#nah you’re good! i love her spunk XD
Hey :) may I request a Grell x reader Oneshot where he/she gets jealous over something minor? Or nsfw? OR Soulmate AU? OR ALL OF THAT?! Nah XD I think that'd probably be too much to request at once (except if you want to of course :D) There's not enough with Grell out there (there'll never be enough in my opinion tho...😅)
Grell is so special and deserves more panels in the manga ! I’ll try my best and I hope you enjoy
All In A Night’s Work
The streets of London were no strangers to crime and the deaths that came along with it, nor were they unfamiliar to the heels that currently tapped against their cold surface. On the other hand, yours? The cobblestone streets were just being acquainted with yours. Your job at the dispatch for a long time was in cubicle, table piled with a seemingly endless stack of paperwork. It was painstaking work that grew dull even with Ronald’s frequent visits. That’s why you’re here with Grell, out and about on exciting work ! … Or as exciting as taking in the dead could be. Field work was an upgrade from the office at least.
“Ah, it’s great to be out here !” You’d happily chim as Grell led the way, feet leading towards a dimly lit street. At the end, in what appeared to be an alleyway, lay the body ready for judgment. “The air is crisp and night is beautiful.”
You were a vibrant shinigami, full of spunk and always ready for an adventure. Those qualities were most certainly why Grell looked forward to work tonight. Having someone to easy to talk to made work go by faster, especially if that someone happened to be her partner. Normally William wouldn’t allow such a thing, deeming it inappropriate and liable to prolong the job, but this case was special. You were one the few William enjoyed, you caused him no problems, worked with great efficiency and most importantly avoided overtime as much as he did. And that’s that and here you were, inhaling the free air. It had a hint of murder to it.
“But the true natural beauty is you, my dear. I am almost jealous.” Grell always had a way with words that never failed to make you gush. She was as romantic as she was dramatic. Now, if only she put all the energy into her work the days would be smoother…
“Poor thing…” A sigh escaped the redhead as the both of you neared the corpse of young woman, her pale complexion stained as red as her hair.
“Annabelle Williams, age twenty three. Bled out from multiple stab wounds.” You read aloud, going through the files to make sure the records matched what laid before you. Grell had kneeled beside the late woman and tenderly ran the back of her index finger against Annabelle’s cheek.
“Ah, such a shame. A beauty taken from us too soon.” Grell clutched her vest clad chest, eyes wandering over the blood stained figure with fascination and finger now outlining her lips and jawline. “Hair and lips the passionate color I love so dearly. How amazing~!” She practically squealed and that… Bothered you? Oddly enough it definitely did. You looked at this slowly rotting corpse and felt inadequate somehow. As if her decaying looks out did yours immensely.
“She’s not that great… She’s dead anyways. Pity on how she died though.” Your words were sincere, it truly was as shame to die in such a manner but bitterness and obvious jealousy dripped off every syllable. Something very uncharacteristic of you and Grell couldn’t help but notice how funny it was.
“An unfortunate death!” The redhead would exclaim as she finalised her review of Annabelle’s Cinematic Record and stamped “Complete” into her notebook. Chartreuse phosphorescent eyes now scanned your body, taking in your mannerism in making sure the speculation that lingered wasn’t her just imagining things. She wasn’t. Your face held a pout with arms crossed beneath your chest, eyes averted Grell and the deceased.
A cheshire cat like grin was now plastered across Grell’s visage. She stood, dusting off and straightening her clothes before approaching you. The senior reaper took quickly to corning you, the grin on her face never faltered which was nerve wracking to say the least. Both her arms pressed against the wall that your back now did and seeing as Grell held a few inches on you, especially in heels, you really were stuck.
“What do you think you’re doing!” You managed to blurt out.
“Me? I am showing you who really holds my attention.” Her hands now moved from the wall and placed themselves underneath your clothes and onto your hips. On this night she didn’t wear any gloves. The feeling of flesh on flesh was torturous.
“I have no idea what you speak of.” This you said with confidence despite knowing exactly what she meant. You weren’t going to go down without a fight but you usually ended up losing against Grell so you really weren’t seeing a win of any sorts tonight.
“Is that so? Then let me give you a clue.” She leaned in and whispered this in your ear which caused you to shiver immediately. Her next actions were a trail of kisses along your neck that carried out along your jaw until she reached your chin and went in for the grand prize, those succulent lips. Rosy, soft as silk and now they were held captive by Grell’s equally as soft pair. She kissed you with passion and hesitated not on deepening the kiss with her tongue against your own and you let her do as she pleased within your mouth. Her tongue danced against your own and in return your involuntarily rewarded her with a moan but this wouldn’t be the last moan she heard. Grell took it a step further and invited herself into your pants, fingers gently ghosted, as best they could, along your thigh. As much as Grell enjoyed being romanced and romancing she wasn’t afraid to dive on in and for the sake of the situation she did just that. Her fingers made their way to the southernmost regions of your pants, fingers finding their way to your clit and going in slow circular motions.
Another moan escaped you but it was once against muffled against Grell’s kiss. She wasn’t going to let you free for a decent intake of air just yet, that’s why you had a nose for. Her fingers pressed and gently tugged at your needy swollen bud and you felt yourself crumbling. You were weak. You came first more often than not, not like Grell had any issues with that. Her fingers went further and she took to housing two digits in you, deep. In and out, at a speedy pace. She wanted you to cum on the job. In the street of London. Her body pressed against yours and your hands took to holding her face. It was hot and you were certain it was from her own arousal. She pumped her fingers into you again. Again. Again and finally you peaked and came, your walls clenching around Grell’s working fingers as your body expelled a mess and a loud moan greeting the cool night. A final kiss was bestowed upon your lips and with a pull of your bottom lip Grell pulled away for good, leaving you momentarily breathless and a blushing mess.
“You are more beautiful than D E A T H ☆~! That woman was a sight but you are the only sight for me. Look, I even turn your face the pretty shade of red I enjoy!” Grell practically squealed out. You were absolutely stunning to her and adorable.
“G-Grell I…” You tripped on your own words as you tried to explain to her why you felt this way so suddenly but a finger silenced you and behind that finger was the smile of Grell.
“No need for an explanation. Your lovely moans were enough to make my night!”
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