#nahhhh im just gonna do like 2 of them and Trust that the right people will find it
the-voldsoy · 4 months
looking at the 'fans also listen to' page for The Amazing Devil is like bingo for weird folkish queers
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Lesson I learned from you
1. Never fall in love somebody who’s already taken.
2. Never wait to see if somebody will change their mind to pick you.
3. Never hope that things will get better, because if it’s already shitty...its just gonna get worse.
4. Never lie and try to hide how much you care about someone. That shit will eat you alive until it festers and vomits out your throat.
5. Never consider having sex with someone and their wife, if really all you wanted was to selfishly keep the husband to yourself.
6. Never cheat in love, because if you cheat, you’re lying to yourself too about the foundation being solid. This shit ain’t like MyLittlePony mf. Love is hard. Its diligent. Its patient and kind.
7. Never fall for someone who told you “Don’t fall for me” or “Im and asshole.” Although this person may have insecurities, they’re most likely considering your time and patience by telling you the truth. These aren’t clues to make you find out why. These are warnings people. If they bluntly say that hurtfully truthful stuff about their character...they definitely mean it. Its not a pick up line for you to try harder to change their mind about how they see themselves. How people see themselves is a reflection of their character. Believe that.
8. Never tell a lie to a trusted friend, just to see if they’ll let you fit in. Lies can create mishaps. Especially when you have to lie to yourself to keep that lie as a fact in your dictionary of beliefs to believe in case they ask you, “are you lying?” just to make two lovely ass twins be you're girlfriends.
9. If a girl, boy, or they say they don’t want to be with you. Don't try to convince them otherwise. It wasn’t a chance for you to prove to them just how worthy you were. Real talk, if someone can't see it, you don’t have to buy them another pair of prescription glasses to see it. Move the fuck on. Im not kidding you. It’ll save you a lot of time and money.
10. Don't let no woman take you on the ring around the rosy. She knew she wanted you to let her go a long time. I bet she’s like finally like, YEA YOU DID IT! YOU FINALLY LET ME GO. It was probably just a phase any way to keep her sex affairs going without it looking too demanding in character.
11. Don't let no one abuse you, take advantage of you, or steal your heart away without permission. If it wasn’t meant to be. It just wasn’t meant to be. God wouldn’t let you get tormented and tortured just so you could get married to a crook who switches tags at Walmart’s self-chekouts. Read up on the meaning of true love.
12. Don't ever sustain no man/woman/person’s attempts to seek love elsewhere for their comfortability. Truth is, if it hurts you seeing them with other people, looking at other people, and flirting with people in front of your face. Don't continue to date them. Find somebody else. They probably still want to be single, but just haven't told you. Or they like to keep an insurance policy at the house just in case they change their mind about somebody...to keep their options open.
13. Never marry somebody or get engaged to someone just because you don't want them to walk away. Keeping a girl attached with statements and progressions of higher commitment, while still treating her like you’re single...DOES NOT make the relationship better. Its still the same bullshit as before if no one takes accountability for their actions and makes a steady to see the needs to create a change.
14. Don’t kiss nobody unless you actually mean it. Don't have sex with someone who you want a commitment with, unless they commit to you first. Truth is, you’re just handing vote-for-me cookies to your greatest “maybe” people. Cause’ if they weren’t your first choice, you’ll probably be their last one.
15. Never lower your moral standards just to keep someone happy. If they ask you to help cheat, say no. Its probably a warning that you’re too available to them. Especially if you know virtually interaction is getting too close to PG-13 its time to cut the conversation off.
16. Don't risk your life or your heart for somebody else’s attachment to you. If either of you feel like your life would end without the other, its probably just a misplacement in temperament. It’s cut short. Its short lived for a reason. It wasn't meant to last. God intended for us not to own our partners, but to experience our conjoined lives right beside them.
17. If you ever meet somebody that makes your clit or your dick get hard. It was probably just lust. Lust can feel like love to even the most brightest hearts. Im an empath. I should know. If you suffered from childhood trauma, someone’s touch can make you feel like its love if it makes you feel special.
