littlemissyina · 4 years
NaNoWriMo Update Thread
I’ll be using this thread to reblog my updates each day, and to post links to my works as I complete them.
Day 1 update below the cut!
When I was trying to work out how I would do this, I thought I would be only hitting about 1k words a day at max. I am so very proud of myself for surpassing that today, and finishing the first chapter for Ichika’s story! 
Day 1 - 1,858 words
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If you’re interested, here is the link to it! 
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littlemissyina · 4 years
Hello everyone!
I feel like I’ve been a bit quiet on the writing side, but I’m hoping with this I will get my muse up and running (and more in control ffs) and can start writing more!
I have decided to participate in NaNoWriMo this year! My goal will be to reach the 50k word count by the end of the month, but I won’t stress if I’m not there by the end of November. I’d like to use this challenge to focus on a couple of things:
1. Writing for these great characters that I had made (it’s been a long time coming...) 2. Getting back into writing. Long story short, and as a lot of us has experienced this year, 2020 has just been a shit year. On top of the pandemic and everything that came with it, I took a huge blow when a family member passed away, and I fell into the dark for a little bit. I am still making my way out of that darkness, and I want to use this as part of my recovery - getting myself back to normal and to how I was before. Some of you might have seen I’ve written little things here and there, but I do miss writing these more long-winded fics. 
In preparation for NaNoWriMo, I will be introducing the characters I will be writing about, so you guys can see a bit of them before we kick off the month! I have written for most if not all of them at some point, but I will be focusing now on their respective backstories and things that have happened in their lives, and how they function together as a unit. I’m very excited to be able to finally dedicate time to them, and I hope you all will like them as well!
Intros under the cut :)
The Elite Five - five ninjas/kunoichi appointed by Lord Nobunaga, specifically trained for confidential/top secret missions and assignments. These characters were made originally for an RP that was ongoing on a private discord server. 
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Ichika Saito Specialty: Infiltration/Intel/Reconnaissance Character Sheet
Majority of her assignments were to infiltrate and obtain critical information
Due to the nature of her assignments she can be out for months at a time, forging the relationships needed to extract the intel
Any rumors of daimyo within Oda territory rebelling would be assigned for her to confirm and to attempt to quell the rebellion
Prefers non lethal methods of silencing her enemies but will kill if her life is in danger
Has training in all weapons available, but prefers close range combat
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Yumi Kawashima  Specialty: Assassination/Item Retrieval 
Missions encompass one or both of her specialties
She is able to obtain information quickly about the items she is looking for, excellent locator
Due to her quick information gathering she can also locate people quickly and extract information beneficial to carrying out the assassination
Quick and painless when killing, and will do so without hesitation. Tries to limit her collateral damage
Has training in all short range weapons
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Daisuke Aramaki  Specialty: Reconnaissance/Item Retrieval 
Most assignments go hand in hand, though most are for land reconnaissance 
He is mostly called upon if there is a neighboring territory that is in a state of unrest, and is sent to assess the situation, location, leadership etc for Nobunaga to make a decision on taking over the territory 
Rarely has he seen combat, as he is mostly working from the shadows
Has only had to use non lethal means against enemies, but will not hesitate to end a life if it’s called upon. 
Has training in short range weapons 
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Shinobu Goto Specialty: Intel/Reconnaissance 
Similar assignments as Ichika, but her assignments are not as intrusive. She uses the “traditional” intel gathering techniques - hiding in attics, disguising as a market vendor, anything to make her blend in instead of trying to stick out
Has been sent a couple of times with Ichi in larger assignments, but would always leave earlier back to Azuchi
Due to the nature of her role in these assignments, she has yet to use her combat training
Has training in all weapons available, would prefer long range combat
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Takeshi Fujikawa  Specialty: Assassination/Support
Is usually sent with Yumi as she is not as conventional
Does get assigned solo missions when all intel has been obtained, known to slip in quickly, make the kill, and leave within 24 hours
Standing orders to always gather intel
Being an assassin has made him comfortable in killing, but only if it’s needed
Has training in all weapons available, no preference in combat
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littlemissyina · 4 years
Cake Face
Hello everyone!
