#nancy cuddling a naked robin before they get together
corgiplays · 2 years
Werewolf Nancy and Robin in the first few chapters in my Stranger Things Rewrite
Nancy waking up after a full moon and for the first time since being bitten she feels peaceful. She doesn't register it yet but she's laying on top of someone and the warmth they give off is so comfortable that she buries her head further into they crook of their neck. The person just mumbles something before tightening the arm that's draped accros Nancy's waist, that wakes Nancy up and she pushes herself off startling the person who was under her.
It's awkward when Nancy tries covering herself in front of the half dazed naked woman in front of her who looks like a child who got their stuffed toy ripped away from them in the middle of the night. And Nancy is trying hard to keep her eyes locked on the woman's and not her toned body, the happy trail leading down, the bit of scruffy stubble along the woman's jaw or the multitude of smaller and larger scars on the woman. The two talk and Nancy finds out that the woman is a werewolf and apparently her wolf and the woman's- Robin's wolf frolicked around the forest together.
Robin ends up giving Nancy some clothes she has stashed away all over Hawkins forest and they leave each other to go along with their day. Nancy gets a weird look from Mike about her clothes but thinks their Steve's, Nancy spends the rest of the day trying to keep Robin out of her mind.
It's even more embarrassing when Nancy goes to school and finds herself sharing five different classes with Robin and the girl giving back her clothes that she looked for after Nancy left.
And thus begins the weird friendship between Robin and Nancy as Nancy figures out more of her werewolf heritage with the multitude of journals and documents that Robin has in her home, exposing Hawkins Laboratory for what it is and a slow burn ronance ;) as I rewrite seasons 2-4
When I mean slow burn I mean these bitches have been in love with each other since Robin returned Nancy clothes after spending the rest of her day finding and washing Nancy's clothes for her but they won't figure it out till either after season 3 before season 4 or after/during season 4
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arachine · 2 years
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+ note: just a little concept that i wanna write a full-fledged piece for. if this gets any positive traction, then i’ll definitely be writing it soon (the idea was for eddie but now ‘m thinking about steve! >.<)
+ warnings: hybrid! reader
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okay…but what if one of the things that came out of the gate from the upside down was kitty! reader? essentially, nobody really knows where she came from, all they know is that she’s seemingly appeared out of nowhere, and that she looks like a harmless little thing. 
the gang are the first to find her, and they eventually take her in after one too many instances in which she’s clandestinely followed them home. the skeptics of the group are lucas and el: lucas, who thinks she’s gotta personal vendetta against him (he claims she ‘looks at him wrong’), and el, who just senses that there’s something not quite…right. 
obviously, mike being mike, immediately shuts their conspiracies down but it isn’t until one day when they’re all hanging out in his basement when she just…appears. it’s like a little blip, and then there she is, in all her human glory—except, she has ears, and a tail, and…she’s naked. of course everyone loses their shit because, jesus, they’d been doting on her this entire time! petting her, sharing secrets, cuddling with her—washing her. 
mike, lucas, and dustin are just in complete and utter shock, but max and eleven are the first to act quick and get her into the basement’s bathroom. 
“mike, stop staring! clothes, now!” max screams before consecutively smacking each of them in the back of their heads. 
when she’s all covered up and everyone’s settled down, they start asking questions. but to their disappointment, she’s just barely able to verbalize or communicate anything of significance. she can say small phrases like: ‘i love you’ , ‘hi’ , ‘good’ and ‘bad’—mostly because that’s what’s been repeated to her in her kitty form—but it’s not enough to answer their ever-growing questions.
a few days pass, and then a few weeks, months, and then two whole years. by then, they’ve grown accustomed to her human form, and they even learned how to keep her a secret (aside from finally introducing her to the older crew). the six of them would intermittently take turns hiding reader at their houses, and each and every rotation was different. 
in the beginning, during mike’s rotation, he focused on improving her speech. first, it was the abc’s. then it was a few words, phrases, some flashcards here and there—and then it was children’s books, and poems and writing her name. after a while she’d become fully proficient in the english language and all it’s craziness.
