#nate/naomi brainrot
rawrlight · 2 months
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denerims-archive · 4 years
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Tagged by @solasan​ and @mcousland​ + definitely someone else who knows the activity page is garbage.
Tagging: whoever wants to! i’m kinda late with this and i think everyone’s been tagged but if you haven’t do this and say i tagged you!
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who is more likely to raise their voice?
Naomi. I can’t see Nate ever raising his voice at her out of anger. Maybe out of worry but never anger.
who threatens to leave but never actually does?
Naomi. Better to leave than get left.
who actually keeps their word and leaves?
God, neither of them. I can see maybe Naomi telling Nate she needs to go drive around and cool down but none of them would just outright leave. Naomi might be stubborn about her feelings but she knows that Nate is someone important to her.
who trashes the house?
During an argument? Yikes neither of them. Especially Nate. He’s very conscious of how he positions himself in an argument cause he’s So Big and a vampire compared to Naomi who is very short and human. Day to day? Naomi lmao. She just leaves a trail of mess in the morning.
do either of them get physical?
God no! Naomi has to convince him to spar with her and that usually ends with Nate catching her in his arms and kissing her until she’s out of breath from laughing and has to tap out.
how often do they argue/disagree?
Not often early on but the more feelings get involved the more they have disagreements with things like how much Naomi puts herself in danger. Naomi also pushes Nate away a little out of fear when they start getting so close. Whenever Nate mentions Rebecca/tries to mend their relationship whatever his intentions it always results in a fight and a silent treatment from Naomi. Nate also gets super pissed when she doesn’t tell him things which is a hard habit to break for her.
who is the first to apologize?
Naomi usually. She’s the one who usually gets the angriest/has the most vitriol when she’s angry so once she cools down she feels absolutely awful. Apologizing with Nate is always so easy with him too and he apologizes in return and is so soft in discussing the issue after everything has simmered down. 
who is on top? who is on bottom?
Uh...Nate is usually the more dominant person but obviously very gentle and servicing in it. He’s the person who gently directs Naomi, slows her down, makes her enjoy it which is So Much. That’s when they have time of course. When Naomi wants a quickie she’s normally the one in charge but that’s pretty rare because Nate can’t seem to grasp the quickie concept. Naomi really likes to be on top and Nate really likes to watch her ride him soooooooo...
any kinks?
Dirty talk!! Specifically Nate! His is...A+. Nothing degrading because he’d never do that for Naomi even if she wanted and honestly I don’t think it’s very healthy for Naomi to get into that since she has History with some of those words and indulging in them would be not good for her. But Nate loves sweet nothings, praising her, asking her if she likes what he’s doing/likes doing what she’s doing/etc. Naomi has also unlocked Nate’s kink of his hands being tied during sex either to each other or to the bed frame. They also really love uhhh when Nate comes inside her and all of the dirty talk that comes with that. Naomi likes to be spanked occasionally - never choked or hit beyond that - and Nate’s not really into it but he indulges her because he loves her. Nipple play, lingerie, blindfolds, etc. UH Nate is a major tease so denial/teasing too which Naomi is happy to return.
who has the strangest desires?
Naomi probably lmao! She’s more kinky than Nate is.
who’s dominant in bed?
Nate normally but they switch it up sometimes. 
is head ever in the equation?
Absolutely! Nate is the best at oral in UB and I said what I said. Naomi also really enjoys it because Nate is so loud and moany when she does it. Also he holds her hair back which is sweet.
if so, who is better at performing it?
I gotta give it to Nate.
ever had sex in public?
Nooooo. Most “public” is fooling around in various Warehouse rooms. They’ve definitely had sex like...in a private area where Nate’s pulled her but nah.
who moans the most?
Natey! Naomi takes a bit of work to get going but when she does she’s very enthusiastic but on average it’s Nate.
who leaves the most marks?
Naomi would be if they didn’t heal in like minutes which makes her very sad. Nate only leaves marks on her thighs.
who is the more experienced of the two?
I’m not sure about Nate’s entire experience but Naomi’s got a lot of experience so it’s most likely going to be her.
do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
MAKE LOVE BABY! But it’s not slow and tender all the time, they’re super passionate and needy when they smash so it’s just up in the air. But the two of them always come from a place of love when having sex sniff. Esp Nate. Naomi sometimes is like I need to not think for a bit/destress.
how long do they usually last?
I feel like Nate’s got some Stamina! Naomi’s usually the one that has to tap out but they can go pretty long like 45min? Obviously on and off not just...straight penetration the whole time.
rough or soft?