Wrote another little blurb for Megumi! I should probably do a character sheet for her soon...
This was just a little fun thing I wanted to write, I will probably write more of their shenanigans in the future :)
Hope you enjoy!
Cake Face A3! - Azami Izumida, OC (Megumi)
The TV in the lounge area was on, but no one was really watching. Megumi sat on the floor, her hair tied up in a ponytail with her make up bag next to her, open and half empty. Itaru was working late that night, and the lighting in the lounge was better than what she had in her room at the moment. She vaguely registered footsteps coming closer, thinking Itaru had finally made it home, expecting to hear him plop down on the couch behind her.
“Your face looks like a cake,” the voice said.
She darted her eyes sideways to take a look. “Your face looks like a sheet of paper. What are you trying to say?”
Azami rolled his eyes. “You obviously don’t understand what your foundation and press powder is doing to your face. You look like shit.” 
Megumi’s jaw dropped as she turned to face him. “Look here, you brat-“ 
“Do you use moisturizer? And I don’t mean this kind.“ He stopped to pick up the moisturizing primer and foundation she had out. “I mean like actual facial lotion.”
“Uh, no. I never had issues before about this stuff,” she said, snatching the bottles from him. 
Azami stared at her for a moment before grabbing her arm to stand.
“H-hey! Azami!” Megumi yelped, jumping to her feet. She looked back at him as he pushed her from behind, marching her out of the lounge. 
It wasn’t long before Megumi realized Azami was pushing her towards his shared room with Sakyo. She tried to get his attention but he promptly ignored her, only stepping in front of her to open the door. 
“Oi, Azami! What are you doing?” Sakyo said, looking up from his laptop. 
“Don’t worry about it, Ossan. Just showing a girl how to do their makeup,” he said, not even looking at Sakyo as they walked past him. 
He sat her down at his desk, then opened one of the drawers and pulled out a packet of makeup remover wipes. Megumi took the pack and pulled a wipe out, sighing in annoyance as she began to wipe her face down. 
While she was removing her makeup, Azami pulled open another drawer, taking a look at the bottles before picking one out and slamming the drawer shut. 
“This is what you should be using before you even start with your primer. You need to keep your skin moisturized or you’ll see how bad it is even through the make up.” He squirted a small amount onto his palm before beginning to spread the lotion over her face with his hands. “This one you want to use before doing your make up, but I like to use it at nighttime too, so my skin stays hydrated and moisturized while I’m sleeping.”
Megumi thought she would never see the day that a teenager would be giving her tips about how to take care of her face. She rolled her eyes as he finished applying the lotion onto her face. She could already feel the difference - her skin didn’t feel as dry, and when she brought her fingers up to touch her cheek, she could feel the softness of her skin. 
“Better?” Azami asked, returning the lotion to the drawer. 
“Yeah, my face feels great!” Megumi said, smiling. “Thank you!”
Azami looked every other way but at her, his cheeks slightly flushing pink. He didn’t say a word as he pushed her again out the door, ignoring her complaints again. 
He marched her back to the lounge, the TV still going and her make up still out on the table. He sat her back down on the floor and then sat next to her, picking up her primer and looking at it, before tossing it into her make up bag and looking for a different one.
The two spent hours after that discussing everything that had to do with make up, Azami taking over and showing her his techniques that he had picked up along the way. A few of the other guys would pass by, not understanding their conversation at all, but letting them be as it was obvious nothing else really existed outside of their current bubble. 
It was nearing midnight when they had realized how long they’ve been sitting there. Azami helped to put her makeup away before retreating back to his room. 
Megumi passed by Itaru and Chikage’s room to check if he had come home while she was with Azami. She pressed her ear to the door and laughed softly when she heard his slew of curses muffled through the door. She walked away as she pulled out her phone, sending him a quick text before turning the corner and walking into her room. 
She took a quick look at his work one more time before going through her nightly face wash routine. Once she was finished, she pulled out a deep moisturizer she had, opting to use that for now until she got a night cream to add onto her list. 
“That should do it. No more cake face for me!” she said, grinning as she buried herself into her blankets, eyes immediately closing as she fell asleep.
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