#nat’s death really is gonna be a significant shift in the viewer experience
somanypetals · 1 year
The more I see people say “how are we supposed to watch young Natalie now, knowing what happens” the more I feel like that kind of…becomes the whole point for the viewers in a really clever way? Bc from the get-go, part of getting invested in Yellowjackets is you accepting that more than half of these characters are gonna die, and once we know who the surviving adults are it’s hypothetically ~easy~ bc you can just compartmentalise and view the other characters through the lens of “they’re gonna be eaten” and detach yourselves from those characters
But killing one of the core 6 adults off completely shifts the dynamic!! Now we’re gonna be watching Nat in a new, heartbreaking light, which ultimately is how we should have been feeling about all of them this whole time, but we all knew too much
And so now the lines start to blur for the viewer between the “doomed” characters and the ones we thought were safe
And like, yeah…it’s horrifying and miserable and hard to watch, but also…that’s kinda what it’s been like the whole time, and it makes sense that we now have to watch new characters knowing they never escaped the wilderness, bc ultimately even the ones who made it out never escaped the wilderness: it lives in them
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