chaossalad · 1 year
3 for the ask game!
3: bubblegum or cotton candy
Okay I actually have a very strong opinion about this. Bubblegum. Bubblegum all the way. Ripping apart cotton candy is a bit satisfying, yes, but it becomes sticky after a little bit and it's so gross. Plus it's too sweet, it's literally sugar, so it's not worth it. BUBBLEGUM is fun to chew, it has a variety of flavours (even spicy) and it helps me focus on my tasks better.
So, final verdict: bubblegum. By far.
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chaossalad · 1 year
86 for the ask game!
86: "cookies" (or biscuits if you're normal) or cupcakes?
Hm. This is quite an interesting one! Personally, I think I prefer cupcakes, but I like muffins specifically more. Especially the ones that taste like brownies....
Biscuits, on the other hand, are still good but they don't have as much.. variety, really. Or at least there aren't many that I like.
So, my final answer is cupcakes! (Well, muffins actually, but cupcakes are just as good)
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