18. It’s not the end of the world. You’re just not the one. They’ll be multiple partners who will make you feel just as great as they made you feel. Some will make you feel better to where you see stars, girl. Its just how you connect. If the person makes it known that they were just tryna “get some” from you, don’t fool with them if thats not all you wanted. Because what you agree to, they’ll be ok with just giving you less than what you wanted. If you wanna date, then date. If you want a hoe, then let that girl know “hoe, its just sex.” And ladies if you don't like being  treated like a bedroom girl, but you want an official, committed “claim-me-im-yours” relationship don't give him the access card...the key to your heart....to yo pussy. That’s bullshit minimum wage this motherfucka’ is tryna offer you. DONT TAKE HIS SHIT.
19. If you done be done. Don’t wait to see if it get better. Don't hold out because you afraid you aint gonna find better. If a man wanna be single, but keep you at home, thats false advertising, ladies. Because he's slutty outside, “but im, your bitch” at home....thats not loyal. He’s just got a place to sleep. Like a dog. A dog like that gonna come back home to eat his food, watch tv, and sleep with you. Then act like you don’t mind, because they don't care how their actions affect you. Thats called disrespectful.
20. Never feel obligated to stay. Leeeeaaaaaveeee that mf. If a person make you feel miserable, and trapped, WHY YOU STILL THERE? Oh, cause I love them and I know it can’t get any worse.....but look at what “your love” is doing to you. Got you attached to some ungrateful ass, unappreciative ass, low down dirty dog, who makes you feel better about it by kissing up on you. Thats not true love. Thats some toxic parasite/host shit. Some codependency will have your ass feeling trapped. Especially if they the wrong one.
Nobody said you had to compromise your happiness, your mental health, or your money for somebody’s else nastiness and addictions. 
21. DO NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH A NARCISISST> that bitch know how to trick daddy pimp yo’ ass into some “who the fool, wtf, Houdini type of shit. I am not fucking playing with you. And it be right when yo ass leave that they wanna change or offer some skittles out they last fucking pocket. “Like damn this aint good enough for you?” 
“Hellll nahhhh, I said I wanted commitment, don't try to bargain lower than what I’m asking. DEAL OR NO DEAL.”
“I’ll suck yo titties and pee on your pusssy”
(*internally screaming breaks Sith Lord mind tricks) 
NO. Gtfo Slytherin.
0 notes
sarohara · 3 years
Stranger: hey
Stranger: not f
You: not m
You: ahahahha
Stranger: lol so what ya doing?
You: listening to music
You: wbu? lol
Stranger: what's your genre?
Stranger: I m watching netflix
You: wait, that one
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IcWNiwRPEI
You: oh sorry, u watching
Stranger: is it kpop?
Stranger: lmao
You: nahhhhh
You: it's Bastille
Stranger: then I will check it out
You: oke
You: listen with headphones pls
Stranger: is it english?
You: yea for sure
Stranger: ok cool
Stranger: oh it's 8d audio lol
You: it's a famous song, I would say lol
You: yea that's why " listen with headphones" lol
Stranger: damn
Stranger: I used to listen to them a lot
Stranger: but then I got bored of it
You: they're siiiickkk
Stranger: coz it got saturated
You: ohhh i know i know
Stranger: hahaha where ya from?
You: Brazi
You: Brazil* damn L
Stranger: damn the l
You: Wbu
You: AHHAHA yea
Stranger: I'm from london
Stranger: the L
Stranger: how old are you
You: Oh that's cool
You: Nice place, right?
You: Um, i'm 16
You: how old r u?
Stranger: yea pretty good
Stranger: I'm 19
You: oh gotcha
You: that's ok if i ask ur name?
Stranger: I'm mike
Stranger: hbu
You: hey mike
You: mike like Michael? or just mike..
You: Im Sarah :)
Stranger: just MIKE
Stranger: or call me maniator
You: oh OKAY
You: Maniator hahaha
Stranger: yea like mike + terminator
Stranger: too cliche
You: Ohhhh Jeez AHAHAHAH
You: That was funnt
You: funny
Stranger: that's what you gotta go through when you come on omegle
Stranger: LMAO
Stranger: YEa thank you
Stranger: it's £5 for that joke
You: HAHAHAHAH omegle sucks
Stranger: should i send my paypal?
