seoulstories · 4 years
— Avatares utilizados: Juultje Tieleman, Jennifer Aniston, Gong Yoo, Chwe Hansol (Vernon)  —seventeen—; Ella Titus, marca SAMSUNG, naspontas (instagram), _fleur_de_lily_ (instagram)  —el personaje cuenta con otros materiales de instagram no privatizados, pueden encontrarse en la cuenta de ig—; lospiesdelu (tik tok), bellet.pointeforever (tik tok), aspiringballerina2 (tik tok), bohopointe (tik tok), _ballet_besties_ (tik tok), niu_ballerina (tik tok, no privatizada); siitan46 (instagram, hamster), inari_madara (instagram, hamster).
*Todas las reservas se hicieron previamente en la cuenta de instagram, es los destacados se puede comprobar. 
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cryptodictation · 4 years
All # unitespeladança | CLAUDIA
(Jessica Bunger / EyeEm / Getty Images)
The world is experiencing difficult times. New situations. The moment is to reinvent ourselves, to show solidarity and to look at each other. The word of the time is union.
The daily lives of professionals from different areas of dance also became a routine until yesterday unknown to themselves. Schools closed, teachers at home, rehearsals, performances and festivals canceled and many plans postponed. After the announcement of the Covid-19 virus pandemic also arrived in Brazil, the understanding came that no sooner would be where they should be, so the lives of schools and dancers started to happen suddenly and even disorganized, but in fact it was just a reflection of this situation, but along with all that, positive expressions of support for dance throughout Brazil.
“I believe that the positive side of this crisis is that people started to look inside, they saw that we are the same, and that we can live with less in a vibration of peace, tranquility. I think it was necessary to turn off the autopilot. When was the last time you saw the sunset or even looked in the mirror and saw every part of your body? The negative is that we are not used to planning, so the financial life is shaken because we will face a recession and it is necessary to have strategies that differentiate you in the market to survive. Dance schools need this. With utmost urgency ”, explains Marcela Benvegnu, journalist and researcher in the dance area. Adriana Assaf is the director of Cia Paulista de Dança in addition to the school that bears her name, and says that despite all the difficulties of the moment the segment is united. “I am the director of a technical dance school and a professional company, so my follow-up is really paralyzed, because our reality is the classrooms with dancers moving around. The shows and dance competitions are also stopped. We had a season of presentations at the Sergio Cardoso Theater (SP) that is canceled until further notice, so all forms of dance shows are in this situation worldwide, as they are events that involve many people ”, he concludes.
Ballerina and artistic director of Bravo! Ballet also located in the capital of São Paulo, Ana Yazlle classes were suspended from his school on March 17, as he followed the guidelines of the State Government to face the challenges related to the Covid-19.
“In my opinion and within my relationship circles, there was a union of dance professionals. Partnerships, in any sector, strengthen brands, people and companies. As soon as we started our remote classes, several schools asked for tips on how to get started too, and we were able to share a little bit of what we are experiencing. The moment is one of union, we are all together facing very similar problems ’, explains Ana.
In the midst of so many changes, each segment has respected and supported itself, be it a school, company, dancer, brand or festival, and at this moment, everyone sees the negative side, but the positive has united the majority. “Everyone is coming together, it is not the time to think about who is better or worse, it is the time for each one to disclose the work of the other, and especially to make it easier for us to be seen by agencies and parents of the family, many of whom need a monthly fee for survive, ”explains dancer and choreographer Luan Rattacaso, also a dance teacher at the traditional Isadora Duncan school in Campo Grande MS founded and directed by Neide Garrido. “As an artist, the positive was to realize that we really are important within each of its functionalities. In turn, the negative is the same, since most of us work informally, even inside a school, the work is informal, that is, we are paid within what we produce, and if it doesn't happen we have no revenue. ” Concludes Luan.
Shamara Bacellar she is a professional dancer, ballet and HathaYoga teacher and has also adapted not only to the situation of schools, but also to the 100% online routine. “I believe that, like many universes, the online proposal has been the biggest one at the moment. The expectation is that new materials are always presented so that there is more interest from the public. The school where I practice has made a move so that students who can afford not to pay tuition fees, so they continue to partially pay teachers and generate online content. I have been giving private lessons to my students on the Zoom app and also to new students who felt encouraged to start a practice at this moment ”, explains Shamara who completes. “We have to look at the real needs of each one, we spend a lot of time putting energy into things, people or places instead of focusing on ourselves, our bodies, minds and emotions”. All markets without exception are exposed to this situation, and it has been no different for Rio entrepreneur and digital influencer Carol Lancellotti.
“As a content producer and photographer, I lost several clients – two dance schools included, but the clients I serve online gave me a segment, fortunately. As a digital dance influencer, she has been very positive. I'm creating even more content and reconnecting like never before with my followers, after all, they're all online and thirsty for more information and exchange. I postponed some appointments and my on-site workshop. But I still haven't postponed my group trip to Russia, the MP Ballet Tour. As it will only happen in October, I still have a lot of hope that things will get better by then. The group, of 10 women who will travel with me, are still waiting and no one canceled the vacancy. I also focused on my products and services for online. I'm going to teach a Digital Marketing class for a super affordable price and I launched an e-book that was already very well received. He talks about dance and photography and teaches people to photograph themselves better, especially at home ”, explains Carol. For Laura Burity, seeing the positive side even in the negative is a tip. She is a lawyer, dance lover, dancer and also an entrepreneur in the field, as well as a digital influencer with her YouTube channel. “I see a lot of positive sides even in the negative ones. I think it's a new moment for everyone, a moment of self-evaluation, of turning to ourselves, of self-knowledge. There are people today, aged 30, 40, 50, who have never been forced to live with themselves, I think this has been a great moment for each of us. In addition, I think that this “disconnection” changes many values, changes the environment, changes our worldview, our priorities. Undoubtedly for the economy it is and will be a difficult time, for dancers and teachers it is a cruel moment, most people think about classes, which they will not receive, so they stop paying, and schools are definitely closing. This is absurd pain. It is an immense loss. But I also believe that the market is able to adapt. I talked about classes and lectures on dance online four years ago, everyone condemned me, today all teachers and artists need to look for ways to reinvent themselves and online is becoming more and more necessary, ”he explains.
