#narilamb won't be the main focus but it will exist
blankalisek · 4 months
Hey cotl fandom am I cooking
(beggining for my upcoming fanfic under the cut haha) (Ajal is my lamb's name obv)
5 bishops defeated. 5 crown taken, 1 in use, 4 on display. Once symbols of great power, now reduced to mere relics, decorations, in the cult of the Lamb God, the one and only God of Death. Lamb never thought about keeping the crowns safe. After all, the crowns themselves choose their owner. If a too curious follower or a foolish traitor were to try and steal them, they would go insane, for the crown does not find them worthy. Many has suffered this fate in the past, despite Ajal’s many warnings and rules. For the past few decades however, no one dared to touch the crowns, admiring them from a distance. Ajal was sure that the crowns would not harm nobody, in the next few decades at least.
Imagine you’re rescued and taken to a cult by a lamb, who you were sure was executed that day, just as you’re about to be sacrificed. Only for the lamb to end up naming you „Peanut”. That was the fate of Lamb’s dear husband and disciple, who was unfortunate enough to be named that.
The gentle brown deer with a scar over his eye from when he almost got sacrificed, clad in a purple ceremonial robe, was Ajal’s first follower, first lover, and first disciple. Also a great farmer. He has seen everything, watched many followers and friends die along the way. One could say it’s a sad existence, but Peanut was happy with his life. He loves the Lamb dearly, and recently, he has been very specially rewarded.
A necklace, made out of a golden skull. Lamb only has a few, so receiving one is a big honor. Peanut couldn’t contain his excitement when Ajal gave it to them. It felt like getting married all over again, but now, even death won’t separate them. Not that it ever did, the deer always getting ressurected as soon as he died, but now there was no way for him to die.
The deer never was a jealous type. However when Lamb started marrying the former bishops, something changed. Especially towards Leshy, the former God of Chaos. It’s not that Peanut hated him, not at all, they were close friends even, bonding over being the youngest sibling. There was just something… deeper inside, this weird and yet curious feeling of disdain towards him. Peanut brushed it off as jealousy after Ajal married all the bishops. But deep inside, he knew there’s a different reason. And lately, the eye on the old decoration, the crown of Chaos, seemed just a bit more greener…
„There you go. Please eat, my child”
„Thank you my Lamb!”
Ajal smiled as they gave a meal to a follower, a brown rabbit. They have accepted 3 starving followers into the cult today. A young rabbit named Jana, an older black cat named Fibre, and a green pig named Fian. The cult grew everyday, and Lamb was very happy with that.
„I have a name, Narinder”
„Whatever. I need to talk to you”
„In private, Lamb„
Ajal was confused, and a little concerned. Narinder wanting to talk with them was rare, and in private? Whatever happened cannot be good. But either way, Lamb is very happy to spend some time with his favorite lover.
Ah yes, favorite. Lamb always pretends to not favoritize their followers, as to not hurt their feelings, but they do, they really do. Their favorites are Peanut and Narinder, of course. They are the 2 that were always there with them, ever since the beggining. How can you not favoritize that?
Either way, it was not the time to think about that now. Narinder looked very serious, which never means anything good.
Ajal and Narinder sat inside Lamb’s tent.
„So” the Lamb started, their tone playfull and nonserious „what do you need Nari?~”
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