everyone equally put just as much effort into teaching her, though. max and eleven loved to dress her up and paint her nails, dustin taught her (well, attempted to) math—but she didn’t quite enjoy it—lucas introduced her to music, and will always played with her in her kitty form. 
life as a kitty was perfect, content. she’d been introduced to, kissed on, hugged on, and cuddled by just about everyone and anyone who was of any importance to the group. 
she’d already known and grown used to steve, robin, nancy and jonathan…but there was still somebody she hadn’t met yet—somebody whose name she had become quite familiar with, despite not ever seeing them. 
“ah, so you must be…wait, don’t tell me,” the long haired boy presses his lips together, “—the little kitty i’ve been hearing so much about.” he watches with amusement as the hybrid cowers behind mike, her ears shooting up animatedly. 
“why so shy? i don’t bite…i mean unless you want me t–“ robin smacks his arm, “don’t be weird,” she scoffs, “yeah, don’t be weird,” steve rolls his eyes playfully. 
the kitten studies him, creeps out real slow and circles him as if he were prey. he’s silent, and trying so very hard to hold his breath. he thinks that if he breathes—makes so much as a single move, she’ll become disinterested in him. so, he stands there, waiting. face locked but eyes trained, following all over her movements.
when she suddenly appears right next to his face, he thinks he’s done for. but to his surprise, he’s greeted with something wet and warm. she’d licked him. laid a log stripe of saliva smack dab on the center of his cheek. everyone gasps in horror, their eyes scanning eddie’s face for any signs of disgust or discomfort. but there are no signs, just a very shocked, very stunned, blushing eddie.
“s-she hasn’t done that in ages, i don’t know why she did that—why did you do that?” mike tries to pull her away but she swats him to the side with the force of her tail.
her face is still centimeters away from his, but now she stands directly in front of him. if he moved any closer, the tips of their noses would meet.
“hi, eddie,” she beams, a faint purr following suit. 
“hi, (name),” he stutters. this is when he realizes something: that he’d be wholly, utterly, and everlastingly, wrapped around her finger. 
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© all content belongs to arachine 2022. no reposts, modifications, plagiarizing, or remaking of any form without proper credit.
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rainymunson · 2 years
Eddie Munson Rec List
(work in progress)
none of these are mine! just sharing AMAZING collections and works i have found by incredible blogs on here :)
audio links (nsfw):
losing ur v
nsfw alphabet
(another) nsfw abc’s
masterlists/rec lists
honeymunson (pt1)
one shots:
blood lust
you made me hate this city
bad idea - one last year. one last hurrah. hawkins high’s yearly senior camping trip is full of sentiment, and full of surprises. eddie definitely did not expect a night of confessions with his best friend, and definitely did not expect to end up naked with her.
don't tell steve - you’re steve’s younger sister and you’ve been secretly dating eddie. when eddie goes missing, you’re the only one who knows where he is.
Good Vibes - Eddie is your best friend and happens to accidentally come across your vibrator.
Purity ring - When Mrs. Thompson told me that I would have to tutor Eddie Munson, I never would have expected that I would be in his trailer on a Saturday night. Even if I don’t like to admit it, there is some tension between us. His constant flirty comments against my harsh responses have built up something between us. He is the one to make the first move.
girl with the tattoo - eddie pays for your first tattoo without knowing what it is you’re getting. when you finally show him, he practically flips his shit.
out of exile - jason fucking carver picked the wrong girl to go after in his search for chrissy’s killer, and eddie’s done running.
hawkins-losers request - How about some slow sweet, early mornin' loving for our Eddie boy? Or on the other side, dirty rough bathroom stall at a concert smut?