Soft! Like I said, they’re very passionate and needy and very desperate to be close to each other but they never really get rough. The roughest I can see them getting is Nate getting a bit enthusiastic esp after being apart or not getting time alone for awhile and going pretty hard? But nothing rough beyond that.
is protection used?
Yes. Naomi’s on the pill but she forgets sometimes...more than she should it just kinda slips her mind. They use condoms but not enough and honestly with Naomi begging him to come inside her every other day it’s a wonder they haven’t had an accident.
does it ever get boring?
Nah! I don’t think so. Maybe it becomes a bit quicker and more routine - they know what gets each other off - when they get married and become parents and get busy but they mix it up once in awhile when they can!
where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
Back of Naomi’s car (they’re eventually successful) and the Warehouse library I guess?
do they plan on having children / do they have children?
Yes absolutely! Naomi thought it wasn’t ever really in the cards for her but she met Nate and was like Oh I’m GOING to have his babies. Nate has always really wanted kids and he can’t imagine having them with anyone but Naomi anymore.
if so, how many children do they want/have?
They have four! Alice is the first and the two of them are so incredibly excited. Holden is born about three years after Alice - the two of them kind of wanted to settle into parenting before they added another kid to the pile lmao. Their third - Watson - is a surprise! A pleasant surprise but a surprise nonetheless. Naomi’s pregnant with him about a year after Holden is born and then two years after Holden their little baby Josephine is born!
who likes to cuddle?
Naomi!! She loves to cuddle him all the time especially when they’re reading/she’s doing work on her laptop/etc. She’s so comfortable and relaxed when they cuddle it’s very sweet. She feels super safe with him.
who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?
NATE. He’s the worst and so smooth about it and just looks at Naomi’s exasperation with the warmest, sweetest smile of bemusement. 
who struggles to keep their hands to themself?
Nate! Not just in naughty~ terms but just in general he’s so touchy. It takes a bit for Naomi to get used to it but she really loves it because she’s so starved for it. It just makes her AHEM blush when it’s in front of other people which she hates! (the blushing pls Nate give her another kiss in front of everyone)
how long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
God, forever. As long as Naomi can play on her phone/read a book and Nate can read too. They loooove cuddling it’s disgusting. Sometimes they gotta shift though if Nate’s arm goes asleep or smth.
what is their favourite non-sexual activity?
Reading together! Cooking together! Nate loves binge-watching shows with Naomi because he gets so invested and he loves Naomi’s shows she introduces him too. They binge a ton of shows for date nights. They also love to go on walks together and possibly even some hikes. 
where is their favourite place to cuddle?
Bed! Or anywhere really in Naomi’s place. They’re alone and they can just be themselves and are all safe and warm. Nate and Naomi really love having a place of their own esp Naomi.
who snores?
Nate softly snores sometimes! 
if both do, who snores the loudest?
Naomi probably only snores when she’s drunk and it’s LOUD.
do they share a bed or sleep separately?
They eventually share a bed (BED SHARING WHEN). Naomi is an insomniac but she sleeps really well with Nate. They help soothe away each other’s nightmares and hold each other. 
if they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
Cozy together at first but as their relationship progresses they lay what’s comfortable to them but the thing is they always have to be touching even a little bit. They’ll lay back to back and Nate will have his hand behind him on her hip or smth like that. 
what do they wear to bed?
Well, we know Nate loves some silky matching pajamas!! (Naomi loves them too) Naomi typically sleeps in sleep shorts and a t-shirt or just a t-shirt and underwear. Naomi won’t sleep in Nate’s t-shirt but she’ll grab them if she’s getting up to go start tea in the morning.
are either of them insomniacs?
Naomi is! She used to take pills for it back when she was first getting over her mental health issues but she stopped taking them because she didn’t like the way they made her feel. Nate just doesn’t sleep as much as normal humans do.
can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?
I’m not sure if Naomi would ever go back on them tbh. 
do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
Nate wants to hold Naomi ALL the time so he’s like a little octopus. She gets in bed and he’s pulling her close. Like I said, later they lay side by side in a way that’s comfy for each other but they always have to be touching. Sometimes, one of them will wake up and reach out just to make sure the other’s still there. 
who wakes up with bed hair?
NATEY! It’s very cute and Naomi idly smooths it over, runs her fingers through it and then messes it up again when they’re waking up and still in bed. One time, Rebecca came to drop something off for Naomi early one morning and Nate came out with bed hair in his pajamas from her bedroom since he didn’t know she was there and that was the most awkward experience of Naomi’s life.
who wakes up first?