You: Oh oke, i owe u this dude
You: yea for sure
Stranger: okk cool later
You: lmao
Stranger: don't ya forget to pay
You: nah i wont, trust me
Stranger: huh these audience
Stranger: all they want everything's for free
You: yeaaa ikr
You: damn,
You: stupid people huh
You: lmao
Stranger: yeaa damn
You: yeaaa
Stranger: i hope you rich lmao
You: ohhh yea, im sooo rich
You: u don't even know buddy
Stranger: can you send £5 then
Stranger: you owe me duh
You: yea, i can..it's not that expansive right
You: pensive
Stranger: yea not expansive at all
You: yea nah expensive..
Stranger: yea yea hahahaha
You: hahahah
Stranger: what ya doing here?
You: wyd now mike
You: ooooohhh
You: shut up
You: um well, nothing really..just talking to weirdos bc i'm bored
You: u know
Stranger: it's sometimes fun
You: really SOMETIMES
You: just s o m e t i m e s
Stranger: but for me, if the weirdos are girl
You: ahahahahha
You: simp
Stranger: you don't have many female weirdos here
Stranger: :(
Stranger: simp af
You: well, how can i know right..i'm not weirdo, i mean, not that weirdo
Stranger: there are typed in weirdos?
Stranger: types*
You: yea maybe
Stranger: what are they
Stranger: wtfff
You: let's figure out ahahahah
Stranger: how do we do that?
You: i have
You: no clue
Stranger: fuck it then
Stranger: how's life
You: life sucks
Stranger: ahh you got me
Stranger: do you have bf/gf?
You: u should know that come on
You: ooh
You: not that
You: nah i don't
You: do u?
Stranger: yea i do
You: tell me her name
Stranger: life does suck
You: or his*
Stranger: oh no i'm single
Stranger: lmao
You: oooohhh
Stranger: stop fucking confusing me
Stranger: lmao
You: u said "i do" wth AHAHAHA
You: Im not confusing u
Stranger: i do for the previous message
Stranger: fuck it fuck it
You: okay
You: fuck it fuck it
Stranger: fuck it fuck it
You: yea exactly
You: cool kid
Stranger: hot kid
You: cold kid
Stranger: soft kid
You: hahaha got u
You: oh come on
You: tough kid
Stranger: no kids
You: hell, no kids
You: definitely, no kids
You: god forbid
Stranger: no kids foreverrrr
Stranger: no protected sex
You: yeaaaa ikr
You: ahahha jesus
Stranger: that way no kidsss
You: or abortion then
You: ahahah oh damn
You: that's mean
Stranger: that's ewwww
You: choices
Stranger: yea yeaa
Stranger: but never that
Stranger: it sucks duh
You: yea ikr
You: but who am i to judge
Stranger: yea yea
You: why r we talking about this AHAHAH lol
You: that's so random
Stranger: i don't fucking know
Stranger: damn you are pain
You: im so bored
Stranger: pain to my brain
You: whyyyy
You: i'm a angel dude, respect me
Stranger: be my weed
Stranger: take me high
You: is it a lyric or something?
Stranger: i'm so low fuck my life
You: i'll show u a song
Stranger: no show me the bomb
Stranger: which kills all the song
You: heeeey i love songs, shut up
Stranger: ok
You: the song is called "all time low"
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXnqkVTFUqY
Stranger: 8d?
You: AAHAHAH not this time
Stranger: better huh
You: It's good & sad but happy at the same time
You: better? ohhh come on
You: 8d is amazing oke
Stranger: yea better
Stranger: 8d was cool when I wa skid
Stranger: was kid*
You: nice way to call me kid
You: i like it
You: stupidddd ahahah
Stranger: well kid got butt hurt
Stranger: coz she's a pain in my ass
You: oh no kidding!
You: really?
You: ahahha jk
Stranger: I wanna be the pain in your ass
Stranger: lmao
You: go listen to the song and shut uuup
You: oh i appreciate that but nah
Stranger: I m listening bitch
Stranger: shut up
Stranger: lmao
You: Oooo oke bitch
You: lmao
Stranger: what ya doing?
You: guess what
You: same as before
You: talking to u
Stranger: do you smoke?
You: Ew
You: nah i don't
Stranger: ok ok
Stranger: what the's dirtiest thing you have ever done?