Save a Prayer ('til the morning after) - you and Eddie know you have to go back into the upside down to save Nancy, and so you spend one final night together before certain doom…
don't you dare - you and eddie have a private moment before going into the final battle against vecna
vampire!eddie: (i know. just, hear me out-)
bloodthirsty - He came to you only at night, your Eddie. Well you supposed he wasn’t quite your Eddie anymore. He was different, changed. 
worlds apart - THEN. You’re the only survivor among the Mind Flayer’s victims, thanks to your friends - but after the Battle of Starcourt, you find yourself adrift in a sea of nightmares. Until an encounter in the woods with Eddie The Freak Munson offers an unexpected life line and turns your world upside down. NOW. Four months have passed since the winter night you walked out of Eddie’s trailer and his life for good. But when the mysterious headaches and nightmares return full-force and something wicked stirs in sleepy Hawkins, starting a witch hunt against Eddie, you realize that there are two things in this world that might be more persistent than you’d thought: Evil…and love. The story will be told in two timelines: the past (after the Battle of Starcourt) and the present (during the events of season 4).
promises, promises - Your boyfriend, Eddie Munson, accuses you of cheating on him due to your strange behavior. If only you could tell him you were hunting interdimensional monsters instead.
fix it fics:
i always will -  in the midst of catastrophe and sorrow, hidden feelings are revealed.
eddiesbug request - eddie doesn't die, but he just barely makes it, and visiting him in the hospital with his favorite music and foods and giving him soft cuddles and yeah
“If I get to live a million other lives, I hope I get to love you in all of them.” - A quickly, sloppily written angsty + fluffy fix-it fic I cranked out in one sitting because this is my therapy in a post st4 vol2 world. This was written quickly and quickly proofread by a very tired me, so definitely not my best work but something I just wanted to get out in the open for everyone! Enjoy.
family video - robin and steve were able to snag eddie munson a job at Family Video and it just so happens that the person of his dreams would be a regular customer.
wake up - You and Dustin gets Eddie out of the Upside Down. He is now in a coma 
fade into you - this is definitely just a fix it fic for vol 2 because i miss my baby ):
I thought we weren't supposed to be heroes - Eddie cuts the rope that connects the real world with the upside-down to buy more time and you and Dustin find a way to reach him anyway.
“Why the hell would you say something like that?” - instead of the shitty ending we got, he’s gonna live in this fic. you’re welcome&lt;3
Say you'll still be by my side - Eddie made it out of the Upside Down, barely alive. He’s in a coma now but you refuse to let him go.
Hawkins' Hero - Eddie risks his life trying to be a hero. What he doesn’t realize, is that, he’s always been your hero.
Liquid Smooth - eddie’s nightmares corrode his nights for the past two weeks. with guilt overwhelming his healing wounds, you let your boyfriend talk to you as a cathartic release.
It Can't Be - Nothing on earth will ever take Eddie Munson away from you, not even an army of bloodthirsty, flesh-eating demobats in the Upside Down.
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magmagicstyle · 4 years
Pairings: Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington  *FLUFF... and some hints of smut in the future*
Finally, the concert was over. Billy smirked while looking at all the fans that were screaming the band’s name and some that were only screaming his name, some people were crying, other keep screaming or just singing the last verses of the song that was already over, but, he couldn’t blame them, the lyrics was amazing and it was all thanks to the inspiration that his princess gave him. A few girls even threw her bras and panties towards the stage, and a little group was still fighting over the shirt he threw towards the crowd in the middle of one of the songs. Sometimes Billy couldn’t help but think that fans were a bit scary and that came from the dude who fought a fucking monster from another universe.
Billy let out a sigh, smirked and simply waved towards the hundreds of girls that were trying to reach out for him and after a few minutes waving and throwing winks towards the crowd, he started to walk towards the backstage. This was the second time he was going to the back, but he knew that he wouldn’t be coming back to the stage for this night and not in the next months, knowing this was the last concert of the tour that lasted for the last months. Of course, this was the second time going to the back because after the first time, he had to go back on stage and perform another two songs, he hated to do that since he was already tired of having to be under the strong and blinding lights during so much time, but his manager had convinced him. But that didn’t matter, what mattered was that finally, the concert was officially over and that nobody could keep him from relaxing.