Naomi during the weekdays/days she has to work and Nate on the days neither of them have to work! Whoever’s up puts the kettle on and gets the mail/newspaper, waters the plants, etc.
who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
Nate!! It’s his Thing and he definitely did it the first time they slept together. Naomi teased him about it but kissed him and told him that she loved it and it was very sweet of him. She’s never had someone make her breakfast in bed before so Nate tries to do it as often as he can.
what is their favourite sleeping position?
Nate on his back with Naomi curled into his side is their default! Spooning is also a thing and they flip-flop who spoons who. Sometimes they shift during the night and it changes. When Naomi cuts her hair in Book 3 it makes it 10x easier since Nate isn’t choking on her hair lmao.
do they set an alarm each night?
Yep! Naomi sets one on her phone. Naomi pats him and tells him to turn it off sometimes and honestly that makes sure she gets up because Nate spends like ten minutes trying to turn the alarm off. 
who has nightmares?
Both. Naomi’s are more often but Nate’s are more intense and really bad on the rare occasion they happen.
can a television be found in their bedroom?
Nope. I think for Nate that would be a hard no. Naomi reads when she goes to bed instead of watching TV because it helps her fall asleep so I can’t see her really wanting one either.
who has ridiculous dreams?
Nate seems like he’d have weird dreams and loves telling them to Naomi over breakfast. I feel like they love jokingly analyzing each other’s dreams too even if they don’t actually believe in that stuff. Naomi looks up those dream meaning sites on her phone and very seriously tells Nate is prognosis is not good.
who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
Nate. Even not sprawled out he takes up so much of their bed dgdskjgg. Luckily, Naomi’s pretty compact so it doesn’t affect her much. His legs will tangle up with hers though while he sleeps or he splays them out.
who makes the bed?
Nate! Naomi just lets him do it because she’s learned whenever she protests him doing stuff for her he insists he loves her and just wants to make things easier on her. Naomi rolls her eyes, Nate gives her a kiss and continues doing what he’s doing. It’s just best not to argue.
what time is bed time?
They get into bed EARLY if they can cause they’re Old People (™), Naomi usually doesn’t fall asleep for hours and sits there reading/working on her laptop/etc. Nate will usually fall asleep first and Naomi follows after at around 11/12.
any routines/rituals before bed?
I guess reading together before bed counts? Nate always kisses Naomi’s forehead or cheek before he goes to bed and tells her he loves her. It’s to the point where smth happens where Nate doesn’t get to kiss her before bed and Naomi’s like….:( wait smth’s not right.
who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?
NAOMI. Nate is a sunshiney morning person and she loves him but that’s the one time she wants to strangle him.
who is the busiest?
It depends what’s going on! So much of their work depends on other factors that are out of their control but Naomi is busy most of the time. Nate has more free time than she does and that’s why he likes to help out around her apartment/their house more to carry his share of the load!
who rakes in the highest income?
I assume...Nate might make more since Naomi is new to the Agency?
are any of them unemployed?
who takes the most sick days?
Sick days? Water those? Naomi is such a workaholic she’s that dickhead who comes into work sick and gets everyone else sick. Nate has to force her to stay in bed when she’s sick and has even called the station to let them know she’s not coming in (Douglas can hear Naomi telling him to give her the phone in the background before he hands up dlkgjsdkg)
what are their jobs?
Naomi is an Agency Liason and Detective. Nate is an Agent of the Agency!
who sucks up to their boss?
Naomi has 0 patience for sucking up anymore. She used to when she was younger but she’s disillusioned with the Captain and Adam and her don’t get along/disagree on a lot of stuff. She really needs to respect you for her to suck up to you.
who is more likely to turn up late to work?
Neither of them really? Maybe Naomi is slightly more likely to. Naomi loves to try and get Nate to stay in bed just a little bit longer and sometimes those efforts lead to  the two of them forgetting they actually have jobs to go to.
who stresses the most?
Both! They both hide it really well too but they’ve both caught onto the signs of them being stressed. Naomi starts smoking a lot and Nate can smell it on her. Nate is a bit more reserved than he normally is and has little tics that Naomi catches on.
do they enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?