Stranger: if not weed
You: well...i swallowed a 0,25$ when i was 2
Stranger: ewww you dirty fuckerr asshole
Stranger: LMAO
Stranger: you have something better?
You: yeaaaaaa that was definitely the dirtiest thing i've ever done
You: dude idk, i don't remember nothing plausible lol
You: wbu?
Stranger: damn you clean bitch
Stranger: i hate you
You: YEAAA im a cool kid, i'm sorry
You: nah u mean, u love me
Stranger: well if you cool or not depends on what kinda person you are
You: oh yea?
You: zzz sure
You: im not that cool then
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: lamme make you hot
Stranger: lmao
You: oh weirdo
Stranger: so what would me my kind of weirdo?
You: the typical weirdos
Stranger: fuck you
Stranger: I'm unique
Stranger: rare in market
You: oh yeaa? oke so ur THE weirdo
Stranger: wanna join my league bitch?
You: ur awful
You: u know that right
Stranger: yea I do
You: Mr fucking best weirdo
Stranger: idc if you don't like my awfulness
Stranger: but it's pretty cool
You: AHAHHA if u say..who am i...?
Stranger: you are the weirdo bitch
Stranger: how's that?
You: nahhhh
You: u mean
You: "you are the amazing best weirdo"
You: nah nah nah
You: i meant, fantastic!!
You: better now
Stranger: just take any of the shit but be the bitch
Stranger: lmao
You: anyways
Stranger: anyways what
You: whatever anyways
Stranger: fuck the anyways
Stranger: slime on it
You: i love "anyways"
Stranger: i will kill the anyways
You: slime on it AHAHAHHAAH
Stranger: choke him up
Stranger: yea so am I
You: Yea for sure
Stranger: toxic level infinity
Stranger: wanna talk outside omegle?
You: 100% toxic>>>
You: finally. that's a good one. question, i meant.
Stranger: okk what do you use?
You: instagram
You: nah i don't got snap
Stranger: no insta no snap
You: oh
Stranger: just whatsapp and twitter
You: AHHAHAH no way
Stranger: or telegram coz one guys aske me to
Stranger: lmao
You: oh okay
You: whatsapp then
Stranger: ok cool bitch weirdo
You: i got that one
You: fantastic**
Stranger: bitch
Stranger: +44 7438917818
Stranger: what's yours
You: nahhh
You: ah okay
You: i was about to say "i'm not gonna get ur name bitch, i'll give u mine"
You: but anyways
You: +55 63 84867632
You: wait lemme check if that's right
Stranger: hahahha
Stranger: well your name's my bitch
Stranger: so get the fuck out
Stranger: lmao
You: i hate u, u know that
You: im not ur bitch, bitch
Stranger: yea you are
Stranger: gonna be the pain in your ass remember
You: ahahahahah
You: alzheimer
You: (not in this life)
Stranger: well in all the lifee huh
You: and yea that's right, my number, sure
Stranger: dude you have my number
Stranger: just message asshole
Stranger: lmao
You: I'm laaaaazy dude
You: oh whatever
You: wait
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: get the floor clean
You: i hate u
Stranger: strip off and hate me
Stranger: forever hate me down
You: +44 7438917818, is that right?
You: yea, forever hate u
Stranger: ahh you slow girl
Stranger: wait
You: shut up, i told u im lazy
Stranger: what's your name?
You: u don't even remember AHAHAHHA
Stranger: I do
Stranger: lol
You: uhum
Stranger: messaged you bitch
Stranger: go check
You: nah
Stranger: clean the floors
Stranger: huh
Stranger: fuck you
Stranger: get the fuck away
You: u fuck u
Stranger: fuck meee
You: yeaaa fuck u
Stranger: damn you pervert lmao
You: AHAHHAHA ur creepy
Stranger: don't turn me on bitch
You: do it
You: anyways
Stranger: do what perv?
You: shut up darling
Stranger: oh so I am darling now?
Stranger: nice transition
You: don't be happy
You: but yea, only in a sarcastic tone
Stranger: lol
Stranger: fuck the sarcasm
Stranger: let's make kids bitch lmao
Stranger: the kids we have
You: did u forgot?
You: no kids, hell, no kids
Stranger: go unprotected with pills?