Of course, nothing could go like Billy had planned, since in the middle of his walk towards his dressing room, his manager decided that it was a good idea to stop him by standing in front of him. To give him some credit, he probably knew that this was a bad idea since he looked like he was about to shit his pants, and well, it made sense, he probably was going crazy if he really tried to stop Billy while he wanted to go and rest. 
“Billy, there’s some fans that…” His manager started to talk before Billy stopped while lifting his hand on the other man’s face and looking dead in his eyes.
“No” That was the only thing the curly guy said before starting to walk again towards his dressing room, wanting to grab his things and run towards his car so he could go home and kiss his baby.
“But Billy!” The manager was still following him, looking quite worried with the idea of not wanting the fans what they wanted.
“No, I did the encore like you asked, I did this long ass tour like you wanted, now, I’m going to do what I want and that’s going home.” Billy said without stopping his walk and finally arriving at his dressing room. “Now, goodbye.” He said before closing his door in the manager’s face.
Billy grabbed one of his towels, drying his sweat from his body, knowing that he could take a shower in his home and relax there. Then, he looked at the group of bottles full of beer on his table and was tempted to drink a few while changing but he knew that his baby got all worried when he drank and drove, so he grabbed a couple and put them close to his jacket, he would take them home and drink them there. 
When he was about to sit and eat a few of the snacks that were close to him, he was interrupted by the sound of his phone. 
His princess was texting him, wanting to know how the concert was, if a lot of fans had come to see him, if he was already going to rest. Billy let a little smirk appear on his face, loving how caring his baby could be when it came to the rockstar and his well being. He texted back, answering to every question, but being a bit vague in some of them, after all, it was a surprise that he was going to be home this night and he planned to keep that surprise until he could have his pretty boy in his embrace. 
They stopped texting after a few minutes and then, Billy started to get ready so he could go home. Finally, after a few seconds of him taking off the makeup that he used for the concerts and fixing his hair, he grabbed his jacket, keys, wallet, the beers and a little present for his baby. He said goodbye to the other members of the band, to his manager and some bodyguards, and walked towards his car, getting inside it and starting to drive towards his house.
On his way to his house, Billy kept thinking about his baby, his gorgeous princess, his pretty boy, he thought about how surprised Steve would be when he arrived at their home, how his adorably doe eyes would open and shine. A smirk appeared on his face with the idea, what would his baby be wearing right now? Maybe one of Billy’s old t-shirts, maybe one of those soft pastel hoodies Steve loved so much, maybe he was naked, taking a bath and touching himself while thinking of him. 
Between different thoughts and having some music as a background noise, he was able to arrive at his house without any troubles. He always thought of this place as theirs, never only his, and he loved the fact that he was able to call this place “theirs”, after all, even if Billy was the one paying the bills, quite easily thanks to his music career, Steve was the one who made the place feel like a home. It was thanks to Steve that the walls weren’t empty but full with different pictures of the two of them, of the kids, of Robin, Nancy and Jonathan, of Billy with Max. 
It was Steve who helped him mend things with Max, who pushed him until they talked and Billy was able to put his shit together. It was thanks to Steve that Billy actually started to work on himself so he could be a decent human, it was thanks to Steve that Nancy and Jonathan started to talk to Billy, Robin started to talk to him just because she wanted to do it, and also because thanks to Billy she and Header started to hang out and eventually to date.
But also, it was Steve who decided to give him a chance, it was his pretty boy who stayed with him in the hospital and caressed his face when he was in a coma. It was him the first face Billy was able to see when he woke up, and it was Steve who didn’t yell at him or try to blame him for what happened like Billy thought everybody would do. Instead, Steve smiled towards Billy and told him a simple but heartfelt, “welcome back”. Steve was the one who stayed with Billy through all the physical therapy, the emotional therapy, it was Steve who was with him when he decided to accept the fact that maybe he liked girls and boys and not only girls and that was fine, and it was Steve who helped him understand that it was fine. His princess was also the one that was by his side while Billy discovered that he was in love with the gorgeous brunette, and he stayed -and maybe kissed him a few times- when Billy confessed his feelings and asked him to be by his side. Because even if Billy didn’t think he deserved a second chance, Steve did, and that was enough for him. 