Naomi likes it because it challenges her but I don’t think she likes a lot of the bureaucracy and paperwork of either being a detective or agent. She also likes the idea of following in her father’s footsteps and that’s why she joined the force. She originally was going to be a social worker but kinda went the easier path after her bad years. It made her feel connected to her father which she really needed. I think Nate really likes his job! Naomi’s distrust of the Agency might cause a little friction. 
are they financially stable?
Naomi isn’t at first just because she’s denied her mother’s financial help for a long time but they eventually are very financially stable together. They’re both good at planning and money...besides Nate’s expensive tastes.
who does the washing?
Naomi! She usually just throws a load in when she’s done with a shower or heading to work. Nate folds and puts them away though!
who takes out the trash?
Naomi! She usually takes it on her way out. 
who does the ironing?
Nate! He’s very good at it and can do some mean pleats. Naomi hates ironing things so he’s happy to do it.
who does the cooking?
Nate! Like I said he’s a great cook and loves to cook for Naomi. It’s mostly him but they love to cook together. Naomi will occasionally try and make dinner for the two of them but rarely.
who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?
Naomi! She’d forget about it or smth. 
who is messier?
Naomi! She leaves shit everywhere and never has time/patience/motivation to clean up. It admittedly drives Nate a little nuts.
who leaves the toilet roll empty?
who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?
Naomi! Specifically in the bathroom because she comes home and just wants to shower some days especially being out on patrol with Bravo. Just shucks off her clothes and goes. They both pick them up when they have a second or remember.
who forgets to flush the toilet?
Uh…..neither lmao. 
who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
NAOMI. She gets very pissy too and it’s usually somewhere that’s obvious and Nate’s like “...honey?”. 
who answers the telephone?
Naomi! She doesn’t have a landline and Nate can’t use his cellphone so she even answers his phone for him. 
who mows the lawn?
Nate! He loves doing like...Stereotypical Husband/Dad stuff. (Note: he is very bad at repairing things, that’s Naomi’s job)
who does the vacuuming?
It depends on who has time! Usually Nate.
who does the groceries?
Naomi! They like doing it together though especially when they have a special recipe they’re cooking up that night. 
who takes the longest to shower?
Nate. Naomi takes pretty quick showers. Naomi tends to sneak into his showers and makes him take a loooot longer.
who spends the most time in the bathroom?
Both of them take a long time tbh. About the same time normally. Naomi maybe takes a little longer if she’s putting special effort into her hair/makeup for the day.
is money a problem?
Early on for Naomi maybe a little (not terribly so) but later on when they’re together no their combined salaries make them pretty stable.
how many cars do they own?
Just one originally - Naomi’s shitty little baby car. They trade it in eventually for just a regular nice car and when Naomi gets pregnant they buy a second car that’s a Suburban to cram all their kids in.
what’s their song?
Tiny Dancer by Elton John (don’t ask I hear it and I think of them), Beautiful by Bazzi, Love You Like That by Dagny, Without Fear by Dermot Kennedy
do they live in the city or in the country?
Small town, I guess!
do they own their home or do they rent?
Naomi rents an apartment and I think the Agency owns the Warehouse? When the two of them get married, Nate buys a house in Wayhaven for them to fix up! It’s very cute and has a big yard.
do they enjoy their surroundings?
Naomi....hates Wayhaven to say the least. Gossip hound neighbors, uncooperative mayor, bad memories, her stupid ex...she just wants to move anywhere but she’s so attached to this town. Nate really loves Wayhaven and weirdly helps Naomi see the beauty in her town again? 
what do they do when they’re away from each other?
God, miss each other so much. Naomi less so, she’s used to being pretty independent but ofc she still misses him. She can at least get shit done. Nate is the worst because he’s mooning over her on a mission and the rest of UB complains about it. Makes one of the others call Naomi on his cell every night so they can Facetime. Naomi flashes him her tits. Nate is okay with this one piece of technology. Though one time Naomi does try to get freaky and Nate very loudly goes “HEY ADAM’S HERE! SAY HI TO ADAM!” Adam: :| 
where did they first meet?
Abandoned warehouse in Book 1, babey! She shoots her future husband’s best friend in the shoulder. It takes awhile for those two to like each other obviously.
who spends the most money when out shopping?
NATE. Bougie king. Naomi teases him about it too but she also gets the benefit of his obnoxious thread count sheets, giant bath and him smelling faintly of expensive cologne and body wash all the time. So, Naomi quit complaining.
who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Dkgjsg Naomi does this all the time because it’s too entertaining not to. If it’s when other people are around she’s sending him Signals or doing stuff like that Nate gets all flustered and leans his chin on his hand and tries to cover up the little smirk he has. Raises his eyebrows at her and gets That Look.
any mental issues?
