩu hiệu kêu gọi thiến hoặc hành quyết ông này. Họ tập trung suốt nhiều giờ trước cửa nhà tù từ sáng sớm bất chấp sự hiện diện dày đặc của cảnh sát.
Cảnh sát đã phải giải tán một nhóm người biểu tình sau khi họ tạm thời chặn một con đường dẫn đến nhà tù bằng cách nằm xuống và khóa tay, khiến cho việc thả tự do Cho bị trì hoãn khoảng nửa tiếng. Họ ném trứng và các vật dụng khác khi chiếc xe tải chở Cho và cảnh sát đi qua cổng trại giam.
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Người biểu tình nằm giữa đường ngăn Cho được thả tự do. Ảnh: AP.
Mái tóc ngả màu bạc, Cho đội mũ lưỡi trai và đeo khẩu trang, sau đó có mặt tại văn phòng quản chế ở Ansan, nơi các quan chức đăng ký thiết bị theo dõi của ông ta. Cho im lặng khi được phóng viên yêu cầu bình luận.
Chia sẻ nhanh với báo giới sáng 12/12, nhân viên quản chế Ko Jeaong-dae cho biết Cho đã nói với các quan chức rằng ông ta "đã phạm tội ác khiến cả con người cũng như các thần linh phẫn nộ". Ko cũng nói rằng Cho đã tự xem xét lại hành vi của mình và gửi lời xin lỗi tới nạn nhân.
Trước đó, Bộ Tư pháp bác bỏ lời đề nghị của thị trưởng Ansan về việc nên cách ly Cho tại một cơ sở có sự "bảo vệ" sau khi mãn hạn tù. Bộ cho biết đã quyết định đưa Cho về nhà bằng xe của chính quyền bởi lo ngại ông này sẽ bị tấn công nếu sử dụng xe riêng hoặc phương tiện công cộng.
Nhiều người dùng mạng xã hội hiện đưa ra các bình luận đe dọa sẽ có biện pháp trừng trị Cho sau khi ông ta ra tù.
"Gần như tất cả những người tôi biết đều đang bận tìm kiếm xem vị trí nhà của ông ta ở đâu, và tôi cũng thế", Lee Do-hyung, một nhân viên quán cafe nói. "Có nhiều cuộc thảo luận diễn ra, cho rằng việc ngồi tù không thể thay đổi được bản chất con người ông ta, rằng ông ta vẫn là một gã bạo lực. Bạn sẽ không muốn nhìn thấy gã đàn ông này đi lại trên đường và nhiều cặp cha mẹ cũng đặc biệt lo lắng".
"Tôi nghĩ rằng mình sẽ run sợ khi gặp ông ta bất cứ lúc nào và bất cứ nơi đâu, nếu như ông ta sống gần nhà tôi. Hy vọng từ nay ông ta sẽ sống như một công dân bình thường, không làm hại người khác, nhưng nói thật lòng tôi vẫn sợ lắm," J.A. Nah, một nhân viên văn phòng ở Ansan, thì chia sẻ.
Để làm dịu sự lo lắng của người dân, giới chức mới đây đã phải tăng cường tuần tra và bố trí an ninh xung quanh khu phố nơi Cho sống. Chính quyền thành phố Ansan cho biết trong một thông báo rằng một nhóm gồm 12 nhân viên an ninh - từng là lính đặc nhiệm hoặc chuyên gia võ thuật - đã được điều động theo ca tuần tra quanh khu vực nhà Cho 24 tiếng mỗi ngày. Ngoài ra, giới chức cũng lắp thêm 20 camera an ninh và hệ thống đèn đường mới.
Gia đình nạn nhân tháng trước cho biết họ dự định sẽ rời khỏi Ansan do Cho sắp mãn hạn tù. Người cha nói kênh truyền hình JTBC rằng con gái anh "bật khóc" khi nghe tin Cho sắp được thả.
"Chúng tôi đã khóc cùng con", người bố nói.
Theo Hướng Dương (Ngoisao.net)
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abritishboyabroad · 7 years
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Good Boy.
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