Stranger: lmao
You: no sex, no kids, that's the better way
Stranger: you think I'm 60?
Stranger: wtf lmao
Stranger: i have still got the power huh
You: poor elderly
You: u don't have to lie..we know that
Stranger: listen you the kid
Stranger: i'm the adult
Stranger: the hot one
Stranger: huh fuck off
You: oh and more
You: THE weirdo
You: did u forgot?
Stranger: yea the best fucking one
You: oh yea, ik that, good boy
Stranger: bad boy*
You: oh if u say so
You: damn bad boy
Stranger: are you a good girl?
You: me, myself and i, yea we think we are
You: at least a good person ahaha
Stranger: blow me then
You: yea im gonna blow u up
You: with a bomb
Stranger: do it with your tongue
Stranger: lol tell me when you get uncomfortable
You: creepy boy
Stranger: let me crawl on you
You: if i were a floor...
You: But it's not the case lol
You: ha ha ha
Stranger: funny
Stranger: gtg see you on whatsapp
Stranger: byeeeee
0 notes
Kay! Im so bored. I'm just gonna do all the qns.
1. Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it? Yeah, I'm pretty sure Hiroki loves me~ 2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now? Why would I not date someone my age? Hahah 3. When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time? When I was playing the main story? 4. Would you ever smile at a stranger? I would prefer not to. 5. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? Dunno. 6. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? Yep~ 7. What exactly are you wearing right now? A tank top? 8. How often do you listen to music? Everyday~ 9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more? Jeans~ 10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2018? Probably not~ 11. Are you a social or an antisocial person? Antisocial lol... 12. Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘A’? Aigonorus~ Aoi~ Asahi~ Aslan~ 13. What about ‘R’? Ryo~ Rhion~ Ritsuto~ Rikiya~ Ryoji~ 14. Can you drive a stick shift? No. 15. Do you care if people talk badly about you? Depends~ 16. Are you going out of town soon? Nope. 17. When was the last time you cried? When I broke my nail the other day? It hurts. 18. Have you ever told someone you loved them? Yes. I tell Scorpio I love him everyday. 19. If you could change your eye color, would you? No. 20. Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for? SCORPIO~~~ 21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having. Nope. 22. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead? Yeah~ 23. Are you dating the last person you talked to? Hiroki? Yeah. 24. What are you sitting on right now? My bed? No, I'm not gonna say Scorpio's lap. Fuck! My phone just decided to slap my face. 😓😓 Nvm, let's continue. 25. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you? My family doesn't tell me that. We don't even talk or anything lololololol... But yeahhh, my fictional hubbies always tell me how much they love me~ How? Pick a story to replay, then play the story lololol... 26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? Yes. I want Partheno, Tauxolouve, Tsugumi, Kohaku, Motai and many moreee... yes! I want Coach Motai!!! 27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? Hiroki~ 28. Do you get a lot of colds? Not really~ I wear cardigans or hoodies~ 29. Where is the shirt you are wearing from? Dunno. 30. Does anyone hate you? Probably... I guess so. 31. Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room? Nope. 32. Do you like watching scary movies? Yep. But I'm scared... So I NEVER watch horror movies alone... 33. Do you want your tongue pierced? No. 34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? The year when I'm born? 1998? 35. Did you have a dream last night? I don't think so lol... but I remember the last time I had a dream... I dreamt of some stuffs I don't wanna remember lol... what an irony hahah... I remembered how I was tied up and... errr let's just say... attacked... 36. When was the last time you told someone you loved them? Almost an hour ago? To my fictional hubby~ 37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? To my fictional hubby? Yeah sure. 38. Do you think someone has feelings for you? Probably my fictional hubby? RL? Dunno lol 39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? You? Well, you just spent 5 mins of your life reading this... 40. Did you have a good day yesterday? Dunno... isn't it just a normal day? 41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship? Yes. With my fictional hubbies~ 42. In the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a girl? Nope~ 43. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? Yessss~ I never ever ever ever wanna lose my fictional hubbies toooo~ RL? Nahhhh neverrr! 44. What’s the best part about school? Dunno~ 45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? Yeah, i guess~ 46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school? I did. 47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head? Hell yeah! 48. Were you single over the last summer? RL? Yes. FICTIONAL WORLD? NEVER! 