“I have many work fronts. With my e-commerce @naspontasloja, sales dropped a little. Without ballet classes, people do not consume as much, in addition to reducing or cutting many salaries, which makes “accessories” increasingly superfluous. So I'm trying to focus on long-lasting products that are for any moment in life, that are worth buying now. In my communication portal, @naspontas, I felt an increase in content consumption and increased the creation of it as entertainment, exercises, movements to make #emcasa, etc., so I think people are actually having more time , disposition and even need for it. Now as an employee of the multinational I work for, things got slower, work hours and wages reduced all over the world until we passed this moment of crisis ”, concludes Laura.
For the first dancer at the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro, Claudia Mota, who recently arrived from Europe and is in isolation, the moment is no different, but he also has the opinion that all of this is serving for unity in the dance world here in Brazil. “The good thing is that we are all in one thought and objective. Staying at home at the moment has, after all, been enriching. We can do a self-analysis of who we are, what we need to live and how important we are to others and dependent on them too. In the end, we are all the same, regardless of anything. As a dance professional, I have been sharing moments with people I admire and meeting others, trying to stay in shape with virtual ballet classes with so many amazing people, all via the internet. The downside, in my case, is that I came from a European trip and I still have to be in isolation for two weeks. It has been difficult to stay away from my family, but I believe that many other people are going through much more complicated situations than mine. ” Claudinha also hopes that none of this will be lost and that so many connections created will remain. “This experience of sharing all this with those we admire and with those who follow our work has been incredible! I hope that when all this is over, we can continue these movements that brought so many people together in such a wonderful way. Sometimes I have the impression that we are the only ballet company in the world, it is wonderful ”, concludes the dancer.
For the dance researcher Marcela Benvegnu, crisis is an opportunity and it stands out. “The crisis is a time of (re) invention, of thinking about priorities and not only asking questions, but answering many of them. Crisis is an opportunity. What can I offer the market? How will the dance school do on your return to keep this client? I believe and I hope that in the return to normality we will be more humble and, above all, empathic ”, concludes the journalist who today will make a Live at 21h on Instagram of @unidospeladancadiretores for free.
Faced with so many similar events and situations experienced by the dance following throughout the country, professionals and directors of Brazilian schools Devanir Antolini, André Gama, Cristina Morales, Daniela Alonso, Debora Cabral, Helo Gouveia and Mavi Chiachietto joined forces and created the movement # unitespeladança. “The # unidospeladança is a collective, spontaneous and collaborative movement, formed by directors of dance schools and institutions that have dance as their main activity throughout the national territory. Weeks ago we saw all dance schools closing their doors, all of them! So we decided to help ourselves in that group. In it we talk about the belief (or lack thereof) of virtual classes, technology tools, tuition fees, possible losses and other matters relevant to what we are going through.
At a certain moment, we understand that, despite these dark times, we are generators of beauty and we choose to raise the vibration and bring messages of harmony to the external environment through what we know how to do very well, the dance.
We started with the creation of positive posts so that we could cheer our students and make them feel close to us, until we arrived at making videos with the directors, special people, beautiful and full of hope that we will emerge strengthened from this period. The love message emitted by the free expression of their bodies touched the hearts of other people.
The intention is to continue producing positive content and, in an organized way, to map the common needs among the directors of dance schools during and after the pandemic ”, concludes one of the directors Mavi Chiachietto.
And when does all this pass? What will we do? Ballerina Ana Yazlle leaves her message that we are not only positive, but united.
“We reinforce the feeling that the dancer is more resilient, flexible, creative. Who can reinvent himself and dance wherever he is. I'm sure we will come out strengthened and inspired. What the world is going through is a great lesson, and we can turn it into art, when everything is over. We use it as a motto at Bravo! Ballet, “separated yes; never stopped ”. The dancer standing still is sad. So we just can't be together now, but we need to dance. And dancing just happens. In the living room, in the bedroom, in that corner of your isolation. Dance overflows, doesn't it? ”.
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saltabailarina-blog · 6 years
Regra número 1 da bailarina aos 40, cuidado com as autocríticas e com as críticas externas. Busque sempre o seu melhor, mas não se compare, não deixe-se abater, só você sabe qual foi sua trajetória para chegar até ali. Então, DANCE E SEJA FELIZ! Dom Quixote ❤️ #adultballet #saltabailarina #balletderepertorio #domquixote #projetobailarinaaos40 #ballet #ballerina #balletadulto #balleto #cultura #balletdancer #balletlife #balletlove #balletpost #balletinspiration #vidadebailarina #danza #balletclassico #bailarinaaos40 #balletclass #dançar #balletadulto #streetdance #balletclassico #arte #cultura #balletparatodos #bailarinismo #dançaparatodos #follow4follow #fitness #fitfam #movement #naspontas #balletblog #balletvideo #balletpost (em São Caetano do Sul)
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