idvlover · 3 years
Hello sorry if your asks are closed I didn't see anything but if you could write kroto x inference enemies to lovers headcanons that would be great!
You guys are causing me to find new ships with Naib. If you ever want to talk more about this ship I'd be more than happy to!!
Inference X Kroto enemies to lovers:
With how everything started at the theater with Lady Bella's death. Its clear Inference isn't there to try and get along with everyone, the only friend he has there is Ronald
With how he's interviewing everyone. He's nitpicking everything and won't let up on certain clues and it just makes everyone upset, but they know he's just doing his job. That is what makes him a pretty popular detective after all
When time came for Kroto's turn, she became extremely nervous simply because of his approach. She did suddenly becomes popular after Lady Bella's death and that is a little strange after all
So of course she gets mad when he points that out
"I would NEVER kill anyone over fame!"
"Then why are you getting so defensive about the situation?"
"Because- I mean who wouldn't?! You're pointing the finger at me!"
"I am only trying to piece together evidence."
Yeah, that didn't pan out nicely. Inference ended up becoming more suspicious and Kroto is desperately trying to keep her name clean
Someone gave her the advice to just stay calm. But how can you stay calm when someone thinks you're a killer?
Inference does move onto Scrooge much to her relief. But Ronald warns he doesn't just keep his focus on someone just once
This made her grumble. She just wanted to achieve her dream! Is that so much to ask for? Yes, it was a terrible thing to do by taking Lady Bella's spotlight right after her death, but how can she control what the audience wants?
They were always arguing about evidence or who it really was. It was even starting to annoy Inference because he's just doing his job
When Inference does come back to her. She remains calm this time. Answers all of his questions, don't get defensive and tries to be accurate with her whereabouts
But he points out that some of them don't match up, she was about to panic until he said: "Everyone here seems to have a solid alibi though. Someone even vouched for you."
The day he left is the same day she quickly changed Theater. She just could face the Gold Rose Theater because of what happened. It was upsetting and scary
After some time goes by, Inference does go back to the theater to check on everyone. When he hears about Kroto. He feels a small sense of guilt, he knows he might be one of the reasons she left and that's not what he meant to cause
He also wonders if she is okay because seeing someone die in front of you can do a lot to someone's mental health
Truth encouraged him to go to the other theater to check on her if he's that worried
And he does. He goes and watches one of her performances and he found it neat!
But when Kroto is taking a break she notices him
He walks about to her and her only response is: "are you here to try and see if it was me who killed Bella? Because if so then leave, you said it yourself I'm innocent"
He sighed knowing that a response like that was coming
"I just wanted to check on you"
"Because you were one of the witnesses. Seeing someone die is awful"
She stood there shocked. He was right, seeing Bella die was awful, but she doesn't want his comfort. So she walks away
After that Inference sometimes just steps in to watch her performance to see if she's alright then leave
Kroto notices this... And it felt nice... No one at the theater did that for her when Bella died
She's tried many times to catch him before he leaves, but he was already driving down the road by the time she gets a chance
But she did see his friend Truth walking down the sidewalk. So she asks her if she can give him the invitation to one of her performances. One that he could actually stay for from start to end
Inference got the invitation. After everything that had happened, why does she want him to watch her performance
Truth told him she'll take over the office and he can go have a break for once in his life (he literally went from fighting a war to solving murders- like take a break from that mess my guy)
It felt weird staying for the play. But it was nice
Yes, he sat very far in the back because rarely anybody sits there, But Kroto is glad he did because she was worried he didn't show up and he was easy to find
After the performance, Inference was smiling. He now sees why she became popular so quickly she's great at what she does!
He does try to leave at the end, nearly had a heart attack when someone grabs his wrist only to see it was Kroto. She looked relieved to see him and he got worried
But she reassured him that she was just glad he came. After that, it was an awkward silence. Inference was going to leave, but Kroto quickly asked if he wanted to have dinner with her and tried not to sound eager. He accepts it
They don't go anywhere too fancy. Just a nice little local restaurant
"I'm sorry." Said Inference.
"For... For what??"
"For driving you away from the Gold Rose theater. That wasn't my intention."
It's been a long time since the incident. Kroto later down the road realized he was simply doing his job and of course people are going the be intimidated by a detective
"Don't apologize for doing your job. I was scared because who wouldn't be? I mainly left because I couldn't look at the stage the same due to Bella's death."
After that, Kroto invites him more often and started to gain feelings for him
She would even drop by his office and drop off a packed lunch for him. Sometimes even tell him to take a short break
"Take a break."
"There's a new café down the road."
".... Fine."
She wants to tell him how she feels, but at the same time she doesn't think he'll return the feeling because of how busy he is
Fortunately for her, he does feel the same. He wants to tell her but doesn't know how to
So he invites her on a late-night walk. He's trying to think of the words to use
"So... I was wondering..."
"If you and I are.... Together maybe. Would you be okay with that?"
She thinks she knows what he's saying, but she wants to make sure that her heart doesn't get ahead of her head
"Together as in... Like a couple?"
"Yes. Like a couple."
Kroto had to keep herself from jumping on him for a hug. So she settles for taking his hand into hers: "Yes. I would very much like that."
Inference can see the excitement in her face, so he gives her a sweet kiss
Kroto likes initiating affection and Inference is fine with that so long as it is in private
On days when she's done performing, Inference would pick her up and take her home
Sometimes it's the other way around if she's on her day off and she'll take him home
Inference becomes very protective of her when it comes to fans. He knows there are some weird ones out there, so he teaches her different ways of self-defense
Their dates are usually at home dates where it's just the two of them relaxing
Kroto messing with him by laying her foot on his shoulder playfully asking him to massage them
"Would you?"
"What is with you and putting your foot on my shoulder-"
They love winter activities. Especially ice skating. Kroto will be twirling around and pulling Inference along
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