49. Is your life anything like it was two years ago? What was it like 2 years ago? I don't remember lol.... 50. What are you supposed to be doing right now? Nothing. 51. Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with? Nope. 52. Are you nice to everyone? Not really. 53. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yes. But I still love my fictional hubbies! 54. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? I will NOT cheat on my dumb boyfie, that is if I ever have one... Let's just talk about my parents... My mum has a boyfie, my dad has a (?) girlfriend, and lots of stuffs happened... that's why they divorced... ermmm how many years ago? I can't remember... I think... 5? Or 6? Or dunno lah... But the point is, I don't like cheating. 55. Are you good at hiding your feelings? Feelings on how much I love Yurio? Nooooo~ He is just so precious. 56. Do you think you like someone? Scorpio! 57. Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’? Nope~ I think dun have lolol... 58. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? I'm fine with both. 59. Has anyone of your friends ever seen you cry? Can I not answer this qn? Haizzz fine. Few years ago, when I was in class, I had a relapse. A huge relapse. Hmmm... let's just say, when it stopped, I burst into tears... and... it was not pretty. Yeah. I pity my future boyfie, if I will ever have one. He will probably have to deal with my bullshit... and my split personality... and my relapses... and... errr... let's just say some other stuffs. 60. Do you hate anyone? Nope. No need to hesitate lol. Answer is straightaway no. It's tiring lol... very tiring... 61. How’s your heart? Broken into pieces? Lololol waiting for Dr. Saeyoung Choi to stitch it back into one piece for me. Jk. 62. Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about? Yes. However, even though I hate it, I don't mind talking about it. That's if the listener PROMISES NOT TO SHIT TALK ABOUT IT LATER. 63. Have you ever cried over a guy? Over a fictional character? Yeaahhh 64. Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now? Dunno. 65. Are your toenails painted pink? No. 66. Will your next kiss be a mistake? How would I know? Lolol 67. Girls love it when boyfriends cry; correct? Ermmm... I would like it if my boyfie trusts me enough to do that... 68. Have your pants ever fallen down in public? No. 69. Who was the last person you were on the phone with? My fren? 70. How do you look right now? Messy as always? 71. Do you have someone you can be your complete self around? In real life? No. 72. Can you commit to one person? RL? Yeah. I would never cheat on my boyfie. Fictional world? Haizzz... Please do not remind me. 73. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? No. 74. Have you ever felt replaced? Yes. 75. Did you wake up cranky? Sometimes lolol 76. Are you a jealous person? Probably sometimes~ 77. Are relationships ever worth it? Dunno... If he's the one, yeah sure. 78. Anyone you’re giving up on? Nope, except for myself. 79. Currently wanting to see anyone? ...yes Who? ... ... ... The unluckiest god is? SCORPIO!!! 80. Name something you have to do tomorrow? Breathe. 81. Last person you cried in front of? My freaking idiotic brother. Cux that asshole broke my freaking nail. He's a hugeee jerk! 82. Is there someone you will never forget? Yeah. 83. Do you think the person you have feelings for is protective of you? Yeah. Scorpio always protects me. 84. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now? Hug him. Kiss him. Love him. HE NEEDS MORE LOVE. 85. Are you over your past? No. I have no idea how to get over it either. There are just so many things that remind me of it. 86. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex? Yes. 87. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to? Nope~~~ 88. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? He wouldn't. 89. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in? Yes. Why would I not let Hiroki in? 90. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? Can't remember lolol 91. Will you be in a relationship in 2 months? With a new fictional character? Yeahhhh! With a guy in real life? I don't know. Probably not. I would probably still be doing nothing everyday. 92. Is there anyone you know with the name Michael? Yeah. 93. Have you ever kissed a Matthew? No. 94. Were you in a relationship in January? How was it going? Yes, with my fictional hubbies. AND YES! It's awesome! 95. Were you happy with the person you liked in March? Yes. 96. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive? I guess he's fine. 97. Who do you have texts from? Frens? 98. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? I wish them all the best? And then I will probably cry? Cux my fictional hubbies left me? 99. Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yes. 100. Who’s in your profile picture with you? My hubbies, duh 101. Ever kissed under fireworks? No. 102. Has anybody ever given you butterflies? I even see stars lolol...
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