#natsuko rossi hoshino
pamplemoussekiss · 11 months
AITA for taking care of a person who needed my help?
i (22M) work at a supermarket, and one of my regular customers was obviously not doing well. they only bought terrible processed food that was bad for them, and they looked so sad and dirty. so, i took matters into my own hands and took them home.
it took a bit of time and work, and i had to do some things i wasn’t proud of, but now they’re doing so much better! they were so grateful to me that we ended up getting together!
but, their ex-girlfriend (23F) got nosey and found out how we got together. now she’s freaking out at me about how what i did was “kidnapping” and “illegal”. but, honestly, what does she know about what’s best for my sweetie? it was her cruelly breaking their heart that put them in the state i found them in in the first place. she has no right to tell me what’s best for them.
so, AITA?
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pamplemoussekiss · 8 months
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Sketches of Halloween costumes for the Candy Lovers gang!!! Guess who they are!!! Yumi is just spaghetti though, no pop culture here.
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
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And last but not least, Natsuko Rossi Hoshino!!! I do not draw her as much as she deserves
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
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If anyone was curious about this stuff, here you go!
EDIT: Forgot Gunther’s freckles...
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pamplemoussekiss · 1 year
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Full body art of my main six OCs! Arranged in chromatic order. Be sure to click on them to see them in their best resolution!
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
Natsuko will reach inside her cleavage and pull out a piece of popcorn and be like “oh cool, I thought I dropped that on the floor when I went to the movies 4 months ago” and then she will eat it right in front of you.
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
Hii Joey! I hope your doing well today! I'm here to deliver some OC asks for you today! Let's see what I have for you today! I've got these today for a Mr. Sakhar here today!:
Gluttony: 1, 3
Envy: 1, 2
Sloth: 2
You have a good night now! It seems like you've also been going through a lot recently. I just want to let you know your in my thoughts, and I'm wishing you well! I shall send this away with positive vibes to ya! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
Thank you for the well wishes!
Gluttony 1: Is your OC a good cook?
Yes! He loves cooking and he’s good at it! He loves to feed his friends and his sweetie.
Gluttony 3: What is your OC’s favorite food?
Chocolate. This man fucking loves chocolate. He will demolish any chocolate you make the mistake of leaving near him.
Envy 1: Is your OC the jealous type? Why?
He is quite jealous, EXTREMELY so when it comes to his sweetie. He’s both convinced that he’s the best thing to happen to them and scared that he matters so little to them that he could be easily replaced.
Envy 2: Does your OC have a rival?
Yes, Natsuko! It’s a friendly rivalry in the field of MMA, but depending on events, it could get pretty ugly.
Sloth 2: Does your OC have a habit of sleeping in? Why or why not?
He doesn’t like to sleep in, both because he actually likes his job and because he is a major stickler for schedules.
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
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A synthesized height chart for all of my OCs! Maybe I’ll make this art someday.
From left to right:
Natsuko - 4’11”
Gunther - 5’5”
Jordyn - 5’8”
Amrit - 6’0”
Sakhar - 6’5”
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
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Inspired by @carnivorekitty
Please interpret the lowest scale as “potential anal capacity”.
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
What the merfolk form would closest resemble for the Candy Lovers gang.
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
The Candy Lovers gang as kitty cats
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Gentle giant, dog-like characteristics, definitely would be the kind of kitty who gets in your lap while you are doing something important.
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Gunther’s energy was always supposed to have a bit of “little orange cat” in there. Very active and playful.
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Long boy, content to be spoiled. Will honk at you if he can see the bottom of his food dish.
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Very small. Will definitely climb up your curtains. No surface is sacred.
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Very sweet. Demands cuddles, and can be cuddled at any time regardless of what she is doing.
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Very friendly. Loves water. Will stick her whole head under the faucet and simulate drinking.
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
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The chests of my main 6 OCs. Uncensored is on my Pillowfort or ask me about it on Discord if we’re friends on there.
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
DO THEY DRINK: Candy Lovers edition
Sakhar Sladkiy: He’s never touched it because he’s scared of getting drunk.
Natsuko Rossi Hoshino: Beer connoisseur. Has hit every brewery in Athens and can tell you in detail the flavor profile of each one.
Amrit Kumar: Wine drinker because he’s like that. His favorite is chardonnay.
Gunther Langley: Will enjoy a bottle of beer on occasion but generally dislikes being in an altered state considering his profession.
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
Sakhar Sladkiy: Smoke and vapors are a massive asthma trigger for him. Accidentally ate a weed brownie once and now he won’t touch the stuff.
Natsuko Rossi Hoshino: Occasionally. Gets a good bit of secondhand from her roommate and childhood friend, the as of yet unintroduced Tasha Akibara.
Amrit Kumar: Prefers wine to weed but won’t turn down a good blunt.
Gunther Langley: Has never done it and refuses to do it.
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pamplemoussekiss · 11 months
Natsuko’s very first words to Sakhar: You're tall! I bet you hit your head on doorframes a lot, huh?
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
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The vibes: Natsuko edition. One of these is on purpose, go ahead and take a guess
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