Well, Nate clearly has some kind of PTSD due to his fear of storms/other very obvious factors. Naomi has pretty severe depression and honestly probably a little touch of BPD. She also has some anxiety (not as bad as the depression) but enough that she bites her nails down and has to paint them/get fake ones so she doesn’t ruin her teeth.
who finds it amusing when the other trips over?
Nate usually just catches Naomi and has a little smile that she jokingly glares at him for. Naomi tries...so hard not to laugh but Nate is...so not graceful some times. Like a baby giraffe. He legs too long for he gotdam bodee.
who’s terrified of bugs?
who kills the spiders around the house?
Nate! But he usually gets a cup and a piece of paper and takes it outside. Naomi usually loves that he’s gentle but also will die if he comes close with that thing. He’s always like, “See, it just wants to go back outside.” And Naomi’s got the most unamused face while she’s standing on the couch sdgsjkg.
do they have any fears for their future?
Uh...yeah definitely. Besides the normal ya know, being kidnapped/murdered for her blood, Naomi is...terrified that Nate will come to his senses and leave her. She has horrible fears of abandonment and not being worthy. She’s just...always waiting for the shoe to drop. Nate is also terrified for her safety but also worried a lot for her mental state the more he learns about her past. He loves her and supports her and wants to stay with her for...eternity if she lets that happen. Of course, that’s also a fear that Naomi might not want to live forever and see all her family and friends die. That it might exacerbate her already lonely, heartbroken, abandoned nature. That he’ll doom her to a life she doesn’t want just because she loves him. Ha ha...anyways.
their favourite place?
They of course both love the Warehouse but they love Naomi’s apartment because it’s just them and they get some privacy. Just a detective and her vampire...playin house.
who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
Nate! He cooks for Naomi so much! She offhandedly told him once that she doesn’t usually have time to cook with how busy she is (also...the Depression) so he’s always surprising her when she comes home. It’s very special when he buys all the ingredients and they cook together because Naomi likes to cook it’s just such an effort! Good date nights for them is cooking a new recipe tbh.
who pays the bills?
Nate tries to pay them all but Naomi splits them.
who’s the tallest?
Natey! He teases Naomi about it sometimes. They’ve got a foot height difference.
who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?
Naomi! She loves sneaking into the shower with Nate not even just for some naughty times but she loves bathing with Nate. He’ll wash her hair for her and she’ll do the same for him. It’s about….the caregiving.
who wanders around in their underwear?
Naomi! But I’m fixated on Nate getting comfortable at her place enough to wander around in his boxers. 
who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
Naomi!!!!! Nate just sits there and stares at her and lets her sing to him because he’s a big puppy who’s in love.
what do they tease each other about?
Nate’s teasing is so gentle and has no real weight to it. Like teasing Naomi about being such a workaholic and trying to get her to bed. Naomi calls Nate really goofy as hell pet names that are purposefully cringey but shh Nate secretly likes any pet name Naomi calls him. They typically are just pretty flirty teasing esp poking each other when they’re trying to focus on smth or they’ll be reading in the library and Naomi will catch his eyes and wiggle her eyebrows. Nate’ll counter back with something like “You know I can’t concentrate with you looking at me like that.” Naomi also gets a little flirty and competitive when it comes to games or any kind of challenge which makes Nate SWEAT.
who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?
Well, we all know Nate is the best dressed member of Bravo and Naomi is usually pretty well-dressed if somewhat minimalistic and plain. I don’t think either of them really would unless Naomi was in a slump and clearly like...not practicing self care and Nate noticed. Nate just doesn’t seem like a Judgy person unless it’s a symptom of smth else.
who crushed first?
Natey! Naomi was close behind though it didn’t really hit her for a while.
any alcohol or substance related problems?
Naomi used to rely a lot on alcohol in her teenage years/college days so she’s pretty aware of that dependence and doesn’t really get drunk very much. She also smokes - though she tries to hide it like she’s a teenager still living in her mother’s house lmao. I can’t see Nate having any kind of those problems esp with vampire metabolism.
who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?
Naomi! When she does drink it’s usually a night out with Tina and Nate is very sweet about. Makes her drink a glass of water and take an aspirin (much to her displeasure) before getting her in bed.
who swears the most?
Naomi, obviously lmao. Usually when she’s exasperated. It’s normally when she’s Tired of Shit and not an angry thing really? I don’t see her cursing when she fights with someone either.
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