Billy opened the front door, his boots sounding against the floor and making a strong noise in the living room, the room was dark, just a few little lights shining around. It didn’t matter, Steve was probably in their room, getting ready to cuddle against Billy’s pillow and just sleep or maybe, like he thought before, he was naked in their bath, touching himself and thinking about Billy’s fingers touching all over his skin. Of course, nothing prepared Billy for what he saw when he arrived at their room.
Steve was there, hugging Billy’s pillow like he expected but what Billy didn’t expect to see was his beautiful boyfriend, dots all over his body, milky skin shining under the soft yellow gleam of the little reading light on each side of the bed, and even if that was a almost holy picture for Billy. The lingerie set covering his princess body, that was the part that catches Billy’s eyes and totally surprised him, the same color blue of his eyes covering the pretty boy’s body, the little pieces of fabric covering his skin in a way that was so erotic and unique.
“Well, princess…  what a sight to come back…” Billy comments with a smirk on his face, walking towards his boy while he’s getting rid of his jacket and it’s slowly opening his shirt, already thinking of a way that he could sweat again and how they could spend their reunion. Of course, his smirk became a bit softer and real when he saw Steve’s eyes shining like two beautiful jewels, full with happiness. 
“Billy!” Steve said with a big smile, so innocent and excited that Billy could only sigh softly and hug his boyfriend back when he felt his delicate arms around his body, skin against skin, his fingers, rough for playing the guitar so much, caressing the exposed skin of his little bambi. Maybe they could fuck later, but now it was clear that Steve wanted to hug and maybe cuddle and Billy would give him just that.
“Come here, pretty boy…” Billy said, picking up his boyfriend and walking towards the bed, sitting in the middle of it while he fixed Steve’s position in his lap, his hands never leaving Billy’s wavy hair, his face hidden against Billy’s skin, his eyes closed, just breathing Billy’s scent, feeling his boyfriends warmth.
“I missed you…” Steve whispered against Billy’s neck, and usually Billy would make fun of anyone who said something like that, he would make fun of them for being so sentimental, but this is Steve, and even when they are playing around, Billy makes fun of him in a playful manner. 
This time is different, because this time Steve feels so small while whispering that he missed Billy, and if he had to be totally honest, Billy also missed Steve, he missed him so fucking much that if someone gave him the chance to stop going on tours and just writing and recording music, Billy would take it right on the spot. Because having Steve between his arms, just kissing his neck, nuzzling his nose against Billy’s neck and whispering how happy his princess was because Billy was home with him, that was everything that Billy needed.
Steve whispers again, his voice being so soft and delicate, so raw with different emotions and Billy can feel himself go weak under his touches and his voice, Billy can almost feel himself melt around Steve, his body totally relaxing thanks to his baby.
"Missed you too, pretty boy…" Billy says with a smile that even if Steve can't see it, he knew was there, after all, Billy’s voice changed when he smiled, it became softer, more caring, and it was always for Steve, Billy only acted like that when he was around his princess and that was so important for Steve.
So they stayed there, cuddling, Billy without a shirt and Steve wearing only the bottom part of a blue set of lingerie, soft kisses and caresses being left on their skin while they talked softly about their day, and then talked about plans for the future, about how they could take a couple of days and drive away, go to some beach and spend time together, forgetting about the world that surrounded them, forgetting about their responsibilities, about the record label, about Steve work on the counseling center, about everything. Just Billy and Steve, relaxing under the sun and sharing their love.
A/N: GUESS WHO’S BACK? Yeah... me, sorry for disappearing. In my defence, I’m willing to come back fully, I have like four fics that I’m working on so... I’m going to try to post soon.  
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